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Summary The pars distalis of the anterior pituitary is known to be regulated by hypothalamic hormones. Recently, we have discovered the presence of substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers in the pars distalis of the monkeys. Substance P-like immunoreactivity in the pars distalis of the dog was investigated in this study. A substantial amount of substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers with a large amount of varicosities were found. They were widely distributed in the gland, more abundant along its periphery. Most of them were closely related to the glandular tissue, some were located on vascular walls. Substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers were also found in the meningeal sheath of the anterior pituitary. They could be followed into the parenchyma of the gland.  相似文献   
Summary The innervation of the arteriovenous anastomoses in the dog tongue has been investigated. At the lightmicroscopic level, the vessels were found to be densely supplied with adrenergic and AChE-positive nerve plexuses and less densely with the quinacrine-binding nerve plexus. At the electron-microscopic level, at least two apparently different types of axon profiles were identified: 1) Small vesicle-containing axons, characterized by many small granular vesicles, variable numbers of small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles. Storage of endogenous amines and uptake of exogenous amines into most small granular vesicles and many large granular vesicles was demonstrated. These axons stained only lightly with reaction products for AChE activity and thus seemed to be adrenergic in nature. Some axons contained numerous large granular vesicles, whose cores occasionally stained with uranyl ions; this suggests a co-localization of ATP or peptides as neurotransmitters. 2) Small granular vesicle-free axons, containing small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles in variable ratio. Most cores of these large granular vesicles were heavily stained with uranyl ions. No storage or uptake of amine into the synaptic vesicles was detected. Some axons appeared to be typically cholinergic, some, typically non-adrenergic, noncholinergic, and the rest, intermediate between the two. All axons stained heavily with reaction products for AChE activity, suggesting their cholinergic nature.  相似文献   
Summary A cobalamin (vitamin B12)-binding protein has recently been identified in canine pancreatic juice which is biochemically, immunochemically and functionally similar to canine gastric intrinsic factor. However, the cellular sources of both this pancreatic intrinsic factor and gastric intrinsic factor in the dog are not known. Antisera raised against canine gastric intrinsic factor have been used to examine the distribution of intrinsic factors in the canine pancreas and stomach. Immunoreactivity was demonstrated in duct cells but not acinar or endocrine cells in the pancreas, and in fundic peptic and pyloric gastric pit cells in stomach. All immunostaining was abolished by preabsorption of the antisera with purified canine gastric and pancreatic intrinsic factors. A cellular source of pancreatic intrinsic factor has not been previously described, and the demonstration of intrinsic factor-like immunoreactivity in two cell types in the canine stomach contrasts with its localization in a single cell type in the gastric mucosa of other mammalian species. Furthermore, immunoreactivity in pancreatic duct cells was detected at much higher dilutions of antisera than those required for staining of peptic and gastric pit cells. This suggests a higher concentration of antigen, and supports previous evidence that the pancreas is a major source of intrinsic factor in the dog.  相似文献   
Summary It has long been disputed whether mammalian enterochromaffin (EC-) cells contain a peptide in addition to serotonin. Previous immunohistochemical studies have provided evidence for the presence of enkephalins in EC-cells. These findings, however, are equivocal. Therefore, the problem of opioid peptides in EC-cells has been re-examined in the gastro-intestinal mucosa of dog, guinea-pig and man. A battery of antisera against derivatives of pro-opiomelanocortin, pro-enkephalin and pro-dynorphin have been applied to semithin serial sections of the tissues, in combination with fluorescence histochemistry and serotonin immunocytochemistry. Our findings indicate that EC-cells of the investigated species contain pro-dynorphin-related peptides, i.e. dynorphin A and -neo-endorphin, but no derivatives from pro-opiomelanocortin or pro-enkephalin. Since remarkable interspecies variations occur with respect to the number and staining characteristics of opioid immunoreactive EC-cells, it is concluded that pro-dynorphin shows specific routes of post-translational processing depending upon the species and the gastro-intestinal segment investigated. Future studies should focus on the mutual relationships between serotonin and dynorphins and on the physiological significance of these peptides in the gastrointestinal tract.Part of the results were presented at the Bayliss and Starling Society National Scientific Meeting 1985, London (Cetin et al. 1985)  相似文献   
Labelling index after one or repeated intravenous injections of 3H-thymidine was measured for various subpopulations of lymphatic cells in different canine lymphoid compartments and correlated with cell morphology. High doses of tritiated thymidine were injected and exposure times of up to 211 days were used. The labelling indices of lymphoid blasts were comparable in all tissues investigated. Labelling index varied from 100% in immunoblasts to 4% in small-sized lymphocytes. Approximately 80% of immunoblasts were labelled 1 h after 3H-thymidine application and 100% labelling was obtained after 12 h repetitive 3H-thymidine labelling. In contrast with mediumsized and large lymphocytes, immunoblasts seem to be rapidly proliferating cells in the dog with almost no Go cells. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Grant SFB 112  相似文献   
The distribution of neurons containing NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) activity and nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity (NOS-LI) in the canine pyloric and ileocolonic sphincters was studied. Cells within the myenteric and submucosal ganglia were positive for NADPH-d. These cells generally had the morphology of Dogiel type-I enteric neurons, however, there was some diversity in the morphology of NADPH-d-positive neurons in the myenteric plexus of the pylorus. Intramuscular ganglia were observed in both sphincters, and NADPH-d was found in a sub-population of neurons within these ganglia. Dual staining with an antiserum raised against nitric oxide synthase (NOS) demonstrated that almost all cells with NOS-LI were also NADPH-d positive. Varicose fibers within ganglia and within the circular and longitudinal muscle layers also possed NOS-LI and NADPH-d activity. Dual staining with anti-VIP antibodies showed that some of the NADPH-d-positive cells in the myenteric and submucosal ganglia also contained VIP-LI, but all VIP-LI-positive cells did not express NADPH-d activity. These data are consistent with recent physiological studies suggesting that nitric oxide serves as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the pyloric and ileocolonic sphincters. The data also suggest that VIP is expressed in a sub-population of NADPH-d-positive neurons and may therefore act as a co-transmitter in enteric inhibitory neurotransmission to these specialized muscular regions.  相似文献   
Summary The fine structure of follicular cells of the adenohypophysis was examined in fetal, neonatal, and adult beagle dogs. Prior to birth, undifferentiated follicular cells are common. At birth mature cells that form follicles are routinely encountered. The fine structural appearance of follicular cells is unchanged between birth and adulthood. Follicular cells of puppies and adults are, however, distinguished by the presence of unusual complexes within distended cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. These complexes vary greatly in morphology, some appear as a maze of interconnecting tubules while others show a highly organized paracrystalline configuration. The presence of these paracrystalloid structures in follicular cells supports the view that they represent a distinct pituitary cell type.Supported by NIH Grants AM19743 and NS12969The authors wish to thank John Patrikes and Helen Mantulin for their expert technical assistance  相似文献   
Summary Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was administered to the submandibular glands of dogs by close-arterial bolus-type injections, and its localisation was examined histochemically by light and electron microscopy. The HRP became widespread in the interstices of the glands and reached many central acinar lumina via scattered localised parts of their tight junctional complexes. Reaction product was less often found in the lumina of demilunes, which suggested that the intercellular junctions there were less leaky. HRP was often found in sizeable spaces between myoepithelial cells and the underlying parenchymal cells; such large spaces have not been observed in this situation in other species. The possibility that permeability pathways may arise intermittently at different sites in the adhering mechanisms between the acinar cells is discussed.It is concluded that potential paracellular permeability pathways for macromolecules exist in these glands and, if the concentration gradient is sufficiently high, molecules even as large as those of HRP can to some extent permeate passively from the interstices to the saliva. In resting glands the principal permeability site is between the central acinar cells.Supported by Grants from the M.R.C. and the V.R.T. King's College HospitalWe wish to acknowledge the technical help of Mr. K.J. Davies and Mr. P.S.A. Rowley  相似文献   
Summary X-ray microanalysis of zinc in ultrathin sections of dog prostate was performed by electron microscope microanalysis using the potassium pyroantimonate method of preparation. Prostates of both mature and immature dogs were examined and the metal was found to be localised primarily in the nucleolus, nuclear chromatin and secretory granules of epithelial cells. Differences in zinc concentrations were observed between mature and immature tissues, particularly in the nuclear chromatin. The metal was also incorporated into epithelial secretions, lysosomes and fibromuscular stroma. Variable binding of zinc to tissue components was revealed by a combination of histochemical precipitation and subcellular analysis.The authors are grateful to the Tenovus Organisation for general financial support. This work was also supported by the Medical Research Council, Grant No. G974/304B and by a grant of the Austrian Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung. One of them (F.S.) was financed by the British Council  相似文献   
This paper concerns an enzymological investigation into a putative canine canalogue of the human autosomal recesive disease primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (alanine:glyoxylate / serine:pyruvate aminotransferase deficiency). The liver and kidney activities of alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase and seribe:pyruvate aminotransferase in two Tibetan Spaniel pups with familial oxalate nephripathy were markedly reduced when compared with a variety of controls. There were no obvious deficiencies in a number of other enzymes including d-glycerate dehydrogenese / glyoxylate reductase which have been shown previously to be deficient in primary hyperoxaluria type 2. Immunoblotting of liver and kidney homogenates from oxalotic dogs also demonstrated a severe deficiency of immunoreactive alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase. The developmental expression of alanine:glyoxylate / serine:pyruvate aminotransferase was studied in the livers and kidneys of control dogs. In the liver, enzyme activity and immunoreactive protein were virtually undetectable at 1 day old, but then increased to reach a plateau between 4 and 12 weeks. During this period the activity was similar to that found in normal humanb liver. The enzyme activities and the levels of immunoreactive protein in the kidneys were more erratic, but they appeared to increase up to 8 weeks and then decrease, so that by 36 weeks the levels were similar to those found at 1 day. The data presented in this paper suggest that these oxalotic dogs have a genetic condition that is anlogous, at least enzymologically, to the human disease primary hyperoxaluria type 1.  相似文献   
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