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Human migration is nonrandom. In small scale societies of the past, and in the modern world, people tend to move to wealthier, safer, and more just societies from poorer, more violent, less just societies. If immigrants are assimilated, such nonrandom migration can increase the occurrence of culturally transmitted beliefs, values, and institutions that cause societies to be attractive to immigrants. Here we describe and analyze a simple model of this process. This model suggests that long run outcomes depend on the relative strength of migration and local adaptation. When local adaption is strong enough to preserve cultural variation among groups, cultural variants that make societies attractive always predominate, but never drive alternative variants to extinction. When migration predominates, outcomes depend both on the relative attractiveness of alternative variants and on the initial sizes of societies that provide and receive immigrants.  相似文献   
The regression of Epstein-Barr (EB) virus-transformed B-cell outgrowth which is seen in experimentally-infected cultures of blood mononuclear (UM) cells from healthy seropositive donors can be abolished in medium containing the T-cell-suppressive agent cyclosporin A (CSA) at concentrations of 0.05 microgram/ml and above. CSA mediates its effect within the first 4 days post-infection of the UM cells and this prevents subsequent in vitro generation of the EB virus-specific cytotoxic-T-cell response which normally brings about regression. Regression can be fully restored by supplementing the CSA-treated culture with interleukin 2 (IL-2)-containing culture supernatants or indeed with purified IL-2 itself, suggesting that CSA mediates its effect in this system through inhibiting the endogenous production of IL-2 which is required to amplify the virus-specific cytotoxic response. "Spontaneous transformation" to EB virus genome-positive lymphoblastoid cell lines in noninfected cultures of UM cells from healthy seropositive donors, though rare in normal medium, is enhanced to such a degree in the presence of CSA that, for many donors, the phenomenon becomes titratable against input cell dose across the 2.0 X 10(6)-2.5 X 10(5) cells/culture range. Cell mixing experiments suggest that the spontaneously transformed cell lines which arise with such efficiency under these conditions do so not by direct in vitro outgrowth of progenitor cells transformed by the virus in vivo, but by a two-step mechanism involving virus release and secondary infection in vitro.  相似文献   
It has been suggested by some that the acquisition of symbolic capital in terms of honor, prestige, and power translates into an accumulation of material capital in terms of tangible belongings, and that on the basis of these goods high reproductive success may be achieved. However, data on completed fertility rates over more than one generation in so-called traditional societies have been rare. Ethnographic and demographic data presented here on the pastoral Bakkarwal of northern India largely corroborate the hypothesis concerning the interdependence between the attainment of various cultural goals and differential reproduction rates and indicate that the numbers of (especially male) surviving offspring and siblings are crucial to a man’s position in society.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that both genetic and linguistic similarities among Eurasian and North African populations are due to demic diffusion of neolithic farmers is tested against a wide database of allele frequencies. Demic diffusion of farming and languages from the Near East should have determined clines in areas defined by linguistic criteria; the alternative hypothesis of cultural transmission does not predict clines. Spatial autocorrelation analysis shows significant gradients in three of the four linguistic families supposedly affected by neolithic demic diffusion; the Afroasiatic family is the exception. Many such gradients are not observed when populations are jointly analyzed, regardless of linguistic classification. This is incompatible with the hypothesis that major cultural transformations in Eurasia (diffusion of related languages and spread of agriculture) took place without major demographic changes. The model of demic diffusion seems therefore to provide a mechanism explaining coevolution of linguistic and biological traits in much of the Old World. Archaeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence agree in suggesting a multidirectional process of gene flow from the Near East in the neolithic. However, the possibility should be envisaged that some allele frequency patterns can predate the neolithic and depend on the initial spread of Homo sapiens sapiens from Africa into Eurasia. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The Mesolithic is a fascinating period, where ancient traditions are tilting towards a new paradigm. Many changes can be recognised without being able to establish a real split with the Palaeolithic. Far from being just a bridge towards the Neolithic, the Mesolithic is truly a new and stable metaphysical structure. In our article, we are interested in the structural mechanisms by which Palaeolithic metaphysics slides towards the Mesolithic, where the individual occupies a central role.  相似文献   
Cultural transmission implies the rapid spread of behavioural innovations when initially naïve individuals copy more informed ones. Mathematical models of transmission feature accelerating (and in most cases, logistic) rates of learning as animals that acquire an innovation provide ever increasing numbers of informers for potential learners. Conversely, non-accelerating rates have been proposed as a null hypothesis for apparent cases of cultural transmission that can best be explained by simpler mechanisms such as trial-and-error learning. Using the AIC technique for comparing models with different numbers of parameters, this paper examines the 21 cases in the primate literature where quantifiable data are available on learning rates for presumed culturally-transmitted feeding innovations. In each case, cumulative distributions over time of the frequency or proportion of individuals that acquire an innovation are compared with three accelerating functions (logistic, positive exponential, and hyperbolic sine) and two non-accelerating ones (linear and logarithmic). In 16 cases, the best fit is given by an accelerating function: nine of these support the logistic, four support the positive exponential and three, the reverse S-shaped hyperbolic sine. Individual cases often show small differences between alternative functions, but overall trends support the cultural assumption of accelerating learning rates.  相似文献   
根据已公布的47个碳-14数据,进而分析10处中国晚期遗址的年代和问题,并提出不同的看法。文中强调:露天遗址中碳-14数据的异常现象,往往与各种原因形成的再次堆积有关。因此必须注意样品的采集和避免引用孤零的碳-14数据,同时还要结合地层和文化性质的分析,才可能保证断代的准确性。  相似文献   
几丁质酶产生菌的筛选及产酶条件的研究*   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从301株几丁质降解菌包括细菌、放线菌和真菌中,筛选出一株产几丁质酶活力较高的链霉菌A048(Streptomycessp.A048)。其产酶的适宜条件是,培养温度30℃,培养基pH7.0~7.5,碳源几丁质,氮源NH4NO3,体积溶氧系数kd值为1.56×10-6mol/(mL·min·atm),振荡培养120h,产酶可达15.1U/mL。  相似文献   
我们比较了芦 (Emberizaschoeniclus)两个亚种组 ,即北部的薄喙亚种组和南部的厚喙亚种组的 10个种群中的文化、遗传和形态变异。使用了四个不同的变异标记物 ,其中两个用来测量文化分化 ,一个用来测量遗传分化 ,即微卫星等位基因的频次 ,一个用来测量种群的形态分化 ,即喙的高度。将遗传分化作为进化时间的尺度 ,我们计算了亚种组间和组内分化指标与所估计的进化率之间的相关性 ,发现只有文化定量指标和遗传分化与种群的形态分化相关 ,而两个文化分化指标之间没有关系 ,文化分化与遗传分化之间也没有关系。使用文化 -定量分化指标 ,发现亚种组间的文化进化率高于亚种内的文化进化率 ,提示鸣唱在防止杂交方面只有微弱的、也许是次要的作用。鸣唱定量特征的变异与微卫星频次相同 ,实际上在自然界中更可能是遗传决定的 ,这可以解释由于分析两个文化变异指标所得出的结果的不一致性。鸣唱的声学特性可能由于栖息地的差异或形态上的限制而发生了演变 ,而文化传播单位 (Meme)的特性可能由于学习鸣唱和文化传播而受到了影响  相似文献   
In celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the inception of the CCN society, and of the first post-Covid-19 live meeting, the executive board of the ICCNS had chosen Nice as the venue for the 11th International workshop on the CCN family of genes. On this occasion participation in the meeting was extended to colleagues from other cell signaling fields who were invited to present both an overview of their work and the future directions of their laboratory. Also, for the first time, the members of the JCCS Editorial Board were invited to participate in a JCCS special session during which all aspects of the journal « life » were addressed and opened to free critical discussion. The scientific presentations and the discussions that followed showed once more that an expansion of the session topics was beneficial to the quality of the meeting and confirmed that the ARBIOCOM project discussed last April in Nice was now on track to be launched in 2023. The participants unanimously welcomed Professor Attramadal’s proposition to organize the 2024, 12th International CCN workshop in Oslo, Norway.  相似文献   
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