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Dimethylsulfoniopropionate, an osmolyte of marine algae, is thought to be the major precursor of dimethyl sulfide, which plays a dominant role in biogenic sulfur emission. The marine sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfobacterium strain PM4 was found to degrade dimethylsulfoniopropionate to 3-S-methylmercaptopropionate. The oxidation of one of the methyl groups of dimethylsulfoniopropionate was coupled to the reduction of sulfate; this process is similar to the degradation betaine to dimethylglycine which was described earlier for the same strain. Desulfobacterium PM4 is the first example of an anaerobic marine bacterium that is able to demethylate dimethylsulfoniopropionate.Abbreviations DMSP dimethylsulfoniopropionate - DMS dimethyl sulfide - MMPA 3-S-methylmercaptopropionate  相似文献   
One of the key steps towards predicting dimethylsulfide (DMS) emission to the atmosphere is to understand the distribution and cycling of biogenic sulfur in the microlayer. In this study, we examined the distribution of DMS and dissolved and particulate fractions of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPd and DMSPp) in the surface microlayer and bulk water of the western North Atlantic during July 2003. DMS concentrations in the bulk water varied from 0.71 to 7.65 nM. In contrast, DMS concentrations in the surface microlayer were fairly low (0.17–1.33 nM). Average concentrations of DMSPd and DMSPp in the bulk water were 2.09 (1.87–6.25) and 44.1 (8.06–119.8) nM, respectively, and those in the surface microlayer were 15.4 (4.06–54.3) and 29.9 (7.32–97.0) nM. In general, DMS was depleted in the microlayer (mean concentration: 0.60 nM) relative to the bulk water (mean concentration: 2.38 nM) with enrichment factors (the ratio of the microlayer concentration to bulk water concentration) ranging from 0.13 to 0.54. There was no consistent enrichment of DMSPp and chlorophyll a in the microlayer. On the contrary, DMSPd appeared to be highly enriched in the microlayer with an average EF of 4.89. The concentration of phaeopigments was also generally greater in the microlayer than in the bulk water, presumably due to enhanced photo-oxidation of chlorophyll a under high surface light intensities in the microlayer. In the study area, the concentration of DMSPp was significantly correlated with the abundance of dinoflagellates in the microlayer. Moreover, a significant correlation between the distributions of DMS, DMSPp, chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations in the microlayer and the bulk water demonstrated that the biogenic materials in the microlayer come primarily from the bulk water below.  相似文献   
Abstract: Three strains of aerobic bacteria were isolated from water and sediment samples of Mono Lake, a moderately hypersaline (90 ppt), alkaline (pH 9.7) lake in California. The organisms, Gram-negative rods, grew fastest at about pH 9.7 with no growth or much slower growth at pH 7.0. All three isolates grew on glycine betaine (GB) and respirometric experiments indicated that catabolism was by sequential demethylation with dimethyl glycine and sarcosine as intermediates. Two of the isolates also grew on dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), one with cleavage of the DMSP to yield dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and acrylate, and the other by demethylation with 3-methiolpropionate (MMPA) as an intermediate and the production of methanethiol from MMPA. The methylated osmolytes supported growth at salinities similar to those in Mono Lake, but, at higher salinities, catabolism was suppressed and GB and DMSP functioned as osmolytes. GB and DMSP probably originate from cyanobacteria and/or phytoplankton in Mono Lake and this report is the first indication of both the DMS and demethylation/methanethiol-producing pathways for DMSP degradation in a nonmarine environment.  相似文献   
This modelling study relates dimethylsulfide emission from a microbial mat to the flux of dimethylsulfoniopropionate that is exuded into the interstitial space of the mat by phototrophs. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate may be either cleaved or demethylated. Only cleavage results in the production of dimethylsulfide, which itself is further oxidized or escapes from the mat. The fate of dimethylsulfoniopropionate depends on the functional group composition of the mat, the physiological characteristics of these groups, and the eco-physiological conditions oxic/anoxic and light/dark, which both vary in a diel cycle. These three factors are accounted for in a mathematical model of a microbial mat typical of the Wadden Islands of The Netherlands and Germany. Model simulations quantify increased dimethylsulfide production under alkaline stress as well as additional dimethylsulfoniopropionate loads.  相似文献   
The osmoadaptation of most micro-organisms involves the accumulation of K(+) ions and one or more of a restricted range of low molecular mass organic solutes, collectively termed 'compatible solutes'. These solutes are accumulated to high intracellular concentrations, in order to balance the osmotic pressure of the growth medium and maintain cell turgor pressure, which provides the driving force for cell extension growth. In this review, I discuss the alternative roles which compatible solutes may also play as intracellular reserves of carbon, energy and nitrogen, and as more general stress metabolites involved in protection of cells against other environmental stresses including heat, desiccation and freezing. Thus, the evolutionary selection for the accumulation of a specific compatible solute may not depend solely upon its function during osmoadaptation, but also upon the secondary benefits its accumulation provides, such as increased tolerance of other environmental stresses prevalent in the organism's niche or even anti-herbivory or dispersal functions in the case of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). In the second part of the review, I discuss the ecological consequences of the release of compatible solutes to the environment, where they can provide sources of compatible solutes, carbon, nitrogen and energy for other members of the micro-flora. Finally, at the global scale the metabolism of specific compatible solutes (betaines and DMSP) in brackish water, marine and hypersaline environments may influence global climate, due to the production of the trace gases, methane and dimethylsulfide (DMS) and in the case of DMS, also couple the marine and terrestrial sulfur cycles.  相似文献   
温度和盐度对球形棕囊藻细胞DMSP产量的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
球形棕囊藻汕头株(Shantou strain,ST)和香港株(Hongkong,HK)是DMSP与DMS的高产株,在20℃、40盐度的培养条件下,二者DMSP产量分别达到161.3 437.60nmol/106cells.细胞内DMSP的积累与释放到细胞外DMS量受盐度、温度等环境因子的影响:在高盐低温条件下,单位藻细胞的DMSP与DMS产量较高.香港株DMSP/DMS的积累和释放与生长时期有关,稳定期细胞内的DMSP含量高达3898.3nmol/106cells,是指数期的12.3倍.    相似文献   
A simple, derivatization free method for the direct determination of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC)/mass spectrometry is introduced. DMSP is a zwitterionic osmolyte which is produced from marine plankton, macro algae and higher plants. Due to its central role in climate relevant geochemical processes as well as in plant physiology and chemical ecology there is a great interest in methods for its quantification. Since DMSP is labile and difficult to extract currently most protocols for quantification are based on indirect methods. Here we show that ultra performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry using a HILIC stationary phase is suitable for the direct quantification of DMSP from aqueous samples and microalgal extracts. The protocol requires minimal sample preparation and phytoplankton samples can be investigated after filtration of small volumes. The limit of detection is 20nM and the calibration curve is linear in the range of 60nM to 50μM. The use of [(2)H(6)]-DMSP as internal standard allows prolonged sample storage since it is transformed with the same kinetics as natural DMSP. This makes the method suitable for both laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   
A bacterium which cleaves dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) to form dimethylsulfide (DMS) was isolated from surface Sargasso Sea water by a DMSP enrichment technique. The isolate, here designated LFR, is a Gram-negative, obligately aerobic, rod-shaped, carotenoid-containing bacterium with a DNA G+C content of 70%. Sequencing and comparison of its 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) with that of known eubacteria revealed highest similarity (91% unrestricted sequence similarity) to Roseobacter denitrificans (formerly Erythrobacter species strain OCh114), an aerobic, bacteriochlorophyll-containing marine representative of the -Proteobacteria. However, physiological differences between the two bacteria, and the current lack of other characterized close relatives, preclude assignment of strain LFR to the Roseobacter genus. Screening of fifteen characterized marine bacteria revealed only one, Pseudomonas doudoroffii, capable of degrading DMSP to DMS. Strain LFR is deposited with the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 51258) and 16S rRNA sequence data are available under GenBank accession number 15345.Contribution no. 8337 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  相似文献   
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