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South America has been influenced by different geoclimatic events ever since its separation from Africa. The inland water fauna has evolved in response to the changing landscape. Currently, there are indications of variations in populations, occurring to different degrees that would indicate a clinal pattern in morphology. Among South America's fauna, the freshwater anomuran, Aegla, is an enigmatic group as a result of its endemicity and is composed of only one genus. Of all the species in this family, Aegla uruguayana has the broadest distribution. Its native habitats have been influenced by several marine transgressions during the Miocene–Quaternary Periods; thus, it is likely that their current distribution has been more recent. Its habitat spreads across a number of isolated basins and sub‐basins that display distinct degrees of isolation/connection, making clinal variation patterns in the morphology of this species possible. The present study aimed to evaluate the pattern of carapace shape variation in A. uruguayana and how it relates to the isolation and/or connection of populations from different basins and sub‐basins, allowing the determination of any extant clinal patterns. The specimens studied belong to 25 separate populations, representing all areas in which the species currently exists. A total of 523 crabs were analyzed. We identified 13 landmarks and four semi‐landmarks in the carapace. The aeglids were divided into seven size intervals to avoid an allometry effect. In each size category, shape relationships analyzed by principal component analysis suggest a geographical pattern corresponding to the distribution of the populations studied. An evaluation of covariation between body shape and geographical coordinates reveals a strong pattern and shows that population distribution had a significant effect on species morphology. Additionally, according to covariance analysis, the variation in shape was not associated with the environmental variables studied. We observed a clinal pattern throughout the species distribution, which could be attributed to genetic drift. It is possible that this process is being amplified by the geographical isolation of the basins, differences in environmental characteristics, and low dispersal ability. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 914–930.  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive biology of the giant isopod, Bathynomus giganteus (Edwards) resemble those of other isopods. In females, the gonopores are located on the sternal midline of the eighth thoracic somite and the eggs are brooded in a marsupium. The reproductive tract of the males also resembles those of other isopods. The paired vasa deferentia open into two penes located on the sternal midline of the eighth thoracic somite. The vasa deferentia are formed of columnar epithelial cells with basal nuclei. The lumen is filled with seminal products consisting of aggregrates of spermatozoa surrounded by extracellular tubules. The sperm head consists of an acrosome and subacrosomal rod from which a pendant nucleus extends. The tails are composed of an amorphous core consisting of a dark band, two medium bands, two light bands followed by a dark band again. The tails are attached to the heads by a knob which is an extension of the core  相似文献   
Summary The sinus gland of Carcinus maenas consists of the swollen axonal endings of the neurosecretory cells of the major ganglia and acts as a storage release centre for the membrane bound neurosecretory material. These neurosecretory granules fall into five different types based on size and electron density. Their contents are released by exocytosis of the primary granules or smaller units budded from the primary granules.I thank Professor E. Naylor for his constant advice and Professor E. W. Knight-Jones, Department of Zoology, University College, Swansea, for the provision of laboratory facilities. I am grateful to the Science Research Council for the financial support. Finally, I thank the Electron Microscope Unit, Southampton General Hospital, where the work was completed.  相似文献   
沼虾属一新种记述(十足目:长臂虾科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述采自安徽无为县的沼虾属一新种,安徽沼虾Macrobrachium anhuiense,sp.nov.,新种与九江沼虾M.kiukianensis Yu相近似,但新种:额角上缘除第1—2齿之间距较大外,眼上方之齿排列较密,额角下缘齿之间距小于末齿至尖端的距离;头胸甲光滑,约为体长的1/3;第三颚足短,末端仅伸至触角柄第一节,第二步足较长,掌部无颗位状突起,有分散之微刺。模式标本存安徽师范大学生物系。  相似文献   
本文描述了在中国江西、湖南及广东三省发现的华溪蟹属Sinopotmon三个新种:不等叶华溪蟹S.unaequum,sp.nov.,双叶华溪蟹S.bilobatum sp.nov.及南岭华溪蟹S.nanlingense SD.nov.  相似文献   
Tropical stream food webs are thought to be based primarily on terrestrial resources (leaf litter) in small forested headwater streams and algal resources in larger, wider streams. In tropical island streams, the dominant consumers are often omnivorous freshwater shrimps that consume algae, leaf litter, insects, and other shrimps. We used stable isotope analysis to examine (1) the relative importance of terrestrial and algal‐based food resources to shrimps and other consumers and determine (2) if the relative importance of these food resources changed along the stream continuum. We examined δ15N and δ13C signatures of leaves, algae, macrophytes, biofilm, insects, snails, fishes, and shrimps at three sites (300, 90, and 10 m elev.) along the Río Espíritu Santo, which drains the Caribbean National Forest, Puerto Rico. Isotope signatures of basal resources were distinct at all sites. Results of two‐source δ13C mixing models suggest that shrimps relied more on algal‐based carbon resources than terrestrially derived resources at all three sites along the continuum. This study supports other recent findings in tropical streams, demonstrating that algal‐based resources are very important to stream consumers, even in small forested headwater streams. This study also demonstrates the importance of doing assimilation‐based analysis (i.e., stable isotope or trophic basis of production) when studying food webs.  相似文献   
Many decapod crustaceans in marine intertidal habitats release larvae toward coastal oceans, from which postlarvae (decapodids: settling-stage larvae) return home. Decapodid settlement processes are poorly understood. Previous studies showed that in Kyushu, Japan, the callianassid shrimp population on an intertidal sandflat of an open bay joining the coastal ocean near a large estuary released eight batches of larvae basically in a semilunar cycle from June through October and that decapodids performed diel vertical migration, occurring in the water column nocturnally. We conducted (a) frequent sampling for population density and size-composition on the sandflat through one reproductive season, (b) planktonic and benthic sampling for decapodids around the bay mouth, and (c) current meter deployment at three points across the bay mouth for tidal harmonic analysis. On the sandflat, six batches of newly-settled decapodids (settlers) occurred in a semilunar periodicity until October, with peaks occurring 0–3 days before syzygy dates except for the first one. For larval Batches 1–4, buoyancy-driven shoreward subsurface currents during July to mid-October would transport some pre-decapodid-stage larvae (zoeae) toward the bay. The absence of expected settler Batches 7–8 would be due to the converse subsurface currents caused by water-column mixing and seasonal winds after mid-October, carrying zoeae offshore. Once in the bay, phasing of night and nighttime-averaged shoreward tidal current explained the settlement pattern for Batches 1–4. For Batches 5–6 occurring in mid-September to mid-October, water currents generated by seasonal wind and tidal forcings may have caused peak settlement after the time expected from tidally-driven decapodid transport.  相似文献   
Harvesting can have profound impacts on the ecology and evolution of marine populations. However, little is known about the strength and direction of fisheries‐induced selection acting on multiple traits in the wild. Here, we used acoustic telemetry to directly monitor individual behavior and fate in an intensively harvested species, the European lobster (Homarus gammarus, n = 100), in southern Norway. Overall, 24% of the tracked lobsters survived the two‐month harvest season within the study area. Our results indicated that local survival was not random with respect to phenotype. We found no clear support for fisheries‐induced selection acting directly on body size. However, lobsters with large crusher claws relative to their body size, typical of socially dominant individuals, appeared at higher risk of being captured in the conventional trap fishery. We also detected a fine‐scale spatial gradient in survival. After accounting for this gradient, individuals displaying larger home ranges were more likely to survive the harvest season. Finally, we found significant repeatabilities for lobster behavior on a monthly timescale, indicating that individual behavioral attributes tended to persist and may reflect personality. Our study therefore provides empirical support for the need to consider an evolutionary enlightened approach to fisheries management that considers the influence of harvest on multiple traits of target species.  相似文献   
The crab genus Brachynotus de Haan, 1833 is restricted to the intertidal and shallow subtidal of the Mediterranean and northeastern Atlantic. It is presently recognized to consist of four species, of which three (B. foresti, B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus) are endemic to the Mediterranean. The fourth species, B. atlanticus, is found along the Atlantic coasts of northern Africa and southern Europe, but also extends into the western Mediterranean. This high level of endemism suggests that speciation within Brachynotus is strongly correlated with the geography and geology of the Mediterranean Sea. A molecular phylogeny based on the mitochondrial large subunit (16S) rRNA gene indicates that the four species of Brachynotus form a monophyletic group within Atlantic Varunidae. The DNA sequence data also show that the genus Brachynotus can be subdivided into two species groups, one comprising B. atlanticus and B. foresti, and the other one B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus. While B. atlanticus and B. foresti are clearly genetically distinct, B. gemmellari and B. sexdentatus are identical in the studied region of the 16S rRNA gene, suggesting a recent separation or continuing gene flow.  相似文献   
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