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利用透射电镜技术研究了生长在海南岛的热带落叶树降香黄檀(Dalbegia odorifera T.Chen)1—2年生枝条着叶期和无叶期次生韧皮部筛分子的超微结构,并就这两个时期的筛分子进行了比较。着叶期每个成熟筛分子内有一个带尾的纺锤形P-蛋白质体,主体由稠密而散乱的P-蛋白质细纤维组成,尾部呈结晶状;筛分子具有横向端壁和单筛板,在邻近筛板处,细胞壁向筛分子腔内形成明显的突起。无叶期仍然保持着与着叶期大致相同厚度的有功能韧皮部,筛分子具有正常的原生质体,P-蛋白质和筛板孔的结构也与着叶期的相同,但筛分子内有较多的淀粉粒和囊泡。  相似文献   
Nitrogen mineralization, nitrification potentials, pH, total N, C, extractable P and cations were measured in soils under 4-year-old, mono-specific stands of six fast-growing, native tree species, an abandoned pasture, and a 20-year-old secondary forest, as part of a study on the use of indigenous tree species for rehabilitation of soil fertility on degraded pastures at the La Selva Biological Station in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Soil net nitrification potential rates were higher under two N-fixing, leguminous species,Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl. (1.1–1.9 mg kg–1 day–1) andDalbergia tucurensis Donn. Smith (0.7–1.5 mg kg–1 day–1), than under the non-N-fixing trees in the plantation,Vochysia guatemalesis Don. Sm.,Vochysia ferruginea Mart,Dipteryx panamensis (Pittier) Record and Mell andHyeronima alchorneoides Fr. Allemao (0.2–0.8 mg kg–1 day–1). Values under the N-fixing trees were comparable to those found in secondary forest. There were no statistically significant differences in soil total N or in other nurtients between the species. Results of pH measurements done before and after incubation did not show any clear evidence of a pH drop attributable to nitrification.  相似文献   
以云南特有濒危树种黑黄檀(Dalbergia fusca)的种子为材料,研究了脱落酸(ABA)对种子萌发的抑制作用,以及种子萌发过程中吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉酸(GA_3)、6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)和乙烯利对ABA的拮抗作用.黑黄檀种子萌发的适宜温度为30℃.交替光照(14 h光照和10 h黑暗)以及黑暗对种子萌发没有明显的影响.0.001~0.1 mmol/L ABA不影响种子的萌发率,但降低种子的萌发进程;1 mmol/L和2.5mmol/L ABA显著地抑制种子的萌发率和萌发进程.种子的萌发率不被0.0001~1 mmol/L IAA和GA3、0.0001~0.1 mmol/L 6-BA、以及0.001~10 mmol/L 乙烯利(乙烯供体)的影响,但被1 mmol/L 6-BA抑制.1mmol/L ABA对种子萌发的抑制作用能被0.01~1 mmol/L IAA、0.01~1 mmol/L GA3、0.001~0.1 mmol/L 6-BA和0.1~10 mmol/L乙烯利所拮抗,而且这种拈扰作用与植物激素的类型和浓度有关.0.01 mmol/L 6-BA和0.1 mmol/L乙烯利对l mmol/L ABA抑制作用的拈抗不能被添加0.001 mmol/L IAA或者O.001 mmol/L GA3加成.但0.1 mmol/L 乙烯利对1 mmol/L ABA抑制作用的拮抗能够被添加O.01 mmol/L 6-BA或者0.1 mmol/L 6-BA加成,导致更高的萌发率和幼苗生长.  相似文献   
指定了黄檀属Dalbergia黄檀D.hupeana Hance、滇黔黄檀D.yunnanensis Franch.、D.collettii Prain和多裂黄檀D.rimosa Roxb.四个名称的后选模式。分别将上海黄檀D.sacerdotum Prain、高原黄檀D.yunnanensis var.collettii(Prain)Thoth.和勐梭黄檀D.mengsuoensis Y.Y.Qian处理为黄檀D.hupeana、滇黔黄檀D.yunnanensis和多裂黄檀D.rimosa的异名。  相似文献   
珍贵树种降香黄檀与印度檀香混交种植是当前华南地区人工林发展的一种重要模式.本研究设置对照(不做处理)、铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥4个处理,研究抚育措施对林地土壤净矿化速率、净硝化速率、净铵化速率和氮素淋溶速率的影响.结果表明:4个处理0~10 cm土层在春、秋季有最大净氮矿化速率,分别为18.92、18.13 mg·kg^-1·month^-1;在春、秋季有最大硝化速率,分别为20.35、18.85 mg·kg^-1·month^-1;夏、冬季有最大铵化速率,分别为0.22、0.26 mg·kg^-1·month^-1;秋季的氮素淋溶最严重,为15.98 mg·kg^-1·month^-1,全年最大淋溶为86.69 mg·kg^-1.铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥都在一定程度上抑制了土壤氮的净矿化和硝化速率,铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥处理年氮矿化量分别下降26.2%、16.1%、6.3%,年氮硝化量分别下降17.1%、16.6%、1.4%,同时也抑制了土壤铵态氮的累积.铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥处理全年氮素淋溶量依次减少25.2%、8.6%、6.1%.相对于铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥抚育措施,季节因素对土壤氮素矿化和淋溶过程的影响更显著.铲草、施肥、铲草+施肥措施在一定程度上抑制了土壤氮素硝化和铵化过程,减少了土壤氮素的矿化和淋溶损失量,有利于土壤肥力的保存和氮素的累积.  相似文献   
花梨木组织培养外植体消毒方法初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对在花梨木(Dalbergia odofifera T. Chen)组织培养过程中外植体的有效消毒方法进行研究。外植体消毒主要以2年生以上实生苗的茎段为材料,开展了茎段外植体次氯酸钠(5%,10%,15%)和升汞(0.05%,0.1%,0.2%)3个浓度水平的消毒试验。在此基础上,开展了外植体消毒的时间试验,次氯酸钠消毒时间为10 min、20 min、30 min,升汞消毒时间为5 min、10 min、15 min。结果表明:茎段外植体采用10%浓度的次氯酸钠消毒效果较好,最佳消毒方式75%的酒精浸泡2 min,10%次氯酸钠消毒20 min,该方法污染率最低、存活力最高。  相似文献   
A powdery mildew fungus on leaves of Dalbergia cultrata var. cultrata (Fabaceae) collected at the Queen Sirikit Botanical Garden in northern Thailand is proven to be a new species of the genus Brasiliomyces and is described as B. chiangmaiensis sp. nov. with light and SEM micrographs. Differences in known Brasiliomyces species are discussed, and a key to species of this genus is provided.  相似文献   
Tropical mountains are areas of high species richness and endemism. Two historical phenomena may have contributed to this: (i) fragmentation and isolation of habitats may have promoted the genetic differentiation of populations and increased the possibility of allopatric divergence and speciation and (ii) the mountain areas may have allowed long‐term population persistence during global climate fluctuations. These two phenomena have been studied using either species occurrence data or estimating species divergence times. However, only few studies have used intraspecific genetic data to analyse the mechanisms by which endemism may emerge at the microevolutionary scale. Here, we use landscape analysis of genomic SNP data sampled from two high‐elevation plant species from an archipelago of tropical sky islands (the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt) to test for population genetic differentiation, synchronous demographic changes and habitat persistence. We show that genetic differentiation can be explained by the degree of glacial habitat connectivity among mountains and that mountains have facilitated the persistence of populations throughout glacial/interglacial cycles. Our results support the ongoing role of tropical mountains as cradles for biodiversity by uncovering cryptic differentiation and limits to gene flow.  相似文献   
Information on the heavy metal toxicity thresholds of woody species endemic to the western United States is lacking but critical for successful restoration of contaminated riparian areas. Manganese (Mn, 50-10,000 mg l(-1)) and zinc (Zn, 100-1000 mg l(-1)) toxicity thresholds were determined for Geyer (Salix geyeriana Anderss.) and mountain (S. monticola Bebb) willow using a sand-culture technique. The lethal concentration (50%) values were 3117 and 2791 mg Mn l(-1) and 556 and 623 mg Zn l(-1) for Geyer and mountain willow, respectively. The effective concentration (50%) values for shoots were 2263 and 1027 mg Mn l(-1) and 436 and 356 mg Zn l(-1) for Geyer and mountain willow, respectively. Shoot tissue values did not increase with increasing treatment concentrations. However, metals in the roots did increase consistently in response to the treatments. Metal levels in the shoot tissues were low for Zn (65-139 mg kg(-1)) and moderate for Mn (1300-2700 mg kg(-1)). Geyer and mountain willow have good resistance to Mn, possibly due to evolution in hydric soils with increased Mn availability, and may be useful for phytostabilization of soils with high levels of available Mn. Both species were affected to a greater degree by Zn as compared to Mn, but still exhibited good resistance and should be useful in remediating sites with at least moderate levels of available Zn. Based on the thresholds evaluated, Geyer willow had greater resistance to both Mn and Zn as compared to mountain willow, especially at lower concentrations in which growth of Geyer willow was actually stimulated.  相似文献   
为探究外源褪黑素对不同温度下降香黄檀幼苗的生理生态影响,该研究开展了不同浓度外源褪黑素(300、500、600、700、900、1 200μmol·L-1)对常温(白天28℃/夜晚25℃)和低温(白天8℃/夜晚5℃)下降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera)幼苗的生长发育、光合作用、叶片色素含量、叶片水分状况、膜系统等方面影响研究,并通过隶属函数分析综合评价筛选出具有促进降香黄檀幼苗生长发育和提高低温耐受性的最适外源褪黑素浓度。结果表明:(1)在常温下喷施各个浓度的褪黑素溶液,在生长发育(形态、茎高增长和株高增长),光合作用参数[净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)],光合色素[总叶绿素(Total Chl)、叶绿素a(Chl a)、叶绿素b(Chl b)和类胡萝卜素(Caro)]和可溶性蛋白含量上均有一定的提高。(2)低温胁迫处理下,喷施各个浓度的褪黑素溶液可在不同程度上缓解低温胁迫对植株形态、茎高增长、株高增长、P  相似文献   
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