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Questions: What are the feedbacks among the seed bank, parent vegetation, and landscape structure that control plant species turnover in space and time in a tidal freshwater marsh? How can these feedbacks be used to better understand marsh community dynamics and to establish restoration practices that seek to restore vegetation diversity of this important and widely distributed ecosystem? Location: Potomac River, Virginia, United States (15 km south of Washington, DC). Methods: We sampled the seed bank and standing vegetation in a tidal freshwater marsh and explored similarities between seed bank and vegetation composition through space and time. We then investigated marsh surface elevation, distance to nearest tidal channels, and life history of component species as potential explanations for the observed vegetation patterns. Results: The composition of individual plots changed considerably from year to year; however, the composition at broader spatial (whole marsh) and temporal (4 years) scales was relatively stable. Species composition of the seed bank was dissimilar to both the previous and current year's standing vegetation, and similarity to standing vegetation was particularly low in plots dominated by annual species. Landscape structure and life history characteristics of individual species best explained the spatiotemporal variability in marsh vegetation. Conclusions: Restoration designs should be landscape‐dependent and explicitly incorporate spatially structured elements such as elevation gradients to maximize community diversity in reconstructed tidal freshwater marshes. Optimal designs include areas of high seed input, areas of high species turnover, as well as other areas of greater stability.  相似文献   
Nakamura  Futoshi  Yajima  Takashi  Kikuchi  Shun-ichi 《Plant Ecology》1997,133(2):209-219
The structure and composition of riparian forests were examined along the Tokachi River, northern Japan. Both the hydrogeomorphic gradient and the temporal gradient were analyzed in attempt to explain the present pattern of riparian forests. The stability of floodplain surfaces was estimated on the basis of the elevation above the riverbed and the distance from the river channel. The characteristics of the substratum on which trees were established were also examined by excavation of buried sediment. The results indicated that soil moisture and organic content increased while the size of particles in the substratum decreased with increased elevation and distance from the river channel. Gradient analysis was employed to examine the distribution of dominant species, such as Alnus hirsuta, Toisusu urbaniana, Populus maximowiczii, Picea jezoensis and Abies sachalinensis. The relative dominance of each could be arrayed across the elevation gradient. Although the three broad-leaved pioneers dominated bars and floodplains near the river channel, their modes shifted from lower to higher elevation and amplitudes of distribution curves decreased in the following order: A. hirsuta, T. urbaniana, P. maximowiczii and conifers, which were located on the highest floodplains. Sites could be divided into three classes in terms of stability. There were fewer species at active sites, which favored the three pioneer species, but species richness and diversity increased with stand age. Semi-active and stable sites were more diverse with the establishment of conifers and other broad-leaved trees, which included upland species. However, species richness peaked and then decreased after trees reached 50 to 60 years of age. The growth of dwarf bamboo and the development of conifer-dominant stands impeded the establishment of other species, thereby reducing species richness and diversity in mature stands. Chronologically, floodplains could be differentiated into high- and low-frequency zones of flood disturbance, with pioneer species occupying the former, and late successional species found largely in the latter.  相似文献   
Abstract. Multivariate analysis was used to describe the composition and distribution of vegetation types on the slopes of the volcanoes Tláloc and Pelado, Mexico. These volcanoes are situated in the transitional zone between the Holarctic and Neotropical floristic regions, which offers a partial explanation for the relatively high α and β diversities. Previous research argued that human activities, i.e. burning and grazing, rather than abiotic factors, play a major role in determining the distribution and floristic composition of the vegetation. TWINSPAN, Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis were used to test this hypothesis. Floristic and environmental data from 138 relevés and seven explanatory environmental variables were included: elevation, soil depth, soil moisture, percentage litter cover, percentage cover of bare ground, burning and grazing were included in the analysis. Soil moisture and elevation accounted for ca. 63% of the residual inertia and none of the remaining explanatory variables proved to be correlated significantly with the first two axes. The present results suggest that burning and grazing operate on a finer scale. In conclusion, soil moisture and elevation are the most relevant variables to explain the distribution of the vegetation under study.  相似文献   
南岭国家级自然保护区林下植物分布的地形相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以南岭国家级自然保护区山地森林群落林下植物为研究对象,探讨地形因子对林下植物分布的影响。该区3个海拔高度下的山地常绿阔叶林林下植物组成丰富,但个体多度在样方中的分布存在很大的空间异质性。在9000m^2的样地中设置的450个4m^2小样方,共记录到林下维管植物255种,隶属于95科、181属,总的物种个体多度为18203株。多响应置换过程(MRPP)分析表明,坡向和海拔(p〈0.0001)及坡度(p〈0.05)这3个地形因子对林下植被分布有显著的影响,其影响程度大小排序为:海拔〉坡向〉坡度。指示种分析(ISA)进一步确定了不同地形条件下具有显著指示值(IV≥50)的指示种。本项研究表明林下植物的空间分布会同时受到多个地形因子的影响,因此需综合各因子间的相互作用全面考虑;同时,MRPP结合ISA对于揭示群落植物分布的空间异质性及其与环境因子作用的相互关系、生物多样性保育、森林恢复以及造林引种等方面均有着重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   
匍匐茎草本蛇莓克隆构型对不同海拔的可塑性反应   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
克隆植物构垢可塑性可使它在不同海拔的环境中通过克隆生长,调整其对不同海拔的资源获取对策,因而具有重要的生态学意义。在一海拔高度实验中,铺匐茎草本蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)经历了不同海拔(400、800、1200和1600m)处理,以研究不同海拔对蛇莓克隆构型的影响。结果表明,随着海拔的增加,间隔子长度,分株密度,分枝角度和分枝强度呈二次曲线变化,在不同海拔生境中,蛇莓克隆构型相关特征的可塑性变化可用动态Logistic模型进行了模拟和预测,拟合效果良好,结合植物对环境异质性的利用对策,对所揭示的蛇莓克隆构型可塑性进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Fungal endophyte (FE) communities can be shaped by environmental conditions and/or host-plant affinities. Hawaiʻi's landscape-dominant woody genus Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) comprises several vegetatively distinct taxa that are non-randomly distributed across environments, and their FE communities are poorly known. We examined the relative importance of Metrosideros taxon and environment (elevation) on FE communities on Oʻahu. ITS1 rDNA barcoding and sequencing of 113 trees detected a richness of 1,637 FEs representing 5 phyla, 223 genera, and 200 species. Variation in FE diversity was significantly explained by host taxon and site with considerable overlap in FE communities among taxa. FE communities did not vary between pubescent and glabrous taxa or across elevations, possibly due to the relatively narrow range of environmental conditions represented on Oʻahu relative to taller islands. A significant pattern of isolation by distance in FE composition was detected both among and within sites, consistent with restricted dispersal of FEs across the island.  相似文献   
江孜沙棘[Hippophea gyantsensis(Rousi)Lian]是青藏高原特有的一种广生态幅的小乔木,在拉萨河谷地区的海拔3500~4200m范围内均有分布。前人工作多集中在江孜沙棘果实的开发利用方面,对其基础生态学研究较少。本研究旨在探讨江孜沙棘沿海拔梯度的群落组成和表型变异的规律。为此,在拉萨河谷上段沿海拔梯度由东向西设置了4个样带:3850m、3950m、4050m和4200m,每个样带设置2至3个10m×10m的样方进行研究。首先,详细记录了每个样方内林下维管植物的物种组成、样方内的沙棘盖度、海拔、样方与河岸的实际距离,并用DCA[detrended correspondence analysis(去势对应分析)]排序方法对群落及其组成物种进行排序分析。随机抽取了每个样方内的20个江孜沙棘植株个体,测定其胸径、基径、株高和叶片长度,用回归分析法分析这些变量和海拔之间的关系。研究结果表明,江孜沙棘在拉萨河谷内的主要生境分为4种类型,即:河边砾石滩地、河阶草滩、河边草甸和河边林缘,样方排序结果主要受海拔的影响;同时,江孜沙棘植株的基径、胸径和高度都随着海拔的升高而显著减小,而叶片长度与海拔之间无显著相关。本文研究结果表明,对江孜沙棘而言,海拔所代表的综合环境因子对其分布和表型有显著的影响,而局部光照可能也是影响其表型特征的重要生态因子。  相似文献   
Livestock grazing on natural grasslands is widespread with negative consequences to biodiversity. In the High Andes, páramo grassland is a distinctive ecosystem where the influence of livestock grazing on páramo birds is poorly documented. We assessed the influence of habitat modification of páramo grassland related to livestock grazing on bird habitat guilds in the southern Andes of Ecuador. We recorded birds occurring along transects located in areas which showed a gradient (low to high) of grazing pressure. We found a decrease in abundance of páramo specialists in transects with more grazing pressure. We interpret this habitat modification as loss of key habitat necessary for habitat-specialized birds.  相似文献   
Our study aimed to identify significant predictors (spatial distance, elevation, host plant taxonomy) which shape the structure of endophytic fungal (ENDF) and putative ericoid mycorrhizal (ErMF) communities associated with roots of Ericaceae in Papua New Guinea. Roots of five Ericaceae together with one non-Ericaceae species were sampled at an experimental site and one common Ericaceae species was chosen for sampling along an elevation gradient. ENDF and putative ErMF communities were determined using the 454-sequencing approach. ENDF as well as putative ErMF communities were affected by interacting host plant. While the putative ErMF community was structured by host plants at the genus level, the ENDF community was affected by host plant subfamily level. Composition of ENDF as well as putative ErMF communities were affected by elevation. Non-Ericaceae plant species (Hypericum sp.) harbored similar communities of ENDF as well as putative ErMF as Ericaceae plants. Our study provides a first insight into ErMF and ENDF community ecology of Ericaceae in Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   
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