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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):148-153

Phenotypic variation occurs in many populations of plants. When this variation occurs along an environmental gradient, the immediate question is whether the variation is attributed to phenotypic plasticity, ecotypes, or some combination of the two. The moss Syntrichia caninervis appears morphologically variable along an environmental gradient changing rapidly from low light, low temperature, and high moisture levels in the understory microhabitat to high light, high temperature, and low moisture levels in the intershrub microhabitat. We tested for the presence of physiological variation using recovery from a heat-shock event in a mimicked microhabitat light environment, and for morphological variation using a common garden with the ultimate goal of attributing observed variation to plasticity, genetic variation, or a combination. The results suggest that plasticity plays a large role in trait variation. Photosynthetic recovery depended on the current light levels of an environment and not the original microhabitat. The supposed morphological variation in the field was not reflected in the test traits (awn length, leaf area, and shoot volume) and further growth in a common garden continued to show no variation between microhabitats.  相似文献   
Phosphorus loading plays an important role in the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms and understanding how this nutrient affects the physiology of cyanobacteria is imperative to manage these phenomena. Microcystis aeruginosa and Raphidiopsis raciborskii are cyanobacterial species that form potentially toxic blooms in freshwater ecosystems worldwide. Blooms comprise numerous strains with high trait variability, which can contribute to the widespread distribution of these species. Here, we explored the intraspecific variability in response to phosphorus depleted conditions (P-) testing five strains of each species. Strains could be differentiated by cell volume or genetic profiles except for those of the same species, sampling location and date, though these presented differences in their response to (P-). Although differently affected by (P-) over 10 days, all strains were able to grow and maintain photosynthetic activity. For most M. aeruginosa and R. raciborskii strains growth rates were not significantly different comparing (P+) and (P-) conditions. After ten days in (P-), only one M. aeruginosa strain and two R. raciborskii strains showed reduction in biovolume yield as compared to (P+) but in most strains chlorophyll-a concentrations were lower in (P-) than in (P+). Reduced photosystem II efficiency was found for only one R. raciborskii strain while all M. aeruginosa strains were affected. Only two M. aeruginosa and one R. raciborskii strain increased alkaline phosphatase activity under (P-) as compared to (P+). Variation in P-uptake was also observed but comparison among strains yielded homogeneous groups comprised of representatives of both species. Comparing the response of each species as a whole, the (P-) condition affected growth rate, biovolume yield and chlorophyll yield. However, these parameters revealed variation among strains of the same species to the extent that differences between M. aeruginosa and R. raciborskii were not significant. Taken together, these results do not support the idea that R. raciborskii, as a species, can withstand phosphorus limitation better than M. aeruginosa and also point that the level of intraspecific variation may preclude generalizations based on studies that use only one or few strains.  相似文献   
To investigate temperature adaptation of cool-climate trees, we studied 14 cottonwood genotypes from riparian (streamside) zones in three ecoregions differing in elevation in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada. Black cottonwoods (Populus trichocarpa) were collected from the higher, cooler montane and intermediate (aspen) parkland, and narrowleaf cottonwoods (P. angustifolia) were collected from the lower, warmer fescue prairie. The genotypes were grown in growth chambers under three temperature regimes reflecting the ecoregion variation. Sapling growth (dry weight) varied significantly across temperatures and for the genotypes from within and particularly across the ecoregions. Significant temperature × genotype interactions further indicated differentiation of the temperature response. Growth of the montane clones increased by 209% between 15/10 and 20/15°C and was 37% lower at 25/20°C. In contrast, genotypes from the lower ecoregions grew more slowly at the cool and intermediate temperatures (59 and 58% of montane) and then demonstrated constant (−3% parkland) or slightly increased (+16% prairie) growth at 25/20°C. This suggests the existence of P. trichocarpa ecotypes, localized populations with different temperature responses. This differentiation may explain our previous observation of comparable growth across these ecoregions despite substantial temperature variation, and the existence of ecotypes would produce a range of responses to climate warming that should produce an upward shift of the mountain ecoregions.  相似文献   
Field studies in South Africa showed that floral spur length in the Disa draconis complex (Orchidaceae) varies enormously between populations in the southern mountains (means = 32–38 mm), lowland sandplain (mean = 48 mm), and northern mountains (means = 57–72 mm). We tested the hypothesis that divergence in spur length has resulted from selection exerted through pollinator proboscis length. Short-spurred plants in several southern mountain populations, as well as long-spurred plants in one northern mountain population, were pollinated by a horsefly, Philoliche rostrata (Tabanidae), with a proboscis length that varied from 22 to 35 mm among sites. Long-spurred plants on the sandplain were pollinated by the tanglewing fly, Moegistorynchus longirostris (Nemestrinidae), which has a very long proboscis (mean = 57 mm). Selection apparently favors long spurs in sandplain plants, as artificial shortening of spurs resulted in a significant decline in pollen receipt and fruit set, although pollinaria removal was not significantly affected. Fruit set in the study populations was limited by pollen availability, which further suggests that selection on spur length occurs mainly through the female component of reproductive success.  相似文献   
Summary The apparent energy of activation (E a), Michaelis-Menten constant (K mfor oxaloacetate), V max/K mratios and specific activities of NADP+-malate dehydrogenase (NADP+-MDH; EC were analyzed in plants of Barnyard grass from Québec (QUE) and Mississippi (MISS) acclimated to two thermoperiods 28/22°C, 21/15°C, and grown under two CO2 concentrations, 350 l l-1 and 675 l l-1. E avalues of NADP+-MDH extracted from QUE plants were significantly lower than those of MISS plants. K mvalues and V max/K mratios of the enzyme from both ecotypes were similar over the range of 10–30°C but reduced V max/K mratios were found for the enzyme of QUE plants at 30 and 40°C assays. MISS plants had higher enzyme activities when measured on a chlorophyll basis but this trend was reversed when activities were expressed per fresh weight leaf or per leaf surface area. Activities were significantly higher in plants of both populations acclimated to 22/28°C. CO2 enrichment did not modify appreciably the catalytic properties of NADP+-MDH and did not have a compensatory effect upon catalysis or enzyme activity under cool acclimatory conditions. NADP+-MDH activities were always in excess of the amount required to support observed rates of CO2 assimilation and these two parameters were significantly correlated. The enhanced photosynthetic performance of QUE plants under cold temperature conditions, as compared to that of MISS plants, cannot be attributed to kinetic differences of NADP+-malate dehydrogenase among these ecotypes.  相似文献   
The potential for gibberellins (GAs) to control stem elongation and itsplasticity (range of phenotypic expression) was investigated inStellaria longipes grown in long warm days. Gibberellinmetabolism and sensitivity was compared between a slow-growing alpine dwarfwithlow stem elongation plasticity and a rapidly elongating, highly plastic prairieecotype. Both ecotypes elongated in response to exogenous GA1,GA4 or GA9, but surprisingly, the alpine dwarf wasrelatively unresponsive to GA3. Endogenous GA1,GA3, GA4, GA5, GA8, GA9and GA20 were identified and quantified in stem tissue harvested atcommencement, middle and end of the period of most rapid elongation. Theconcentration of GAs which might be expected to promote shoot elongation washigher during rapid elongation than toward its end for both ecotypes. Whilethere was a trend for certain GAs (GA3, GA4,GA9, GA20) to be higher in stems of the alpine ecotypeduring rapid elongation, that result does not explain the slower growth of thealpine ecotype and the faster growth of the prairie ecotype under a range ofconditions. To determine if the two ecotypes metabolized GA20differently, plants were fed [2H]- or[3H]-GA20. The metabolic products identified included[2H2]-GA1, -GA8, -GA29,-GA60, -3-epi-GA1, GA118(-1-epi-GA60) and -GA77. The concentration of[2H2]-GA1 also did not differ between the twoecotypes and metabolism of [2H2]- or[3H]-GA20 was also similar. In the same experiments thepresence of epi-GA1, GA29, GA60,GA118 and GA77 was indicated, suggesting that these GAsmay also occur naturally in S. longipes, in addition tothose described above. Collectively, these results suggest that while stemelongation within ecotypes is likely regulated by GAs, differences in GAcontent, sensitivity to GAs (GA3 excepted), or GA metabolism areunlikely to be the controlling factor in determining the differences seen ingrowth rate between the two ecotypes under the controlled environmentconditionsof this study. Nevertheless, further study is warranted especially underconditions where environmental factors may favour a GA:ethylene interaction.  相似文献   
The cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis raciborskii is a nuisance in freshwater ecosystems. Strains vary in their physiological responses to environmental drivers, thus a greater understanding of the magnitude of strain variation is required to characterize the species. In this study, two strains of R. raciborskii isolated from a tropical Australian water reservoir were grown with and without phosphorus (P) to determine any relative response to P stress. The strains had the same growth rates and under P free conditions, cells grew at the same rate as P replete conditions until day 9 when cell growth ceased. There was no difference in the alkaline phosphatase activity per cell for the P replete and P free conditions, but the level of activity per cell was greater in CS-505 than CS-506. P acquisition genes were identified from the sequenced genomes; both strains contained the same genes, but with differences in copy number of phoA (7 and 6), phnK (3 and 1) and phnH (2 and 1) between CS-505 and CS-506 (respectively). The expression of P acquisition genes under P stress was measured throughout the experiment and shown to vary in magnitude and timing across strains, and in P replete versus P free cultures. In strain CS-505, upregulation of the pstS1 and phoA genes occurred late in the growth phase and into senescence. These genes are involved in phosphate uptake and use of various forms of organic P. For strain CS-506, there was upregulation of the phosphate uptake gene, pit, and organic P utilization genes, phoA, phoU, phnD and phnK, commencing late in the growth phase. Our study shows that despite the fact that these two strains were isolated from the same waterbody, they differed markedly in their gene expression response to P free conditions. This capacity of R. raciborskii to vary in strain responses to P conditions gives the organism flexibility in responding to environmental change, particularly P stress conditions.  相似文献   
Sensitivity to cold and freezing differs between populations within two species of live oaks (Quercus section Virentes Nixon) corresponding to the climates from which they originate. Two populations of Quercus virginiana (originating from North Carolina and north central Florida) and two populations of the sister species, Q. oleoides, (originating from Belize and Costa Rica) were grown under controlled climate regimes simulating tropical and temperate conditions. Three experiments were conducted in order to test for differentiation in cold and freezing tolerance between the two species and between the two populations within each species. In the first experiment, divergences in response to cold were tested for by examining photosystem II (PS II) photosynthetic yield (ΔF/F m′) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of plants in both growing conditions after short-term exposure to three temperatures (6, 15 and 30°C) under moderate light (400 μmol m−2 s−1). Without cold acclimation (tropical treatment), the North Carolina population showed the highest photosynthetic yield in response to chilling temperatures (6°C). Both ecotypes of both species showed maximum ΔF/F m′ and minimum NPQ at their daytime growth temperatures (30°C and 15°C for the tropical and temperate treatments, respectively). Under the temperate treatment where plants were allowed to acclimate to cold, the Q. virginiana populations showed greater NPQ under chilling temperatures than Q. oleoides populations, suggesting enhanced mechanisms of photoprotective energy dissipation in the more temperate species. In the second and third experiments, inter- and intra-specific differentiation in response to freezing was tested for by examining dark-adapted F v/F m before and after overnight freezing cycles. Without cold acclimation, the extent of post-freezing declines in F v/F m were dependent on the minimum freezing temperature (0, −2, −5 or −10°C) for both populations in both species. The most marked declines in F v/F m occurred after freezing at −10°C, measured 24 h after freezing. These declines were continuous and irreversible over the time period. The North Carolina population, however, which represents the northern range limit of Q. virginiana, showed significantly less decline in F v/F m than the north central Florida population, which in turn showed a lower decline in Fv/F m than the two Q. oleoides populations from Belize and Costa Rica. In contrast, after exposure to three months of chilling temperatures (temperate treatment), the two Q. virginiana populations showed no decline in F v/F m after freezing at −10°C, while the two Q. oleoides populations showed declines in F v/F m reaching 0.2 and 0.1 for Costa Rica and Belize, respectively. Under warm growth conditions, the two species showed different F 0 dynamics directly after freezing. The two Q. oleoides populations showed an initial rise in F 0 30 min after freezing, followed by a subsequent decrease, while the Q. virginiana populations showed a continuous decrease in F 0 after freezing. The North Carolina population of Q. virginiana showed a tendency toward deciduousness in response to winter temperatures, dropping 58% of its leaves over the three month winter period compared to only 6% in the tropical treatment. In contrast, the Florida population dropped 38% of its leaves during winter. The two populations of the tropical Q. oleoides showed no change in leaf drop during the 3-months winter (10% and 12%) relative to their leaf drop over the same timecourse in the tropical treatment. These results indicate important ecotypic differences in sensitivity to freezing and cold stress between the two populations of Q. virginiana as well as between the two species, corresponding to their climates of origin.  相似文献   
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