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Summary Larger nymphs within aquatic insect taxa have been frequently observed to be transported down-stream in the stream drift only at night. Others have hypothesized this pattern results primarily from large nymphs' behavioural avoidance of entering drift during daylight, when size-selective, visually-feeding fish predators are most active. This hypothesis assumes that animals can actively control their entry into the drift, which may not be the case under all flow conditions. We experimentally induced streamflow increases and decreases in adjacent riffles in a hydrologically-stable stream during the daytime to examine whether changes in diel patterns of drift abundance and size-distribution of mayflies were consistent with the hypothesis of active avoidance of diurnal drift. We assessed the likelihood of active vs. passive mechanisms of diurnal drift entry and transport for four taxa that differ with respect to body size, morpho-behavioural attributes, microhabitat use, and general propensity to drift. In each of three seasons, diurnal and nocturnal drift samples were collected in three riffles over two diel cycles. Background drift patterns were established on the first day (no flow manipulation). Six h before sunset on the second day, flow was experimentally increased in one riffle, decreased in the second, and not altered in the third (control). Between-day differences in diurnal and nocturnal drift rate and size composition were then compared among the treatment and reference riffles. Responses of two taxa were consistent with active control over drift entry, transport, or both. For Baetis spp., drift-prone mayflies typically preyed upon by fish, diurnal drift rates immediately increased following both flow reduction and flow elevation in all seasons, but only small individuals comprised the drift. Drift by large individuals was delayed until nighttime. Epeorus longimanus also exhibited significant increases in drift rates following flow reduction and elevation, but responses of this large-bodied species were restricted to nighttime. Drift responses for these two taxa were largely independent of direction of hydrologic change, thus indicating a strong behavioural control over drift. By contrast, numbers and sizes of drifting Paraleptophlebia heteronea and Ephemerella infrequens depended strongly on direction of flow change. Drift rates for both species generally declined after flow reduction and increased after flow elevation. Moreover, after flow elevation, larger individuals often drifted diurnally, a finding consistent with expectations under a passive hydrodynamic model. These experiments indicate that size-dependent mayfly drift reflects not only presumed risk from visual fish predators, but also functional attributes of species such as morphology, behaviour, and microhabitat affiliation, which influence aspects of drift entry and transport under variable hydrologic conditions.  相似文献   
Synopsis Direct observations of young-of-the-year brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, in a second-order woodland stream indicated that most of their feeding effort was directed toward sub-surface, drifting prey (83% of feeding time). Feeding from the substrate and water surface was much less frequent (17% of feeding time). Comparisons of gut contents to drift net and substrate fauna samples corroborated that the most commonly consumed prey (chironomid and trichopteran larvae, ostracods, and ephemeropteran nymphs) were captured primarily from sub-surface, invertebrate drift. The disproportionate numbers of some prey species in the guts of several fish indicate that some prey selection occurred. Territories appeared to be cardioid-shaped, and were often contiguous, with dominance hierarchies evident among the residents. Agonistic interactions were frequent. Charges and chases predominated (91% of interactions) while lateral displays were infrequent (9% of interactions). Overall, these fish spent most of the daylight hours station-holding (77%) and feeding (18%). While only 3% of total time was spent in aggression, this amounted to 14% of the time a fish spent away from its station. There was some indication that territories were defended at a cost of feeding time.  相似文献   
物种形成研究的新动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recently discovered late Triassic vertebratelocality at Chulabhorn Dam (North-Eastern Thailand) has yielded incomplete remains (jaw fragments and teeth) of phytosaurs, which are apparently indicative of a form related to Belodon and Rutiodon. They can be interpreted as showing that in the late Triassic North-Eastern Thailand was already biogeographically part of Laurasia.  相似文献   
Johnson NA  Porter AH 《Genetica》2007,129(1):57-70
Developmental systems are regulated by a web of interacting loci. One common and useful approach in studying the evolution of development is to focus on classes of interacting elements within these systems. Here, we use individual-based simulations to study the evolution of traits controlled by branched developmental pathways involving three loci, where one locus regulates two different traits. We examined the system under a variety of selective regimes. In the case where one branch was under stabilizing selection and the other under directional selection, we observed "developmental system drift": the trait under stabilizing selection showed little phenotypic change even though the loci underlying that trait showed considerable evolutionary divergence. This occurs because the pleiotropic locus responds to directional selection and compensatory mutants are then favored in the pathway under stabilizing selection. Though developmental system drift may be caused by other mechanisms, it seems likely that it is accelerated by the same underlying genetic mechanism as that producing the Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities that lead to speciation in both linear and branched pathways. We also discuss predictions of our model for developmental system drift and how different selective regimes affect probabilities of speciation in the branched pathway system.  相似文献   
Gorilla patterns of variation have great relevance for studies of human evolution. In this study, molar morphometrics were used to evaluate patterns of geographic variation in gorillas. Dental specimens of 323 adult individuals, drawn from the current distribution of gorillas in equatorial Africa were divided into 14 populations. Discriminant analyses and Mahalanobis distances were used to study population structure.Results reveal that: 1) the West and East African gorillas form distinct clusters, 2) the Cross River gorillas are well separated from the rest of the western populations, 3) gorillas from the Virunga mountains and the Bwindi Forest can be differentiated from the lowland gorillas of Utu and Mwenga-Fizi, 4) the Tshiaberimu gorillas are distinct from other eastern gorillas, and the Kahuzi-Biega gorillas are affiliated with them. These findings provide support for a species distinction between Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei, with subspecies G. g. diehli, G. g. gorilla, G. b. graueri, G. b. beringei, and possibly, G. b. rex-pygmaeorum. Clear correspondence between dental and other patterns of taxonomic diversity demonstrates that dental data reveal underlying genetic patterns of differentiation.Dental distances increased predictably with altitude but not with geographic distances, indicating that altitudinal segregation explains gorilla patterns of population divergence better than isolation-by-distance. The phylogeographic pattern of gorilla dental metric variation supports the idea that Plio-Pleistocene climatic fluctuations and local mountain building activity in Africa affected gorilla phylogeography. I propose that West Africa comprised the historic center of gorilla distribution and experienced drift-gene flow equilibrium, whereas Nigeria and East Africa were at the periphery, where climatic instability and altitudinal variation promoted drift and genetic differentiation. This understanding of gorilla population structure has implications for gorilla conservation, and for understanding the distribution of sympatric chimpanzees and Plio-Pleistocene hominins.  相似文献   
Seagrass beds provide food and shelter for many fish species. However, the manner in which fishes use seagrass bed habitats often varies with life stage. Juvenile fishes can be especially dependent on seagrass beds because seagrass and associated habitats (drift macroalgae) may provide an effective tradeoff between shelter from predation and availability of prey. This study addressed aspects of habitat use by post-settlement pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides (Linneaus), an abundant and trophically important species in seagrass beds in the western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Abundance of post-settlement fish in seagrass beds was positively related to volume of drift macroalgae, but not to percent cover of seagrass, indicating a possible shelter advantage of the spatially complex algae. Tethering experiments indicated higher rates of predation in seagrass without drift macroalgae than in seagrass with drift macroalgae. Aquarium experiments showed lower predation with higher habitat complexity, but differences were only significant for the most extreme cases (unvegetated bottom, highest macrophyte cover). Levels of dissolved oxygen did not differ between vegetated and unvegetated habitats, indicating no physiological advantage for any habitat. Seagrass beds with drift macroalgae provide the most advantageous tradeoff between foraging and protection from predation for post-settlement L. rhomboides. The complex three-dimensional shelter of drift macroalgae provides an effective shelter that is embedded in the foraging habitat provided by seagrass. Drift macroalgae in seagrass beds is a beneficial habitat for post-settlement L. rhomboides by reducing the risk of predation, and by providing post-settlement habitat within the mosaic (seagrass beds) of adult habitat, thus reducing risks associated with ontogenetic habitat shifts.  相似文献   
The influence of neutral mutation pressure versus selection on base composition evolution is a subject of considerable controversy. Yet the present study represents the first explicit population genetic analysis of this issue in prokaryotes, the group in which base composition variation is most dramatic. Here, we explore the impact of mutation and selection on the dynamics of synonymous changes in Buchnera aphidicola, the AT-rich bacterial endosymbiont of aphids. Specifically, we evaluated three forms of evidence. (i) We compared the frequencies of directional base changes (ATGC vs. GCAT) at synonymous sites within and between Buchnera species, to test for selective preference versus effective neutrality of these mutational categories. Reconstructed mutational changes across a robust intraspecific phylogeny showed a nearly 1:1 ATGC:GCAT ratio. Likewise, stationarity of base composition among Buchnera species indicated equal rates of ATGC and GCAT substitutions. The similarity of these patterns within and between species supported the neutral model. (ii) We observed an equivalence of relative per-site AT mutation rate and current AT content at synonymous sites, indicating that base composition is at mutational equilibrium. (iii) We demonstrated statistically greater equality in the frequency of mutational categories in Buchnera than in parallel mammalian studies that documented selection on synonymous sites. Our results indicate that effectively neutral mutational pressure, rather than selection, represents the major force driving base composition evolution in Buchnera. Thus they further corroborate recent evidence for the critical role of reduced Ne in the molecular evolution of bacterial endosymbionts.Reviewing Editor: Dr. J. William Ballard  相似文献   
Jacques Thierry 《Geobios》1976,9(3):291-331
From Bajocian to lower Kimmeridgian, the subfamilyStephanocerataceae represents a large stock of the ammonite fauna. Though it is tributary of author's stratigraphical correlations and systematical interpretations, its geographical distribution with a drifting continents concept gives many teaching about the study of this superfamily, the continental drift and its consequences. Showing a world wide repartition at its apparition this stock then presents branches; the one (Stephanoceratidae) is not envisaged here; the second (Sphaeroceratidae and Cardioceratidae families) characterises rather the «boreal province; the third (Macrocephalitidae family) is chiefly specific of the «tethysian province. A «north-east pacific province with boreal affinities and a «south-east province with tethysian affinities are delimited. It is probably from its fauna that the tethysian macrocephalitid stock appears; first represented by ammonites specifically north american in middle and upper Bathonian stage, they extend during upper Bathonian and lower Callovian and reach South America and the Tethys. The presence of a narrow sea, on Patagonia, West Antarctica, East Africa, Madagascar and India, joining the Tethys and the south edge of Gondwania, is proved at various times, at Bajocian and Callovian stages.  相似文献   
Previous studies of the spatial pattern of stream invertebrate drift have focused on spatial variation at microhabitat scales or landscape scales, or temporal variation over diel or seasonal scales. None have examined consistency in spatial variation over longer time scales (>1 year). This study examined invertebrate drift density and composition at fixed locations (terminal ends of 10 riffles) each month at day and night along a 1 km reach of a 2nd order stream over a period of nearly 2 years. Consistent differences in the density of macroinvertebrate drift between riffles over 2 years were observed. The only habitat characteristic observed to be related to invertebrate drift density was the length and size of riffles above sampling sites, with larger and longer riffles producing the highest drift densities. Consistent differences in the supply of drifting macroinvertebrates along a stream reach may have implications for the supply of colonists to substrate patches and the profitability of feeding positions for drift-feeding fish and other predators. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   
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