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【目的】微孢子虫是一类专性细胞内寄生的真核病原微生物,能够感染人类和几乎所有的动物。本课题以海伦脑炎微孢子虫(Encephalitozoon hellem)为研究对象,探讨其极管蛋白4(EhPTP4)作为一个潜在的分泌性毒力因子在宿主细胞内的定位和功能。【方法】制备EhPTP4的鼠源多克隆抗体,利用间接免疫荧光分析和Western blotting确定EhPTP4在感染细胞中的亚细胞定位;基于序列特征,在HEK293细胞中转染野生型和突变体EhPTP4,分析该蛋白的定位及其对病原增殖的作用;利用RNA-seq对转染EhPTP4的HEK293细胞进行转录组测序,分析EhPTP4引起的宿主基因表达和通路的变化;进一步通过RNAi和细胞转染分析差异表达基因的调控作用,利用RT-qPCR和Western blotting验证调控效果。【结果】EhPTP4的N端具有信号肽,C端具有富含组氨酸的结构域(HRD)和核定位信号序列(NLS)。蛋白定位分析显示,在感染和转染细胞中,EhPTP4均被分泌至宿主细胞核内。在HEK293细胞中过表达EhPTP4显著促进了病原的增殖。RNA-seq和蛋白泛素化分...  相似文献   
Ribosomal DNA from eight species of microsporidians infecting fish have been sequenced. Seven of these species infect the skeletal muscle of fish ( Pleistophora spp.) and one species infects migratory mesenchyma cells ( Glugea anomala ). These sequences, in addition to other available microsporidian rDNA sequences from a broad range of host taxa, have been used in phylogenetic analysis. This analysis revealed that muscle-infecting microsporidians from fish are a polyphyletic group, indicating that characters supposed to be important in the classification of the genus Pleistophora have to be re-evaluated. One character that probably has a polyphyletic origin is the amorphous coat, which has been extensively used in the definition of this genus. Furthermore, our results showed that the insect parasitizing Pleistophora spp. are not related to the true pleistophorans parasitic in skeletal muscle of fish. Phylogenetic analysis of small subunit rDNA sequences revealed disagreements between the molecular phylogeny and classifications based upon ultrastruclure. Many of the morphological characters claimed to be important in microsporidian classifications appeared to have arisen several times during evolution: for example, the diplokaryon and sporophorous vesicles.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Rabbit Encephalitozoon cuniculi were propagated in vitro using rabbit choroid plexus (RCP) cells. The organisms reached maximum titer and numbers by 15 days. The source and in vitro passage level of RCP cells moderately influenced the sensitivity of the cells to infection. Cells less than 1 week old were significantly less sensitive than older cells. A moderate increase in infectivity for RCP cells was demonstrated with increasing organism passage level in vitro. Rabbit E. cuniculi were not affected by penicillin-streptomycin or gentamicin in the culture medium. The organism survived more than 9 days in buffer at 37 C and least 24 days at 4 and 20 C. Storage at -70 C or in liquid nitrogen was successful for at least 6 months. Encephalitozoon cuniculi survived 60 but not 120 min at 56 C. They were killed after 10 min of autoclaving and by 2% (v/v) Lysol, 10% (v/v) formalin and 70% (v/v) ethyl alcohol. The organisms survived at least 24 h at pH 9 or pH 4 and were not affected by sonication, freezing and thawing, or distilled water but lost significant infectivity after 24 h in CsCl or 40% (w/v) sucrose.  相似文献   
Using transmission electron microscopy, immuno-electron microscopy, and biochemical techniques such as 2-D electrophoresis and immunoblotting, actin was found in all biological stages of the microsporidia Encephalitozoon hellem and Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  相似文献   
The relationship among the three cellular domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya has become a central problem in unraveling the tree of life. This relationship can now be studied as the completely sequenced genomes of representatives of these cellular domains become available. We performed a bioinformatic investigation of the Encephalitozoon cuniculi proteome. E. cuniculi has the smallest sequenced eukaryotic genome, 2.9 megabases coding for 1997 proteins. The proteins of E. cuniculi were compared with a previously characterized set of eukaryotic signature proteins (ESPs). ESPs are found in a eukaryotic cell, whether from an animal, a plant, a fungus, or a protozoan, but are not found in the Archaea and the Bacteria. We demonstrated that 85% of the ESPs have significant sequence similarity to proteins in E. cuniculi. Hence, E. cuniculi, a minimal eukaryotic cell that has removed all inessential proteins, still preserves most of the ESPs that make it a member of the Eukarya. The locations and functions of these ESPs point to the earliest history of eukaryotes.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Manyuan Long  相似文献   
Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites forming environmentally resistant spores that harbour a rigid cell wall. This wall comprises an outer layer or exospore and a chitin-rich inner layer or endospore. So far, only a chitin deacetylase-like protein has been shown to localize to the Encephalitozoon cuniculi endospore and either one or two proteins have been clearly assigned to the exospore in two Encephalitozoon species: SWP1 in E. cuniculi, SWP1 and SWP2 in Encephalitozoon intestinalis. Here, we report the identification of two new spore wall proteins in E. cuniculi, EnP1 and EnP2, the genes of which are both located on chromosome I (ECU01_0820 and ECU01_1270, respectively) and have no known homologue. Detected by immunoscreening of an E. cuniculi cDNA library, enp1 is characterized by small-sized 5' and 3' untranslated regions and is highly expressed throughout the whole intracellular cycle. The encoded basic 40 kDa antigen displays a high proportion of cysteine residues, arguing for a significant role of disulfide bridges in spore wall assembly. EnP2 is a 22 kDa serine-rich protein that is predicted to be O-glycosylated and glycosylated phosphatidyl inositol-anchored. Although having been identified by mass spectrometry of a dithiothreitol-soluble fraction, this protein contains only two cysteine residues. Mouse polyclonal antibodies were raised against EnP1 and EnP2 recombinant proteins produced in Escherichia coli Our immunolocalisation data indicate that EnP1 and EnP2 are targeted to the cell surface as early as the onset of sporogony and are finally associated with the chitin-rich layer of the wall in mature spores.  相似文献   
Several enteric microsporidia species have been detected in humans and other vertebrates and their identifications at the genotype level are currently being elucidated. As advanced methods, reagents, and disposal kits for detecting and identifying pathogens become commercially available, it is important to test them in settings other than in laboratories with “state‐of‐the‐art” equipment and well‐trained staff members. In the present study, we sought to detect microsporidia DNA preserved and extracted from FTA (fast technology analysis) cards spotted with human fecal suspensions obtained from Cameroonian volunteers living in the capital city of Yaoundé to preclude the need for employing spore‐concentrating protocols. Further, we tested whether amplicon nucleotide sequencing approaches could be used on small aliquots taken from the cards to elucidate the diversity of microsporidia species and strains infecting native residents. Of 196 samples analyzed, 12 (6.1%) were positive for microsporidia DNA; Enterocytozoon bieneusi (Type IV and KIN‐1), Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and Encephalitozoon intestinalis were identified. These data demonstrate the utility of the FTA cards in identifying genotypes of microsporidia DNA in human fecal samples that may be applied to field testing for prevalence studies.  相似文献   
RESUME. Deux espèces d'Enteromonas sont observées, provenant, l'une de l'intestin de Triton, l'autre des crottes du Lapin domestique. La cellule piriforme porte un noyau antérieur et 4 flagelles insérts près du pôle ventral du noyau. Le flagelle récurrent (R) est logé dans une dépression ventrale ou cytostome. Les cinétosomes, disposés en une paire antérieure (#1, #2) et une paire postérieure (#3, R), sont liés entre eux par des microfibrilles. Une fibre microtubulaire située au-dessus du noyau est reliée au cinétosome #1. Une autre fibre microtubulaire sous-nucléaire est homologue de la fibre microtubulaire croisée qui existe chez les cellules de Diplozoaires. Le cytostome est bordé par 2 lèvres: la gauche proéminente et armée par plusieurs rangées de microtubules, la droite contenant seulement une mince fibre microtubulaire associée à des microfibrilles. Le cytostome occupe les 2/3 de la face ventrale. Le flagelle récurrent pénètre dans le cytostome puis dépasse l'extrémite de la cellule. Les Bactéries sont phagocytées au fond du cytostome, entre les 2 lèvres distendues. Elles sont digérées dans les nombreuses vacuoles et les corps résiduels sont évacués par rupture de la membrane cellulaire. L'ergastoplasme est concentré près de la périphérie de la cellule. Il n'y a pas de mitochondrie ni d'appareil de Golgi. Dans les kystes observés la cellule plurinucléée est enfermée dans une enveloppe kystique microfibrillaire, les axonèmes sont libres dans le cytoplasme. Les formes diplomonades sont nombreuses et ressemblent aux cellules d'Hexamita, excepté par le cytostome qui est différent. Dans ces formes, les 2 monades sont souvent disposées selon une symétrie axiale binaire mais quelquefois elles sont associées de façon plus anarchique. La cinétide d'Enteromonas est organisée comme celle d'un zoïde de Diplozoaire. Il est possible que le genre Enteromonas soit à l'origine des Diplomonadida et que l'état diplomonadien transitoire chez Enteromonas se soit stabilisé ensuite chez les Diplomonadida. Enteromonas apparaît plus primitif que les autres genres de Diplomonadida aussi nous proposons de créer 2 sous-ordres: celui des Enteromonadina avec le genre Enteromonas et celui des Diplomonadina avec les genres Trepomonas, Trigonomonas, Hexamita, Spironucleus, Octomitus, Giardia. La disposition des cinétosomes et l'existence du cytostome sont les principaux caractères communs entre Enteromonas et les Retortamonadida, cependant les fibres annexes ne sont pas homologues. Une étude plus complète de la division nucléaire et cellulaire de ces 2 ordres de Zooflagellés est nécessaire pour donner un meilleur schéma évolutif. SYNOPSIS. Fine structure of 2 species of Enteromonas, one from the intestine of the salamander, Triturus vulgaris, and another from the feces of domestic rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculi, is described. The pyriform cell has an anteriorly located nucleus. The 4 flagella originate from an area near the anterior end of the nucleus. The recurrent flagellum (R) is lodged in a ventral depression or cytostome. The kinetosomes, arranged into 2 pairs, anterior (#1, #2) and posterior (#3, R), are interconnected by microfibrils. One microtubular fiber, connected to kinetosome #1, is situated near the anterior surface of the nucleus. Another, subnuclear, microtubular fiber is homologous to the “crossed'’fiber found in Diplozoa. The cytostome is bordered by 2 lips: the preeminent left lip is equipped with several rows of microtubules, while the right lip contains only a thin microtubular fiber associated with microfibrils. The cytostome occupies 2/3 of the ventral surface. The recurrent flagellum passes over the anterior surface of the cell and then comes to lie in the cytostome. The bacteria are phagocytosed in the bottom part of the cytostome between the 2 distended lips. They are digested in numerous vacuoles. The undigested residual bodies are evacuated by a rupture of the cell membrane. The ergastoplasm is concentrated near the cell periphery. Mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus are absent. In the cyst stage, the multinucleate cell is enclosed in a microfibrillar membrane; the axonemes lie free in the cytoplasm. Diplomonad forms of Enteromonas resembling Hexamita are numerous, except that the cytostome is different in these 2 genera. In such forms, the arrangement of the 2 individuals often has binary axial symmetry, but on occasion they are associated in a more anarchic fashion. The mastigont of Enteromonas is organized like that of a single zooid of a diplozoon. It is possible that the genus Enteromonas is ancestral to Diplomonadida and that the diplomonad state, transitory in Enteromonas, became permanently established in Diplomonadida. Enteromonas appears to be more primitive than the other genera of Diplomonadida. Thus we propose 2 suborders: Enteromonadina, subord. nov. with the genus Enteromonas, and Diplomonadina Wenyon, emend., with the genera Trepomonas, Trigonomonas, Hexamita, Spironucleus, Octomitus, Giardia. The arrangement of the kinetosomes and the existence of a cytostome are the principal characters common to Enteromonas and Retortamonadida, while their “accessory'’fibers are not homologous. A more complete study of division of the 2 zooflagellate orders is necessary for the presentation of a more detailed evolutionary scheme of these groups.  相似文献   
Pathogens and the potential risk they present to public health in recreational waters are of continual public concern. The focus of this study was a year‐long sampling campaign to document the presence of Microsporidia and protozoan pathogens in the Bayou Texar waterway in Pensacola, Florida. We used biofilms as sentinel indicators for trapping pathogens in five different locations in Pensacola, Florida. Of the 34 biofilm samples, 16 were positive for pathogens. Of these samples, 13 were positive for Enchephalitozoon spp. (mostly E. cuniculi), 11 were positive for Enterocytozoon bieneusi, and two were positive for Cryptosporidium parvum. The data demonstrate that Microsporidia were easily recovered and primarily present in water during summer months.  相似文献   
Samples of intestinal content from thirty fattened pigs of six farms slaughtered at an abattoir in North-Western Germany, and faecal samples of four pigs kept as laboratory animals at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR, Berlin, Germany) were investigated for the occurrence of microsporidia by light microscopy, PCR and sequencing. A modified Webers trichrome staining and the immunohistochemistry (the Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase-Complex technique with a polyclonal anti-Encephalitozoon cuniculi-serum and monoclonal antibodies against Encephalitozoon intestinalis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi) was used as a screening method for the light microscopical detection of these pathogenic eukaryotes. By this light microscopically methods microsporidia suspected organisms were found in all samples (100%). By the use of PCR, microsporidia were identified in fourteen samples (41.2%). The prevalence of microsporidia infections among the farms diversifies from 0 to 80% as considered by PCR. E. bieneusi was the most prevalent species and was identified in twelve fattened pigs (40%) from five of the six tested farms (83.3%) and in two of the four laboratory animals (50%). Three of the E. bieneusi species belonged to the genotype O, one to the genotype E, and one to the genotype F. Two isolates were identified as novel genotypes and two samples showed a mixed infection of different genotypes. In three faecal samples of the pigs from two farms E. cuniculi genotype III was identified. One sample contained both microsporidia species. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the genotype III of E. cuniculi was identified in swine.  相似文献   
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