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δ-Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (porphobilinogen synthase; 5-aminolevulinate hydro-lyase, EC was purified from rat and rabbit erythrocytes to a homogeneous state. Specific activities were 26.0 and 26.6 units/mg protein for the rat and rabbit enzymes, respectively, and their estimated molecular weight was 280 000, each consisting of 8 subunits of Mr 35 000. In order to quantitate rat δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase at several stages of lead-poisoning, a radioimmunoassay technique using goat antiserum against the rat enzyme was developed for the first time. This technique was specific, reproducible and high sensitive allowing determination of 1 ng enzyme. When drinking water containing 25 mM lead acetate was given daily to rats ad lib. the δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in the blood, assayed without any pretreatment, decreased to 8% of the control level on the next day. On the contrary, the restored enzyme activity, assayed in the presence of Zn2+ and dithiothreitol, was greater than normal by the fourth day of lead administration in bone-marrow cells and by the ninth day in the peripheral blood. The increased activity level stayed the same from the ninth day onward. The enzyme content as determined directly by the radioimmunoassay technique at this stage was about 2-fold above that the control. There was no significant difference in the number of reticulocytes and the distribution profile of different types of reticulocytes between the lead-exposed and non-exposed rats. Therefore, the increase in the amount of δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase in erythrocytes of lead-poisoned rats was suggested to be due to an increased rate of synthesis in the bone-marrow cells.  相似文献   
Harmful cyanobacteria are a globally growing concern. They produce a large variety of toxic compounds, including saxitoxin and its many structural variants, a group of potent neurotoxins collectively called paralytic shellfish toxins or PST. Nucleic acid based detection methods, such as qPCR, have been proposed as potential screening and monitoring tools for toxic cyanobacteria, but it is not clear how well the presence and quantity of saxitoxin biosynthesis (sxt) genes can be used to predict the production of PST in the environment. In this study, the prevalence of three sxt genes and their co-occurrence with paralytic shellfish toxins in the environment was investigated. The sxtA, sxtG and sxtB genes were present on average in 31% of the samples collected from lakes and brackish coastal waters on Åland Islands, Finland, during the three-year monitoring period. PST detection frequency varied from 13% to 59% from year to year, and concentrations were generally low. On average higher sxtB copy numbers were associated with PST detection, and although a positive correlation between gene copy numbers and toxin concentrations was observed (Spearman rank correlation, ρ = 0.53, P = 0.012), sxt gene presence or quantity didn’t reliably predict PST production. Sequencing of sxtA fragments and identification of main cyanobacteria indicated that the likely candidate responsible for PST production in the samples belonged to the genus Anabaena.  相似文献   
A differential screening study using high-resolution (HR)-hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC)-electrospray ionization (ESI)–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-TOF MS) was conducted to identify saxitoxin (STX) analogues in the marine dinoflagellate toxic sub-clone Alexandrium tamarense Axat-2 and the non-toxic sub-clone UAT-014-009 derived from the same Japanese isolate. One unknown compound was identified only in the toxic sub-clone and was found to have the molecular formula C9H16N6O2. This structure differed from that of decarbamoyl STX (dcSTX; C9H16N6O3) by the loss of a single oxygen. A 12-deoxy-dcSTX standard (a mixture of 12α- and β-deoxy-dcSTX) was chemically prepared from dcSTX by reduction with sodium borohydride. The unknown compound in the toxic strain of A. tamarense was identified as 12β-deoxy-dcSTX by comparison of its HR-HILIC-LC–MS retention time and HR–MS/MS spectrum with those of the chemically prepared standard, and the identification was confirmed by high-sensitivity HPLC analysis with post-column fluorescent derivatization. Moreover, two Japanese isolates of A. catenella showing toxin profiles different from that of A. tamarense were also found to contain 12β-deoxy-dcSTX. Previously, 12β-deoxy-dcSTX was isolated from the freshwater cyanobacterium Lyngbya wollei, which produces a unique set of STX analogues. This study is the first evidence of the presence of 12β-deoxy-dcSTX in marine dinoflagellates.  相似文献   
A species of Prorocentrum (Dinophyta, Prorocentrales), isolated from a phytoplankton net sample from the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, has been brought into unialgal culture. The sample was collected at an aquaculture site immediately following an incident of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) due to the consumption of contaminated mussels. This clonal isolate has been identified as P. lima, based on its morphological characteristics. Analysis of the culture extract, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection, indicated the presence of the DSP toxins, okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX-1).  相似文献   
A 3-year bacteriological survey of an oyster-growing area in Morocco, where the Japanese oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is grown, showed that the contamination of this lagunar ecosystem was not continuous but intermittent and that animal manure and human recreational activities were important sources of pollution. The major source of contamination was of animal origin, except during the summer, when human contamination prevailed.  相似文献   
In a previous study large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) sequences from the marine dinoflagellates Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, A. catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech, A. fundyense Balech, A. affine (Fukuyo et Inoue) Balech, A. minutum Halim, A. lusitanicum Balech, and A. andersoni Balech were compared to assess inter- and intraspecific relationships. Many cultures compared in that study contained more than one class of LSU rDNA. Sequencing pooled clones of rDNA from single cultures revealed length heterogeneities and sequence ambiguities. This complicated sequence comparisons because multiple rDNA clones from a single culture had to be sequenced individually to document the different classes of molecules present in that culture. A further complication remained as to whether or not the observed intraculture sequence variations were reliable genetic markers or were instead artifacts of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, cloning, and/or sequencing methods employed. The goals of the present study were to test the accuracy of Alexandrium LSU rDNA sequences using restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and to devise RFLP-based assays for discriminating among representatives of that group. Computer-assisted examination of the sequences allowed us to identify a set of restriction enzymes that were predicted to reveal species, strain, and intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities. All groups identified by sequencing were revealed independently and repeatedly by RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified material. Five ambiguities and one length heterogeneity, each of which ascribes a unique group of Alexandrium species or strains, were confirmed by restriction digests. Observed intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities were not artifacts of cloning and sequencing but were instead a good representation of the spectrum of molecules amplified during PCR reactions. Intraculture LSU rDNA heterogeneities thus serve as unique genetic markers for particular strains of Alexandrium, particularly those of A. tamarense, A. catenella, and A. fundyense. However, some of these “signature heterogeneities” represented a smaller portion of PCR product than was expected given acquired sequences. Other deviations from predicted RFLP patterns included incomplete digestions and appearance of spurious products. These observations indicate that the diversity of sequences in PCR product pools were greater than that observed by cloning and sequencing. The RFLP tests described here are useful tools for characterizing Alexandrium LSU rDNA to define the evolutionary lineage of cultures and are applicable at a fraction of the time, cost, and labor required for sequencing.  相似文献   
Separate polyclonal antibodies have previously been developed against the domoic-acid-producingPseudonitzschia multiseries (=Pseudo-nitzschia pungens f.multiseries) and the non-toxicP. pungens (=P. pungens f.pungens). These antibodies bind to the surface of the diatoms as shown by immunofluorescence studies. Here we examine the molecular nature of the antigens by Western blotting (electro-immunoblotting) analysis. The major antigens for both polyclonal antibodies migrated as high molecular-weight diffuse bands, mostly remaining in the stacking gel, using an SDS-PAGE system. The antibodies prepared againstP. multiseries strongly labelled the high molecular-weight antigens of allP. multiseries strains tested and showed little reactivity towardsP. pungens extracts on Western blots.P. pungens antibodies strongly labelled high molecular-weightP. pungens antigens and faintly labelled a fewP. multiseries antigens. The selectivity of the antibodies for their respective species correlates with the results of the immunofluorescence experiments, suggesting that the antigens examined in this study are responsible for the selective labelling in immunofluorescence studies. The electrophoretic mobility and the antibody labelling of antigens were not altered by proteolytic digestion of cell pellets. However, disruption of carbohydrates in the pellets by treatment with periodic acid resulted in loss of the antigen. These data suggest that the major antigens of toxicP. multiseries and non-toxicP. pungens are high molecular-weight (°>100kDa) polysaccharides located on the surface of these diatoms.Author for correspondence  相似文献   
Mushroom poisonings caused by amatoxins are mostly lethal. Information about mycetisms caused by white species ofAmanita is scarce. The present paper describes a case of mushroom poisoning caused byA. virosa. A prolongated latency period (6–10 hours), followed by cholera-like, improvement and visceral complication phases confirmed the amatoxin poisoning. The consumption of about 3 pounds of the toadstool by seven persons caused the death of five. Two patients survive the ingestion.  相似文献   
The composition of paralytic shellfish toxins in the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Paulsen) Balech et Tangen grown in unialgal culture was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The toxin profile revealed that the low-potency sulfamate toxin B2 was dominant (90 molar % of total toxins), but small amounts of the weakly toxic 21-N-sulfocarbamoyl derivatives C1+2 and trace amounts of the carbamate toxins GTX2 and GTX3 were also present. The mammalian toxicity was confirmed by a modification of the conventional AOAC mouse bioassay (0.6–1.4 pg STXeq· cell-1). The acute toxicity to a potential predator, the tintinnid ciliate Favella ehrenbergi (Clap, et Lach.) Jörg., was also investigated. The ciliate was able to graze on A. ostenfeldii when the cell concentration of the dinoflagellate was low (<2000 cells · mL-1). At higher concentrations the ciliate was affected by exudates (presumably PSP toxins) that induced backward swimming followed by swelling and lysis of the cell. Fluorescence microscopy of calcofluor-stained cells was employed as an easy and rapid method to identify this and other thecate dinoflagellates.  相似文献   
磷缓解水鳖镉毒害的生理研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了Cd对水鳖生理生化过程的影响及Pi对Cd胁迫的缓解作用。结果显示,Cd能抑制水鳖的代谢和生长,使叶绿素含量与光合速率下降,呼吸速率与可溶性糖含量增加,POD活性增强;当加入0.6mmol/L Pi后,能相对减轻Cd造成的毒害,表现出Pi对Cd的拮抗和缓解作用。  相似文献   
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