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Realistic power calculations for large cohort studies and nested case control studies are essential for successfully answering important and complex research questions in epidemiology and clinical medicine. For this, we provide a methodical framework for general realistic power calculations via simulations that we put into practice by means of an R‐based template. We consider staggered recruitment and individual hazard rates, competing risks, interaction effects, and the misclassification of covariates. The study cohort is assembled with respect to given age‐, gender‐, and community distributions. Nested case‐control analyses with a varying number of controls enable comparisons of power with a full cohort analysis. Time‐to‐event generation under competing risks, including delayed study‐entry times, is realized on the basis of a six‐state Markov model. Incidence rates, prevalence of risk factors and prefixed hazard ratios allow for the assignment of age‐dependent transition rates given in the form of Cox models. These provide the basis for a central simulation‐algorithm, which is used for the generation of sample paths of the underlying time‐inhomogeneous Markov processes. With the inclusion of frailty terms into the Cox models the Markov property is specifically biased. An “individual Markov process given frailty” creates some unobserved heterogeneity between individuals. Different left‐truncation‐ and right‐censoring patterns call for the use of Cox models for data analysis. p‐values are recorded over repeated simulation runs to allow for the desired power calculations. For illustration, we consider scenarios with a “testing” character as well as realistic scenarios. This enables the validation of a correct implementation of theoretical concepts and concrete sample size recommendations against an actual epidemiological background, here given with possible substudy designs within the German National Cohort.  相似文献   
The effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper considers the effects of truncating long-range forces on protein dynamics. Six methods of truncation that we investigate as a function of cutoff criterion of the long-range potentials are (1) a shifted potential; (2) a switching function; (3) simple atom-atom truncation based on distance; (4) simple atom-atom truncation based on a list which is updated periodically (every 25 steps); (5) simple group-group truncation based on distance; and (6) simple group-group truncation based on a list which is updated periodically (every 25 steps). Based on 70 calculations of carboxymyoglobin we show that the method and distance of long range cutoff have a dramatic effect on overall protein behavior. Evaluation of the different methods is based on comparison of a simulation's rms fluctuation about the average coordinates, the rms deviation from the average coordinates of a no cutoff simulation and from the X-ray structure of the protein. The simulations in which long-range forces are truncated by a shifted potential shows large rms deviations for cutoff criteria less than 14 A, and reasonable deviations and fluctuations at this cutoff distance or larger. Simulations using a switching function are investigated by varying the range over which electrostatic interactions are switched off. Results using a short switching function that switches off the potential over a short range of distances are poor for all cutoff distances. A switching function over a 5-9 A range gives reasonable results for a distance-dependent dielectric, but not using a constant dielectric. Both the atom-atom and group-group truncation methods based on distance shows large rms deviation and fluctuation for short cutoff distances, while for cutoff distances of 11 A or greater, reasonable results are achieved. Although comparison of these to distance-based truncation methods show surprisingly larger rms deviations for the group-group truncation, contrary to simulation studies of aqueous ionic solutions. The results of atom-atom or group-group list-based simulations generally appear to be less stable than the distance-based simulations, and require more frequent velocity scaling or stronger coupling to a heat bath.  相似文献   
Truncated tau is widely detected in Alzheimer's disease brain, and caspase-3 has been considered as a major executioner for tau truncation at aspartate421 (D421), according to its capability of cleaving recombinant tau in vitro . Here we investigated the relationship between D421 truncated tau and caspase-3 in two transgenic mouse models for tauopathies. In adult transgenic mice, activated caspase-3 could not be detected in neurons containing truncated tau, with the exception of a few glia-like cells or neurons in postnatal mice. Caspase-3 expression exhibited a dramatic decrease at the early development stage, and kept at constantly low levels during adult stages in both wild type and transgenic mice. On the other hand, co-incubating brain homogenates from adult tau transgenic mice and ethanol-treated postnatal mice promoted tau truncation at D421, which was mildly reduced by caspase inhibitor, but completely suppressed by phosphatase inhibitor, indicating that hyperphosphorylated tau becomes a poor substrate for truncation at D421. Taken together, our study shows that insufficient caspase-3 expression and hyperphosphorylated status of tau in the adult transgenic mouse brain restrict caspase-3 as an efficient enzyme for tau truncation in vivo . Clearly, there is a caspase-3 independent mechanism responsible for tau truncation at D421 in these models.  相似文献   
An embryonic lethal mutation in chicken named cleft primary palate (cpp) is inherited in an autosomal recessive mode and results in a severely truncated upper beak. In this study, genotyping and sequencing techniques were employed to advance our genetic and genomic knowledge of the mutation’s chromosomal location, candidate region and possible causative element using a congenic inbred line. Herein, the candidate region for the cpp developmental mutation was established as a ca. 5.1 Mb region of chicken chromosome 11 (GGA 11) through the use of a 600K Affymetrix SNP array. The SNPs identified from this array linked to cpp were used to genotype individuals from the congenic inbred line over several generations and thereby fine-map the causative region resulting in an approximately 200 kb size reduction. This candidate region (4.9 Mb) was sequenced via capture array in a cohort of 24 individuals, including carriers, mutants and their wild type (wt) siblings. Interestingly, the GGA 11 region for cpp encompasses the predicted centromere location and is thus unlikely to be highly disrupted by further recombination. Here we report on the variation unique to the cpp mutation, i.e. single-nucleotide variants and insertions or deletions. Although the candidate region contains several genes of interest with regard to the cpp phenotype, only one cpp-linked variant was predicted to have a significant physiological effect by causing a frameshift mutation in ESRP2, which has a role in tissue-specific splicing during development.  相似文献   
A new program package (COSMOS90) for molecular dynamics simulations was developed to simulate large molecular systems consisting of more than tens of thousands of atoms without the truncation of long-range coulomb interactions. This program package was based on a new approximation scheme (PPPC) for calculating efficiently the coulomb interactions without sacrificing accuracy. In this approximation scheme, the group of charges at a long distance from each atom was represented by a total charge and total dipole moment of the group. In order to assess the accuracy of PPPC and the ability of COSMOS90, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for a large system consisting of 16108 atoms (human lysozyme in water) for 50 ps using this program package. The coulomb energy per solute atom was calculated with only five percent of the error found in the 10 Å cut-off approximation (about 0.9 kcal/mol versus 18 kcal/mol, respectively). The molecular dynamics simulations using COSMOS90 require no more CPU time than the simulations based on the 10 Å cut-off approximation of the conventional programs for macromolecular simulations.  相似文献   
We have previously proposed a model for the fold of the N-terminal domain of the small, regulatory subunit (SSU) of acetohydroxyacid synthase isozyme III. The fold is an alpha-beta sandwich with betaalphabetabetaalphabeta topology, structurally homologous to the C-terminal regulatory domain of 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase. We suggested that the N-terminal domains of a pair of SSUs interact in the holoenzyme to form two binding sites for the feedback inhibitor valine in the interface between them. The model was supported by mutational analysis and other evidence. We have now examined the role of the C-terminal portion of the SSU by construction of truncated polypeptides (lacking 35, 48, 80, 95, or 112 amino acid residues from the C terminus) and examining the properties of holoenzymes reconstituted using these constructs. The Delta35, Delta48, and Delta80 constructs all lead to essentially complete activation of the catalytic subunits. The Delta80 construct, corresponding to the putative N-terminal domain, has the highest level of affinity for the catalytic subunits and leads to a reconstituted enzyme with k(cat)/K(M) about twice that of the wild-type enzyme. On the other hand, none of these constructs binds valine or leads to a valine-sensitive enzyme on reconstitution. The enzyme reconstituted with the Delta80 construct does not bind valine, either. The N-terminal portion (about 80 amino acid residues) of the SSU is thus necessary and sufficient for recognition and activation of the catalytic subunits, but the C-terminal half of the SSU is required for valine binding and response. We suggest that the C-terminal region of the SSU contributes to monomer-monomer interactions, and provide additional experimental evidence for this suggestion.  相似文献   
在江苏省主要西/甜瓜产区,采集不同种植年限的西/甜瓜农田土壤,采用线虫形态学的鉴定方法,分析了不同种植年限西/甜瓜农田土壤线虫的数量、群落结构及相关生态指数的变化。结果表明:所有调查样点中,共发现土壤线虫54属,平均682条·100 g-1干土,其中原杆属线虫、拟丽突属线虫和矮化属线虫在不同种植年限的西/甜瓜农田土壤中均为优势属;随着种植年限的增加,土壤线虫的总数量虽无显著变化,但其中食细菌类线虫和杂食-捕食类线虫数量显著减少,而植物寄生类线虫数量显著增加;植物寄生类线虫中的矮化属、根结属线虫数量不断增加;随着种植年限的增加,土壤线虫的多样性指数(H)、瓦斯乐斯卡指数(WI)、自由生活线虫成熟度指数(MI)显著降低,线虫通道指数(NCR)、植物寄生线虫成熟度指数(PPI)、PPI/MI显著升高,其他指数无显著变化;相关性分析结果显示,土壤线虫数量与土壤pH、速效磷、有效锌和有效硼均呈显著正相关;土壤p H、有机质、全氮、速效钾、有效硼和有效锌对土壤优势属线虫的影响较大;连续种植西/甜瓜会增加土壤植物寄生类线虫数量,进而可能造成西/甜瓜连作障碍的发生;连续种植6~1...  相似文献   
In observational cohort studies with complex sampling schemes, truncation arises when the time to event of interest is observed only when it falls below or exceeds another random time, that is, the truncation time. In more complex settings, observation may require a particular ordering of event times; we refer to this as sequential truncation. Estimators of the event time distribution have been developed for simple left-truncated or right-truncated data. However, these estimators may be inconsistent under sequential truncation. We propose nonparametric and semiparametric maximum likelihood estimators for the distribution of the event time of interest in the presence of sequential truncation, under two truncation models. We show the equivalence of an inverse probability weighted estimator and a product limit estimator under one of these models. We study the large sample properties of the proposed estimators and derive their asymptotic variance estimators. We evaluate the proposed methods through simulation studies and apply the methods to an Alzheimer's disease study. We have developed an R package, seqTrun , for implementation of our method.  相似文献   
Monoclinic crystal structure of C-terminal desundecapeptide nitrite reductase (NiRc-11) from Achromobacter cycloclastes was determined at 2.6A. NiRc-11 exists as a loose trimer in the crystal. Deletion of 11 residues eliminates all intersubunit hydrogen bonds mediated by the C-terminal tail. The rigid irregular coil 105-112, which constitutes part of the sidewall of the active site pocket, undergoes conformational changes and becomes highly flexible in NiRc-11. Correspondingly, the linker segments between the two copper sites 95-100 and 135-136 are partly relaxed in conformation, which leads to disrupted active site microenvironments responsible for the activity loss and spectral change of NiRc-11. Comparison with the native structure revealed a bulky residue Met331 fastened by hydrogen bonding, which may play a direct role in keeping the right copper site geometry by protruding its side chain against the irregular coil 105-112. Sequence alignment showed that the bulky residue is conserved at position 331, indicating an equal importance of C-terminal segment in other copper-containing nitrite reductases.  相似文献   
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