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The changes of dominance rank among female Japanese monkeys of the Koshima group over a period of 29 years from 1957 were studied. The dominance rank order was relatively stable in the early population growing phase, while large scale-changes of dominance rank order occurred successively in the phase of population decrease brought about by the severe control of artificial feeding after 1972. Nevertheless, the rank order of several females of the highest status was stable. Furthermore, the reproductive success of these highest status females was high (Mori, 1979a;Watanabe et al., in prep.). Divergence of the dominance rank order fromKawamura's rules (Kawamura, 1958) was observed in the following respects: (1) Some females significantly elevated their rank depending on the leader males. (2) If mothers died when their daughters were still juveniles or nulliparous, the dominance rank of some of these offspring females was significantly lower than the mother's one. However 55% of daughters which lost their mothers at a young age inherited the mother's rank. (3) Dominance among sisters whose mother had died when at least one of the daughters was under 6 years old followed the rule of youngest ascendancy in 60% (Kawamura, 1958), and in 80% when both of the daughters were nulliparous at the mother's death. The mean rate of aggressive interactions for each female with subordinates to her was calculated by dividing the total aggressive interactions between the female in question and her subordinates by the number of subordinate females to the female in question. A female which showed a high rate of aggressive interactions with her subordinates was categorized as an “Attacker”, and a female showing a lower rate was categorized as a “Non-attacker”. Similarly, categories of “Attacked”, and “Non-attacked” were distinguished by using the rate of aggressive interactions with dominant females. Several females which were once categorized in one category in a year were repeatedly categorized in the same category over different years. The “Attacked” tended to be females of higher rank, and “Non-attackers” tended to be females of lower rank. “The second-higher-status females”, were “Attacked”, and their rank was unstable. In particular, females of lower rank within the lineage of the highest rank suffered this kind of severe status. Most of the daughters of these females showed a sharp drop of rank, and died when they were still at a young age, i.e. “the second-higher-status females” displayed low fitness. “Non-attackers” were significantly “Non-attacked”; i.e. they were females which showed a non-social attitude. Females which underwent a drop of rank tended to be “Non-attackers”. The most important factor which determined the females' rank was the memory of their dominance relations under the influence of their mother [dependent rank (Kawai, 1958)] in their early life during development. This finding corresponds well with the results in baboons obtained byWalter (1980); the target females of aggressive interactions by adolescent females were determined by the rank of the mothers when these adolescent females were born.  相似文献   
A theoretical model is proposed to describe the influence of a periodic electric field (PEF) upon a biopolymer. The biopolymer is treated as a classical mechanical system consisting of subsystems (molecular groups) which interact with each other through potential forces. The PEF is treated as a periodic driving force applied to a molecular group. The energy dissipation is considered using the model of fluid (viscous) friction. Arguments for the non-linear character of the friction-velocity dependence caused by the non-Newtonian rheology of a viscous medium are formulated.A forced molecular-group motion is investigated for the situation of a small driving-force period, with oscillations overdamped and a driving force consisting of more than one harmonic. As a result, it is established that the motion always gets to a terminal stage when only a small-scale vibration about some point, X *, takes place. The terminal motion is preceded by a transient characterized by the presence of a directional velocity component and so by a drift along a potential profile. the drift goes on until a barrier is met which has a sufficiently large steepness (the barrier height is not important). As a result, the point X * may happen to be remote from the conformation potential local minimum (conformational state). The physical reasons for the drift are described.If we consider the small-scale vibration about X * in the framework of the hierarchy of scales for intramolecular mobility, it can be regarded as an equilibrium mobility, whereas the drift can be regarded as a functionally important motion, and X * as a new conformational state which is realizable only in the presence of the PEF. It may be concluded, as the result of a consistent treatment and neglecting the small-scale vibration, that the conformational potential is modified by adding a linear term (in the one-dimensional case). In this connection, the set of conformational states can both deform (deviation of the positions of minima and their relative depth) and rearrange qualitatively (some minima can vanish and/or new minima can appear). In particular, the transition from one conformation to another one may happen due to rearrangement.  相似文献   
Studies of the behaviour of 26 (12 males and 14 females) captive infant and juvenile lowland gorillas showed clear sex differences. Females showed greater interest in young infants and were more active in nest building as well as in solitary and social grooming. Males were more active in locomotive, dominance, and aggressive behaviour and in social play. Hand-rearing further increased aggression. Males were more aggressive when they lived with only one partner, and they rose in rank even above older females, a pattern that has not been observed in naturally reared gorillas.  相似文献   
Marine nature reserves (MNRs) play an important role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration, which are valuable for marine resource protection in China. Many stakeholders are involved in MNRs. The interactions between MNR managers and other stakeholders affect the effectiveness of MNR management. This work divided MNR stakeholders into three categories and applied the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to identify the key stakeholders. The game model was set up to analyze the strategies of MNR staff and stakeholders. The situation of key stakeholders and management was studied in two MNRs in Guangdong Province through field research and questionnaires. The results showed that fishermen were the main stakeholders in the two cases. The strategies adopted by MNR staff to improve the efficiency of law enforcement and decrease the probability of illegal activities of fishermen are to increase penalties, improve the arrest rate of illegal activities, and reduce the cost of law enforcement per patrol. We suggested that the fishermen’s negative impacts could be minimized by establishing a market management system to reduce illegal earnings, a record-keeping system to share additional benefits only with the fishermen who comply with the law, and an association mechanism in the coastal province to control illegal fishing across provincial boundaries. Identifying key stakeholders and analyzing their relationships could be helpful to find out the best strategy for different MNRs. Building a community of shared interests among various stakeholders could be a promising way to resolve conflicts and improve management effectiveness in MNRs.  相似文献   
The social behavior of the common marmoset has been well studied in captivity, but little is known about the social dynamics of this species in its natural habitat. Social relationships were studied in three polygynous groups of common marmosets,Callithrix jacchus, in northeastern Brazil. Breeding adults appeared to be the center of social life and were the most frequent grooming partners or nearest neighbors for most adult group members. The observations of unidirectional agonistic interactions suggest that breeding adults were also dominant over all other group members, but that neither sex was dominant over the other. The dynamics of within-group social relationships are likely to be important determinants in the reproductive strategies employed by marmoset females.  相似文献   
Female preference for males successful in male-male competition is generally assumed to result in mating with high quality males. Here I report results from an experiment disentangling the effects of intra- and intersexual selection in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, a marine fish that exhibits paternal care. I show that large males are successful in male–male competition, but contrary to what one would expect, dominants are not preferred by females and are not better at taking care of the eggs. Female preference, however, correlated with the subsequent hatching success of the eggs. Thus, female choice selects for good parenting. Hence, direct benefits in the form of superior paternal care can explain female choice in this species, supporting a good parent process of sexual selection. However, choosing on the outcome of male–male competition does not enable females to mate with the ''best'' males.  相似文献   
Diversity concept in ecology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hierarchy of systems organization is used as a framework in advancing methodological guidelines for posing correct questions related to ecological diversity.Diversity if defined in general terms as a property of a set of elements dependent on and determines: by the epistemological perspective. Ontological diversity, because it is indefinite, is regarded as unmeasurable.Ecological diversity — be it species, spatial, reproductive or trophic, is a particular case of diversity of matter and must be precisely defined on the studied level of system organization.Diversity measurements combining more than one level of organization are information-void, for data become irretrievable as a result of such a treatment.Hypotheses explaining diversity sources are briefly surveyed. An integrated model interrelating them is constructed as a result of some basic views on the structure of matter coupled with the empirical knowledge of involved factors. The model reflects hierarchies of systems, their dynamics, and the complexities of factors affecting diversity. The model's properties suggest that it is conceptually related to an imaginary model of organization of ecological systems. Parameters recognized as invariant components of this complexity are: habitat differentiation, ecological specialization of species, ambiental changes, and integration of this system.Finally, it is shown that the peculiar shape of the species abundances curve is a necessary consequence of stratification of the system structure, which is an intrinsic attribute of hierarchical organization.  相似文献   
The frequencies and types of adult male aggressive behavior of confined Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)and free-ranging olive baboons (Papio anubis)were compared. The baboons, which do not have a mating season, were more aggressive to conspecific males than were the macaques during their nonmating season. The baboons also solicited aid during aggressive encounters more frequently than the macaques. However, during their mating season, the macaques were more aggressive to conspecific females than were the baboons. The macaques were also involved in more triadic sequences of aggression, and the frequency of occurrence of these patterns supported Chase’s theory of dominance hierarchy formation and maintenance. The differences in aggressive behavior appeared to be related to the seasonal reproductive cycle of the macaques.  相似文献   
Summary In nine cell types of the adenohypophysis in untreated adult rainbow trout, histologically different activity phases, seasonal changes in activity, and the relation between certain cell types and the interrenal gland, thyroid or gonads were investigated by light and, occasionally, by electron microscopy. Special attention was given to the effect of social rank on the synthetic activity in adenohypophysial cells of trout kept in small groups in which a social hierarchy with one (light) dominant and several (dark) submissives is established.Cell types in the rostral pars distalis were azocarminophil (I) or amphiphil (II). Proximal pars distalis cell types were slightly basophil (IV), orangeophil (V), strongly basophil (VI) or chromophobe (VII). In the pars intermedia, cell types were amphiphil (VIII) or very slightly basophil (IX). Type III was a non-secretory supporting (?) cell.Histologically different activity phases abounded in type IV cells, which mainly occurred in the proximal pars distalis but were also found dispersed in the rostral pars distalis, the pars intermedia and the neurohypophysis.Influences of social rank were pronounced in type IV cells. Phases with a high synthetic activity were exclusively found in submissive animals, phases with a low synthetic activity occurred in dominants. As a positive relation existed between type IV cell activity and the social rank dependent activity of the interrenal gland, it was suggested that type IV cells produce ACTH.In (dominant) male trout treated with DOCG or ACTH, colloid-containing type IV cell phases, reflecting accumulation of the secretory product, were found. This supported the earlier suggestion that ACTH in the trout is produced in the basophil type IV cells and not, as reported in the literature, in cells comparable to type II.The author is greatly indebted to Miss M.C. Wentzel, Miss I. Stulen, Mr. J. Veening and Dr. J.G. van Rhijn for their help with histological techniques, interrenal cell measurements and statistical aspects  相似文献   
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