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中华蚊母树染色体制片及核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中华蚊母树根尖为材料,采用常规压片法制片,比较材料的不同采集时间、预处理方法、固定剂、解离方法、解离时间及染色方法对中华蚊母树根尖染色体制片的影响.结果表明最佳的制片技术为:取材时间为上午9:00~11:00或下午13:00~15:00,以饱和对二氯苯预处理3 h,用1 mol?L-1盐酸60℃下解离8 min,卡诺固定剂固定,以改良石碳酸品红染色10 min.以该最佳制片方案对中华蚊母树进行体细胞染色体核型分析,首次揭示了中国特有植物———中华蚊母树体细胞染色体数目为2n=2x=24,染色体基数x=12,染色体核型公式为2n=2x=24=12m(2SAT)+10sm+2st,主要由中部和近中部着丝点染色体组成;染色体相对长度组成为2n=24=2L+8M2+12M1+2S,核型不对称指数为64.29%,属于2A型.结果显示中华蚊母树核型对称程度较高,在进化中属于比较原始的类型.  相似文献   
初步观察了中华蚊母树(Distylium chinense(Fr.)Diels)不同类型虫瘿的发生过程及致瘿昆虫生活史。结果表明,中华蚊母树的虫瘿有3种类型,分别为叶/枝上大型虫瘿、叶上泡状虫瘿和叶柄/果上球型虫瘿。三者均为单室封闭型,次生开口。经鉴定致瘿昆虫均为半翅目蚜科昆虫,其中叶上泡状虫瘿致瘿昆虫为蚊母新胸蚜Neothoracaphis yanonis Matsumura。该虫3月初在虫瘿内营孤雌生殖,繁殖2代,5月底前飞离出瘿。  相似文献   
We studied the initial regenerative processes ofDistylium racemosum andPersea thunbergii, major canopy species, in an old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest, Kagoshima, southwestern Japan. Although the two species coexisted, the patterns of seed production, seedling emergence, and sapling survival were different between them. During the observation (1989–1991),P. thunbergii produced large numbers of seeds in alternate years, whileD. racemosum had no mast year. The density of established seedlings was high and increased with mass seed production forP. thunbergii, but was fairly low forD. racemosum. The mortality of seedlings and saplings ofP. thunbergii was higher than that ofD. racemosum. In a closed stand, the sapling bank was maintained by dense seedling supply forP. thunbergii, and by extremely low mortality of individuals germinated before the beginning of observation forD. racemosum. Since saplings ofD. racemosum showed continuous height growth beneath the closed canopy, the possibility of recruitment into the upper layer seems to be high. The strategy ofP. thunbergii might be to wait for suitable conditions favoring sapling growth on various site by means of frequent and large seed productivity and wide dispersal of seeds. Thus both species might be able to coexist through environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   
采用盐水浇灌试验,设置0mmol·L-1(对照)、80mmol·L-1(轻度盐化)、100mmol·L-1(中度盐化)、200mmol·L-1(重度盐化)NaCl和300mmol·L-1(盐土)溶液共5个盐分梯度,通过分析小叶蚊母叶片受害面积比例、相对含水量、相对电导率、叶绿素含量、MDA含量、SOD活性、CAT活性等指标研究其耐盐性,并进一步探讨了小叶蚊母原种(D)及其不同品系(D1、D4、D6、D7、D10、D13)对中度盐胁迫(100mmol·L-1 NaCl)的生理响应,对其耐盐性进行综合评价。结果显示:(1)随着胁迫时间增加,各浓度处理下小叶蚊母的形态指标、生理指标发生显著变化,15d后仅100mmol·L-1盐胁迫浓度以下植株存活。(2)在中度盐胁迫下,小叶蚊母品系D1和D13的叶片受害面积比例显著小于其它品系,同时原种以及各品系间的各项生理指标差异显著,各项生理指标测定结果均表明D1和D13的耐盐性相对较好。(3)采用隶属函数法对原种及不同品系的耐盐性综合评价结果显示,各材料耐盐性由高到低依次为D1D13DD7D10D4D6。研究表明,小叶蚊母不适宜种植在土壤盐度100mmol·L-1以上的区域,在中度以下盐渍化地区绿化应用中建议优先选用品系D1和D13。  相似文献   
Two new monoterpene glycosides, distyloside A-B (1-2), and a new megastigmane glucoside, iso-dihydrodendranthemoside A (3) were isolated from twigs and leaves of Distylium racemosum, along with five known phenolic compounds (4-8). The structures were established via spectroscopic techniques and chemical transformations, and the absolute stereochemistry of 3 was determined by Mosher’s esterification. A homogeneous fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) quenching assay was used to determine the inhibitory activity of isolates (1-8) on the ribonuclease H enzymes from HIV-1, 2, human, and Escherichia coli. Among them, 6″-O-galloylsalidroside (6) showed potent inhibitory effects with an IC50 value of 3.5 μM on HIV-2, and 1.7 μM on human RNase H, respectively.  相似文献   
武夷山天然米槠林优势种群结构与分布格局   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
在武夷山国家级自然保护区以米槠、杨梅叶蚊母树罗浮栲和黄瑞木为优势的群落内,应用相邻格子法设置3600m^2样地获得野外调查资料,进行优势种种群结构和空间格局的研究。结果表明:1)米槠杨梅叶蚊母树、罗浮栲和黄瑞木种群结构呈金字塔型。2)在分格格局上,四种优势种群都呈集群分布,但聚集强度不同,K值为0.2661-1.2877;在不同发育阶段米槠种群的空间分布格局都呈集群分布;杨梅叶蚊母树、罗浮栲种群,大树呈随机分布,幼树、中树均为集群分布;黄瑞木种群幼树为集群分布,中树则为随机分布;这种差异与其生物生态学特性及与物种的竞争排斥作用有密切联系。3)不同区组对种群空间分布格局产生影响。  相似文献   
中华蚊母树(Distylium chinense)是华中地区特有种, 在三峡库区局部地段占优势形成群落。对三峡库区不同生境下中华蚊母树群落特征及其与土壤环境因子的关系进行研究可为其保护及消落带植被恢复提供科学依据。运用数据分类和排序等方法, 对中华蚊母树群落物种组成、植物区系、物种多样性及其与土壤环境因子的关系进行研究。结果表明, 共发现维管植物56种, 隶属于36科54属, 植物区系以世界分布、泛热带分布和北温带分布为主, 生活型以草本和灌木为主。自然消落带灌木层重要值最大的是中华蚊母树, 草本层重要值最大的是藤本植物地果(Ficus tikoua), 主要伴生种为具有一定水淹耐受性的灌木和多年生草本, 如小梾木(Swida paucinervis)、白茅(Imperata cylindrica)等; 反季节消落带灌木层仅中华蚊母树一种, 草本层重要值最大的物种是狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon), 主要伴生种为苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)、苘麻(Abutilon theophrastic)等一年生草本。双向聚类分析将调查的6个样地分为四大类群: 中华蚊母树+小梾木群落、中华蚊母树+地果群落、中华蚊母树+细叶水团花(Adina rubella)群落、中华蚊母树+狗牙根群落。典范对应分析表明, 海拔高度和土壤pH是影响中华蚊母树群落物种分布的主要环境因子, 土壤有机质、全氮、全磷和速效钾含量是次要因素, 但它们是影响群落物种多样性指数的主要因子, 其中土壤氮是群落的限制因子。因此, 在反季节消落带植被重建中, 对中华蚊母树群落进行构建时, 除考虑细叶水团花、小梾木等作为高海拔消落带伴生物种外, 还应增加土壤氮和钾的供给, 使中华蚊母树群落保持较高的物种多样性, 维持消落带生态系统稳定。  相似文献   
To evaluate the tolerance of riparian plant Distylium chinense in Three Gorges Reservoir Region to anti-season flooding, a simulation flooding experiment was conducted during Autumn and Winter, and morphology and photosynthesis of D. chinense seedlings and their recovery growth after soil drainage were analyzed in different duration of flooding and flooding depth. The seedlings were submitted to four treatments: (1) 40 seedlings unflooded and watered daily as control (Unflooded, CK); (2) 120 seedlings flooded at 1 cm above the ground level (F-1 cm); (3) 120 seedlings flooded at 12 cm above the ground level (F-12 cm) and (4) 120 seedlings completely submerged with 2 m water depth (F-2 m, top of plants at 2 m below water surface). The flooding survival, plant height, stem diameter, adventitious roots, stem lenticels, epicormic shoots, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis parameters were determined at 0, 15, 30, 90 days in flooding stress and 15, 60 days after soil drainage. The results showed that the survival of the seedlings subjected to flooding was 100% for all repeated measurements in all treatments. Adventitious roots, hypertrophied lenticels and stem hypertrophy were observed in the seedlings flooded for more than 15 d, and increased with the prolonged flooding duration, while disappeared after the soil was drained. Flooding duration and flooding depth showed significant individual and interactive effects on leaf chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl b), and their ratio, chlorophyll (a + b), the net photosynthesis rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Cs), and inter-cellular CO2 concentration (Ci) of D. chinense seedlings (P < 0.01). After 15 days of flooding, there was no significant decrease in Pn of the flooded seedlings as compared with that of the control seedlings. Pn of the flooded seedlings was significantly lower than that of the control seedlings after 30 days of flooding (P < 0.05), whereas Pn showed no significant difference among seedlings from three flooding depths. After 90 days of flooding, Pn of the F-2 m flooded seedlings was significantly lower than that of the controls, F-1 cm and F-12 cm flooded seedlings (P < 0.05), but still maintained high photosynthetic capacity. Pn of the F-1 cm and F-12 cm flooded seedlings rose gradually after soil drainage, while, it was significantly lower than that of the control seedlings after 15 days of recovery (P < 0.05). After 60 days of recovery, Pn of all seedlings flooded with different depths showed no significant difference as compared with that of the control seedlings and new leaves grew out in the F-2 m flooded seedlings. The effect of all flooding treatments on Gs, Tr, Chl a, Chl b, Chl a/Chl b and chl (a + b) was basically the same as their effect on Pn, while the effect of all flooding treatments on Ci was quite the contrary. Correlation analysis showed that Pn was positively relative with Gs, Tr, Chl a, Chl b and chl (a + b) (P < 0.05) and significantly negative with Ci (P < 0.05). Therefore, the present study demonstrates that D. chinense has high survival and good recovery growth after long-term flooding in anti-season flooding and could be taken as an excellent candidate species in the re-vegetation of water-level-fluctuation areas in Three Gorges Reservoir Region.  相似文献   
湖北中华蚊母ISSR遗传多样性分析及保护策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用ISSR分子标记技术,对湖北省三峡库区内中华蚊母的4个自然居群和1个迁地居群的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行了分析.结果表明,中华蚊母具有较高水平的遗传多样性,8个引物共得到47条带,其中多态性条带为44,多态性条带百分率(PPF)为94%;每个位点的等位基因数(A)为2,有效等位基因数(Ae)为1.37;总遗传多样性Nei s基因多样性指数(Hp)为0.237 9,Shannon信息多样性指数(I)为0.386 8,高于地方特有种平均水平.5个居群总的遗传变异Ht为0.238 7,居群内的遗传变异Hs为0.212 9,居群间的遗传分化系数Gst为0.108 0,表明在总的遗传变异中有89.2%的变异存在于居群内,仅10.80%存在于居群间;居群间的基因流Nm为4.130 6,表明居群间有较大程度的基因交流.UPGMA聚类分析和主成分分析显示中华蚊母在湖北境内主要分为两个居群组,在湖北境内的长江三峡沿岸沿渡河、香溪、乐天溪及三峡植物园居群聚为一大类,离长江沿岸较远的高家堰聚为另一大类.迁地保护居群三峡植物园的遗传多样性水平略高于中华蚊母自然居群的遗传多样性,说明三峡植物园对中华蚊母遗传多样性的迁地保护策略是基本成功的.  相似文献   
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