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Nutrition plays a key role in many aspects of health and dietary imbalances are major determinants of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Adequate nutrition is particularly essential during critical periods in early life (both pre- and postnatal). In this regard, there is extensive epidemiologic and experimental data showing that early sub-optimal nutrition can have health consequences several decades later.  相似文献   
The ad libitum ingestion of casein diets varying in protein content altered serum and retinal levels of tyrosine. The serum tyrosine level rose when protein ingestion was increased from 6 to 24% casein. In rats consuming high-protein diets (40% casein), no further increase in serum tyrosine level occurred, although the levels of other large neutral amino acids, which compete with tyrosine for retinal uptake, continued to rise. The activity of the liver enzyme tyrosine aminotransferase varied directly with the percentage of protein in the diet and may partially explain the failure of chronic high-protein feeding to increase serum tyrosine levels. The retinal tyrosine concentration was significantly correlated with the serum tyrosine level and with the serum tyrosine ratio at all levels of protein intake. Retinal 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine synthesis and dopamine (DA) level varied in parallel with the level of the precursor, tyrosine. Addition of pure L-tyrosine (1, 2, or 4%) to normal protein diets resulted in a stepwise increase in serum and retinal tyrosine levels and retinal DA turnover. Alterations of retinal tyrosine level as a result of change in amount of dietary protein or by its addition to the normal diet can influence retinal DA synthesis and release.  相似文献   
In a controlled animal experiment the effects of dietary subacute Zn deficiency on growth, Zn concentration, and tissue 42-K distribution were studied. Growth retardation caused lower body weight because both skeletal and heart muscle showed a reduction in cell mass. Zn concentrations were reduced in most tissues, however, they remained unaltered in heart muscle. 42-K activity increased in skeletal muscle and pancreas. We hypothesize the latter reflects the organs rate of metabolism, inducing the exocrine pancreas to increase Zn absorption; in skeletal muscle it may induce also alterations in cell potentiation, causing restless behavior. As suggested by the calculated specific K activity (Bq/mol), the K uptake was highest in liver and bone, high in pancreas and skeletal muscle and low in heart muscle. The latter suggests K retention in heart muscle. Specific activity in plasma and jejunum remained unaltered: K status and absorption seem unaffected. Zn deficiency causes different 42-K activities in the various tissues, that respond by alterations in K metabolism without the induction of K deficiency.  相似文献   
A quick, simple, and reliable method for the extraction of DNA from grapevine species, hybrids, andAmpelopsis brevipedunculata (Vitaceae) has been developed. This method, based on that of Doyle and Doyle (1990), is a CTBA-based extraction procedure modified by the use of NaCl to remove polysaccharides and PVP to eliminate polyphenols during DNA purification. The method has also been used successfully for extraction of total DNA from other fruit species such as apple (Malus domestica), apricot (Prunus armeniaca), cherry (Prunus avium), peach (Prunus persica), plum (Prunus domestica), and raspberry (Rubus idaeus). DNA yield from this procedure is high (up to 1 mg/g of leaf tissue). DNA is completely digestible with restriction endonucleases and amplifiable in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), indicating freedom from common contaminating compounds.  相似文献   
The anti- and pro-oxidative effects of phenolic compounds and antioxidants were studied in two different in vitro model systems utilizing ethyl linoleate and 2′-deoxyguanosine (2′-dG) as oxidative substrates, and a Fenton reaction (H2O2, Fe2+) to initiate oxidation. Oxidation of the biomolecules in both model systems exhibited dose dependency. In the 2′-dG assay, oxidation was closely related to H2O2 generation, which occurred during autoxidation of the phenolics. Hydroxylating activity was greatly enhanced by Mn2+ and Cu2+, but not by Zn2+ or Co2+. Ethyl linoleate peroxidation was inhibited by low concentrations of catechol, quercitin, and instant coffee. However, peroxidation was promoted by high concentrations of the same compounds, probably by recycling of chelated inactive Fe3+ to the active Fe2+ state.  相似文献   
Metabolic changes during rooting in stem cuttings of five mangrove species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Vegetative propagation through rooting in stem cuttings in five tree mangroves namely Bruguiera parviflora, Cynometra iripa, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomes, and Thespesia populnea using IAA, IBA and NAA was reported. Spectacular increase in the root number was noted in the cuttings of H. fomes and C. iripa treated together with IBA (5000 ppm) and NAA (2500 ppm). The highest number of roots was obtained with IBA (2500 ppm) and NAA (500 ppm) in E. agallocha. B. parviflora and T. populnea responded better to IAA and IBA treatment. The species specific variation in the rooting response to exogenous application of auxins was reflected in the metabolic changes during initiation and development of roots in cuttings. Biochemical analysis showed increase of reducing sugar in the above-girdled tissues at initiation as well as subsequent development of roots which was further enhanced by the use of auxins. Decreases in the total sugar, total carbohydrate and polyphenols and increase in total nitrogen were recorded in the girdled tissues and the high C/N ratio at the initial stage helped in initiation of roots in all the species. Interaction of IBA and NAA promoted starch hydrolysis better than IAA and IBA during root development and subsequently reduced the C/N ratio and increased the protein-nitrogen activity during root development which suggest the auxin influenced mobilization of nitrogen to the rooting zone.Abbreviations IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - IBA Indole-butyric acid - NAA A-naphthalene acetic acid  相似文献   
Determination of the levels of particular trace elements preserved in bone provides a potential pathway for reconstructing the diet of extinct primate species and archaic human groups. Strontium is one of the most useful trace elements for dietary reconstruction but several empirical properties of strontium must be considered during the interpretation of results. (1) Strontium is distributed unevenly throughout the physical environment. (2) Plants, in general, do not discriminate against strontium. (3) During ionic transfer across biological membranes, strontium is discriminated against by terrestrial vertebrates. (4) It is unlikely that strontium would be selectively removed from bone mineral during diagenesis. A particular difficulty in trace element analysis is caused by interaction between analytical technique and sample matrix. To assess this problem the skeletal population from Chalcatzingo was analyzed by two techniques: atomic absorption spectrometry and neutron activation analysis. The results from the two techniques compared favorably indicating that the pattern of bone strontium levels could be accepted as an accurate reflection of the distribution of bone strontium within the population. After demonstrating the internal accuracy of the results, the bone strontium level and position of social rank within Chalcatzingo were compared. Ethnographic and archaeological evidence on chiefdoms and states indicate that dietary differences in the amount of meat consumed occur between social ranks. The relative social ranks were reconstructed by using a "pattern analysis" of the burial goods accompanying each individual. The individuals accompanied by jade had the lowest mean bone strontium level (X = 532). Those individuals buried with a shallow dish had a slightly higher level (X = 635). A third group, which had no grave goods, had the highest mean bone strontium level (X = 700) which suggests that their diet contained less meat than was available to the rest of the community.  相似文献   
Chromatography of soluble polyphenols of p-fluorophenylalanine-sensitive and -resistant tobacco cells revealed that the 10-fold increased level found in the resistant line was largely due to the accumulation of two unidentified polyphenols. The uptake of Phe-[U-14C] and Tyr-[U-14C] by the resistant line was ca 10 % that by the sensitive line. About 90 % of the phenylalanine-[14C] which was taken up by both cell lines could be accounted for as free phenylalanine in protein, soluble polyphenols or CO2. The fate of Tyr-[14C] was similar to that of phenylalanine except that the incorporation was into insoluble polymeric forms of polyphenols rather than into soluble polyphenols. The resistant line incorporated 9-times more phenylalanine-[14C] into soluble polyphenols than did the sensitive line. The different 14C-aromatic amino acid accumulation and incorporation patterns noted with the two cell lines indicates that there are different active pools. Differential uptake rates by the two cell lines might affect the distribution of the absorbed amino acid among the different pools.  相似文献   
From an acetylated fraction of Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt were isolated: phloroglucinol tri-acetate; diphlorethol pentaacetate (2,4,6,3′,5′-pentaacetoxydiphenyl ether), bifuhalol hexaacetate (2,4,6,3′,4′,5′-hexaacetoxydiphenyl ether), trifuhalol A octaacetate (2,6-diacetoxy-1-(3,4,5-triacetoxyphenoxy)-4-(2,4,6-triacetoxy- phenoxy)-benzene), and the new trifuhalol B octaacetate(3,5-diacetoxy -1-(2,4,6-triacetoxyphenoxy)-2-(3,4,5- triacetoxyphenoxy)-benzene).  相似文献   
Green manures from seven tropical leguminous trees were incubated with soil to determine the rates and controls of net nitrogen release. Fresh green manure (leaves and succulent twigs) was mixed with moist soil and incubated in polyethylene bags. Net N mineralization from green manures was estimated by the accumulation of extractable ammonium and nitrate minus the accumulation in soil alone. Patterns of N mineralization were complex, differed among species, and at 12 weeks ranged from 10 to 65 percent of original green-manure N. Cumulative net N mineralization was negatively correlated with initial soluble polyphenol content in the early phases of decomposition (1 through 8 weeks) and with initial lignin content in later phases (4 through 12 weeks). Neither initial percent N nor lignin: N ratio were strongly correlated with N mineralization. The best chemical index of N release was the initial polyphenol: N ratio. This study confirms previous findings that N mineralization from tropical legumes is controlled more by soluble polyphenols than by lignin or N content.  相似文献   
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