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Résumé Nous avons montré par une technique autoradiographique que les ions Cl et Na+ sont concentrés dans les cellules à chlorure de la branchie d'anguille adaptée à l'eau de mer. La signification de cette accumulation ionique plus marquée vers le pôle apical de ces cellules a été discutée par rapport à l'excrétion branchiale de ces ions en eau de mer.
Autoradiographic localization of Cl and Na+ ions in the chloride cells of sea water adapted eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) gills
Summary With an autoradiographic technique Cl and Na+ ions have been shown to be localized in the chloride cells of sea water eel gills. The significance of this accumulation, more marked towards the apical pole of these cells, is discussed with regard to branchial excretion of these ions in sea water.
Synopsis New information regarding the ecology ofScytalina cerdale was obtained over a four year period as a consequence of a long-term marine ecological study at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP), San Luis Obispo County, California. Twenty intertidal fish surveys were conducted at approximately quarterly intervals, between March 1979 and June 1983, at three separate rocky shore locations (stations). During each survey, a total of 108 square meters (36 m2 per station) was searched for fish during periods of low tide. A total of 280S. cerdale were collected, identified, measured, and released back into the same 4 m2 area, from the same intertidal station (Diablo Cove), throughout the study period. This limited intertidal occurrence most likely reflectsS. cerdale microhabitat requirements; a combination of intertidal elevation (mean = +0.3 MLLW), substratum specificity (loose gravel, 5–10mm size range, overlying a base of sand and shell fragments), and degree of wave exposure (semi-protected). Throughout the study,S. cerdale was seasonally more abundant during summer months (June through August) and less abundant during winter months (November through February). The only exception to this abundance trend followed the 1982 winter storms, which coincided with an El Niño event, whenS. cerdale abundance uncharacteristically dropped during the subsequent 1983 spring and summer surveys. Mean total lengths did not vary greatly, reflecting the absence of early juvenile fishes, and relatively high mean fish densities (3.5 fish per m2 for 20 surveys) were recorded. Qualitative comparisons betweenS. cerdale abundance and seasonal changes in water temperature indicated an inverse relationship. Gravid females, demersal egg masses, and early juvenile individuals were never observed during the four years of the study. This suggests that unlike most other intertidal fishes, particularly other blennioids,S. cerdale may not utilize the intertidal zone for reproductive and recruitment purposes; Diablo Canyon is the most southerly reported distribution for this intertidal species, and therefore, may not entirely represent the species' biology as a whole.  相似文献   
鳗鲡赤鳍病病原菌的分离鉴定和耐药性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从汕头地区5个养鳗场的患赤鳍病的病鳗中均分离到病原菌是嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila(chester)stanler),将有毒力的87株病原菌对养鰻场常用抗菌剂进行耐药性试验,结果表明,4种抗菌剂的MIC、MIC_(50)和耐药率分别是:土霉素109.3μg/ml、50.0μg/ml和78.8%;氯霉素123.3μg/ml、63.0μg/ml和90.7%;复方磺胺甲基(口恶)唑(TMP/SMZ)720/3600μg/ml、126/630μg/ml和42.5%;痢特灵79.7μg/ml、63.0μg/ml和65.5%。4种被测抗菌剂的平均MIG分别是对照敏感菌株的109.3,102.7,72和26.6倍。上述试验结果显示了由于滥用药物的严重后果  相似文献   
The comparative analysis of morphological, histochemical and cytochemical patterns of eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) hepatocytes reveals clear differences between two stages of its life cycle, i.e. the trophic stage (yellow eel) and reproductive stage (silver eel). The storage of glycogen prevails in the yellow eel, whilst lipids appear to be remarkably increased in the silver eel, in which some hepatocytes also show glycogen-rich areas. Generally, in the silver eel dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase activities seem greater and different distribution of the reaction products is present; on the contrary, a lower G6PDH activity is observed. The electron microscopy characteristics and distribution of both cellular organelles and reserve materials reflect the modifications found at light microscopy. The ultrastructural patterns provide further evidence for the heterogeneity of liver parenchyma in silver eel. In particular, the coexistence of nuclei showing a different degree of chromatin compactness is also accounted for by the quantitative cytochemical data on the nuclear DNA after Feulgen reaction and intercalation with propidium iodide at low and high concentrations. With regard to the DNA content, the hepatocytes in the silver eel as well as in the yellow eel are mainly 2c. However, some 4c values are also found, which according to the literature can be ascribed to cells in G2 phase. The present data may express the onset of different functional requirements during the reproductive stage in comparison with the trophic one. Moreover, our results are consistent with modifications found by other authors as a consequence of interruption of nourishment and during gonad maturation, i.e. two phenomena characterizing the transition from yellow to silver eel.  相似文献   
In the present study, we characterized the distribution and the pharmacological properties of the different components of the GABAA receptor complex in the brain of the eel (Anguilla anguilla). Benzodiazepine recognition sites labeled "in vitro" with [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNT) were present in highest concentration in the optic lobe and in lowest concentration in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. A similar distribution was observed in the density of gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) binding sites. GABA increased the binding of [3H]FNT in a concentration-dependent manner, with a maximal enhancement of 45% above the control value, and, vice versa, diazepam stimulated the binding of [3H]GABA to eel brain membrane preparations. The density of benzodiazepine and GABA recognition sites and their reciprocal regulation were similar to those observed in the rat brain. In contrast, the binding of the specific ligand for the Cl- ionophore, t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS), to eel brain membranes was lower than that found in the rat brain. In addition, [35S]TBPS binding in eel brain was less sensitive to the inhibitory effects of GABA and muscimol and much more sensitive to the stimulatory effect of bicuculline, when compared with [35S]TBPS binding in the rat brain. Moreover, the uptake of 36Cl- into eel brain membrane vesicles was only marginally stimulated by concentrations of GABA or muscimol that significantly enhanced the 36Cl- uptake into rat brain membrane vesicles. Finally, intravenous administration of the beta-carboline inverse agonist 6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester (20 mg/kg) and of the chloride channel blocker pentylenetetrazole (80 mg/kg) produced convulsions in eels that were antagonized by diazepam at doses five to 20 times higher than those required to produce similar effects in rats. The results may indicate a different functional activity of the GABA-coupled chloride ionophore in the fish brain as compared with the mammalian brain.  相似文献   
To characterize mechanisms of esophageal desalination, osmotic water permeability and ion fluxes were measured in the isolated esophagus of the seawater eel. The osmotic permeability coefficient in the seawater eel esophagus was 2·10-4 cm·s-1. This value was much lower than those in tight epithelial, although the eel esophagus is a leaky epithelium with a tissue resistance of 77 ohm·cm-2. When the esophagus was bathed in normal Ringer solutions on both sides no net ion and water fluxes were observed. However, when mucosal NaCl concentration was increased by a factor of 3, Na+ und Cl- ions were transferred from mucosa to serosa (desalination). If only Na+ or Cl- concentration in the mucosal fluid was increased by a factor of 3, net Na+ and Cl- fluxes were reduced to 30–40%, indicating that 60–70% of the net Na+ and Cl- fluxes are coupled mutually. The coupled NaCl transport seems to be effective in desalting the luminal high NaCl. The remaining 30–40% of the total Na+ and Cl- fluxes seems to be due to a simple diffusion, because these components are independent of each other and follow their electrochemical gradients, and also because these fluxes remain even after treatment with NaCN or ouabain. A half of the coupled NaCl transport could be explained by a Na+/H+–Cl-/HCO 3 - double exchanger on the apical membrane of the esophageal epithelium, because mucosal amiloride and 4.4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid inhibited the net Na+ and Cl- fluxes by approximately 30%. The other half of the coupled NaCl transport, which follows their electrochemical gradients, still remains to be explained.Abbreviations DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid - NMDG N-methyl-d-glucosamine - P Cl Cl- permeability coefficient - PD transepithelial potential difference - P Na Na+ permeability coefficient - P osm osinotic permeability coefficient - TALH thick ascending limb of Henle's loop  相似文献   
1.白鲢鱼与黄鳝血清转铁蛋白在分离纯化上的差异。2.用SDS-PAGE测定分子量,白鲢鱼血清转铁蛋白有两个组份,分子量分别为77kD和70kD;黄鳝血清转铁蛋白为单一组份,分子量为68.1 kD。3.白鲢鱼与黄鳝血清转铁蛋白都含糖,但都不与ConA-Sepharose柱结合。4.白鲢鱼与黄鳝血清转铁蛋白氨基酸组成的测定和比较。5.白鲢鱼与黄鳝血清转铁蛋白用胰蛋白酶在相同条件下进行酶解,白鲢鱼能得到分子量在37kD左右的二个片段,而黄鳝则几乎不能被胰蛋白酶酶解。6.白鲢鱼血清转铁蛋白在404.5nm处有一特异吸收峰,而黄鳝则在407.5nm处。  相似文献   
Reproductive behaviour of sneaker males of the peacock blenny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the peacock blenny Salaria pavo small sneaker males tried to steal 'fertilizations' at most in two different nests of large nesting males throughout the breeding season and spent most of their time associated with a particular nest. Sneakers did not associate with ripe females. As nesting males were the limiting reproductive resource in this population due to the scarcity of appropriate nest sites, sneakers were likely to maximize their chances of achieving parasitic fertilization of eggs by associating with successful nests.  相似文献   
Immunocytochemical techniques were applied to brain and pituitary sections of European eels after experimental manipulation of the pituitary-interrenal activity. A corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) antiserum allowed the identification of a CRF-like peptide in the preoptic nucleus (PON) and rostral and caudal neurohypophysis (NH). CRF-immunoreactivity (ir) was not affected in solvent-injected eels compared to noninjected eels. Reserpine induced a stimulation of the pituitary interrenal axis, decreased ir-CRF in the rostral NH, but did not affect hypothalamic ir-CRF. Cortisol reduced the immunostaining of hypothalamic CRF-ir perikarya and perikarya cross-sectional area. In the rostral NH, CRF-ir fibers decreased in number and almost disappeared in long-term treated eels. The immunostaining of ACTH cells with ACTH antiserum was greatly reduced. These data suggest that cortisol induces a marked reduction in the activity of the CRF-corticotrop axis. The intensity of the ir-CRF staining observed in the caudal NH, close to the intermediate lobe (IL) was not significantly affected in reserpine-treated eels, and only slightly reduced in long-term cortisol-treated eels. The intensity of ir-CRF staining in the caudal NH did not correlate with melanocorticotropic activity or plasma cortisol level. These data suggest that immunoreactive CRF fibers in the rostral and caudal NH are differently regulated.  相似文献   
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