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采用PCR技术从鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp.) PCC 7120中扩增获得红色荧光蛋白基因all1280 gaf2,并利用Bam HⅠ和SalⅠ酶切位点,将该基因插入到pET-30a(+)中,构建表达载体pET-all1280 gaf2。将该表达载体与藻胆色素生物合成质粒pACYC-ho1-pcyA同时转化到大肠杆菌E. coli BL21 (DE3),表达后获得大肠杆菌色素细胞。结果显示,该色素细胞在荧光显微镜下具有红色荧光,且在15E/15Z态之间具有可逆光效应。进一步以pET-all1280 gaf2为模板,通过定点突变技术在all1280 gaf2基因中引入C53A突变,获得了突变体All1280 GAF2 (C53A)。将All1280 GAF2 (C53A)与藻胆色素在E. coli BL21 (DE3)中共表达,获得了比野生型红色荧光更强的大肠杆菌色素细胞。研究结果表明,与野生型相比,All1280 GAF2 (C53A)具有较高的摩尔消光系数和荧光量子产率,红色荧光更强。  相似文献   
蓝细菌光敏色素(CBCRs)是蓝细菌中感受光的重要光受体,能够响应从紫外光到红外光范围内的光信号,进而影响蓝细菌的光化学行为。蓝细菌光敏色素通过N-末端GAF(cGMP phosphodiesterase,adenylyl cyclase and FhlA domain)结构域中保守性半胱氨酸共价结合藻胆色素,形成具有感光生理功能的色素蛋白质。本文重点在分子水平上综述了蓝细菌光敏色素的分子结构、生物合成和可逆光致变色效应机理,并基于最新的研究进展,就蓝细菌光敏色素今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
通过蛋白质序列同源性比对分析,在嗜热藻(Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1)里面找到了与已知的Pb/Pg型蓝细菌光敏色素TePixJ和TeTlr0924同源的3个基因tlr0911、tlr1215和tlr1999。通过分子克隆技术把它们的GAF结构域分别构建在pET30a(+)表达载体上,与可生成藻蓝胆素(PCB)的质粒pACYCDuet-ho1-pcyA在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)体内重组,生成重组蛋白,利用亲和层析柱分离纯化,纯化后的蛋白质经过锌荧光和蛋白质酸性尿素变性以及荧光光谱和吸收光谱等实验分析鉴定,结果表明,Tlr0911-GAF存在蓝光吸收态Pb406 nm和绿光吸收态Pg527 nm之间的可逆光转换,它可共价结合两种藻胆色素,即藻紫胆素(PVB)和藻蓝胆素(PCB),Tlr1999-GAF则存在蓝光吸收态Pb417 nm和青光吸收态Pt496 nm之间的可逆光转换,它同样共价结合PVB和PCB,而Tlr1215-GAF1和Tlr1215-GAF2不能自发结合藻胆色素,不具有光活性。  相似文献   
采用PCR技术从鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp.PCC7120)中扩增蓝细菌光敏色素基因片段alr1966gaf2,将alr1966gaf2插入到pET-30a(+)载体中,构建表达质粒pET-alr1966gaf2。最后将Alr1966GAF2与HO1、PcyA在E.coli BL21(DE3)中共表达获得色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2,并对该蛋白的光化学性质进行分析。结果显示,色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2结合色素为藻蓝胆素(phycoerythrobilin,PCB)或藻紫胆素(phycoviolobilin,PVB),在3种不同吸收态15Z-P428 nm、中间态和15E-P514 nm之间具有顺序可逆光效应。通过定点突变技术将DXCF基序中的保守性Cys突变为Ala,获得了突变体Alr1966GAF2(C72A)。将Alr1966GAF2(C72A)与HO1、PcyA共表达,获得色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2(C72A)。研究结果表明Alr1966GAF2(C72A)结合色素为PCB,Alr1966GAF2(C72A)-PCB具有较强的荧光活性,其荧光量子的产率高达0.11。Alr1966GAF2(C72A)不仅能够共价结合PCB,还可以结合胆绿素(Biliverdin,BV),均具有较强的红色荧光活性。  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria have unique photoreceptors, cyanobacteriochromes, that show diverse spectral properties to sense near-UV/visible lights. Certain cyanobacteriochromes have been shown to regulate cellular phototaxis or chromatic acclimation of photosynthetic pigments. Some cyanobacteriochromes have output domains involved in bacterial signaling using a second messenger cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP), but its role in cyanobacteria remains elusive. Here, we characterize the recombinant Tlr0924 from a thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, which was expressed in a cyanobacterial system. The protein reversibly photoconverts between blue- and green-absorbing forms, which is consistent with the protein prepared from Escherichia coli, and has diguanylate cyclase activity, which is enhanced 38-fold by blue light compared with green light. Therefore, Tlr0924 is a blue light-activated diguanylate cyclase. The protein''s relatively low affinity (10.5 mm) for Mg2+, which is essential for diguanylate cyclase activity, suggests that Mg2+ might also regulate c-di-GMP signaling. Finally, we show that blue light irradiation under low temperature is responsible for Thermosynechococcus vulcanus cell aggregation, which is abolished when tlr0924 is disrupted, suggesting that Tlr0924 mediates blue light-induced cell aggregation by producing c-di-GMP. Given our results, we propose the name “sesA (sessility-A)” for tlr0924. This is the first report for cyanobacteriochrome-dependent regulation of a sessile/planktonic lifestyle in cyanobacteria via c-di-GMP.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria have several putative photoreceptors (designated cyanobacteriochromes) that are related to but distinct from the established phytochromes. The GAF domain of the phototaxis regulator, PixJ, from a thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 (TePixJ_GAF) is a cyanobacteriochrome which exhibits reversible photoconversion between a blue light-absorbing form (max = 433 nm) and a green light-absorbing form (max = 531 nm). To study the chromophore, we prepared TePixJ_GAF chromoprotein from heterologously expressed Synechocystis and performed spectral analysis after denaturation by comparing it with the cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1 which harbors phycocyanobilin (PCB) as a chromophore. The results indicated that the chromophore of TePixJ is not PCB, but its isomer, phycoviolobilin (PVB). It is suggested that the GAF domain of TePixJ has auto-lyase and auto-isomerase activities.  相似文献   
马琼  谢菲  周志  周明 《植物科学学报》1983,37(2):181-187
采用PCR技术从鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp.)PCC 7120中扩增获得红色荧光蛋白基因all1280 gaf2,并利用BamHⅠ和SalⅠ酶切位点,将该基因插入到pET-30a(+)中,构建表达载体pET-all1280 gaf2。将该表达载体与藻胆色素生物合成质粒pACYC-ho1-pcyA同时转化到大肠杆菌E.coli BL21(DE3),表达后获得大肠杆菌色素细胞。结果显示,该色素细胞在荧光显微镜下具有红色荧光,且在15E/15Z态之间具有可逆光效应。进一步以pET-all1280 gaf2为模板,通过定点突变技术在all1280 gaf2基因中引入C53A突变,获得了突变体All1280 GAF2(C53A)。将All1280 GAF2(C53A)与藻胆色素在E.coli BL21(DE3)中共表达,获得了比野生型红色荧光更强的大肠杆菌色素细胞。研究结果表明,与野生型相比,All1280 GAF2(C53A)具有较高的摩尔消光系数和荧光量子产率,红色荧光更强。  相似文献   
The phytochrome superfamily of photoreceptors exploits reversible light-driven changes in the bilin chromophore to initiate a variety of signaling cascades. The nature of these alterations and how they impact the protein moiety remain poorly resolved and might include several species-specific routes. Here, we provide a detailed picture of photoconversion for the photosensing cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenylyl cyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain from Thermosynechococcus elongatus (Te) PixJ, a member of the cyanobacteriochrome clade. Solution NMR structures of the blue light-absorbing dark state Pb and green light-absorbing photoactivated state Pg, combined with paired crystallographic models, revealed that the bilin and GAF domain dynamically transition via breakage of the C10/Cys-494 thioether bond, opposite rotations of the A and D pyrrole rings, sliding of the bilin in the GAF pocket, and the appearance of an extended region of disorder that includes Cys-494. Changes in GAF domain backbone dynamics were also observed that are likely important for inter-domain signal propagation. Taken together, photoconversion of T. elongatus PixJ from Pb to Pg involves complex structural changes within the GAF domain pocket that transduce light into a mechanical signal, many aspects of which should be relevant to others within the extended phytochrome superfamily.  相似文献   
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