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Dihydroorotase (DHOase) is the third enzyme in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway and is a potential new antibacterial drug target. No target-based high-throughput screening (HTS) assay for this enzyme has been reported to date. Here, we optimized two colorimetric-based enzymatic assays that detect the ureido moiety of the DHOase substrate, carbamyl-aspartate (Ca-asp). Each assay was developed in a 40-μl assay volume using 384-well plates with a different color mix, diacetylmonoxime (DAMO)–thiosemicarbazide (TSC) or DAMO–antipyrine. The sensitivity and color interference of both color mixes were compared in the presence of common HTS buffer additives, including dimethyl sulfoxide, reducing agents, detergents, and bovine serum albumin. DAMO–TSC (Z′-factors 0.7–0.8) was determined to be superior to DAMO–antipyrine (Z′-factors 0.5–0.6) with significantly less variability within replicates. An HTS pilot screening with 29,552 compounds from four structurally diverse libraries confirmed the quality of our newly optimized colorimetric assay with DAMO–TSC. This robust method has no heating requirement, which was the main obstacle to applying previous assays to HTS. More important, this well-optimized HTS assay for DHOase, the first of its kind, should make it possible to screen large-scale compound libraries to develop new inhibitors against any enzymes that produce ureido functional groups.  相似文献   
Four new compounds have been synthesized as potential inhibitors of dihydroorotase from Escherichia coli. NMR spectroscopy was used to show that 4,6-dioxo-piperidine-2(S)-carboxylic acid (3), exists in solution as a mixture of the hydrate (7), enol (8), and enolate (9) tautomeric forms. This compound was found to be a competitive inhibitor versus dihydroorotate and thio-dihydroorotate at pH values of 7-9. The K(i) of 76 microM was lowest at pH7.0 where the ketone and hydrate forms of the inhibitor 3 predominate in solution. Compound 3 was reduced to the two diastereomeric 4-hydroxy derivatives (4 and 5) and then dehydrated to yield the alkene derivative, 1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-6-oxopyridine-2(S)-carboxylic acid (6). Compounds 4-6 were competitive inhibitors versus thio-dihydroorotate at pH 8.0 with K(i) values of 3.0, 1.6, and 2.3 mM. Dihydroorotase was unable to dehydrate the 4-hydroxy derivative 4 or 5 to the alkene 6 or catalyze the reverse reaction.  相似文献   
Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of human malaria, is totally dependent on de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. A gene encoding P. falciparum dihydroorotase (pfDHOase) was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli as monofunctional enzyme. PfDHOase revealed a molecular mass of 42 kDa. In gel filtration chromatography, the major enzyme activity eluted at 40 kDa, indicating that it functions in a monomeric form. This was similarly observed using the native enzyme purified from P. falciparum. Interestingly, kinetic parameters of the enzyme and inhibitory effect by orotate and its 5-substituted derivatives parallel that found in mammalian type I DHOase. Thus, the malarial enzyme shares characteristics of both type I and type II DHOases. This study provides the monofunctional property of the parasite DHOase lending further insights into its differences from the human enzyme which forms part of a multifunctional protein.  相似文献   
Dihydroorotase was purified to homogeneity fromPseudomonas putida. The relative molecular mass of the native enzyme was 82 kDa and the enzyme consisted of two identical subunits with a relative molecular mass of 41 kDa. The enzyme only hydrolyzed dihydro-l-orotate and its methyl ester, and the reactions were reversible. The apparentK m andV max values for dihydro-l-orotate hydrolysis (at pH 7.4) were 0.081 mM and 18 μmol min−1 mg−1, respectively; and those forN-carbamoyl-dl-aspartate (at pH 6.0) were 2.2 mM and 68 μmol min−1 mg−1, respectively. The enzyme was inhibited by metal ion chelators and activated by Zn2+. However, excessive Zn2+ was inhibitory. The enzyme was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents, and competitively inhibited byN-carbamoylamino acids such asN-carbamoylglycine, with aK i value of 2.7 mM. The enzyme was also inhibited noncompetitively by pyrimidine-metabolism intermediates such as dihydrouracil and orotate, with aK i value of 3.4 and 0.75 mM, respectively, suggesting that the enzyme activity is regulated by pyrimidine-metabolism intermediates and that dihydroorotase plays a role in the control of pyrimidine biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Dihydroorotase (DHOase) is the third enzyme in the de novo pyrimidine synthesis pathway and is responsible for the reversible cyclization of carbamyl-aspartate (Ca-asp) to dihydroorotate (DHO). DHOase is further divided into two classes based on several structural characteristics, one of which is the length of the flexible catalytic loop that interacts with the substrate, Ca-asp, regulating the enzyme activity. Here, we present the crystal structure of Class I Bacillus anthracis DHOase with Ca-asp in the active site, which shows the peptide backbone of glycine in the shorter loop forming the necessary hydrogen bonds with the substrate, in place of the two threonines found in Class II DHOases. Despite the differences in the catalytic loop, the structure confirms that the key interactions between the substrate and active site residues are similar between Class I and Class II DHOase enzymes, which we further validated by mutagenesis studies. B. anthracis DHOase is also a potential antibacterial drug target. In order to identify prospective inhibitors, we performed high-throughput screening against several libraries using a colorimetric enzymatic assay and an orthogonal fluorescence thermal binding assay. Surface plasmon resonance was used for determining binding affinity (KD) and competition analysis with Ca-asp. Our results highlight that the primary difference between Class I and Class II DHOase is the catalytic loop. We also identify several compounds that can potentially be further optimized as potential B. anthracis inhibitors.  相似文献   
Carbamoylphosphate is a common intermediate in the metabolic pathways leading to the biosynthesis of arginine and pyrimidines. The amino acid sequences of all available proteins that catalyze the formation of carbamoylphosphate were retrieved from Genbank and aligned to estimate their mutual phylogenetic relations. In gram-negative bacteria carbamoylphosphate is synthesized by a two-subunit enzyme with glutamiriase and carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) activity, respectively. In gram-positive bacteria and lower eukaryotes this two-subunit CPS has become dedicated to arginine biosynthesis, while in higher eukaryotes the two subunits fused and subsequently lost the glutaminase activity. The CPS dedicated to pyrimidine synthesis is part of a multifunctional enzyme (CPS II), encoding in addition dihydroorotase and aspartate transcarbamoylase. Evidence is presented to strengthen the hypothesis that the two kinas subdomains of all CPS isozymes arose from a duplication of an ancestral gene in the progenote. A further duplication of the entire CPS gene occurred after the divergence of the plants and before the divergence of the fungi from the eukaryotec root, generating the two isoenzymes involved in either the synthesis of arginine or that of pyrimidines. The mutation rate was found to be five- to tenfold higher after the duplication than before, probably reflecting optimization of the enzymes for their newly acquired specialized function. We hypothesize that this duplication arose from a need for metabolic channeling for pyrimidine biosynthesis as it was accompanied by the tagging of the CPS gene with the genes for dihydroorotase and aspartate transcarbamoylase, and as the duplication occurred independently also in gram-positive bacteria. Analysis of the exon-intron organization of the two kinase subdomains in CPS I and II suggests that ancient exons may have comprised approx. 19 amino acids, in accordance with the prediction of the intron-early theory. Correspondence to: M.J.B. van den Hoff  相似文献   
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