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A large sample of skulls and associated dentitions of Cormohipparion sphenodus (Cope, 1889). new combination, is described from Miocene deposits of Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, and California. This species is morphologically more advanced than the most primitive species of the genus, C. goorisiMacFadden & Skinner, 1981, and more primitive than a third and more advanced species of this genus. C. occidentale (Leidy, 1856). In several characters such as configuration of the preobrital fossa, size, hypsodonty, shape of protocone, and complexity of enamel plication, C. sphenodus is morphologically similar, and potentially related to, some Old World Vallesian «Hipparion. In addition, based on radiometric calibration of stratigraphic sequences in Nebraska and California, C. sphenodus spans an interval of time from about 13.6 to 11 Ma. Inasmuch as the Old World «Hipparion Datum is calibrated at about 12 Ma, we conclude that C. sphenodus exhibits the morphological and chronological prerequisites to have been directly ancestral to some of these Old World forms.The hipparion horses apparently were a polyphyletic assemblage of several genera, and their biogeographic and biochronologic history is more complex than classically thought. Several dispersal events involving these horses may have occurred between the New and Old Worlds during the late Miocene.  相似文献   
Henri Cappetta 《Geobios》1981,14(5):563-575
Recent researches in the phosphat-bearing basins ofMorocco have allowed to collect new selachian forms. In this paper, three Ypresian genera from Ouled Abdoun basin, new for Morocco, are described: Heptranchias howellii (Reed, 1946), Alopias denticulatus nov. sp. and Odontorhytis pappenheimiBöhm, 1926. The re-discovery of the genus Odontorhytis allows to state precisely its morphological dental features and to affirm that it is well a selachian and not a teleostean, as it was thought. The stratigraphic distribution of some species is stated precisely.  相似文献   
The archaeopaleontological site of Dmanisi in Georgia, dated to ~1.8 Ma, provides evidence on the first hominin dispersal out of Africa, while the sites of Barranco León and Fuente Nueva-3 in Spain, dated to ~1.4 Ma, record the earliest hominin settlements in Europe. However, a number of issues related to the dispersal route, the climatic conditions and the ecological scenario of this dispersal event are subject to debate. In a recent paper in L’anthropologie, Agustí and Lordkipanidze (2019) proposed an alternative scenario for the arrival of hominins in the Caucasus, which they conceived as a forest refugium area during the Early Pleistocene, and discarded that their dispersal coincided with that of other members of the Ethiopian and Asian faunas, like the sabertooth Megantereon whitei or the giant hyena Pachycrocuta brevirostris. Our review of these issues suggests that: (i) the elongated sabers and reduced postcanine teeth of African M. whitei limited the ability of this predator to process the prey carcass, which resulted in scavengeable resources for the Dmanisi hominins; (ii) the mass estimate in excess of 100 kg obtained for the trochlear perimeter of the distal humerus of the hyena from Dmanisi shows that it can be confidently ascribed to the genus Pachycrocuta; (iii) the postcranial anatomy of the Dmanisi hominins was not advantageous for scavenging tree-stored prey; (iv) the laterally flattened upper canines of M. whitei could not withstand the loads that would result from climbing a prey carcass into a tree; (v) paleobotanical analyses suggest a temperate grassland ecosystem in Dmanisi, not dominant forest conditions, with enhanced aridity in the level of hominin occupation; (vi) similarly, the low frequency of arboreal pollen in the Levantine Corridor at ~1.8 Ma points to more arid conditions than today in this area; (vii) many archaeopaleontological sites of the Rift Valley and its extension towards the Red Sea, the Levant and the Caucasus show evidence of tectonic, volcanic and/or hydrothermal events; and (viii) the delay of 400 ka in the arrival of hominins in Western Europe did not result from a lower availability of scavengeable resources.  相似文献   
The neandertalian remains discovered in the Caverna delle Fate, Finale Ligure (Italy) gave up a majority of dental material: 10 isolated teeth and six teeth upon arcade or included in the adult mandible Fate 3 and in the child mandible 8–10 years old, Fate 2. Until now, this assemblage is the most numerous of neandertalian teeth excavated in Italy, with archeostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental accurate context. No decidual tooth, lost naturally, has been recognized. The dental material is well preserved, not much altered by wear. The morphometric data confirm the possibility of presence of a gracile neandertalian population living along the mediterranean septentrional European shore. These populations were present since the MIS 5.1, between 80,000 and 70,000 years. This gracility can be explained by the geographic impact and not by the evolutive stage.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigate outer and inner variations of upper second molars (UM2) for Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene modern humans, at a key-period in our evolutionary history associated with major sociocultural, economic and environmental changes. Non-metric traits have been recorded on 89 UM2 of 66 Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic individuals, and 40 UM2 have been microscanned to assess variations in enamel thickness (ET) distribution and enamel–dentine junction (EDJ) shape. Major changes are found between Mesolithic and Neolithic periods: a decrease of the metacone expression combined with an increase of the hypocone development; an increase of the heterogeneity of ET distribution between lingual and buccal cusps; and an increase of the development of the dentine horn tips corresponding to the hypocone and, to a lesser extent, to the metacone. These morphological modifications could be linked to the masticatory functional changes associated with the transition to agriculture.  相似文献   
Three murid specimens from the late Neogene ofChina are described, one as the new taxon Chardinomys, which is most closely related to Orientalomys. The Orientalomys-Chardinomys complex was widely distributed over the Palearctic region during the late Neogene. Cf. Rattus occurring with the Orientalomys-Chardinomys complex in China suggests South Asian influence in the eastern Palearctic during the late Neogene.  相似文献   
A new crocodylomorph tooth assemblage from the Lower Member of the Douiret Formation (uppermost Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous) in southeastern Tunisia is described. These teeth have been grouped into five morphotypes based on their diagnostic morphological features. The sample includes teeth, which have not been reported until now, such as non-Machimosaurini teleosauroid teeth, and labiolingually compressed tooth crowns with cutting edges devoid of serrations. Certain minor morphometric differences have been interpreted as ontogenetic or being possibly related to the position of the teeth in the jaws. Three trophic entities have subsequently been defined on the basis of the morphological characteristics of the teeth, and a possible niche partitioning between at least three crocodylomorph taxa is highlighted for the first time in the Tataouine Basin. On the other hand, the stratigraphic context of the Douiret Formation is thoroughly discussed in order to show how stratigraphic uncertainties could significantly impact previous attempts at reconstructing the macroevolutionary history of Crocodylomorpha. The latter should be treated with caution when the stratigraphic context of the fossil bearing formation remains a subject of debate.  相似文献   
New research lines by the author favours interpretation tracks and analytics investigation fields that were not considered in traditional paleoanthropology. New readings of biodynamic morphogenesis supported by digitised architectural analysis emphasize not only the dynamic of different cranio-facial kinetics but also the determination when this is possible from causes and effects. To say the approach which study is the analysis of deep structure of skull unveils in some sense the state of the structure whether it is normal, abnormal or pathologic. The study of relations between Afalou’s humans numerous cranio-facial anomalies and maxillo-mandibular dysmorphosis and malocclusions gives an account of the interest played by biodynamic morphogenesis and cranio-facial architecture in the morpho-functional interpretation of relations skull/face/tooth. In this context, the dental extraction of upper incisors, ritual which was operated not only adolescents but also on temporary dentition children, was in part responsible for the development first of an hypomaxillie then the inbalance of sphenoidal and occipital complexes. In addition to the mutilated nature of anterior dentitions, the study of about thirty skulls emphasized numerous craniofacial malformations showing different kind of asymetries (rotation lateral flexion, torsion, plagiocephaly).  相似文献   
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