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Gradients in oxygen availability and salinity are among the most important environmental parameters influencing zonation in salt marsh communities. The combined effects of oxygen and salinity on the germination of two salt marsh grasses, Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis, were studied in growth chamber experiments. Germination of both species was initiated by emergence of the shoot and completed by root emergence. Percentage S. alterniflora germination was reduced at high salinity (40 g NaCl/L) and in decreased oxygen (5 and 2.5%). In 0% oxygen shoots emerged, but roots did not. P. australis germination was reduced at a lower salinity (25 g NaCl/L) than S. alterniflora, and inhibited at 40 g NaCl/L and in anoxia. However, a combination of hypoxia (10 and 5% O2) and moderate salinity (5 and 10 g NaCl/L) increased P. australis germination. When bare areas in the salt marsh are colonized, the different germination responses of these two species to combinations of oxygen and salt concentrations are important in establishing their initial zonation. In high salinity wetlands S. alterniflora populates the lower marsh and P. australis occupies the high marsh at the upland boundary.  相似文献   
Southern fur seals Arctocephalus australis in Peru have declined gradually over the past decade, and declined dramatically (72%) as a result of low food availability during the severe El Niño in 1997–98. In 1999, seals abandoned some historically important breeding sites. This is particularly alarming because new sites were not colonized. Our objective was to examine how habitat features and human disturbance influenced whether sites were currently used, abandoned or apparently not used in the past by fur seals for breeding. Data were collected on 14 variables at 70 potential breeding sites at three guano reserves in Peru. Discriminant analysis revealed significant multivariate differences among sites currently used for breeding, abandoned sites and unused sites ( F =5.97, P <0.00001), and the model classified 74% of sites correctly. Currently used sites were less likely to have human disturbance and more likely to have offshore islands, stacked rocks, tide pools and abundant shade. Separate discriminant analyses for each reserve produced similar results. Habitat associated with thermoregulation (e.g. shade or pools) may be more important to fur seals in Peru, which breed at lower latitudes and are at greater risk of overheating on land than other populations. Habitat with minimized human access may be especially important to seals in small populations in which individuals may perceive themselves as more vulnerable because of decreased vigilance and dilution effects. Seals in our study selected breeding habitat with stacked rocks, which create shade and tide pools for thermoregulation and make human access difficult; but pups might suffer higher mortality in this habitat. We hypothesize that fur seals in Peru may exhibit an Allee effect, whereby suitability of habitat varies with population abundance.  相似文献   
Abstract This study documents the fish and decapod crustaceans inhabiting a bed of Gracilaria verrucosa that was drifting on the bottom of a temperate marine embayment in relatively deep water (15- 18m) during autumn 1991. Fauna were sampled with diver-operated enclosure nets. Relatively few species inhabited the algae at this time, and the assemblage was primarily a subset of that in adjacent Posidonia australis beds. Three fish species [Neoodax balteatus (Odacidae), Cristiceps australis (Clinidae), Siphamia cephalotes (Apogonidae)] and one species of crab [Nectocarcinus tuberculosus (Portunidae)] dominated the catches numerically. A further 14 fish and decapod species were relatively rare. Neoodax balteatus, C. australis and N. tuberculosus were caught at all life stages and appeared to be permanent residents of the Gracilaria. Few juveniles of other species were captured, which indicates that these algal wracks may not be an important nursery habitat for seasonally resident fish species. Trachurus novaezelandiae and a number of other fish species that associate with a variety of benthic habitats appeared to be transient visitors. The biomass of algae varied significantly within the bed, but algal biomass was not a good indicator of faunal abundances. The low species richness of the fish and decapod crustacean assemblage may be related to both lower recruitment in deeper water and to unfavourable characteristics of the alga.  相似文献   
Larvae of the two southern hemisphere lamprey genera, Mordacia and Geotria, possess one and two intestinal diverticula, respectively, each originating at the oesophageal-intestinal junction. These diverticula comprise an inner layer of simple columnar epithelium composed solely of zymogen and mucous cells, a middle layer consisting mainly of a blood sinus, and an outer serosa layer covered by a simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium). The inner surface is highly folded only in Mordacia. The secretion of mucus probably protects the epithelium from the effects of digestive enzymes secreted by the zymogen cells and/or bile, which enters the diverticulum at its tip. Unlike the situation in southern hemisphere lampreys, the zymogen cells of the larvae of holarctic lampreys are located in the anterior intestine, a condition considered to be primitive. It is thus proposed that intestinal diverticula were developed during the evolution of southern hemisphere lampreys. The relocation of zymogen cells in the diverticula increases the area for these cells, and thus the capacity for the synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes, particularly in Mordacia where the inner surface is folded.  相似文献   
Carr vegetation was once extensive in New Zealand. It can be divided into Cordyline australis I Carex secta carr, comprising an open wood with scattered large herbs and an abundance of Carex species, and podocarp carr, dominated by tall conifers. Both have been almost eliminated by agricultural development. We studied a remnant of Cordyline australis I Carex secta carr in South Island, which graded at one end into salt marsh. Eight communities were recognized, including one pure salt marsh and two more with saline influence. Near the stream that provided moisture and alluvium for the area were herbaceous communities. In the poorly-drained area away from the stream were communities dominated by shrubs and small trees. The soil environment is similar to that of many European carrs, though generally less organic. A number of the exotic species are also found in European carrs.  相似文献   
扎龙芦苇湿地生长季的甲烷排放通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究高寒地区天然淡水芦苇湿地的甲烷排放特征,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,测定了扎龙不同水位芦苇湿地生长季的甲烷排放通量.结果表明:观测期内,扎龙芦苇湿地甲烷排放通量平均为7.67 mg·m-2·h-1(-21.18~46.15 mg·m-2·h-1),其中深水区(平均水深100 cm)和浅水区(平均水深25 cm)的平均甲烷排放通量分别为5.81和9.52 mg·m-2·h-1,排放峰值分别出现在8月和7月,最低值均出现在10月.深水区夏季(6-7月)的甲烷排放通量显著低于浅水区,而春(5月)、秋(8-10月)季节显著高于浅水区.生长季甲烷排放通量的变化为夏季>秋季>春季;昼夜排放量为12:00和14:00最高,0:00最低.温度和水位是高寒地区淡水芦苇湿地甲烷排放通量变化的主要影响因子.  相似文献   
了解植物养分浓度及其化学计量对土壤因子的响应,对预测脆弱而敏感生态系统对环境变化的响应至关重要.以敦煌阳关湿地优势种芦苇(Phragmites australis)为对象,通过野外调查与实验分析,研究芦苇不同器官生态化学计量特征及其影响因素.结果 表明:芦苇各器官C、P含量为叶>根>茎,N含量及N∶P为叶>茎>根,C∶...  相似文献   
李钧敏  钟章成  董鸣 《生态学报》2008,28(2):868-876
比较分析了广东省内伶仃岛薇甘菊未入侵群落、薇甘菊入侵群落、田野菟丝子刚寄生的薇甘菊入侵群落和田野菟丝子寄生3a的薇甘菊入侵群落的土壤化学特性、微生物生物量碳氮磷及土壤酶活性的变化,旨在探讨薇甘菊入侵如何改变土壤特性及田野菟丝子的寄生如何改变薇甘菊入侵地土壤特性.薇甘菊入侵群落土壤的pH值(6.046)、有机碳(35.937 g·kg-1) 、全氮(2.449 g·kg-1)、有机氮(2.383 g·kg-1)和氨态氮(0.051 g·kg-1)含量要显著地高于薇甘菊未入侵群落土壤(5.593,29.512 g·kg-1, 0.800 g·kg-1, 0.722 g·kg-1, 0.043 g·kg-1),而土壤硝态氮含量(0.015 g·kg-1)要显著地低于薇甘菊未入侵群落土壤(0.033 g·kg-1),土壤全磷和有效磷没有明显的差异;薇甘菊入侵群落土壤的微生物生物量碳、氮、磷、土壤酸性磷酸酶、脲酶和β-D-葡萄糖苷酶活性要显著地高于薇甘菊未入侵群落土壤.田野菟丝子寄生可以使薇甘菊入侵地的土壤pH值(5.634)、有机碳(27.225 g·kg-1) 、全氮(1.836 g·kg-1)、有机氮(1.793 g·kg-1)和氨态氮(0.024 g·kg-1)含量显著性下降,对于全磷、有效磷和硝态氮则无明显影响;同时田野菟丝子寄生可以使土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷、土壤酸性磷酸酶、脲酶及β-D-葡萄糖苷酶活性显著下降,但改变后的土壤与未入侵地之间仍具有一定的差异.田野菟丝子寄生达3a的薇甘菊入侵地的土壤总有机碳(35.719 g·kg-1)、全氮(2.356 g·kg-1)、有机氮(2.304 g·kg-1)和氨态氮(0.040 g·kg-1)含量相对于寄生早期显著增加,有机碳、全氮、有机氮等含量恢复到薇甘菊入侵地的水平,与未入侵地之间存在显著性差异;田野菟丝子寄生时间对土壤微生物生物量氮磷及土壤酸性磷酸酶和β-D-葡萄糖苷酶活性无显著性影响,但微生物生物量碳及脲酶活性显著升高,甚至超出薇甘菊入侵地.薇甘菊入侵可以改变土壤微生物生物量和酶活性,最终改变土壤化学特性,有利于其入侵;而田野菟丝子寄生可以打破土壤微生物生态系统的动态平衡,引起土壤微生物生物量和酶活性的改变,而最终又引起土壤化学特性的改变.此研究结果对于评价薇甘菊入侵的后果、田野菟丝子防治的可能机制及带来的后果具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)的入侵给海岸带盐沼生态系统的结构和功能带来了显著影响。互花米草盐沼中的硫含量高于附近的土著芦苇(Phragmites australis)盐沼。为探讨硫元素对互花米草和芦苇竞争过程的可能影响及其作用机制,以50mmol·L–1的Na2SO4和Na2S对互花米草和芦苇进行处理,分析处理前后5天内两种植物光合气体交换和叶绿素荧光指标变化的差异,实验另设等Na+浓度的Na Cl处理作为比较。研究发现:Na2S对互花米草和芦苇光合作用影响的差异最大,Na Cl次之,Na2SO4最小。Na2S处理后,互花米草净光合速率(Pn)出现显著上升,芦苇Pn值大幅度下降。互花米草的光饱和点(Isat)上升而芦苇的Isat值无变化。表明Na2S处理对互花米草的光合能力有促进作用,但对芦苇的光合能力有抑制作用。Na Cl处理后互花米草Pn值也出现小幅上升,而芦苇Pn值略有下降。Na2SO4处理对互花米草和芦苇的Pn值均无显著影响。除Na2SO4处理的互花米草外,不同盐处理后的互花米草和芦苇非光化学淬灭(NPQ)均出现上升趋势。研究结果表明互花米草对环境硫胁迫的适应能力显著高于芦苇,暗示盐沼高硫环境尤其是硫化物有助于互花米草相对于芦苇的竞争,也很可能是其形成单一植被的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
The determinants of host specificity, which are poorly understood in red algal parasites, were studied in the red algal parasites Bostrychiocolax australis Zuccarello et West and Dawsoniocolax bostrychiae (Joly et Yamaguishi-Tomita) Joly et Yamaguishi-Tomita. Culture studies were performed to determine host range, sites of host resistance, and genetics of transmission of resistance. Both species parasitize Bostrychia radicans (Montagne) Montagne, whereas Bostrychiocolax australis also parasitizes Bostrychia moritziana (Sonder ex Kützing) J. Agardh and Stictosiphonia kelanensis (Grunow ex Post) R. J. King et Puttock. Isolates of B. radicans resistant to both parasites were found worldwide, often within the same population as susceptible isolates. On resistant Bostrychia species and isolates, specificity was manifested at three stages: 1) host penetration, in which the spore germ peg failed to penetrate the host cuticle/wall; 2) parasite–host cell fusion, in which the fusion cell died and the parasite died; and 3) growth, in which parasites grew but soon died; parasites rarely reproduced and infections did not continue in culture. Resistance to parasite infection was usually transmitted as a dominant trait and did not segregate as a single locus during meiosis. In certain crosses, transmission of resistance was non-mendelian.  相似文献   
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