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The effects of glucagon on the respiratory function of mitochondria in situ were investigated in isolated perfused rat liver. Glucagon at the concentrations higher than 20 pM and cyclic AMP (75 microM) stimulated hepatic respiration, and shifted the redox state of pyridine nucleotide (NADH/NAD) in mitochondria in situ to a more reduced state as judged by organ fluorometry and beta-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate ratio. The organ spectrophotometric study revealed that glucagon and cyclic AMP induced the reduction of redox states of cytochromes a(a3), b and c+c1. Atractyloside (4 micrograms/ml) abolished the effects of glucagon on these parameters and gluconeogenesis from lactate. These observations suggest that glucagon increases the availability of substrates for mitochondrial respiration, and this alteration in mitochondrial function is crucial in enhancing gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   
Synopsis The reproductive biology of the chondricthyan fishes is remarkably sophisticated. Using both oviparous and viviparous reproductive modes, the group has generally adapted the style of bringing forth relatively few young at one time, each representing the investment of a great deal of maternal energy. The oviparous species foreshadow the situation common in oviparous reptiles and universal in birds. On the other hand, viviparous species range from simple internal incubators, in which large yolked eggs are retained, to other species in which the complexity of placentation and yolk reduction approach the eutherian condition. Further, in certain viviparous elasmobranchs the phenomenon of histotrophic nutrition attains an importance and complexity not seen in any other vertebrate group including mammals. Internal fertilization and amniote patterns of reproductive tract development also operate in virtually all elasmobranchs. The summary of work presented here suggests that these female reproductive styles are associated with a reproductive endocrinology which is the archetype for amniote vertebrates.  相似文献   
A new steroid-like compound, Δ1-11-oxa-11-deoxycortisol, was tested in a one-week growth suppression, thymus suppression and adrenal weight suppression bioassay for possible glucocorticoid antagonist activity in vivo. We hypothesized that this compound would have antiglucocorticoid activity based on previous studies of 11-deoxycortisol and Δ1,9(11)-11-deoxycortisol, which were optimal glucocorticoid antagonists in vivo in adrenalectomized rats, but which lost antiglucocorticoid activity in intact animals, apparently due to adrenal 11β-hydroxylation. Thus, Δ1-11-oxa-11-deoxycortisol, a compound which cannot undergo llβ-hydroxylation, was synthesized and tested as an antiglucocorticoid. This analog had an affinity for the rat thymus glucocorticoid receptor similar to that of its parent compounds (Ki 0.9-3.1×10?7M). A dose of 1 mgrat antagonized the effect of 15μg of dexamethasone in the growth suppression assay (p<0.05) and in the thymus suppression assay (p<0.06), but did not antagonize dexamethasone-induced adrenal weight suppression. Δ1-11-oxa-11-deoxycortisol did not exhibit glucocorticoid activity in any of the three assays. These data suggest that Δ1-11-oxa-11-deoxycortisol may be a pure competitive antagonist of dexamethasone.  相似文献   
To determine the role of subcellular organelles in hormone secretion, we studied the interaction of low calcium concentration (low Ca), retinol (vitamin A, vit A), vinblastine (VB), and cytochalasin B (CB) in parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion. Bovine parathyroid tissue pieces were incubated in media containing the above agents. Vit A stimulated PTH release to a mean of 170% of control. This effect of vit A was diminished when tissues were simultaneously stimulated with low Ca and, furthermore, absent when tissues were pre-incubated in low Ca.VB had no effect on low Ca-stimulated secretion, but did inhibit vit A-induced secretion in the presence of low Ca.CB stimulated PTH secretion to a mean of 150% of control during the second and third hours of incubation. CB had at least an additive effect with low Ca in stimulating PTH secretion, with a more prompt and greater response than seen in normal calcium. VB did not inhibit the acute effect of CB on secretion in normal calcium media, but did inhibit CB-induced secretion during the third hour of incubation.None of the agents stimulated the release of lysosomal cathepsin D, and vit A and CB did not stimulate the release of LDH.Our results suggest that; (1) vit A and low Ca stimulate PTH secretion through a common pathway involving the cell membrane; (2) CB stimulates PTH secretion through a separate effect on the cell membrane or submembrane microfilaments, which normally retards secretion of PTH; and (3) microtubular proteins may facilitate basal secretion of PTH, but are not involved in low Ca-stimulated secretion of PTH.  相似文献   
Recently, some investigators have established a seasonal pattern in normal human psychology, physiology and behaviour, and in the incidence of psychiatric psychopathology. In an attempt to elucidate the chronopsy and meteotropism in the latter, we have examined the chronograms of, and the biometeorological relationships to bed occupancy of the psychiatric ward of the Antwerp University Hospital during three consecutive calendar years (1987–1989). Weather data for the vicinity were provided by a local meteorological station and comprise mean atmospheric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and minutes of sunlight and precipitation/day. The number of psychiatric beds occupied during the study period exhibited a significant seasonal variation. Peaks in bed occupancy were observed in March and November, with lows in August. An important part of the variability in the number of beds occupied could be explained by the composite effects of weather variables of the preceding weeks. Our results suggest that short-term fluctuations in atmospheric activity may dictate some of the periodicities in psychiatric psychopathology.  相似文献   
Liver injury is a deleterious adverse effect associated with methimazole administration, and reactive intermediates are suspected to be involved in this complication. Glyoxal is an expected reactive intermediate produced during methimazole metabolism. Current investigation was undertaken to evaluate the role of carnosine, metformin, and N‐acetyl cysteine as putative glyoxal (carbonyl) traps, against methimazole‐induced hepatotoxicity. Methimazole (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) was administered to intact and/or glutathione (GSH)?depleted mice and the role of glyoxal trapping agents was investigated. Methimazole caused liver injury as revealed by an increase in serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase. Moreover, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation occurred significantly in methimazole?treated animals’ liver. Hepatic GSH reservoirs were decreased, and inflammatory cells infiltration was observed in liver histopathology. Methimazole?induced hepatotoxicity was severe in GSH‐depleted mice and accompanied with interstitial hemorrhage and necrosis of the liver. Glyoxal trapping agents effectively diminished methimazole‐induced liver injury both in intact and/or GSH?depleted animals.  相似文献   
The conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins (PG's) and thromboxane B2 (TXB2) was investigated in homogenates from fetal and adult bovine and rabbit lungs. Adult bovine lungs were very active in converting arachidonic acid (100 μg/g tissue) to both PGE2 (10.7 μg/g tissue) and TXB2 (6.2 μ/g tissue). Smaller amounts of PGF (0.9 μ/g) and 6-oxoPGF were formed. Homogenates from fetal calf lungs during the third trimester of pregnancy were quite active in converting arachidonic acid to PGE2, but formed very little TXB2, PGF or 6-oxoPGF. Homogenates from rabbit lungs converted arachidonic acid (100 μg/g) mainly to PGE2, both before and after birth. The amount of PGE2 formed increased during gestation to a maximum of about 6 μg/g tissue at 28 days of gestation. It then decreased to a minimum (1.5 μg/g) which was observed 8 days after birth, followed by an increase to about 4 μg/g in older rabbits.  相似文献   
Placental human chorionic gonadotropin and corpus luteum secretion of progesterone and oestradiol are the main endocrine events at the beginning of pregnancy, whilst the luteo-placental shift is an important step during the later stages. Progesterone not only affects decidualisation, but is the major immunological determinant and controls uterine contractibility and cervical competence. These properties all contribute considerably towards the correct development of pregnancy and delivery at term.  相似文献   
The kidney is traditionally regarded as an exocrine gland, producing urine to regulate body fluid volumes and composition and to excrete nitrogenous wastes. In addition to these functions, it is now recognized that a number of hormones are produced within the kidney that have local and systemic actions. These hormones and hormonal cascades include the renin-angiotensin and kallikrein-kinin systems, production of calcitriol, erythropoietin and prostaglandins. These hormones act to influence inter alia blood pressure, sodium and water excretion, red blood cell production, calcium homeostasis and the immune system.  相似文献   
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