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排序方式: 共有1502条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Summary Mate detection success of male grey-sided voles,Clethrionomys rufocanus, in relation to the spatial distribution of sexually receptive females was studied in an experimental island population. The spatiotemporal distribution of receptive females was controlled by containing females in small, mobile wire-mesh cages, whereas the response by free-ranging males was monitored by means of radiotelemetry. Males were on average more successful in finding oestrous females when females were spatially clumped than when females were spatially overdispersed. In addition, the variance (CV) in male mate detecting success was highest when females had an overdispersed spatial distribution. These results are consistent with predictions from a theoretical model (Ims, 1988b) analysing the effect of mate distribution on male mating success, and with empirical results on prey detection success of predators searching for prey.  相似文献   
A computer algorithm, CLIX, capable of searching a crystallographic data-base of small molecules for candidates which have both steric and chemical likelihood of binding a protein of known three-dimensional structure is presented. The algorithm is a significant advance over previous strategies which consider solely steric or chemical requirements for binding. The algorithm is shown to be capable of predicting the correct binding geometry of sialic acid to a mutant influenza-virus hemagglutinin and of proposing a number of potential new ligands to this protein.  相似文献   
Summary Several genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC) of Drosophila melanogaster encode a 60 amino acids long conserved domain which shares a significant homology with a region of the vertebrate myc proteins. Based on these results, the existence of a family of Drosophila genes that would share both this conserved domain and the neurogenic function of the AS-C has been postulated. To test this proposal, we have searched a D. melanogaster genomic library with a probe that encodes the conserved domain. Only under very low stringency hybridization conditions, clones not belonging to the AS-C cross-hybridized with the probe. Those that gave the strongest signals were characterized. Sequencing of the cross-hybridizing regions showed that they had no significant homology with the conserved domain, the sequence similarity extending at the most for 37 nucleotides. Although our results do not conclusively disprove the existence of a family of AS-C-like genes, they indicate that the conservation of the domain would be lower than that found for shared motifs in other families of Drosophila developmental genes.  相似文献   
A directed conformational search algorithm using the program CONGEN (ref. 3), which samples backbone conformers, is described. The search technique uses information from the partially built structures to direct the search process and is tested on the problem of generating a full set of backbone Cartesian coordinates given only alpha-carbon coordinates. The method has been tested on six proteins of known structure, varying in size and classification, and was able to generate the original backbone coordinates with RMSs ranging from 0.30-0.87A for the alpha-carbons and 0.5-0.99A RMSs for the backbone atoms. Cis peptide linkages were also correctly identified. The procedure was also applied to two proteins available with only alpha-carbon coordinates in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank; thioredoxin (SRX) and triacylglycerol acylhydrolase (TGL). All-atom models are proposed for the backbone of both these proteins. In addition, the technique was applied to randomized coordinates of flavodoxin to assess the effects of irregularities in the data on the final RMS. This study represents the first time a deterministic conformational search was used on such a large scale.  相似文献   
The status of wetland inventory and classification is considered for 44 European countries, as well as for the continent as a whole. Data and information were obtained from questionnaires compiled by the International Waterfowl and Wetland Research Bureau, the MedWet sub-project on inventory and monitoring, and the Ramsar Bureau. Nine European countries have national wetland inventories, and 32 have inventories of sites of international importance listed under the Ramsar Convention. There has been a trend in producing regional or continental inventories for wetlands that are important as waterfowl habitat. There is an urgent need to produce wetland inventories for all European countries. The Ramsar database takes into consideration hydrological and economic wetland values, as well as ecological ones. The Ramsar classification lists a total of 35 wetland types, and is sufficiently flexible that it could be used for classifying European wetlands at the national scale.  相似文献   
A protein alignment scoring system sensitive at all evolutionary distances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Protein sequence alignments generally are constructed with the aid of a substitution matrix that specifies a score for aligning each pair of amino acids. Assuming a simple random protein model, it can be shown that any such matrix, when used for evaluating variable-length local alignments, is implicitly a log-odds matrix, with a specific probability distribution for amino acid pairs to which it is uniquely tailored. Given a model of protein evolution from which such distributions may be derived, a substitution matrix adapted to detecting relationships at any chosen evolutionary distance can be constructed. Because in a database search it generally is not known a priori what evolutionary distances will characterize the similarities found, it is necessary to employ an appropriate range of matrices in order not to overlook potential homologies. This paper formalizes this concept by defining a scoring system that is sensitive at all detectable evolutionary distances. The statistical behavior of this scoring system is analyzed, and it is shown that for a typical protein database search, estimating the originally unknown evolutionary distance appropriate to each alignment costs slightly over two bits of information, or somewhat less than a factor of five in statistical significance. A much greater cost may be incurred, however, if only a single substitution matrix, corresponding to the wrong evolutionary distance, is employed.  相似文献   
I compared male allocation to prolonged mate guarding versusnot guarding between two populations of the soapberry bug (Jaderahaematoloma) that differ in adult sex ratio: Oklahoma, USA (mean± SD adult sex ratio, 2.70 ± 0.95 males per female),and Florida, USA (1.09 ± 0.26 males per female). To predictthe reproductive performance of each mating tactic in each population,I collected data on search time per mating, time required forguarding to be effective, sperm competition, female rematingpropensity, and female resistance to guarding. Search time alonediffered significantly between the populations, being much greaterin Oklahoma (estimated as 26.2 h per mate) than in Florida (estimatedas 9.6 h per mate). For males in each region, these data wereused to model the costs and benefits of guarding for differentnumbers of oviposition bouts versus not guarding. The reproductiverate of nonguarders in Oklahoma is exceeded by that of guarderswho remain with a female for more than one oviposition bout,but in Florida, the reproductive rate of nonguarders is onlyexceeded by that of guarders who remain with a female for atleast three ovipositions. Consistent with the model, Oklahomamales in field arenas guarded more frequently than did Floridamales. However, nonguarding was common in both populations,and guarding durations were highly variable.  相似文献   
A real-time database/models base/expert system in predictive microbiology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary This paper describes the development and operation of a database/models base/expert system funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in the UK. As part of an on-going coordinated program on predictive microbiology, the system being established involves storage of data and models relevant to changes in populations of food-borne pathogens under given conditions. The system is due to be completed by March 1994.  相似文献   
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