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The study was carried out in two (A and B) citrus groves to clarify the spatial distribution patterns of eggs and larvae, and to analyse the mortality process of eggs. From the analysis by using the mean density and the mean crowding, it was clarified that the distributions of eggs were contagious and that larvae were more contagiously distributed than eggs. The τ and z indices showed that the operation of egg mortality was inversely density-dependent in both groves, and that the degree of inverse density-dependence was greater in A than in B grove. The spatial correlations between the emergence holes and the eggs or larvae in each tree, which were analysed by using ω index, showed that the distributions were more overlapping between the emergence holes and the larvae than the eggs. As the result of dividing trees into several groups according to the number of emergence holes, it was clarified that the survival rates of eggs were positively correlated with the number of emergence holes. In conclusion, inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be caused by lower mortality rates of eggs in the trees with more emergence holes. Especially in A grove, because the trees with more emergence holes were larger in diameter and more egg oviposition, the inversely density-dependent mortality process was considered to be detected more conspicuously than in B grove.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphism in the emergence of the deciduous dentition of French-Canadian children may be explained by differences in recumbent length. Relative to the chronological age scale, boys are longer and their teeth emerge earlier than girls. Recumbent lengths attained at the exact age of emergence, as estimated by fifth-order polynomials fitted to each subject's serial data, are comparable between the sexes. Multi- and univariate analyses of variance show no significant sex differences in the lengths attained at the age of emergence of the deciduous teeth. These findings suggest that clinical standards for emergence of deciduous teeth scaled relative to length rather than chronological age are more accurate and efficient.  相似文献   
Synopsis The development of photobehavioural responses in brook (Salvelinus fontinalis) and lake (S. namaycush) charr was studied by monitoring the intrasubstrate movements and concurrent photoresponse behaviour of incubated embryos and alevins. Photoresponse behaviour of both F-1 hybrids of the parent species was also recorded. All embryos initially moved downward in the substrate, however brook charr descended farther and faster into the substrate than did lake charr. Photoresponse tests demonstrated a similar pattern of photoresponse transformation from a photonegative to a photopositive state in both species. However, photoresponse reversal was faster, more extensive and occurred later in brook charr than in lake charr. Patterns of photoresponse change in F-1 hybrids were intermediate between those of the parent species. Photoresponse shifts preceded the onset of alevin emergence in both species. occurring when differential development of various morphological characters existed. Developmental states of characters were synchronously maximal towards the end of alevin emergence. Intermediate measures of morphological development were observed for F-1 hybrids. Possible functions and mechanisms of photoresponse transitions are discussed in relation to ecological differences between the species.  相似文献   
Summary Seed dispersal and seedling emergence of common taxa growing in a Solidago-dominated old field in central New York (USA) were monitored from May 1982 to June 1984. Over 3.5x104 seeds per m2 were captured on seed traps in each of the two years, with peaks occuring in July (due to Hieracium) and in November (due to Solidago). About 4.0x103 seedling/m2 emerged beneath the intact community in each of the two years. Although seedlings emerged predominantly in the early spring, a secondary peak occurred in September and October when many seedlings of introduced grasses appeared. Two additional aspects of the reproductive biology of the major taxa were related to the seasonal timing of seed dispersal: As the date of peak seed dispersal (among taxa) became progressively later in the season, (1) the duration of dispersal increased from about one week to about one-half year, and (2) the delay between the peak of seed dispersal and the peak of seedling emergence increased from a few days to about one-half year.  相似文献   
The adaptive significance of the emergence mode ofDioscorea japonica was studied with respect to initial plant size (seed, bulbil and tuber) and light intensity, using mathematical simulation based on Yokoi's (1976) model. Under 1.5% full sunlight conditions, plants emerging with only one leaf did not develop a shoot system throughout the growing period (Hori and Oshima, 1986). Simulation indicated that, for this species of plant under poor productive conditions, the optimal time for switch-over from the vegetative to reproductive growth phase to maximize the tuber weight at the end of the growing period, occurred immediately following the start of autotrophic growth. By means of shoot growth patterns, small and large size plants acquired the ability of shade tolerance and shade avoidance, respectively. Further, the life history ofD. japonica could be expressed as a flow chart based on plant size and light intensity data.  相似文献   
Cases of emergence of novel plant-pathogenic strains are regularly reported that reduce the yields of crops and trees. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying such emergence are still poorly understood. The acquisition by environmental non-pathogenic strains of novel virulence genes by horizontal gene transfer has been suggested as a driver for the emergence of novel pathogenic strains. In this study, we tested such an hypothesis by transferring a plasmid encoding the type 3 secretion system (T3SS) and four associated type 3 secreted proteins (T3SPs) to the non-pathogenic strains of Xanthomonas CFBP 7698 and CFBP 7700, which lack genes encoding T3SS and any previously known T3SPs. The resulting strains were phenotyped on Nicotiana benthamiana using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging and image analysis. Wild-type, non-pathogenic strains induced a hypersensitive response (HR)-like necrosis, whereas strains complemented with T3SS and T3SPs suppressed this response. Such suppression depends on a functional T3SS. Amongst the T3SPs encoded on the plasmid, Hpa2, Hpa1 and, to a lesser extent, XopF1 collectively participate in suppression. Monitoring of the population sizes in planta showed that the sole acquisition of a functional T3SS by non-pathogenic strains impairs growth inside leaf tissues. These results provide functional evidence that the acquisition via horizontal gene transfer of a T3SS and four T3SPs by environmental non-pathogenic strains is not sufficient to make strains pathogenic. In the absence of a canonical effector, the sole acquisition of a T3SS seems to be counter-selective, and further acquisition of type 3 effectors is probably needed to allow the emergence of novel pathogenic strains.  相似文献   
We consider a continuous taxis-diffusion-reaction system of partial-differential equations describing spatiotemporal dynamics of a predator–prey system. The local kinetics of the system is defined by general Gause–Kolmogorov-type model. The predator ability to pursue the prey is modelled by the Patlak–Keller–Segel taxis model, assuming that movement velocities of predators are proportional to the gradients of specific cues emitted by prey (e.g., odour, pheromones, exometabolites). The linear stability analysis of the model showed that the non-trivial homogeneous stationary regime of the model becomes unstable with respect to small heterogeneous perturbations with increase of prey-taxis activity; an Andronov–Hopf bifurcation occurs in the system when the taxis coefficient of predator exceeds its critical bifurcation value that exists for all admissible values of model parameters. These findings generalize earlier results obtained for particular cases of the Gause–Kolmogorov-type model assuming logistic reproduction of the prey population and the Holling types I and II functional responses of the predator population. Numerical simulations with theta-logistic growth of the prey population and the Ivlev functional response of predators illustrate and support results of the analytical study.  相似文献   
We study the problem of the emergence of cooperation in the spatial Prisoner's Dilemma. The pioneering work by Nowak and May [1992. Evolutionary games and spatial chaos. Nature 415, 424-426] showed that large initial populations of cooperators can survive and sustain cooperation in a square lattice with imitate-the-best evolutionary dynamics. We revisit this problem in a cost-benefit formulation suitable for a number of biological applications. We show that if a fixed-amount reward is established for cooperators to share, a single cooperator can invade a population of defectors and form structures that are resilient to re-invasion even if the reward mechanism is turned off. We discuss analytically the case of the invasion by a single cooperator and present agent-based simulations for small initial fractions of cooperators. Large cooperation levels, in the sustainability range, are found. In the conclusions we discuss possible applications of this model as well as its connections with other mechanisms proposed to promote the emergence of cooperation.  相似文献   
Most studies of molecular cell biology are based upon a process of decomposition of complex biological systems into their components, followed by the study of these components. The aim of the present paper is to discuss, on a physical basis, the internal logic of this process of reduction. The analysis is performed on simple biological systems, namely protein and metabolic networks. A multi-sited protein that binds two ligands x and y can be considered the simplest possible biochemical network. The organization of this network can be described through a comparison of three systems, i.e. XY, X and Y. X and Y are component sub-systems that collect states x(i) and y(j), respectively, i.e. protein states that have bound either i molecules of x (whether or not these states have also bound y), or j molecules of y (whether or not these states have bound x). XY is a system made up of the specific association of X and Y that collects states x(i)y(j). One can define mean self-informations per node of the network, , and . Reduction of the system XY into its components is possible if, and only if, ,is equal to the sum of and . If is smaller than the sum of and , the system is integrated, for it has less self-information than the set of its components X and Y. It can also occur that , be larger than the sum of and . Hence, the system XY displays negative integration and emergence of self-information relative to its components X and Y. Such a system is defined as complex. Positive or negative integration of the system implies it cannot be reduced to its components. The degree of integration can be measured by a function , called mutual information of integration. In the case of enzyme networks, emergence of self-information is associated with emergence of catalytic activity. Moreover, if the enzyme reaction is part of a metabolic sequence, its mutual information of integration can be increased by an effect of context of this sequence.  相似文献   
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