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The use and utility of EMG biofeedback with chronic schizophrenic patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the efficacy of muscle relaxation training via electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback from the frontalis and forearm extensor muscles of schizophrenic inpatients. Thirty chronically hospitalized patients were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: EMG biofeedback from the forearm extensor and frontalis muscles, progressive relaxation, and a control group. Treatment consisted of one session of orientation and baseline, and six sessions of training. The results indicated that the schizophrenic patients receiving EMG training had significantly lower EMG recordings than the progressive relaxation group, which, in turn, was significantly lower than the control group. Analyses of covariance on the Tension-Anxiety scale from the Profile of Mood States revealed no significant effects, while finger-tapping rates were significantly improved only for the arm receiving feedback training in the EMG group. On the Nurses Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation the biofeedback group significantly improved on the Social Competence and Social Interest factors.We would like to express our appreciation for the contributions the following people made to this project: Drs. Barry Smith, Robert Steele, Agnes Hartfield, Jeffrey Barth, Althea Wagman, and the late Harold Weiner; Earl Downs and the participating staff at Springfield State Hospital Center; and Robert Kline and Michael Kelley, who performed the data analyses. This research was supported in part by a grant from the Computer Science Center at the University of Maryland.  相似文献   
Handgrip force (HF), maximal pinch force (MF), muscle endurance (ME), and the median power frequency (MdPF) of the activity shown in the electromyogram (EMG) were studied at various altitudes in eight normal healthy subjects. MF and ME were measured between the index finger and thumb, and all measurements were obtained at altitudes ranging from 610 to 4860 m during an expedition in the Qinghai Plateau in China. With the change in altitude HF, ME, and MF showed no significant change. Compared to the MdPF at 2260 m on ascent, the MdPF at other altitudes showed a significant decrease (P<0.01). Thus, we conclude that muscle performance (HF, MF, and ME) was not affected by the environment at high altitude. However, MdPF was affected and the mean MdPF at 610 m after the expedition did not recover to initial values of MdPF. We suggest these results may have been affected by fatigue and chronic exposure to the hypobaric hypoxic environment, since the members of the expedition party expressed feelings of sluggishness and fatigue after the expedition.  相似文献   
A technique is reported for the long-term application of surface electrodes for ambulatory electromyographic (EMG) recording. Prior to electrode application the surrounding skin is lightly painted with tincture of benzoin. This treatment improves adherence to the skin of disposable electrodes and electrode attachment collars, reduces skin trauma associated with electrode removal, and minimizes sensitivity to electrode adhesives.This research was supported in part by NIH grant No. NS25114.  相似文献   
Chicks and chick embryos provide a useful model system for the study of related to the development of motor behaviors. EMG and kinematic analyses of leg movements have been used to provide new data on the organization of embryonic motility. These data suggest that the circuitry needed to produce a basic, coordinated motor pattern is available early in development. This circuitry then appears to be retained throughout life. Evidence from analysis of EMG patterns and leg deafferentation studies suggest that the output of this basic circuit can be modulated by sensory input to produce the motor patterns of later behaviors, such as hatching and walking. If the same circuitry is present throughout life, then mechanisms for initiation and termination of particular behaviors must be available to ensure that specific behaviors are turned on and off at appropriate times. For example, hatching can be turned on by a specific sensory signal: proprioceptive signals from the bent neck. In addition to reviewing current research on the development of chick motor behaviors, methodological considerations and suggestions for future research are presented. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The gluteal musculature of primates has been a focus of great research interest among those who study human evolution. Most current theorists agree that gluteus superficialis (= maximus) need not have changed its action in the step from pongid to hominid, but dispute has arisen over a purported change in action and role of the gluteus medius. To clarify the functions of gluteus medius, gluteus superficialis, and tensor fasciae femoris during ape locomotion, we conducted a telemetered electromyographic study of these muscles in two gibbons, one orangutan, and four chimpanzees as they walked bipedally on the ground and on a horizontal tree trunk, walked quadrupedally on the same substrates, and climbed a vertical tree trunk. The results indicate that the gluteus medius of apes is not, as has been previously suggested, primarily an extensor of the thigh; its action is chiefly that of medial rotation. The role of the gluteus medius during bipedality is the same in apes and humans–to provide side-to-side balance of the trunk at the hip. The change in the hominid lateral balance mechanism can be viewed as primarily osteological, allowing preservation of the same muscle function with an extended thigh. As a result, the stride length is increased and there occurs a diminution of the demands placed on other muscles to maintain anteroposterior balance at the hip and knee. Our data also support the view that vertical climbing may be specifically preadaptive to bipedalism. One may picture the earliest hominid as part biped, when on the ground traveling between scattered food trees, and part climber, when moving from the ground to food.  相似文献   
The effect of time on the validity of electromyography (EMG) signals from indwelling fine-wire electrodes has not been explored. This is important because experiments using intramuscular electrodes are often long and biochemical and mechanical factors, may impair measurement accuracy over time. Measures over extended periods might therefore be erroneous. Twelve healthy participants (age = 33 ± 8 years) walked for 50 min at a controlled speed. Fine-wire electrodes were inserted into tibialis anterior and a surface EMG sensor attached near the fine-wire insertion site. EMG signals progressively and significantly decreased with time with the fine-wire electrode, but not the surface electrode. For the fine-wire electrode, after 25 min mean amplitude had reduced by 11% (p < 0.001) and after 50 min by 16% (p < 0.001), and peak amplitude reduced 22% at 20 min (p = 0.006) and 37% at 50 min (p < 0.001). Reduced amplitude with indwelling EMG without concurrent changes in surface EMG signal suggests an important inconsistency in data from fine-wire EMG electrodes. Changes in EMG signal will occur over time independent of the experimental condition and this questions their use in experiments of more than 30 min. These results should impact on experimental study design. They also invite reinterpretation of prior literature and sensor innovation to improve measurement performance.  相似文献   
Persistent quadriceps strength deficits in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLr) have been attributed to arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI). The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of vibration-induced hamstrings fatigue on AMI in patients with ACLr. Eight participants with unilateral ACLr (post-surgery time: M = 46.5, SD = 23.5 months; age: M = 21.4, SD = 1.4 years) and eight individuals with no previous history of knee injury (age: M = 22.5, SD = 2.5 years) were recruited. A fatigue protocol, consisting of 10 min of prolonged local hamstrings vibration, was applied to both the ACLr and control groups. The central activation ratio (CAR) of the quadriceps was measured with a superimposed burst of electrical stimulation, and hamstrings/quadriceps coactivation was assessed using electromyography (EMG) during isometric knee extension exercises, both before and after prolonged local vibration. For the ACLr group, the hamstrings strength, measured by a load cell on a purpose-built chair, was significantly (P = 0.016) reduced about 14.5%, indicating fatigue was actually induced in the hamstrings. At baseline, the ACLr group showed a trend (P = 0.051) toward a lower quadriceps CAR (M = 93.2%, SD = 6.2% versus M = 98.1%, SD = 1.1%) and significantly (P = 0.001) higher hamstrings/quadriceps coactivation (M = 15.1%, SD = 6.2% versus M = 7.5%, SD = 4.0%) during knee extension compared to the control group. The fatigue protocol significantly (P = 0.001) increased quadriceps CAR (from M = 93.2%, SD = 6.2% to M = 97.9%, SD = 2.8%) and significantly (P = 0.006) decreased hamstrings/quadriceps coactivation during knee extension (from M = 15.1%, SD = 6.2% to M = 9.5%, SD = 4.5%) in the ACLr group. In conclusion, vibration-induced hamstrings fatigue can alleviate AMI of the quadriceps in patients with ACLr. This finding has clinical implications in the management of recovery for ACLr patients with quadriceps strength deficits and dysfunction.  相似文献   
The aim was to 1) determine intersession and intertrial reliability and 2) assess three sources of variability (intersubject, intersession and intertrial) of lower limb kinematic and electromyographic (EMG) variables during gait in toddlers with typical development (TD) and unilateral cerebral palsy (UCP) (age <3 years, independent walking experience ≤6 months). Gait kinematics and surface EMG were recorded in 30 toddlers (19 TD and 11 UCP), during two, 3D-motion capture sessions. Standard error of measurement (SEM) between trials (gait cycles) of the same session and between sessions was calculated to assess reliability. Standard deviations (SD) between subjects, sessions and trials were calculated to estimate sources of variability. Sixty-four percent of kinematic SEM-values were acceptable (2°-5°). Frontal plane measurements were most reliable (SEM 2°-4.6°). In toddlers with UCP, EMG variables were most reliable for affected side, distal muscles. Intrinsic (intertrial and intersubject) variability was high, reflecting both motor immaturity and the high variability of toddler gait patterns. In toddlers with UCP, variability was amplified by motor impairment and delayed motor development. 3D gait analysis and surface EMG are partially reliable tools to study individual gait patterns in toddlers in clinical practice and research, although some variables must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
It is widely held that many differences among primate species in scapular morphology can be functionally related to differing demands on the shoulder associated with particular locomotor habits. This perspective is largely based on broad scale studies, while more narrow comparisons of scapular form often fail to follow predictions based on inferred differences in shoulder function. For example, the ratio of supraspinous fossa/infraspinous fossa size in apes is commonly viewed as an indicator of the importance of overhead use of the forelimb, yet paradoxically, the African apes, the most terrestrial of the great apes, have higher scapular fossa ratios than the more suspensory orangutan. The recent discovery of several nearly complete early hominin scapular specimens, and their apparent morphological affinities to scapulae of orangutans and gorillas rather than chimpanzees, has led to renewed interest in the comparative analysis of human and extant ape scapular form. To facilitate the functional interpretation of differences in ape scapulae, particularly in regard to relative scapular fossa size, we used electromyography (EMG) to document the activity patterns in all four rotator cuff muscles in orangutans and gibbons, comparing the results with previously published data for chimpanzees.  相似文献   
The shoulder allows kinematic and muscular changes to facilitate continued task performance during prolonged repetitive work. The purpose of this work was to examine changes during simulated repetitive work in response to a fatigue protocol. Participants performed 20 one-minute work cycles comprised of 4 shoulder centric tasks, a fatigue protocol, followed by 60 additional cycles. The fatigue protocol targeted the anterior deltoid and cycled between static and dynamic actions. EMG was collected from 14 upper extremity and back muscles and three-dimensional motion was captured during each work cycle. Participants completed post-fatigue work despite EMG manifestations of muscle fatigue, reduced flexion strength (by 28%), and increased perceived exertion (∼3 times). Throughout the post-fatigue work cycles, participants maintained performance via kinematic and muscular adaptations, such as reduced glenohumeral flexion and scapular rotation which were task specific and varied throughout the hour of simulated work. By the end of 60 post-fatigue work cycles, signs of fatigue persisted in the anterior deltoid and developed in the middle deltoid, yet perceived exertion and strength returned to pre-fatigue levels. Recovery from fatigue elicits changes in muscle activity and movement patterns that may not be perceived by the worker which has important implications for injury risk.  相似文献   
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