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魔芋软腐病菌分子鉴定与遗传多样性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对分离的魔芋软腐病菌株和其它参试菌株的致病性测定、选择性培养基培养性状观察和16S-23S rDNA转录间隔区PCR(ITS-PCR)分析,将测试的33株软腐病菌株主要分为3个组群。第1组群为胡萝卜软腐欧文氏杆菌胡萝卜软腐亚种(Erwinia carotovorasubsp.carotovora,E.c.c.);第2组群为菊欧文氏杆菌(Erwinia chrysanthemi,E.ch.);还有一组未能确定的菌株。利用细菌基因组重复序列通用引物BOX和J3进行Rep-PCR特异性扩增,引起软腐病的菌株E.c.c.和E.ch.(ITS-PCR鉴定)种内的Rep-PCR指纹存在明显的遗传分化,经聚类分析,在0.1水平上把E.c.c.13株区分为5个类群。  相似文献   
Plants interact with a wide variety of pathogenic organisms by virtue of their sessile lifestyle. The Pantoea agglomerans and Erwinia chrysanthemi are major plant pathogen amongst them. They are known to cause significant losses in many crop plants. In the present study, bacteria isolated from infected Cajanus cajan and Arachis hypogaea seed are identified by 16S rDNA sequencing as P. agglomerans and E. chrysanthemi, respectively. In vitro antimicrobial properties of 100 essential oils (EOs) were evaluated against P. agglomerans and E. chrysanthemi. The chemical composition of most active EOs was investigated by gas chromatography–mass spectral analysis. The potential properties of these EOs as ecofriendly and economical biocontrol in agriculture is discussed.  相似文献   
Bacterial L-asparaginases catalyzing hydrolysis of L-asparagine to L-aspartate and ammonia, are used in medical practice for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The long-term therapy with these preparations is accompanied by a number of side effects, which are attributed to glutaminase activity of L-asparaginase. Substrate specificity and activity of L-asparaginases are directly associated with the oligomerization process of this enzyme, which is active only as the tetramer because its active sites are located in the contact areas between monomers. The present work is devoted to homology modeling of spatial structure of L-asparaginase from Erwinia carotovora, the comparative molecular-graphic analysis of subunit interfaces, and the development of a new experimental approach for studies of enzyme oligomerization. L-Asparaginase was immobilized on a surface of CM5 optical chip of biosensor Biacore 3000, which is based on the surface plasmon resonance technology. The dissociation process of enzyme tetrameric complexes up to monomers and subsequent oligomerization process have been registered.  相似文献   
A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for simultaneous, fast and reliable detection of the main soft rot and blackleg potato pathogens in Europe has been developed. It utilises three pairs of primers and enables detection of three groups of pectinolytic bacteria frequently found in potato, namely: Pectobacterium atrosepticum, Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum together with Pectobacterium wasabiae and Dickeya spp. in a multiplex PCR assay. In studies with axenic cultures of bacteria, the multiplex assay was specific as it gave positive results only with strains of the target species and negative results with 18 non‐target species of bacteria that can possibly coexist with pectinolytic bacteria in a potato ecosystem. The developed assay could detect as little as 0.01 ng µL–1 of Dickeya sp. genomic DNA, and down to 0.1 ng µL–1 of P. atrosepticum and P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum genomic DNA in vitro. In the presence of competitor genomic DNA, isolated from Pseudomonas fluorescens cells, the sensitivity of the multiplex PCR decreased tenfold for P. atrosepticum and Dickeya sp., while no change was observed for P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum and P. wasabiae. In spiked potato haulm and tuber samples, the threshold level for target bacteria was 101 cfu mL–1 plant extract (102 cfu g–1 plant tissue), 102 cfu mL–1 plant extract (103 cfu g–1 plant tissue), 103 cfu mL–1 plant extract (104 cfu g–1 plant tissue), for Dickeya spp., P. atrosepticum and P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum/P. wasabiae, respectively. Most of all, this assay allowed reliable detection and identification of soft rot and blackleg pathogens in naturally infected symptomatic and asymptomatic potato stem and progeny tuber samples collected from potato fields all over Poland.  相似文献   
能利用五碳糖和六碳糖生产乙醇的基因工程菌菌株的构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
燃料乙醇是一种极具前景的燃油代用品,近年来发展尤为迅速,为了推广这种能源和满足日益增长的需求,我们有必要开发更为高效的生产工艺和寻找更为廉价的原料。解决此问题的关键在于获得高效的工程菌,使其能利用木质纤维素水解液中的五碳糖和六碳糖发酵生产乙醇。通过代谢工程的研究和基因重组技术,几种重组细菌显示出良好的开发前景,它们是运动发酵单胞菌、大肠杆菌、产酸克雷伯氏菌和菊欧文氏菌。本文就这四种细菌的研究进展以及基因重组过程进行了介绍和评价。  相似文献   
Until recently Dickeya was regarded as a pathogen not established in Finland. As a result the blackleg symptom observed on potato was often associated with Pectobacterium atrosepticum. The occurrence of Dickeya spp. on potato in Finland was first reported in 2004. Since then the prevalence of Dickeya has been monitored through surveys and routine test of seed lots produced in the country. The results of monitoring of Dickeya spp. in seed lots produced in Finland between the years 2004 and 2008 indicated a steady increase in the incidence of Dickeya spp. The highest incidence was observed in samples from the 2006 growing season where about 37% were positive for Dickeya spp. The summer in 2006 was one of the warmest summers recorded in 100 years in Finland. The majority of infected lots were imported varieties. Since recently heavy blackleg outbreaks have occurred in production fields in the High Grade (HG) zone. A detailed study of these incidents of blackleg outbreaks in North Finland during the years 2008 and 2010 indicated that Dickeya spp. was the major component in the observed blackleg complex. It was detected and isolated from almost all symptomatic plants investigated. Repetitive sequences PCR (REP‐PCR) and Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis of strains isolated in Finland showed identical pattern with those isolated recently in other European countries with a proposed name ‘Dickeya solani’. Moreover, the dnaX gene sequence of the representative strains isolated in Finland indicated 100% similarity to the dnaX sequences of ‘D. solani’. The study presents the first report of a detailed analysis of bacteria involved in potato blackleg complex from natural field outbreaks in North Finland HG zone and characterisation of the ‘D. solani’ strains playing the major role in the disease complex.  相似文献   
Host cells respond to infection by generating nitric oxide (NO) as a cytotoxic weapon to facilitate killing of invading microbes. Bacterial flavohaemoglobins are well-known scavengers of NO and play a crucial role in protecting animal pathogens from nitrosative stress during infection. Erwinia chrysanthemi, which causes macerating diseases in a wide variety of plants, possesses a flavohaemoglobin (HmpX) whose function in plant pathogens has remained unclear. Here we show that HmpX consumes NO and prevents inhibition by NO of cell respiration, indicating a role in protection from nitrosative stress. Furthermore, infection of Saintpaulia ionantha plants with an HmpX-deficient mutant of E. chrysanthemi revealed that the lack of NO scavenging activity causes the accumulation of unusually high levels of NO in host tissue and triggers hypersensitive cell death. Introduction of the wild-type hmpX gene in an incompatible strain of Pseudomonas syringae had a dramatic effect on the hypersensitive cell death in soya bean cell suspensions, and markedly reduced the development of macroscopic symptoms in Arabidopsis thaliana plants. These observations indicate that HmpX not only protects against nitrosative stress but also attenuates host hypersensitive reaction during infection by intercepting NO produced by the plant for the execution of the hypersensitive cell death programme.  相似文献   
水稻基腐病细菌毒素的遗传特性和产毒相关的分子标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]水稻基腐病(Erwinia chrysanthemi pv.zeae)是水稻上重要的细菌病害之一,本论文对该病菌的毒素遗传特性和产毒相关的分子标记进行了研究.[方法]通过化学诱变方法,筛选基腐细菌去质粒的突变体Ech7-mu1;应用RAPD技术,筛选产毒素相关的分子标记.[结果]毒素活性测定结果表明,野生菌Ech7和去质粒菌株Ech7-mu1都能产生毒素.从260条随机引物中,筛选出引物K10,该引物能从不产生毒素的突变株Ech7-4中扩增出大小为2139bp的DNA特异片段,但不能扩增野生菌Ech7,将该片段克隆,测序分析,设计特异引物,在突变体Ech7-4中获得了与毒素产生相关的SCAR分子标记(标记符合率为100%).该基因片段有5个ORFs,其中2个ORFs分别编码NADH-黄素还原酶和N-乙酰转移酶,另外2个不完整的ORFs编码的蛋白分别与Pseudomonas aerginosa(ZP00136947)和Yersinia Pestis(ZP01177873)的抗菌素代谢转运蛋白通透酶(DMT)具有66%和46%的同源率.[结论]水稻基腐细菌毒素的生物合成是由染色体基因编码,与质粒无关.不产生毒素的突变菌株基因突变的位点位于SCAR标记DNA的3'末端.  相似文献   
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