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Shoot tips of Amembranaceus excised from in vitro grown axillary bud were encapsulated in calcium alginate beads. Subsequently, shoot tips were precultured in liquid MS medium enriched with 075mol·L-1 sucrose for 5d at 25℃ and then desiccated aseptically on dried silica gel for 5h to a water content of 231% (fresh weight basis) prior to immersion in liquid nitrogen (LN) for 1d. After rewarming at a 40℃ water bath for 2-3min and transferred to solid culture medium for shoot tip recovery. About 50% of cryopreserved shoot tips grew into shoots within 2 weeks after plating. Cryopreservation of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. shoot tips by encapsulation vitrification has also been developed. Excised shoot tips were firstly encapsulated into alginate gel beads and then precultured in liquid MS medium containing 1mg·L-1 6 BA, 005mg·L-1 NAA and 075mol·L-1 sucrose at 25℃ for 3d. After loading for 90min with a mixture of 2mol·L-1 glycerol and 04mol·L-1 sucrose at 25℃, shoot tips were dehydrated with PVS2 for 120min at 0℃ prior to direct immersion in liquid nitrogen for 1d. After rapidly thawing at a 37℃ water bath for 2-3min, shoot tips were washed for 10min with liquid MS medium supplemented with 1mg·L-1 6 BA, 005mg·L-1 NAA and 12mol·L-1 sucrose at 25℃ and then post cultured on solid MS medium supplemented with 2mg·L-1 6 BA, 005mg·L-1 NAA. The regeneration rate of shoot tips amounted to nearly 80%. Both of plantlets regenerated from cryopreserved shoot tips were morphologically uniform, which both showed as that of control plants. Thus, this encapsulation dehydration and encapsulation vitrification technique appears promising as a routine method for the cryopreservation of shoot tips of Amembranaceus.  相似文献   
Shoot primordia induced inArmoracia rusticana Gaertn. Mey. et Scherb. (horseradish) hairy root cultures were successfully cryopreserved by two cryogenic procedures. Encapsulated shoot primordia were precultured on solidified Murashige-Skoog medium supplemented with 0.5M sucrose for 1 day and then dehydrated with a highly concentrated vitrification solution (PVS2) for 4 h at 0°C prior to a plunge into liquid nitrogen. The survival rate of encapsulated vitrified primordia amounted to 69%. In a revised encapsulation-dehydration technique, the encapsulated shoot primordia were precultured with a mixture of 0.5M sucrose and 1M or 1.5M glycerol for 1 day to induce dehydration tolerance and then subjected to air-drying prior to a plunge into liquid nitrogen. The survival rate of encapsulated dried primordia was more than 90%, and the revived primordia produced shoots within 2 weeks after plating. A long-term preservation of shoot primordia was also achieved by the technique. Thus, this revised encapsulation-dehydration technique appears promising as a routine method for the cryopreservation of shoot primordia of hairy roots.Abbreviations PVS2 Vitrification solution - LN liquid nitrogen - BA 6-benzyladenine - NAA -naphthalene-acetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium  相似文献   
对江西铅山红芽芋(Colocasia esculenta var.cormosus cv.Hongyayu)胚性愈伤组织包埋干燥法超低温保存进行了初步的研究。结果表明:江西铅山红芽芋胚性愈伤组织包埋干燥法超低温保存较佳的条件为:0.75mol·L-1蔗糖预培养3d;脱水方式为空气干燥7h或硅胶干燥11h;化冻温度为37℃(2min);冻后培养条件为暗培养7d再转到光周期中培养。此方法超低温保存后的平均成活率约为45%。超低温保存时间以及是否去除包裹的褐藻酸钙对其成活率无显著性影响。形态学和细胞学检测表明红芽芋胚性愈伤组织冻后再生苗与母本材料相比没有发生变异。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the genetic stability of chrysanthemum (cv. Pasodoble) apices cryopreserved using two different methods: encapsulation-dehydration and vitrification. The assessment of the genetic stability was developed using RAPDs markers. Assessment of stability was evaluated in pot-cultivated mother plants (from which buds were excised for micropropagation), in shoots (leave tissue) from which apices were extracted for cryopreservation, and in shoots regenerated from cryopreserved apices 30 days after recovery and after further 3 months in culture. Throughout the process the origin of the apices (in vitro-shoot from which they were excised) was recorded. Twenty one regenerants cryopreserved by vitrification and 25 by encapsulation-dehydration were assessed. Only one cryopreserved regenerant from the encapsulation-dehydration method showed a different band pattern. These results support the necessity of monitoring the genetic stability of the regenerants obtained after cryopreservation, as this is a very useful technique for the conservation of plant genetic resources.  相似文献   
To study the production of secondary metabolites of Maesa lanceolata and Medicago truncatula, hairy root cultures of both plant species were established. Because maintenance of large numbers of cultures is laborious and costly, we developed a cryopreservation protocol and stored different isolated lines over time. Using encapsulation-dehydration, high survival rates were observed for both Maesa and Medicago hairy roots. Root tips were isolated and encapsulated in calcium-alginate beads, containing 0.1 M sucrose. The encapsulated hairy roots were precultured for 3 days using basal medium containing high sucrose concentrations. Medicago root tip growth during the preculturing time lead to unwanted outgrowth which could be tempered by addition of plant growth inhibitors. After preculturing, the beads were dehydrated in the air flow of a laminar flow until 35–40% of the initial bead weight was reached. Dehydrated beads were plunged into liquid nitrogen and after different storage times thawed in a water bath at 40°C. The survival rates were 90% for Maesa and 53% for Medicago, which are sufficient to allow implementation in large storage experimental set-ups.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation of Jiangxi Yanshan red bud taro (Colocasia esculenta var. cormosus cv. Hongyayu) embryogenic calli by encapsulation dehydration was studied. The results showed that the optimal preculture condition of cryopreservation by encapsulation dehydration was precultured on MS medium supplemented with 075mol·L-1 sucrose for 3 days. The optimal dehydration method was dehydration by sterile air in a laminar flow hood for 7h or sterile dry silica gel for 11h. the optimal thawing temperature was 37℃ (2min). The optimal culture condition after cryopreservation was first in the dark for 7d and then transferred to the photoperiod of 14h·d-1. The average survival rate of embryogenic calli after cryopreservation by encapsulation dehydration was about 45%. Cryopreservation time and whether the removal of encapsulated calcium alginate had no significant impact on the survival rate. Morphological and cytological study demonstrated that the regenerants were genetically and morphological stable.  相似文献   
 Sugar beet shoot tips from cold-acclimated plants were successfully cryopreserved using a vitrification technique. Dissected shoot tips were precultured for 1 day at 5  °C on solidified DGJ0 medium with 0.3 M sucrose. After loading for 20 min with a mixture of 2 M glycerol and 0.4 M sucrose (20  °C), shoot tips were dehydrated with PVS2 (0  °C) for 20 min prior to immersion in liquid nitrogen. Both cold acclimation and loading enhanced the dehydration tolerance of shoot tips to PVS2. After thawing, shoot tips were deloaded for 15 min in liquid DGJ0 medium with 1.2 M sucrose (20  °C). The optimal exposure time to both loading solution and PVS2 depended on the in vitro morphology of the clone. With tetraploid clones a higher sucrose concentration during cold acclimation and preculture further enhanced survival after cryopreservation. Survival rates ranged between 60% and 100% depending on the clone. Since only 10–50% of the surviving shoot tips developed into non-hyperhydric shoots, regrowth was optimized. Received: 13 September 1999 / Revision received: 2 March 2000 / Accepted: 16 March 2000  相似文献   
It has been previously shown that shoot tips of in vitro plantlets of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. clone SES1) can be cryopreserved using the encapsulation-dehydration technique (survival rate of 37% after freezing). This article reports the influence of abscisic acid (ABA) and cold acclimation on survival after cryopreservation. When ABA was added to the multiplication medium of the plants, the survival rate of shoot tips after cryopreservation was not increased (45%). After cold acclimation of the plants, their growth pattern differed (plants became apically dominant) and the survival rate of the shoot tips after cryopreservation clearly increased (70% survival and 50% plant regeneration after freezing). This improved protocol was successfully applied to three other clones. Received: 28 October 1996 / Revision received: 28 January 1997 / Accepted: 15 March 1997  相似文献   
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