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GH3 cells can be used effectively to study the in vitro mechanism of action of GRF. In these cells, there is a time and concentration-dependent release of cAMP into the medium. Rat hypothalamic GRF, (rGRF) is 7 to 10 fold more active than human hypothalamic GRF (hGRF). VIP, a peptide which is structurally homologous to GRF, stimulates cAMP efflux in GH3 cells, with a higher affinity than hGRF or rGRF. We propose that in contradistinction to the normal rat pituitary, the stimulation of cAMP release by GRF in GH3 cells occurs via activation of VIP-preferring receptors and that GRF (rGRF in particular) behaves as a partial VIP agonist.  相似文献   
In neuroblastoma N1E 115 cells, carbachol, histamine and PGE1 elevated cyclic GMP content and, induced the efflux of preloaded 45Ca2+, the release of membrane-bound Ca2+ measured by fluorescent CTC, and the increase in [Ca2+]i as measured by Quin 2 fluorescence. The time course of the responses, the absolute requirement of extracellular Ca2+, the inhibition by receptor blockers, and the concentration dependency on histamine were all similar between these responses. The observation indicates that the mobilization of Ca2+, especially the increase of [Ca2+]i, may be intimately linked to the synthesis of cyclic GMP in the cells.  相似文献   
A technique involving culture in soft agar was used for the assay of forward mutation of V79 cells to 6-thioguanine (6TG) resistance. The main reason for the use of soft agar was to prevent reduction in recovery of mutants depending on the cell density plated for mutation selection, which is the chief problem in the liquid method, and which results mainly from metabolic co-operation due to cell-to-cell contact.V79 cells grew well in fortified soft agar medium (DMEM + 20% FBS) showing cloning efficiencies (>80%) as high as in liquid culture. Therefore, V79/HGPRT mutagenesis could be assayed quantitatively in soft agar culture.The frequency of 6TG-resistant colonies in agar selective medium increased linearly with increase in concentration of EMS. Toxicity and mutagenic responses were greater in soft agar than in liquid culture.In cultures of untreated and EMS-treated cells, more than 95% of the 6TG-resistant colonies isolated were aminopterin-sensitive.Use of soft agar for selection prevented the reduction in the number of mutants with increase in the size of incula on plating up to 1?2 × 106 cells per 9-cm dish: in liquid culture, even with a lower plating number (2 × 105 cells per 9-cm dish), a notable reduction in numbers of mutants was observed. This character was re-examined in a reconstruction experiment. The results show that, when up to 2 × 106 cells were plated per 9-cm dish, 6TG-resistant cells were almost completely recovered from the soft agar medium, whereas only 10% were recovered from liquid culture.  相似文献   
The effects of forskolin and cholera toxin on the regulation of cAMP release were studied in a neurotensin-secreting rat C-cell line. The interaction of these agents with norepinephrine, a potent neurotensin secretagogue, was also investigated. Forskolin stimulated cAMP release 10(2)-10(3) fold while it increased neurotensin release 2-3 fold. Cholera toxin caused a 10(2)-10(3) fold increase in cAMP release and had no effect on neurotensin release. We conclude that the 44-2 C-cells provide a new model for studying the regulation of the concomitant (via forskolin) or independent (via cholera toxin) secretion of cyclic AMP and/or neurotensin.  相似文献   
Purified von Willebrand factor rapidly loses activity when treated under mild conditions with the highly specific amino group reagent trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. Greater than 90 percent inhibition of activity is achieved by modification of only 7 percent of the amino groups. Other modifications such as acetylation and succinylation also abolish activity. It is unlikely that the essential rapidly reacting amino groups function simply in an electrostatic manner since modifications such as amidination and methylation which produce derivatives which retain positive charge are also inactive or nearly so.  相似文献   
Collagen-induced platelet aggregation and thromboxane release is inhibited, in a concentration response relationship, by preincubation of gel-filtered platelets with melatonin in the concentration range 430 nM – 4.3 mM. Inhibition of platelet aggregation and thromboxane release also occurs in the presence of indomethacin (4.3 nM – 4.3 mM), a known potent inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis. Arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation and thromboxane release was inhibited in the presence of 4.0 mM melatonin. We therefore propose that inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis maybe the mechanism by which melatonin expresses its activity. Its antigonadotropic activity may result from inhibition of PGE2 synthesis in the hypothalamus and median eminence.  相似文献   
Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins (DARPins) represent a novel class of binding molecules. Their favorable biophysical properties such as high affinity, stability and expression yields make them ideal candidates for tumor targeting. Here, we describe the selection of DARPins specific for the tumor-associated antigen epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), an approved therapeutic target on solid tumors. We selected DARPins from combinatorial libraries by both phage display and ribosome display and compared their binding on tumor cells. By further rounds of random mutagenesis and ribosome display selection, binders with picomolar affinity were obtained that were entirely monomeric and could be expressed at high yields in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. One of the binders, denoted Ec1, bound to EpCAM with picomolar affinity (Kd = 68 pM), and another selected DARPin (Ac2) recognized a different epitope on EpCAM. Through the use of a variety of bivalent and tetravalent arrangements with these DARPins, the off-rate on cells was further improved by up to 47-fold. All EpCAM-specific DARPins were efficiently internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, which is essential for intracellular delivery of anticancer agents to tumor cells. Thus, using EpCAM as a target, we provide evidence that DARPins can be conveniently selected and rationally engineered to high-affinity binders of various formats for tumor targeting.  相似文献   
Neurofibrillary tangle-bearing neurons, a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, are mostly devoid of normal microtubule (MT) structure and instead have paired helical filaments that are composed of abnormal hyperphosphorylated tau. However, a causal relationship between tau phosphorylation and MT disruption has not been clarified. To examine whether MT disruption induces tau phosphorylation, stathmin, an MT-disrupting protein, was co-expressed with tau in COS-7 cells. Stathmin expression induced apparent MT catastrophe and tau hyperphosphorylation at Thr-181, Ser-202, Thr-205, and Thr-231 sites. In contrast, c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation, or phosphatase inhibition, led to significant tau phosphorylation without affecting MT structure. These findings suggest that MT disruption induces subsequent tau phosphorylation.  相似文献   
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