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指环虫病是严重影响鱼类养殖的寄生虫病.为了有效控制指环虫病,实验研究了寄生在金鱼(Carassius auratus)鳃部的中型指环虫(Dactylogyrus intermedius)卵、纤毛幼虫的形态,以及在离体条件下温度对其产卵和孵化的影响.成熟的中型指环虫虫卵大部分为梨形,长30 μm左右,后端有一个卵柄.纤毛幼虫呈圆筒状,两端稍尖,眼点两对;后吸盘具有若干对小锚钩;在前部、中部和尾部分别具有一圈纤毛.实验研究了4℃、10℃、22℃、30℃和35℃条件下中型指环虫的产卵和孵化情况,在4℃条件下,中型指环虫基本不产卵也不孵化;在其他4个温度条件下,产卵量随着温度的升高而增加,其平均产卵量分别为3.30、4.10、4.13和4.24枚/虫.统计结果显示:在35℃条件下的产卵量明显高于10℃(P<0.05),其他温度条件下的平均产卵量没有显著性差异.中型指环虫的产卵速率随着温度的升高而加快,产卵维持的时间分别为4d、23h、15h和llh.孵化率在22℃时最高,为72.7%,在30℃和35℃的孵化率为50%左右,卡方检验显示:4种温度下的孵化率之间没有显著性差异p>0.05);随着温度的升高,孵化速率逐渐加快,而孵化时间和纤毛幼虫的存活时间则缩短,平均孵化时间分别为24d、3d、42h和26h,纤毛幼虫的最长存活时间分别为4d、3d、56h和34h.结果显示,当水温为22℃时,中型指环虫的产卵数量和纤毛幼虫的存活时间都比较高,且孵化率最高,表明该温度条件较适合中型指环虫的种群增长.  相似文献   
小鞘指环虫种群的聚集性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文中建立了一个衡量聚集性的指标-聚集度A,并用该指标结合方差/均数和负二项分布的参数k值分析了小鞘指环虫(Dactylogyrusvaginulatus)种群在其宿主鲢(Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix)种群中分布的聚集程度与感染率和丰度的关系。结果表明该虫种群的聚集程度随感染率及丰度的上升而呈现下降的特点,作为衡量聚集性的指标,聚集度要优于k值,而后者又优于方差与均数之比,  相似文献   
22种植物提取物及其6种化合物对鱼类指环虫的杀灭研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
将感染有指环虫的金鱼投放在加有一定浓度的植物提取物或化合物的水体中,控制一定的水体条件,显微镜下定期观察鱼鳃上的指环虫数量,统计杀虫率。结果表明:22种植物中蛇床提取物的杀灭指环虫效果最好,其最高杀灭率为100%;其次是两面针、木通、吴茱萸、牛心朴子,最高杀虫率均为80%;夹竹桃、徐长卿的最高杀虫率均为70%;草果、苦木、北乌头、滨蒿、蒺藜、白芷、山柰、榧的最高杀虫率在48 h内均在20%~50%;在测试浓度范围内,生姜、辣椒、仙茅、大风子、泽漆、相思子和雷丸没有明显杀虫活性。6种植物化合物作用48 h时川楝素的杀灭指环虫活性最高,最高杀灭率为100%;其次是鬼臼毒素、烟碱和槟榔碱,杀虫率在30%~50%;青蒿素和苦参碱在鱼中毒浓度下对指环虫仍然没有杀灭效果。根据以上结果,蛇床、两面针、木通、吴茱萸、牛心朴子、夹竹桃、徐长卿等植物和化合物川楝素对鱼类指环虫具有较好的杀灭作用。  相似文献   
Patterns and likely processes connected with evolution of host specificity in congeneric monogeneans parasitizing fish species of the Cyprinidae were investigated. A total of 51 Dactylogyrus species was included. We investigated (1) the link between host specificity and parasite phylogeny; (2) the morphometric correlates of host specificity, parasite body size, and variables of attachment organs important for host specificity; (3) the evolution of morphological adaptation, that is, attachment organ; (4) the determinants of host specificity following the hypothesis of specialization on more predictable resources considering maximal body size, maximal longevity, and abundance as measures of host predictability; and (5) the potential link between host specificity and parasite diversification. Host specificity, expressed as an index of host specificity including phylogenetic and taxonomic relatedness of hosts, was partially associated with parasite phylogeny, but no significant contribution of host phylogeny was found. The mapping of host specificity into the phylogenetic tree suggests that being specialist is not a derived condition for Dactylogyrus species. The different morphometric traits of the attachment apparatus seem to be selected in connection with specialization of specialist parasites and other traits favored as adaptations in generalist parasites. Parasites widespread on several host species reach higher abundance within hosts, which supports the hypothesis of ecological specialization. When separating specialists and generalists, we confirmed the hypothesis of specialization on a predictable resource; that is, specialists with larger anchors tend to live on fish species with larger body size and greater longevity, which could be also interpreted as a mechanism for optimizing morphological adaptation. We demonstrated that ecology of host species could also be recognized as an important determinant of host specificity. The mapping of morphological characters of the attachment organ onto the parasite phylogenetic tree reveals that morphological evolution of the attachment organ is connected with host specificity in the context of fish relatedness, especially at the level of host subfamilies. Finally, we did not find that host specificity leads to parasite diversification in congeneric monogeneans.  相似文献   
Dactylogyrus species (Dactylogyridae: Monogenea) are a group of monogenean gill parasites that are highly specific to freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae. Dactylogyrus species were sampled from 19 cyprinids and one percid collected in Europe. Using partial 18S rDNA and ITS1 sequences, a phylogeny of 51 Dactylogyrus species was reconstructed to investigate the patterns of parasite speciation and diversification. Three main Dactylogyrus lineages were recognized from all phylogenetic trees, that is, analysis of 18S rDNA alone and combined 18SrDNA and ITS1. The first lineage associates the Dactylogyrus species of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus of the Cyprininae; the second associates Dactylogyrus species of the Gobioninae, Pseudorasbora parva of the Rasborinae, and Ctenopharyngodon idella of the Cyprininae; and the third associates Dactylogyrus species of the Leuciscinae and Alburninae and Barbus barbus of the Cyprininae. Our results suggest that the genus Dactylogyrus is of quite recent origin and that these three lineages separated from each other in a very short period of time. Host subfamily mapping onto the parasite tree inferred from analysis of the combined dataset showed that the Cyprininae could be plesiomorphic hosts for Dactylogyrus. Dactylogyrus parasites would have secondarily colonized the Percidae and representatives of the Leuciscinae, Alburninae, Gobioninae, and Rasborinae. Comparison of host and parasite phylogenetic relationships indicated that a very high number of parasite duplications occurred within two of the three Dactylogyrus lineages. Dactylogyrus diversification can be mainly explained by sympatric intrahost speciation events that seem to be correlated to strict host specificity. Moreover, the present study shows that the congeneric parasites speciating within one host tend to occupy niches within hosts differing at least in one niche parameter.  相似文献   
2009年4月到2012年7月对额尔齐斯河(中国段)高体雅罗鱼鳃部寄生的指环虫进行了取样调查,以期了解该鱼指环虫的种群生态学特点。结果表明,高体雅罗鱼共感染了三种指环虫,分别为号筒指环虫、小刺指环虫、大翼指环虫,该鱼的总感染率为28.47%,平均感染强度为7.39(1—42)。感染率、感染强度在不同体长组的宿主中表现出不同的变化趋势,指环虫的感染率在30 cm以上的宿主中达到最大,为50%,而在L10范围内未发现感染;在不同体长组宿主中指环虫种群的分布类型主要为聚集分布,另外,根据形态学特征鉴定大翼指环虫(Dactylogyrus alatus f.major Linsyow,1878)为我国指环虫属一新记录种,论文对其主要形态特征进行了描述并绘制了特征图,同时与寄生于高体雅罗鱼鳃上的国内已记述指环虫属虫种的主要形态特征作了比较。  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the flame bulbs and capillaries of the protonephridia of Dactylogyrus (probably anchoratus) from Carassius auratus in southeastern Australia, and of an unidentified ancyrocephaline from the marine teleost Priacanthus macracanthus in southern Queensland is described. The cilia of the flame are anchored in the terminal cell by means of basal bodies without distinct rootlets. The nucleus of the terminal cell is basal, and (in Dactylogyrus) partly lateral to the basal bodies. The weir consists of a row of internal and a row of external ribs (rods) connected by a ‘membrane’. The external ribs are continuations of the cytoplasm of a thick-walled ‘cytoplasmic cylinder’ (proximal canal cell) which tightly surrounds most of the flame and contains a septate junction; the internal ribs are continuous with the terminal cell. Internal leptotriches arise from the perikaryon of the terminal cell, and, in the ancyrocephaline, also from the internal ribs. The wall of the protonephridial capillaries contains a septate junction, a reticulum of interconnected spaces and, in the ancyrocephaline, also lamellae. Lateral flames are common in the capillaries of Dactylogyrus.  相似文献   
记述了锚首虫科Ancyrocephalidae 单殖吸虫中国一新纪录属,一新纪录种,即寄生在裸顶脂鲤Gymmocorymbus ternetzi 鳃上的异锁虫属Diaphorocleidus领圈异锁虫Diaphorocleidus armillatus Jogunoori,Kritsky & Venkatanarasaiah,2004和寄生在玫瑰鲃Barbus conchonius鳃上的指环虫属一新纪录种,捷克指环虫Dactylogyrus ostraviensis Rehulka,1988,并对新纪录属种作了新的形态描述并给出了特征图.  相似文献   
本研究利用28SrDNAC1-D2区序列分析采自鲤科鱼类中6亚科宿主和寄生在花鲈、梅花鲈上的共17种指环虫的系统发育关系。同时,通过比较宿主鲤科鱼类与指环虫的系统发育树,检验指环虫与其宿主是否存在协同进化关系。结果表明:17种指环虫形成5个进化支(Clade),其中寄生在团头鲂(亚科)和鲢、鳙(鲢亚科)上的6种指环虫聚为一支(Clade1),而它们的宿主鱼类在系统发育分析中也表现为近缘关系;寄生在鲮鱼(野鲮亚科)上的D.quanfami(Clade5)位于系统树最基部,鲫鱼和鲤鱼(鲤亚科)的寄生指环虫处在系统树的次基部位置,而鲤亚科与野鲮亚科组成的姐妹群在宿主系统树上同样处在基部位置,寄生虫和宿主在进化上较为原始的地位得到了很好地相互印证。因而,本研究首次利用分子系统学手段分析指环虫属远缘物种间的系统关系,揭示了指环虫属与宿主鱼类之间存在协同进化关系。另外,本研究首次发现,野鲮亚科鱼类也可能是指环虫类的早期宿主,这与先前认为鲤亚科鱼类为指环虫类的祖先宿主的推测有所不同。  相似文献   
Parasites of two small fish species from a Ramsar wetland in South Africa were studied in 2014–2015. The cichlid Pseudocrenilabrus philander (Weber, 1897) was parasitised by the copepod Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758, the monogenean Gyrodactylus thlapi Christison, Shinn & van As, 2005 and four gryporhynchid metacestode (Cyclophyllidea) species: Paradilepis scolecina (Rudolph, 1819), Paradilepis maleki Khalil, 1961, Neogryporhynchus lasiopeius Baer & Bona, 1960 and Valipora campylancristrota (Wedl, 1855). The cyprinid Enteromius paludinosus (syn. Barbus paludinosus) (Peters, 1852) was infected with the monogenean parasites Dogielius intorquens Crafford, Luus-Powell & Avenant-Oldewage, 2012, Dactylogyrus teresae Mashego, 1983, and three Dactylogyrus spp. These results represent several new locality as well as host records and further contribute information on the parasitic diversity in the Barberspan Ramsar wetland.  相似文献   
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