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Five-day-old etiolated barley shoots respond to brief illumination with red light by increasing their level of PAL ca 50% within 5 hr. When assayed s  相似文献   
A method for the isolation and concentration of the monoglutamate forms of folate cofactors from tissues and for their subsequent separation and quantitation using HPLC coupled with uv detection at 284 nm is described. A chromatographic procedure utilizing Dowex 50 has been developed for the separation of the folate monoglutamates from a large portion of the nonfolate-related material following digestion of the polyglutamated froms with a highly purified preparation of rat liver conjugase. This chromatographic procedure combined with concentration of the Dowex eluate by lyophilization eliminates uv-absorbing material, which interferes with the detection and quantitation of the folate cofactors and makes possible uv measurement of the individual folates. Reverse-phase paired-ion chromatography on μBondapak C18 coupled with uv detection allows direct quantitation of the folates in the nanogram range.  相似文献   
The antimicrobial efficacy of zinc (Zn) salts (sulfate and acetate) against Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) present in the oral cavity was tested in this study. The substantivity of Zn salts was assessed by determining the concentration of Zn in whole, unstimulated saliva and by measuring the magnitude of suppression of salivary S. mutans, 2h after rinsing. The concentration of Zn was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with electrothermal atomization (ET AAS) in saliva sampled before (basal) and 24h after mouth rinsing with different concentrations of Zn (0.1%, 0.5% and 1%) administrated as sulfate and acetate. The estimation of Zn levels in samples collected 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after rinsing was carried out by AAS with flame atomization (FAAS). Immediately after rinsing, the concentration of Zn in saliva sharply increased with respect to the baseline values (0.055+/-0.017 mg/L), followed by a sustained decrease, probably due to clearance of salivary flow or swallowing during sampling. A significant reduction (>87%) in the total mean S. mutans counts was found 2h after rinsing either with sulfate or acetate solutions, as evidence of the high substantivity and effectiveness of the Zn salts tested. A statistically significant inverse relationship (p<0.001 and the Pearson correlation coefficients between -34% and -50%) was found between Zn levels and the respective pH values measured in the samples collected 60 and 120 min after rinsing, sustaining the theory of bacterial glycolysis inhibition.  相似文献   
Summary Studies on levels of lead and cadmium of Indian flue-cured tobacco indicated that the leaf contained very low amounts of these heavy metals as compared to tobacco from other countries. Indian tobacco can therefore be adjudged as ‘safe and clean’ and least hazardous to the smoker. Of the two heavy metals, lead content of soils is higher than cadmium. But in the leaf, cadmium content is more than lead indicating that soil cadmium may be more available to tobacco and hence more readily absorbed by the plant than lead.  相似文献   
Summary The localisation of GABA immunoreactive neurones in retinas of a variety of animals was examined. Immunoreactivity was associated with specific populations of amacrine neurones in all species examined, viz. rat, rabbit, goldfish, frog, pigeon and guinea-pig. All species, with the exception of the frog, possessed immunoreactive perikarya in their retinal ganglion cell layers. These perikarya are probably displaced amacrine cells because GABA immunoreactivity was absent from the optic nerves and destruction of the rat optic nerve did not result in degeneration of these cells. GABA immunoreactivity was also associated with the outer plexiform layers of all the retinas studied; these processes are derived from GABA-positive horizontal cells in rat, rabbit, frog, pigeon and goldfish retinas, from bipolar-like cells in the frog, and probably from interplexiform cells in the guinea-pig retina.The development of GABA-positive neurones in the rabbit retina was also analysed. Immunoreactivity was clearly associated with subpopulations of amacrine and horizontal cells on the second postnatal day. The immunoreactivity at this stage is strong, and fairly well developed processes are apparent. The intensity of the immunoreactivity increases with development in the case of the amacrine cells. The immunoreactive neurones appear fully developed at about the 8th postnatal day, although the immunoreactivity in the inner plexiform layer becomes more dispersed as development proceeds. The immunoreactive horizontal cells become less apparent as development proceeds, but they can still be seen in the adult retina.The GABA immunoreactive cells in rabbit retinas can be maintained in culture. Cultures of retinal cells derived from 2-day-old animals can be maintained for up to 20 days and show the presence of GABA-positive cells at all stages. In one-day-old cultures the GABA immunoreactive cells lacked processes but within three days had clearly defined processes. After maintenance for 10 days a meshwork of GABA-positive fibres could also be seen in the cultures.  相似文献   
Population dynamics of microfilarial production and eosinophilic levels in slow lorises infected with Breinlia sergenti, Petter (Filarioidea: Dipetalonematidae). International Journal for Parsitology 4: 383388. Observations have been made on microfilarial and eosinophilic levels in slow lorises infected with Breinlia sergenti. Animals given a single inoculation of 100-150 infective larvae exhibited three different patterns of microfilaraemia while superinfected animals showed enhanced microfilarial levels. It appeared that the number of inoculations as well as the interval between inocula are important factors in enhancing microfilarial levels. Two different types of incubation periods were seen, one at 100-120 days and the other at 200 days. The eosinophilic levels were investigated in some of the animals and an attempt was made to correlate these levels with the microfilaraemia. Cortisone injection appeared to promote a vigorous eosinophilia in some of the infected animals tested.  相似文献   
本文研究了人胃低分化粘液性腺癌细胞MGC 80-3不同周期时相中ConA受体的分布与侧向运动。MGc 80-3细胞经同步化培养,用F-ConA标记。被标记细胞中G_1、S和G_2期呈不连续的分布,但它们之间又存在显著的差异。M期呈较均匀的强荧光分布(与其它时相细胞比较)。荧光漂白恢复方法测定ConA受体复合物侧向运动表明:各个周期时相之间不仅运动方式不同,而且运动速率也有显著差异。M期与G_1期主要表现出扩散型运动;而S期与G_2期表现为流动型运动。G_1期的扩散系数大干M期的;S期的流动速率大于G_2期的。但可动分子百分比以G_2期最高。这些结果表明了ConA受体的动力学性质。它受到细胞周期的调节。  相似文献   
Vanadium was determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) with proven accuracy in urine of workers occupationally exposed to vanadium-rich dust in a vanadium pentoxide production plant, and values in the range of 3.02–762 ng/mL (median 33.0 ng/mL) were found. In a control group consisting of administrative workers of the plant, urinary vanadium levels were found in the range of 1.05–53.4 ng/mL (median 2.53 ng/mL), whereas in an another control group of occupationally nonexposed persons, these values amounted to 0.066–0.489 ng/mL (median 0.212 ng/mL). Accuracy of the results was tested by analysis of reference material IAEA A-13 Animal Blood and NIST SRM-1515 Apple Leaves, and very good agreement was found with literature and the NIST certified values, respectively. Unlike urine, no significant differences were found for cystine levels in fingernails and hair of exposed and control persons.  相似文献   
This report shows that one of the most important roles of the flower nectar of an autogamous perennialRorippa indica (L.) Hieron is as an attractant for employing some ant species as a defense against herbivorous insects. The plant has flowers from spring to early winter. Its flower nectar is frequently stolen by some ant species (hereafter cited as ants) which also feed on small herbivorous insects on the plant. Internations among the tritrophic levels (R. indica, herbivores, ants) were experimentally examined and the followings became clear. (1) Ants were attracted toR. indica in search of its flower nectar. (2) The gradual secretion of flower nectar seemed to detain ants on the plant. (3)Pieris butterfly lavae were the major herbivores onR. indica and were potentially harmful to the plant. (4) The presence of ants reduced the survival rate ofP. rapae larvae onR. indica. (5) The presence of ants reduced the feeding damage toR. indica. (6) The disadvantage of nectar use by ants seemed to be minimal for the plant since the ants did not disturb the other flower visitors. These facts suggest a mutualistic relationship betweenR. indica and ants. That is, the flower nectar serves as an indirect defense against herbivorous insects.  相似文献   
Summary Post-mitotic epidermal cells of barley leaves were found to contain, in addition to cortical microtubules (CMTs), distinct arrays of endoplasmic microtubules (EMTs). These encircle nuclei and continuously merge into the CMT arrays that underly the plasmalemma. Detailed three-dimensional reconstruction of both types of MTs during fungal infection showed that profound and very rapid MT rearrangements occurred especially in the case of incompatible (resistant) barley-powdery mildew genotype combination. The most early MT responses, followed by their subsequent complete disintegration, were recorded around nuclei. These events might be relevant for the induction of such nuclear processes as onset of DNA synthesis and nuclear chromatin condensation. Observed pattern of early infection events, as well as less prominent responses in the case of compatible (susceptible) barley-powdery mildew genotype combination, both findings suggest that rapid reorganization of the MT cytoskeleton could be involved in recognition of the fungus by host cells and in the initiation of resistance responses in barley leaves. We hypothesize that the integrity and dynamics of the MT cytoskeleton, especially of its perinuclear part, might participate in control mechanisms involved in activation of resistance genes.Abbreviations CMTs cortical microtubules - EMTs endoplasmic microtubules - MT microtubules - PI propidium iodide - SC sensitive combination - RC resistant combination  相似文献   
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