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The Ainu people are considered to be the descendants of preagricultural native populations of northern Japan, while the majority of the population of contemporary Japan (Wajin) is descended mainly from postneolithic migrants. Polymorphisms of the HLA-DRB1, DRB3, and DQB1 alleles were investigated in DNA samples of 50 Ainu living in Hidaka district, Hokkaido. Unique features of the Ainu in this study were high incidences of DRB1*1401, DRB1*1406, and a newly described allele, DRB1*1106 (20%, 17%, and 5%, respectively). On the other hand, several common alleles in Wajin (DRB1*1502, 1302, 0803, and 1501) were found at relatively low frequencies (1–2%) in Ainu. Previously DRB1*1406 was described as a characteristic allele of some Native American or northeast Asian ethnic groups, and DRB1*1106 had been found in only two Singapore Chinese and one Korean. Principal component analysis of various populations based on HLA class II allele frequencies places the Ainu population midway between other east Asian populations, including Wajin, and Native Americans. These observations may support the hypothesis that the Ainu people are the descendants of some Upper Paleolithic populations of northeast Asia from which Native Americans are also descended. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In the present work, the effect of assisted fertilization on anatomical, morphological and gene expression changes occurring in carpels and during early stages of berry development in Vitis vinifera were studied. Inflorescences were emasculated before capfall, immediately manually pollinated (EP) and fruit development was compared to emasculated but non-pollinated (ENP) and self-pollinated inflorescences (NESP). The diameter of berries derived from pollinated flowers (EP and NESP) was significantly higher than from non-pollinated flowers (ENP) at 21 days after emasculation/pollination (DAE), and a rapid increase in the size of the inner mesocarp, together with the presence of an embryo-like structure, were observed. The expression of gibberellin oxidases (GA20ox and GA2ox), anthranilate synthase (related to auxin synthesis) and cytokinin synthase coding genes was studied to assess the relationship between hormone synthesis and early berry development, while flower patterning genes were analyzed to describe floral transition. Significant expression changes were found for hormone-related genes, suggesting that their expression at early stages of berry development (13 DAE) is related to cell division and differentiation of mesocarp tissue at a later stage (21 DAE). Expression of hormone-related genes also correlates with the expression of VvHB13, a gene related to mesocarp expansion, and with an increased repression of floral patterning genes (PISTILLATA and TM6), which may contribute to prevent floral transition inhibiting fruit growth before fertilization takes place.  相似文献   
《Molecular cell》2021,81(21):4467-4480.e7
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The hydrolysis of 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-6-oxonicotinate to 2-formylglutarate is a central step in the catabolism of nicotinate in several Clostridia and Proteobacteria. This reaction is catalyzed by the novel enzyme enamidase, a new member of the amidohydrolase superfamily as indicated by its unique reaction, sequence relationship, and the stoichiometric binding of iron and zinc. A hallmark of enamidase is its capability to catalyze a two-step reaction: the initial decyclization of 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-6-oxonicotinate leading to 2-(enamine)glutarate followed by an additional hydrolysis step yielding (S)-2-formylglutarate. Here, we present the crystal structure of enamidase from Eubacterium barkeri at 1.9 Å resolution, providing a structural basis for catalysis and suggesting a mechanism for its exceptional activity and enantioselectivity. The enzyme forms a 222-symmetric tetramer built up by a dimer of dimers. Each enamidase monomer consists of a composite β-sandwich domain and an (α/β)8-TIM-barrel domain harboring the active site. With its catalytic binuclear metal center comprising both zinc and iron ions, enamidase represents a special case of subtype II amidohydrolases.  相似文献   
Several semisynthetic analogues of human insulin were prepared by enzyme-assisted coupling of synthetic octapeptides to the C-terminal of porcine desoctapeptide insulin. We report the receptor-binding and biological properties of [LeuB24]- and [LeuB25]-insulins, one of which has the same sequence as a “mutant” insulin recently found in a diabetic patient (Tager, H. et al.(1979) Nature 28:121–125). [LeuB24]- and [LeuB25]-insulins had, respectively, 8–12% and 0.9–1.1% of the binding affinity of human insulin, and 11% and 2.7% of its potency in stimulating lipogenesis in isolated rat fat cells. Neither one was an antagonist of the biological effects of native insulin. While the ability of [LeuB24]-insulin to induce negative cooperativity was clearly impaired, that of [LeuB25]-insulin was almost abolished. [LeuB25]-insulin was also a potent antagonist of the negative cooperativity induced by native insulin.  相似文献   
The beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii induces syncytia in the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana, which are its only nutrient source. One gene, At1g64110, that is strongly up‐regulated in syncytia as shown by RT‐PCR, quantitative RT‐PCR, in situ RT‐PCR and promoter::GUS lines, encodes an AAA+‐type ATPase. Expression of two related genes in syncytia, At4g28000 and At5g52882, was not detected or not different from control root segments. Using amiRNA lines and T‐DNA mutants, we show that At1g64110 is important for syncytium and nematode development. At1g64110 was also inducible by wounding, jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, heat and cold, as well as drought, sodium chloride, abscisic acid and mannitol, indicating involvement of this gene in abiotic stress responses. We confirmed this using two T‐DNA mutants that were more sensitive to abscisic acid and sodium chloride during seed germination and root growth. These mutants also developed significantly smaller roots in response to abscisic acid and sodium chloride. An in silico analysis showed that ATPase At1g64110 (and also At4g28000 and At5g52882) belong to the ‘meiotic clade’ of AAA proteins that includes proteins such as Vps4, katanin, spastin and MSP1.  相似文献   
Interferon/Ribavirin therapy has been replaced by Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs) due to emergence of Resistance Associated Variants (RAVs) and decrease Sustain Virologic Response (SVR). Current study investigated treatment response of Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin in chronic HCV patients. Total 256 HCV patients with genotype 1a, 2 and 3a received sofosbuvir/ribavirin according to international standards. HCV RNA presence in serum was used as marker for end treatment response (ETR) and sustain virologic response after 24 weeks of treatment (SVR24) in each case. Response to treatment with SOF + RBV was found statistically significant among different HCV genotypes (GT) as out of 47 HCV GT1 patients 42(89.36%) resulted into good ETR but 4(9.52%) of these relapsed and 5(10.63%) led into virologic failure. 5(100%) HCV GT2 patients resulted into SVR24 whereas, out of 204 HCV GT3 patients 194(95.69%) achieved good ETR however, 8(4.12%) of these relapsed and 10(4.90%) resulted in to virologic failure. Efficacy of therapy was found non-significant in treatment naïve and treatment experienced patients as in this study out of 145 treatment naïve patients 139(95.86%) achieved good ETR where 4(2.87%) relapsed while 6(4.13%) led into virologic break through on the other hand among 111 treatment experienced patients 102(91.89%) resulted into good ETR but 8(7.84%) relapsed whereas 9(8.10%) lead into virologic failure. Current study also propose that various liver and spleen complications/liver cirrhosis are related to response of HCV patients to SOF + RBV therapy whereas, variables like old age, gender is not compromising treatment response to DAAs therapy. Various mild side effects encountered by patients during treatment were fatigue, insomnia, headache, nausea, burning body, diarrhea, cough. Overall, this study reported 89.45% efficacy of SOF + RBV regime in chronic HCV Pakistani patients. Current study suggests hunting for possible reasons of resistance so that SOF + RBV therapy may not share the same fortune as previous therapies in near future.  相似文献   
Despite numerous studies on shrunken endosperm mutants caused by either maternal tissues (seg) or kernel per se (sex) in barley, the molecular mechanism for all of the eight seg mutants (seg1–seg8) and some sex mutants is yet to be uncovered. In this study, we determined the amylose content, characterized granule-binding proteins, analyzed the expression of key genes involved in starch synthesis, and examined starch granule structure of both normal (Bowman and Morex) and shrunken endosperm (seg1, seg3, seg4a, seg4b, seg5, seg6, seg7, and sex1) barley accessions. Our results showed that amylose contents of shrunken endosperm mutants ranged from 8.9% (seg4a) to 25.8% (seg1). SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that 87 kDa proteins corresponding to the starch branching enzyme II (SBEII) and starch synthase II (SSII) were not present in seg1, seg3, seg6, and seg7 mutants. Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis indicated that waxy expression levels of seg1, seg3, seg6, and seg7 mutants decreased in varying degrees to lower levels until 27 days after anthesis (DAA) after reaching the peak at 15–21 DAA, which differed from the pattern of normal barley accessions. Further characterization of waxy alleles revealed 7 non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding sequences and 16 SNPs and 8 indels in the promoter sequences of the mutants. Results from starch granule by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicated that, in comparison with normal barley accessions, seg4a, seg4b, and sex1 had fewer starch granules per grain; seg3 and seg6 had less small B-type granules; some large A-type granules in seg7 had a hollow surface. These results improve our understanding about effects of seg and sex mutants on starch biosynthesis and granule structure during endosperm development and provide information for identification of key genes responsible for these shrunken endosperm mutants.  相似文献   
Activated microglia are an important feature of many neurological diseases and can be imaged in vivo using 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide (PK11195), a ligand that binds the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR). N-(2,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-N-(5-fluoro-2-phenoxyphenyl) acetamide (DAA1106) is a new PBR-specific ligand that has been reported to bind to PBR with higher affinity compared with PK11195. We hypothesized that this high-affinity binding of DAA1106 to PBR will enable better delineation of microglia in vivo using positron emission tomography. [(3)H]DAA1106 showed higher binding affinity compared with [(3)H](R)-PK11195 in brain tissue derived from normal rats and the rats injected intrastriatally with 6-hydroxydopamine or lipopolysaccharide at the site of the lesion. Immunohistochemistry combined with autoradiography in brain tissues as well as correlation analyses showed that increased [(3)H]DAA1106 binding corresponded mainly to activated microglia. Finally, ex vivo autoradiography and positron emission tomography imaging in vivo showed greater retention of [(11)C]DAA1106 compared with [(11)C](R)-PK11195 in animals injected with either lipopolysaccaride or 6-hydroxydopamine at the site of lesion. These results indicate that DAA1106 binds with higher affinity to microglia in rat models of neuroinflammation when compared with PK11195, suggesting that [(11)C]DAA1106 may represent a significant improvement over [(11)C](R)-PK11195 for in vivo imaging of activated microglia in human neuroinflammatory disorders.  相似文献   
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