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Summary The relationship between ichthyotoxicity and predation-related defensive functional morphology was examined in alcyonacean soft corals of the central and northern regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. Approximately 170 specimens were assessed encompassing a number of genera within three families: 1) the Alcyoniidae (Lobophytum, Sarcophytum, Sinularia, Cladiella, Parerythropodium, and Alcyonium); 2) Neptheidae (Lemnalia, Paralemnalia, Capnella, Lithophyton, Nephthea, Dendronephthya, Scleronephthya, and Stereonephthya), and 3) Xeniidae (Anthelia, Efflatounaria, Cespitularia, Heteroxenia, and Xenia). Ichthyotoxicity data were derived from earlier studies which used Gambusia affinis Baird and Girard (Vertebrata, Pisces) as a test organism. These data were compared to morphological data collected from specimens in the field and laboratory. Three sets of statistical analyses were performed, each considering a progressively narrower group of taxa. The first included 68 specimens and considered 16 morphological characters in each, falling into the general categories of gross colony form, colony texture, presence of mucus, colony color, polyp retractility, and sclerite morphology and distribution. These were tested for independence against ichthyotoxicity data. The second set of analyses involved a more restricted morphological data set derived from 28 species of Sinularia in combination with 28 species within the Nephtheidae, comparing them to their respective toxicity ranks. The third analysis considered the previous two taxonomic groups separately in relation to their toxicity levels.The attempt to consider many morphological characters in a taxonomically diverse collection did not reveal any general association in the Alcyonacea between defensive morphology and toxicity, and those associations which did emerge were clearly erroneous. The second analysis, considering only Sinularia spp. and nephtheids, demonstrated a negative association between ichthyotoxicity and the morphological characters of a) polypary armament, b) microarmament of the individual polyp, and c) strong mineralization of the coenenchyme. The third analysis revealed that the negative association found between toxicity and the first two characters was derived entirely from the nephtheids while the association detected between toxicity and the third character was restricted to Sinularia. It is concluded that a relationship between toxicity and morphology can be demonstrated, but it is heavily dependent upon which specific morphological characters are being considered and at what level of taxonomic resolution the analysis is being performed. An approach utilizing many characters over many taxa is unlikely to yield significant, reliable, or meaningful results.Australian Institute of Marine Science Contribution Number 383  相似文献   
Summary We demonstrate here the existence of a range of size-independent reproductive tactics in teleostean fish involving the allocation of a size-dependent reproductive effort between fecundity and egg size. Despite considerable evidence that larger eggs and the larvae hatching from them are more likely to survive than smaller ones, we found no evidence of evolutionary trends towards greater egg sizes. Fish with pelagic eggs tend to spawn many, and therefore small, eggs, whereas demersal spawners tend to produce large, and therefore few, eggs. Maximizing egg number should increase the number of eggs hatching in suitable locations in the patchy pelagic environment and, hence, increase the reproductive success of pelagic spawners. On the other hand, the reproductive success of demersal spawners, which reduce the variance in growing conditions experienced by the off spring, should be more dependent on the survival of the individual larvae, which increases as egg size increases.  相似文献   
Synopsis The behaviour of three piranha species,Serrasalmus marginatus, S. spilopleura, andPygocentrus nattereri, and their prey fishes was studied underwater in the Pantanal region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. General habits, predatory tactics, feeding behaviour, and social interactions while foraging, as well as defensive tactics of prey fishes were observed.S. marginatus is solitary whereas the other two species live in shoals; their agonistic behaviour varies accordingly, the simplest being displayed by the solitary species. Predatory tactics and feeding behaviour also vary:S. spilopleura shows the most varied diet and highly opportunistic feeding strategy, which includes aggressive mimicry. The solitaryS. marginatus, besides fin and scale-eating, occasionally cleans larger individuals ofP. nattereri. Several cichlid species display defensive tactics clearly related to piranha attacks: tail protecting, watching, and confronting the predator are the most commonly observed behaviours. Piranhas seem to strongly influence use of habitat, social structure, and foraging mode of the fish communities.  相似文献   
Summary We provide experimental evidence that predators are a major factor organizing a community of granivorous grassland birds (mostly emberizid finches). Our focus is not on the lethal effects of predators, but on the simple idea that (i) birds will not settle where they perceive a high risk of predation, and (ii) species differ in their perception of the safety of woody vegetative cover due to differences in antipredator escape behavior. Consistent with this idea is the fact that the composition of this grassland community responds markedly to minor manipulations in the distribution of woody cover. In particular, with the addition of cover to open grasslands, species with cover-dependent escape tactics increase in abundance, while the abundance of cover-independent species decreases greatly; this decrease may reflect aggression from cover-dependent species, but evidence suggests that some cover-independent species may actively avoid cover-rich areas per se. Non-predatory effects of cover, most notably those concerning food resources and microclimate, appear unable to explain these results. Predators may influence many communities of terrestrial vertebrates via species-specific responses to cover.  相似文献   
The population energetics of a temporary and a permanent pond population of Musculium partumeium in Southwest Ohio were studied. In the permanent pond (surface area = 396 m2, maximum depth = 0.7 m) the population was bivoltine and iteroparous whereas in the temporary pond (surface area = 1042 m2, maximum depth = 0.9 m) the population was usually univoltine and semelparous.Growth and biomass were assessed as total organic carbon and total nitrogen to provide estimates of productivity and seasonal changes in C:N for each generation. Productivity (non-respired assimilation = growth + reproduction; N-R.A. = G + R) was 6939 mgC·m–2·a–1 (3858 and 3353 mgC·m–2·a–1 for each generation) and 1661 mgC·m–2·a–1 for the permanent and temporary pond populations respectively. The average standing crop biomass (B) was 606.8 mgC·m–2 (357.5 and 249.3 mgC·m–2 for each generation) and 231.9 mgC·m–2 with overall productivity: biomass ratios of 11.4 and 7.2 for the permanent pond and temporary pond populations respectively.Respiration rates were converted to carbon equivalents (respired assimilation = R.A.) and used to evaluate the components of total assimilation (T.A. = R.A. + N-R.A.) and the efficiency of partitioning this energy to N-R.A. for G and R. When expressed as a percentage, the production efficiencies (100 × N-R.A.:T.A.) were 50.4 and 62%, and the reproductive efficiencies (100 × R:N-R.A.) were 26.4 and 18% for the permanent and temporary pond populations respectively. The reproductive efficiencies for populations of these viviparous clams are greater than those for most oviparous molluscs.The comparative information on the energetics of these populations does not completely fit any theoretical consideration of reproductive effort or life-history strategy. These data are discussed in relation to selection for population success in temporary ponds.Funded in part by grants to Albert J. Burky from the Ohio Biological Survey and the University of Dayton Research CouncilFunded in part by grants to Albert J. Burky from the Ohio Biological Survey and the University of Dayton Research Council  相似文献   
Synopsis This paper describes a study performed in the Gulf of Aqaba on food selectivity and hunting behaviour of three species of sympatric fish from the genusCephalopholis. These fishes occur in the shallow-water coral habitats of the Red Sea and feed on fishes and invertebrates. Of these,C. argus andC. miniata prefer selected fish species (95 and 86% of their diet respectively), whereasC. hemistiktos consumes more invertebrates (36%) and is less selective with respect to fish species. All three species employ various techniques to catch their prey and in situations where their elected food is absent they readily switch to substitute prey species.  相似文献   
The age, growth and reproduction of Chondrostoma polylepis willkommi , an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied for 2 years in a seasonal stream in the Guadalquivir River basin. Annual growth was low. Maximum ages observed were 5+ in males and 7+ in females. There was no significant difference in growth between sexes. Seasonal growth period started in May and continued for 2 to 6 months depending on age. The mean lengths of 1 + and 2+ age-groups decreased once the growth period had finished, probably related to reproductive stress and adverse ecological conditions, and this could explain the occurrence of Rosa Lee's phenomenon. Both sexes matured at the end of their second year of life (1+). There was a significant difference from 1: 1 in the overall sex ratio of 334 males to 464 females. Reproductive period started in March and lasted until May. Ch. p. willkommi was a multiple spawner that released two batches of eggs per female each year. The regression between fecundity ( F ) and fork length (l., mm) was: F =6.20 103 L.2.78. In females from age 2 + onwards, relative annual investment in somatic growth and reproduction was equivalent, implying that the same energy was allocated to reproduction as to maintenance/growth. Compared with other Ch. polylepis populations, the life-history patterns of this population, located in a small and seasonal stream in a southern latitude, were characterized by a low annual growth, a trade-off between reproduction and growth/maintenance, early maturity, low number of age-groups and high fecundity from multiple spawnings.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that the female reproductive fluid (FRF) plays an important role in cryptic female choice through its differential effect on the performance of sperm from different males. In a natural spawning event, the male(s) may release ejaculate closer or further away from the spawning female. If the relative spatial proximity of competing males reflects the female pre-mating preference towards those males, then favoured males will encounter higher concentrations of FRF than unpreferred males. Despite this being a common situation in many external fertilizers, whether different concentrations of FRF can differentially influence the sperm performance of distinct male phenotypes (favoured and unfavoured by the female) remains to be elucidated. Here, we tested this hypothesis using the grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), a fish with distinct territorial-sneaker reproductive tactics and female pre-mating preference towards territorial males, that consequently mate in an advantaged position and whose sperm experience higher concentrations of FRF. Our findings revealed a differential concentration-dependent effect of FRF over sneaker and territorial sperm motility only at low concentrations (i.e. at the distance where sneakers typically ejaculate), with increasing FRF concentrations (i.e. close to the eggs) similarly boosting the sperm performance of both sneaker and territorial males. The ability to release sperm close to the eggs is a prerogative of territorials, but FRF can likewise advantage the sperm of those sneakers that are able to get closer, allowing flexibility in the direction of female post-mating choice.  相似文献   
To evaluate the spawning success of male Japanese minnows,Pseudorasbora parva, and female mate choice, spawning behaviour was observed under both artificial and experimental conditions. Larger males had larger territories and greater reproductive success. The body weight of territorial males decreased during the maintenance of territories, while that of non-territorial males increased significantly. When the weight of non-territorial males exceeded that of territorial males, the former began to establish new territories on the substrate, suggesting a conditional strategy by non-territorial males to trade off immediate reproductive success with growth and hence improve future reproductive success. Females chose males with larger body size, probably based on dominance rank rather than the quality (or size) of territory. It was concluded that females choose males of higher dominance rank and that males compete for large territories, both of which play an important part in male reproductive success.  相似文献   
Mating tactics in external fertilizers when sperm is limited   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Among externally fertilizing animals in aquatic habitats, theproportion of a female's egg clutch that is successfully fertilizedoften falls below 100%. In many such species, particularly incoral reef fishes, males spawn daily at high frequencies, oftenwith little or no sperm competition. A major evolutionary problemfor such males is how best to allocate sperm over successivespawns. Females face the problem of ensuring complete fertilizationof their egg clutch. Here we model male and female mating tacticswhen daily sperm production is limited and with various assumptionsconcerning how differences in the number of sperm released duringa mating influence the number of eggs fertilized. The modelsreveal conditions under which males can maximize daily reproductivesuccess, either by releasing a fixed number of sperm duringall successive spawns or by matching sperm numbers to the clutchsize of their mates. These patterns of sperm allocation exertdifferent pressures on females, which may respond evolutionarilyby developing various mating tactics of their own.  相似文献   
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