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Aim The Chilean endemic Dioscorea biloba (Dioscoreaceae) is a dioecious geophyte that shows a remarkable 600 km north–south disjunction in the peripheral arid area of the Atacama Desert. Its restricted present‐day distribution and probable Neogene origin indicate that its populations have a history linked to that of the Atacama Desert, making this an ideal model species with which to investigate the biogeography of the region. Location Chile, Atacama Desert and peripheral arid area. Methods Two hundred and seventy‐five individuals from nine populations were genotyped for seven nuclear microsatellite loci, and plastid trnL–F and trnT–L sequences were obtained for a representative subset of these. Analyses included the estimation of genetic diversity and population structure through clustering, Bayesian and analysis of molecular variance analyses, and statistical parsimony networks of chloroplast haplotypes. Isolation by distance was tested against alternative dispersal hypotheses. Results Microsatellite markers revealed moderate to high levels of genetic diversity within populations, with those from the southern Limarí Valley showing the highest values and northern populations showing less exclusive alleles. Bayesian analysis of microsatellite data identified three genetic groups that corresponded to geographical ranges. Chloroplast phylogeography revealed no haplotypes shared between northern and southern ranges, and little haplotype sharing between the two neighbouring southern valleys. Dispersal models suggested the presence of extinct hypothetical populations between the southern and northern ranges. Main conclusions Our results are consistent with prolonged isolation of the northern and southern groups, mediated by the life‐history traits of the species. Significant isolation was revealed at both large and moderate distances as gene flow was not evident even between neighbouring valleys. Bayesian analyses of microsatellite and chloroplast haplotype diversity identified the southern area of Limarí as the probable area of origin of the species. Our data do not support recent dispersal of D. biloba from the southern range into Antofagasta, but indicate the fragmentation of an earlier wider range, concomitant with the Pliocene–Pleistocene climatic oscillations, with subsequent extinctions of the Atacama Desert populations and the divergence of the peripheral ones as a consequence of genetic drift.  相似文献   
Nodal cuttings of white yam were induced to produce microtubers on a MS-revised medium supplemented with various concentrations of sucrose, 20 mgl–1 L-cysteine, 0.5 mgl–1 kinetin and 0.7% agar. The frequency of tuberization was affected by the daylength, which is optimal at 12 and 16 h of light depending on the sucrose concentration. The microtubers were planted in a seed bed and grown to maturity. The importance of in vitro tuberization of yam as a means of international germplasm distribution or exchange as well as for the propagation of planting material is discussed.  相似文献   
Many morphologically similar, but chemically distinct, populations have been found in the marine red alga Laurencia nipponica Yamada (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) growing in Japan. Each chemical type is characterized by a specific end-product of halogenated secondaly metabolite synthesis: chamigrane-type sesquiterpenoids such as prepacifenol and halochamigrene epoxide and C15 bromoethers such as laurencin, laureatin, isoprelaurefucin, epilaurallene, and kumausallene. These seven types of secondary metabolite syntheses remained the same in the wild and under various culture conditions. Because bromoethers and terpenoids are probably synthesized by different metabolic pathways, it is virtually certain that different sets of enzymes participate in their synthesis. Prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing populations were selected as representatives of terpenoid and bromoether groups, respectively. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between reciprocal, female and male gametophytes of prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains bore both types of metabolites, suggesting that the genes Producing these enzyme systems are encoded by nuclear genomes. The F1 gametophytes resulting from the reciprocal crosses produced either prepacifenol or laureatin, and the four individuals derived from spore tetrads (a set of tetraspores derived from a single tetrasporangium) produced either prepacifenol or laureatin in a 1:1 ratio, indicating that genes participating in terpenoid synthsis and those participating in bromoether synthesis are on different loci of homologous chromosomes and are segregated at meiosis (tetrasporogenesis). One individual of this interpopulational F1 gamtophyte produced both parental types of metabolite, perhaps indicating the occurrence of a recombination type. Natural hybrid individuals, including such recombination-type gametophytes, were found in a sympatric locality at which these two chemical types occur. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between respective prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains and their F1 gametohytes produced only parental-type metabolite-producing plants. These results indicate that the diverse chemical types can be referred to as races (chemical races).  相似文献   
An antiserum against gibberellin A4 (GA4) raised in rabbits and its partially purified antibodies were used to develop radioimmunoassay (RIA) and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for GA4. Of three immunoassays tested, an ELISA based on the NAD-dependent redox cycle (enzyme-amplified ELISA) had highest sensitivity. Levels of methylated GA4 detected by this most sensitive method ranged from 0.1 fmol/assay (3.5 fg/assay) to 0.1 pmol/assay (3.5 pg/assay) suggesting applicability of this method to the detection of gibberellins in purified plant extracts.  相似文献   
In a comparison of the polyphenol oxidase activity of various species of yam tubers the greatest enzyme activity was found in D. bulbifera. The enzyme was purified from acetone powder extracts of this plant. Ammonium sulphate fractionation, followed by ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration gave 22-fold purification. The final product gave a single band on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The purified enzyme showed activity towards catechol, pyrogallol and dl-β-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dl-DOPA) and had a MW 115000 ± 2000. It was characterized by response to various inhibitors. β-Mercaptoethanol, dithioerythritol, l-cysteine, sodium metabisulphite and KCN inhibited strongly.  相似文献   
不同肥料对黄山药根茎产量和薯蓣皂甙元含量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对施用硝酸钾肥和复合肥的比较试验,表明硝酸钾肥对促进黄山药(Dioscrea panthaica)地上、地下部分生长,提高次生根茎产量有显著效果.栽培32个月的次生根茎平均生长量达405.9±254.0g/株,产量58.5t/ha,比施用复合肥的增产37.5%和20.5%,比对照增产29.9%和17.9%.施用复合肥的次生根茎平均生长量253.6±148.6g/株,产量46.3t/ha,比对照低10.8%和3.1%.三者的薯蓣皂甙元含量无明显差异.  相似文献   
From the bulbils of Dioscorea bulbifera L. var sativa, two clerodane diterpenoids, Bafoudiosbulbins F (1) and G (2), together with five known compounds: Bafoudiosbulbins A-C, 3,5,4'-trihydroxy-3'-methoxybibenzyl, and kaempferol were isolated. Their structures were established by spectroscopic techniques, including (1)H, (13)C NMR, NOESY, ROESY, COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, and HMBC. The relative stereochemistry of compounds 1 and 2 was assigned on the basis of X-ray crystallographic diffraction analysis. Furthermore, the structure of Bafoudiosbulbin B was revised using extensive 2D NMR techniques as well as chemical transformation.  相似文献   
The adaptive significance of the emergence mode ofDioscorea japonica was studied with respect to initial plant size (seed, bulbil and tuber) and light intensity, using mathematical simulation based on Yokoi's (1976) model. Under 1.5% full sunlight conditions, plants emerging with only one leaf did not develop a shoot system throughout the growing period (Hori and Oshima, 1986). Simulation indicated that, for this species of plant under poor productive conditions, the optimal time for switch-over from the vegetative to reproductive growth phase to maximize the tuber weight at the end of the growing period, occurred immediately following the start of autotrophic growth. By means of shoot growth patterns, small and large size plants acquired the ability of shade tolerance and shade avoidance, respectively. Further, the life history ofD. japonica could be expressed as a flow chart based on plant size and light intensity data.  相似文献   
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