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Four pigeons responded under a progressive-delay procedure. In a signaled-delay condition, a chained variable interval (VI) 30-s progressive time (PT) 4-s schedule was arranged; in an unsignaled-delay condition, a tandem VI 30-s PT 4-s schedule was arranged. Two pigeons experienced a signaled-unsignaled-signaled sequence; whereas, two pigeons experienced an unsignaled-signaled-unsignaled sequence. Effects of saline and d-amphetamine were determined under each condition. At intermediate doses (1.0 and 1.78 m/kg) delay functions were shallower, area under the curve was increased, and, when possible, break points were increased compared to saline; these effects were not systematically related to signaling conditions. These effects on control by delay often were accompanied by decreased response rates at 0 s. These results suggest that stimulus conditions associated with the delay may not play a crucial role in effects of d-amphetamine and other stimulants on behavior controlled by reinforcement delay.  相似文献   
In the use of age structured population models for agricultural applications such as the modeling of crop-pest interactions it is often essential that the model take into account the distribution in maturation rates present in some or all of the populations. The traditional method for incorporating distributed maturation rates into crop and pest models has been the so-called distributed delay method. In this paper we review the application of the distributed delay formalism to the McKendrick equation of an age structured population. We discuss the mathematical properties of the system of ordinary differential equations arising out of the distributed delay formalism. We then discuss an alternative method involving modification of the Leslie matrix.  相似文献   
Floral traits that increase self-fertilization are expected to spread unless countered by the effects of inbreeding depression, pollen discounting (reduced outcross pollen success by individuals with increased rates of self-fertilization), or both. Few studies have attempted to measure pollen discounting because to do so requires estimating the male outcrossing success of plants that differ in selfing rate. In natural populations of tristylous Eichhornia paniculata, selfing variants of the mid-styled morph are usually absent from populations containing all three style morphs but often predominate in nontrimorphic populations. We used experimental garden populations of genetically marked plants to investigate whether the effects of population morph structure on relative gamete transmission by unmodified (M) and selfing variants (M‘) of the mid-styled morph could explain their observed distribution. Transmission through ovules and self and outcross pollen by plants of the M and M’ morphs were compared under trimorphic, dimorphic (S morph absent), and monomorphic (L and S morphs absent) population structures. Neither population structure nor floral morphology affected female reproductive success, but both had strong effects on the relative transmission of male gametes. The frequency of self-fertilization in the M' morph was consistently higher than that of the M morph under all morph structures, and the frequency of self-fertilization by both morphs increased as morph diversity of experimental populations declined. In trimorphic populations, total transmission by the M and M' morphs did not differ. The small, nonsignificant increase in selfing by the M' relative to the M morph was balanced by decreased outcross siring success, particularly on the S morph. In populations lacking the S morph, male gamete transmission by the M' morph was approximately 1.5 times greater than that by the M morph because of both increased selfing and increased success through outcross pollen donation. Therefore, gamete transmission strongly favored the M' morph only in the absence of the S morph, a result consistent with the distribution of the M' morph in nature. This study indicates that floral traits that alter the selfing rate can have large and context-dependent influences on outcross pollen donation.  相似文献   
Throughout southeastern North America, the annual morning glory Ipomoea purpurea exhibits a polymorphism at a locus that influences the intensity of floral pigmentation. Previous studies have shown that when rare, the homozygous white genotype has a greater selfing rate than the homozygous dark genotype. In the absence of pollen discounting (a reduction in transmission of pollen to other plants by genotypes that exhibit increased selfing) and inbreeding depression, this increased selfing rate should favor the white allele. Experiments reported here confirm that the white genotype has elevated selfing rates when rare but indicate pollen discounting is not associated with elevated selfing. Rather, white genotypes contribute more pollen to the outcross pollen pool. The disparity between genotypes in both selfing rates and success at pollen contribution to other plants disappears at intermediate to high frequencies of the white allele. Pollinator movements are consistent with the pattern of selfing. These results suggest that elevated selfing and enhanced success at pollen donation contribute to maintenance of the white allele in natural populations of morning glories.  相似文献   
A model of the humoral immune response, proposed by Dibrov, Livshits and Volkenstein (1977b), in which the antibody production by a constant target cell population depends on the antigenic stimulation at earlier times, is considered from an analytic standpoint. A method of approximation based on a consideration of the asymptotic limit of large delay in the antibody response is shown to be applicable, and to give results similar to those obtained numerically by the above authors. The relevance of this type of approximation to other systems exhibiting outbreak phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   
Although the extensive lines of research on delay and/or probability discounting have greatly expanded our understanding of human decision-making processes, the relation between these two phenomena remains unclear. For example, some studies have reported robust associations between delay and probability discounting, whereas others have failed to demonstrate a consistent relation between the two. The current study sought to clarify this relation by examining the relation between delay and probability discounting in a large sample of internet users (n = 904) using the Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) crowdsourcing service. Because AMT is a novel data collection platform, the findings were validated through the replication of a number of previously established relations (e.g., relations between delay discounting and cigarette smoking status). A small but highly significant positive correlation between delay and probability discounting rates was obtained, and principal component analysis suggested that two (rather than one) components were preferable to account for the variance in both delay and probability discounting. Taken together, these findings suggest that delay and probability discounting may be related, but are not manifestations of a single construct (e.g., impulsivity).  相似文献   
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