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Three experiments demonstrate that inescapable footshock delivered to unrestrained rats produces analgesia as well as performance deficits in subsequent one-way shuttle acquisition. Both the performance and the antinociceptive effects are prevented by pretreatment with as little as 0.1 mg/kg i.p. of the opiate antagonist, naltrexone. These studies suggest that both effects are mediated through opiate receptors with similar underlying naltrexone pharmacodynamics.  相似文献   
The response of adaxial and abaxial stomatal conductance in Rumex obtusifolius to growth at elevated atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (250 μmol mol?1 above ambient) was investigated over two growing seasons. The conductance of both the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces was found to be reduced by elevated concentrations of CO2. Elevated CO2 caused a much greater reduction in conductance for the adaxial surface than for the abaxial surface. The absence of effects upon stomatal density indicated that the reductions were probably the result of changes in stomatal aperture. Partitioning of gas exchange between the leaf surfaces revealed that increased concentrations of CO2 caused increased rates of photosynthesis only via the abaxial surface. Additionally, leaf thickness was found to increase during growth at elevated concentrations of CO2. The tendency for these amphistomatous leaves to develop a distribution of conductance approaching that of hypostomatous leaves clearly reduced their maximum photosynthetic potential. This conclusion was supported by measurements of stomatal limitation, which showed greater values for the adaxial surfaces, and greater values at elevated CO2. This reduction in photosynthesis may in part be caused by higher diffusive limitations imposed because of increased leaf thickness. In an uncoupled canopy, asymmetrical stomatal responses of the kind identified here may appreciably reduce transpiration. Species which show symmetrical responses are less likely to show reduced transpirational rates, and a redistribution of water loss between species may occur. The implications of asymmetrical stomatal responses for photosynthesis and canopy transpiration are discussed.  相似文献   
An extensive search resulted in the identification of pamoic acid as an inhibitor of superoxide dismutases. Pamoic acid appeared to rapidly and reversibly inhibit all types of superoxide dismutases and did so in both the cytochrome c reduction and in the dianisidine photooxidation assays, used to measure this activity. It could nevertheless be shown that pamoic acid did not at all inhibit superoxide dismutase but rather diminished the sensitivity of the assays. The mechanism proposed to account for this effect involved oxidation of pamoate, by O2?, to yield a pamoate radical which can then reduce cytochrome c or oxidize pyrogallol. Pamoate thus competes with superoxide dismutase for the available O2?, without affecting the observable effects of that O2? upon cytochrome c or upon pyrogallol. It consequently makes these assays less responsive to superoxide dismutase, while appearing to be without effect in the absence of superoxide dismutase. Several of the predicted consequences of this proposal were affirmed. Other workers, interested in finding inhibitors for superoxide dismutases, are hereby forwarned of this subtle snare.  相似文献   
Both internal and external proteins in vesicular stomatitis virus were labeled when intact virions were iodinated with 50 μm iodide; however, only the surface proteins were labeled when the same procedure was carried out at low iodide concentrations (below 0.5 μm). This result together with similar observations reported earlier with another enveloped virus, Rous-associated virus-61 (RAV-61), suggest that viral envelopes provide a barrier to iodination by chloramine-T at low, but not at high, iodide concentrations. By monitoring the permeability of the RAV-61 envelope to successive iodinations and to iodination in the presence of chaotropic thiocyanate ions, it was shown that the permeability of the viral envelope was not altered at the higher concentrations of iodide. Further results support the hypothesis that iodination mediated by chloramine-T inolves two different iodinating species: (a) a membrane impermeable one, possibly “iodamine-T,” which predominates at low iodide concentrations, and (b) a membrane permeable species, possibly molecular iodine, which predominates at high concentrations of iodide. These results reinforce the proposal that the chloramine-T procedure is a useful method for specifically labeling surface proteins of lipid-enveloped structures.  相似文献   
A respiratory-competent wild-type strain and a nuclear isogenic, mitochondrial DNA-less, petite mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were grown under conditions of catabolite repression in batch cultures and under conditions of catabolite derepression in chemostat cultures. Subcellular fractions were isolated and the capacity of these fractions to incorporate sn-[2-3H]glycerol 3-phosphate into phospholipids was studied. Neither catabolite repression nor loss of mitochondrial DNA appreciably altered the total in vitro lipid synthesized by mitochondrial fractions during the incubation. Mitochondria isolated from catabolite-derepressed wild-type and petite cells had approximately the same specific activity in vitro for the synthesis of phosphatidylinositol. phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and neutral lipids. Mitochondria isolated from the petite cells retained the capacity to synthesize phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol, although the synthesis of these phospholipids was far less extensive than that by the mitochondria isolated from the wild-type cells. In both cases, mitochondria prepared from catabolite-repressed cells synthesized a greater proportion of phosphatidylserine than did mitochondria from catabolite-derepressed cells. The proportions of phospholipid species synthesized in vitro by the microsomal fractions studied were not grossly affected by catabolite repression or loss of mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
We have investigated alterations in beta-adrenergic receptors in rat myocardial membranes derived from hypothyroid and hyperthyroid animals. (-)Isoproterenol competition curves with (-)[3H]dihydroalprenolol revealed that isoproterenol binds to the beta-adrenergic receptor with two distinct affinity states having high (KH) and low (KL) dissociation constants. In the presence of guanine nucleotides the isoproterenol competition curve steepened and had a higher EC50 (50% displacement). This was due to a transition of the high affinity state to a uniformly low affinity state. Using computer modeling of these competition curves, we have demonstrated that in hyperthyroidism, the isoproterenol curve in the absence of guanine nucleotides is shifted to the left with the EC50 changing from 180 ± 40 to 80 ± 20 nM (p < .02). The fold shift (4 fold) in KH (nM) 30 ± 9 to 7 ± 2 (p < .001) is greater than that (1.6 fold) in KL (nM) 595 ± 56 to 376 ± 34 (p < .001) such that the KL/KH ratio shifted from 20 ± 3 to 54 ± 9 (p < .001). The ratio, KL/KH, for a particular agonist appears to be related to its efficacy in activating adenylate cyclase.There was no significant alteration in any of these parameters in hypothyroid animals. Receptor number was decreased in hypothyroidism, 16 ± 3 fmol/mg protein (p < .03) and increased in hyperthyroidism 44 ± 4 (p < .03) compared to control 26 ± 2.In the rat heart agonist affinity and receptor number are modulated in hyperthyroidism, but only receptor number in hypothryoidism. Thus thyroid hormone can modify not only receptor number but agonist affinity as well.  相似文献   
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