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In vertebrates, a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway patterns all ventral cell fates along the embryonic axis. BMP activity is positively regulated by Tolloid, a metalloprotease, that can eliminate the activity of the BMP antagonist Chordin. A tolloid mutant in zebrafish, mini fin (mfn), exhibits a specific loss of ventral tail tissues. Here, we investigate the spatial and temporal requirements for Tolloid (Mfn) in dorsoventral patterning of the tail. Through chimeric analyses, we found that Tolloid (Mfn) functions cell non-autonomously in the ventral-most vegetal cells of the gastrula or their derivatives. We generated a tolloid transgene under the control of the inducible hsp70 promoter and demonstrate that tolloid (mfn) is first required at the completion of gastrulation. Although tolloid is expressed during gastrulation and dorsally and ventrally within the tail bud, our results indicate that Tolloid (Mfn) acts specifically in the ventral tail bud during a approximately 4 h period extending from the completion of gastrulation to early somitogenesis stages to regulate BMP signaling. Examination of the temporal requirements of Chordin activity by overexpression of the hsp70-tolloid transgene indicates that Chordin is required both during and after gastrulation for proper patterning of the tail, contrasting Tld's requirement only during post-gastrula stages. We hypothesize that the gastrula role of Chordin in tail patterning is to generate the proper size domains of cells to enter the ventral and dorsal tail bud, whereas post-gastrula Chordin activity patterns the derivatives of the tail bud. Thus, fine modulation of BMP signaling levels through the negative and positive actions of Chordin and Tolloid, respectively, patterns tail tissues.  相似文献   
Signals from the non-neural ectoderm, the neural ectoderm, and the underlying mesoderm have all been implicated in the induction of neural crest. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in particular has an important role in this process; however, it is unclear whether this activity of BMP is due to its effects on patterning the underlying mesoderm, to its ability to establish a competent neural plate boundary zone, or to the direct specification of neural crest at intermediate levels of activity within a BMP gradient. We show neural crest induction occurs in zebrafish in the absence of involuted mesoderm, indicating that this tissue and signals derived from it are dispensable for the formation of neural crest. Dorsal-involuted mesoderm is a major source of secreted BMP antagonists, and the activity of BMP signaling is thought to depend on the presence of the opposing activity of these antagonists. We find that the three BMP antagonists known to be expressed during gastrulation in zebrafish, noggin1, follistatin, and chordin, are dispensable for neural crest induction. These results suggest that mechanisms for restricting the spatio-temporal pattern of BMP expression may compensate for the loss of secreted BMP antagonist activity in establishing dorso-ventral patterning, neural induction, and the neural crest.  相似文献   
The morphology and ultrastructure of the aerobic, Gram-negative multicellular-filamentous bacteria of the genus Simonsiella were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The flat, ribbon-shaped, multicellular filaments show dorsal-ventral differentiation with respect to their orientations to solid substrata. The dorsal surface, orientated away from the substrate, is convex and possesses an unstructured capsule. The ventral surface, on which the organisms adhere and glide, is concave and has an extracellular layer with fibrils extending at right angles from the cell wall. The cytoplasm in the ventral region contains a proliferation of intracytoplasmic membranes and few ribosomes in comparison to the cytoplasm in other parts of the cell. Centripetal cell wall formation is asymmetrical and commences preferentially in the ventral region. Quantitative differences in morphology and cytology exist among selected Simonsiella strains. Functional aspects of this dorsalventral differentiation are discussed with respect to the colonization and adherence of Simonsiella to mucosal squamous epithelial cells in its ecological habitat, the oral cavities of warm-blooded vertebrates.List of Abbreviations SEM scanning electron microscope - TEM transmission electron microscope  相似文献   
Recent revisions to the Xenopus fate map challenge the interpretation of previous maps and current models of amphibian axial patterning (Lane, M.C., Smith, W.C., 1999. The origins of primitive blood in Xenopus: implications for axial patterning. Development 126 (3), 423-434.; Lane, M.C., Sheets, M.D., 2000. Designation of the anterior/posterior axis in pregastrula Xenopus laevis. Dev. Biol. 225, 37-58). We determined the rostralmost contributions to both dorsal and ventral mesoderm concomitantly from marginal zone progenitors in stage 6 embryos. Data reveal an unequivocal rostral-to-caudal progression of both dorsal and ventral mesoderm across the pre-gastrula axis historically called the dorsal-ventral axis, and a dorsal-to-ventral progression from animal-to-vegetal in the marginal zone. These findings support the proposed revisions to the fate and axis orientation maps. Most importantly, these results raise questions about the role of the organizer grafts and organizer-derived BMP antagonists in the "induction" of secondary axes. We re-examine both phenomena, and find that organizer grafts and BMP antagonists evoke caudal-to-rostral mesodermal fate transformations, and not ventral-to-dorsal transformations as currently believed. We demonstrate that BMP antagonism evokes a second axis because it stimulates precocious mediolateral intercalation of caudal, dorsal mesoderm. The implications of these findings for models of organizer function in vertebrate axial patterning are discussed.  相似文献   
Drosophila metalloproteinase Tolloid (TLD) is responsible for cleaving the antagonist Short gastrulation (SOG), thereby regulating signaling by the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) Decapentaplegic (DPP). In mice there are four TLD-related proteinases, two of which, BMP1 and mammalian Tolloid-like 1 (mTLL1), are responsible for cleaving the SOG orthologue Chordin, thereby regulating signaling by DPP orthologues BMP2 and 4. However, although TLD mutations markedly dorsalize Drosophila embryos, mice doubly homozygous null for BMP1 and mTLL1 genes are not dorsalized in early development. Only a single TLD-related proteinase has previously been reported for zebrafish, and mutation of the zebrafish TLD gene (mini fin) results only in mild dorsalization, manifested by loss of the most ventral cell types of the tail. Here we identify and map the zebrafish BMP1 gene bmp1. Knockdown of BMP1 expression results in a mild tail phenotype. However, simultaneous knockdown of mini fin and bmp1 results in severe dorsalization resembling the Swirl (swr) and Snailhouse (snh) phenotypes; caused by defects in major zebrafish ventralizing genes bmp2b and bmp7, respectively. We conclude that bmp1 and mfn gene products functionally overlap and are together responsible for a key portion of the Chordin processing activity necessary to formation of the zebrafish dorsoventral axis.  相似文献   
The phosphoinositide (PI) cycle is an important signal transduction pathway that, upon activation, generates intracellular second messengers and leads to calcium release. To determine whether PI cycle-mediated intracellular calcium release is required for body plan formation, we systematically dissect PI cycle function in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). We inhibit PI cycle function at three different steps and deplete internal calcium stores, demonstrating an impact on endogenous calcium release and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Inhibition of endogenous calcium modulation induces hyperdorsalized phenotypes in a dose-dependent manner. Ectopic dorsal-signaling centers are generated in PI cycle-inhibited embryos as demonstrated by altered beta-catenin subcellular localization and ectopic expression of beta-catenin target genes. These results provide evidence that modulation of calcium release is critical for early embryonic patterning and acts by influencing the stabilization of beta-catenin protein.  相似文献   
doubleridge is a transgene-induced mutation characterized by polydactyly and syndactyly of the forelimbs. The transgene insertion maps to the proximal region of chromosome 19. During embryonic development of the mutant forelimb, delayed elevation and compaction of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) produces a ridge that is abnormally broad and flat. Fgf8 expression persists in the ventral forelimb ectoderm of the mutant until E10.5. Strong expression of Fgf8 and other markers at the borders of the AER at E11.5 gives the appearance of a double ridge. At E11.5, apoptotic cells are distributed across the broadened ridge, but at E13.5, there is reduced apoptosis in the interdigital regions. The Shh expression domain is widely spaced at the posterior margin of the AER. The doubleridge AER is morphologically similar to that of En1 null mice, but the expression of En1 and Wnt7a is properly restricted in doubleridge, and the dorsal and ventral structures are correctly determined. doubleridge thus exhibits an unusual limb phenotype combining abnormal compaction of the AER with normal dorsal/ventral patterning.  相似文献   
Radial glia are among the first cells that develop in the embryonic central nervous system. They are progenitors of glia and neurons but their relationship with restricted precursors that are also derived from neuroepithelia is unclear. To clarify this issue, we analyzed expression of cell type specific markers (BLBP for radial glia, 5A5/E-NCAM for neuronal precursors and A2B5 for glial precursors) on cortical radial glia in vivo and their progeny in vitro. Clones of cortical cells initially expressing only BLBP gave rise to cells that were A2B5+ and eventually lost BLBP expression in vitro. BLBP is expressed in the rat neuroepithelium as early as E12.5 when there is little or no staining for A2B5 and 5A5. In E13.5-15.5 forebrain, A2B5 is spatially restricted co-localizing with a subset of the BLBP+ radial glia. Analysis of cells isolated acutely from embryonic cortices confirmed that BLBP expression could appear without, or together with, A2B5 or 5A5. The numbers of BLBP+/5A5+ cells decreased during neurogenesis while the numbers of BLBP+/A2B5+ cells remained high through the beginning of gliogenesis. The combined results demonstrate that spatially restricted subpopulations of radial glia along the dorsal-ventral axis acquire different markers for neuronal or glial precursors during CNS development.  相似文献   
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