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Six Argentinian wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars grown in nutrient solutions in controlled environment were compared for their nitrate uptake rates on a root dry weight basis. Up to 3-fold differences were observed among the cultivars at 16, 20 and 24 days from germination, either when measured by depletion from the nutrient solution in short-term experiments, or by total N accumulation in the tissue during 8 days.
No differences in total N concentration in root or shoots were found among cultivars. Although the different cultivars showed significant differences in shoot/root ratio and nitrate reductase activity (EC in the roots, none of these parameters was correlated with the nitrate uptake rate. However, nitrate uptake was found to be positively correlated (r = 0.99) with the shoot relative growth rate of the cultivars. The three cultivars with the highest nitrate uptake rates and relative growth rates showed a positive correlation between root nitrate concentration and uptake. However, this correlation was not found in the cultivars with the lowest growth and uptake rates.
Our results indicate that the difference in nitrate uptake rate among these cultivars may only be a consequence of their differences in growth rate, and it is suggested that at least two mechanisms regulate nitrate uptake, one working when plant demand is low and another when plant demand is high.  相似文献   
Primers complementary to simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and with variable three-base anchors at their 5 end, were used in PCR analyses to compare pooled DNA samples from various Brassica napus and B. rapa cultivars. Amplification products were resolved on polyacrylamide gels and detected by silver-nitrate staining. The resulting banding patterns were highly repeatable between replicate PCRs. Two of the primers produced polymorphisms at 33 and 23 band positions, respectively, and could each discriminate 16 of the 20 cultivars studied. Combined use of both primers allowed all 20 cultivars to be distinguished. The UPGMA dendrogram, based on the cultivar banding profiles, demonstrated clustering on the basis of winter/spring growth habit, high/low glucosinolate content, and cultivar origin (i.e. the breeder involved). Intracultivar polymorphism was investigated using a minimum of ten individuals for each cultivar and was found to vary considerably between cultivars. It is concluded that anchored SSR-PCR analysis is a highly informative and reproducible method for fingerprinting oilseed rape populations, but that intra-cultivar variation should be investigated before using banding profiles from pooled samples for the identification of individuals.  相似文献   
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were utilized for the identification of Lilium species and inter-specific hybrids. The optimum annealing temperature of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the RAPD assay in Lilium was 54 °C, which is relatively higher than the temperature used for other genera reported by previous researchers. Among 76 primers used to amplify genomic DNA by PCR, 18 primers (24%) generated polymorphic DNA fragments in Lilium species and hybrids. Cultivars were also identified by RAPD markers. Some amplified fragments were unique to species of each section and to hybrids derived from these species; that is, they were the section-specific DNA markers. Sections, Sinomartagon, Leucolirion b, Leucolirion a and Archelirion could be identified by 6 section-specific markers amplified with five primers. Seven inter-section hybrids showed the section-specific bands of both parental sections, indicating that these markers would be useful for identifying the parental sections of inter-section hybrids.  相似文献   
A hypervariable middle repetitive DNA sequence from citrus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of hypervariable sequences for DNA typing of plants is focussed on microsatellites and on amplification of regions defined by random (RAPD) or defined (AFLP) primers for PCR analysis of genomes. A hypervariable length of middle repetitive DNA has been isolated from citrus that contains no obvious hypervariable structures. The fingerprinting probe was shown to have an important commercial application in the separation of zygotic from nucellar progeny. A somatic variant of the sequence within one orange tree suggests that somatic variation in hypervariable markers may be a common event.  相似文献   
用gFM31探针进行谷子品种的指纹分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王志民  刘春吉 《遗传学报》1996,23(3):228-233
用高度多态性探针gFM31对59个谷子(SetariaitarlicaBeauv.)品种(包括地方品种、育成品种及品系)进行DNA指纹分析,共鉴别出58种类型,而黑谷和黑粒1516给出完全相同的带型,二者有可能是同一材料。通过对gFM31DNA序列分析,未发现其中有小卫星DNA和微卫星DNA序列。该探针虽在谷子品种中显示很高的多态性,但与禾谷类的其他物种的DNA杂交信号微弱,表现出较强的谷子基因组特异性。  相似文献   
枇杷属植物等位酶遗传变异及品种基因型指纹   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺凝胶的等电聚焦电泳技术,对国家枇杷种质资源圃所收集保存的113个枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)品种(或株系)和4个野生近缘种[栎叶枇杷(E.prinoides Rehd.et Wils.)、大渡河枇杷(E.prinoides var.daduheensis H.Z.Zhang)、齿叶枇杷(E.serrata Vidal.)、大瑶山枇杷(E.dayaoshanensis Chen.)],共117份材料进行了等位酶遗传变异分析。在12个酶系中共检测到24个清晰位点和59个等位基因,多态位点为21个,位点最大等位基因数为5,体现出枇杷丰富的遗传种质多样性;X^2分析表明等位基因频率在不同产地品种群间存在明显差异,在用于分析的19个多态位点中,有15个位点达到显著或极显著水平;且不同的种材料拥有各自特有等位基因,如Dia-1^c,Dia-2^b,Dia-3^b只存在于大瑶山枇杷中,Est-2^b,Est-3^a只存在于大渡河枇杷中,Idh-1^d仅出现于枇杷品种荔枝枇杷中,体现了枇杷物种间的遗传组成差异;利用11个酶系统22个位点的53个等位基因所构建的枇杷品种(株系)等位酶基因型指纹可以将113个枇杷品种中的111个完全区分,各品种均有自己独特的等位酶基因型指纹,虽然进一步的分析表明,目前所研究的酶系统位点和等位基因变异与枇杷品种果实园艺性状变异间缺乏关联,但等位酶标记仍然不失为枇杷品种鉴别的一种有用工具。  相似文献   
基于SSR标记的越橘亲缘关系分析及品种鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用SSR标记对22个越橘栽培品种进行遗传差异及亲缘关系分析,并建立一套稳定的越橘品种鉴定体系,以期为越橘种质资源评价、鉴定、管理及越橘新品种培育奠定基础。本试验优化了一套越橘SSR-PCR反应体系,筛选出15个条带清晰、重复性好、多态性高的SSR标记,对22个越橘栽培品种进行亲缘关系分析,聚类结果与各品种的遗传背景以及表型呈现高度的一致性。从以上15个SSR标记中筛选出可用于越橘品种鉴定的SSR核心引物NA961和NA1040,核心引物组合能够完全区分22个越橘品种。用核心引物制作了参照分子量标记,构建了22个越橘品种的指纹图谱,建立了一套完整的越橘品种鉴定体系。实践验证SSR标记用于越橘品种鉴别的方法可行、结果可靠。  相似文献   
为比较番石榴(Psidium guajava)不同品种果实的外观、营养价值和香气特征,采用国家标准方法,对5个番石榴品种(‘红宝石’、‘粉红蜜’、‘西瓜’、‘水蜜’、本地种)果实的外观和营养成分进行测定,采用顶空气质联用(HS-GC-MS)技术对5个品种果实的香气成分进行测定。结果表明,不同品种果实外观及营养成分差异明显。‘水蜜’的果形指数最低,果实扁圆形,种籽最少;大多数糖类物质(总糖、还原糖、蔗糖等)、糖酸比、总酚含量最高;果糖、VC和总黄酮含量位居第2;总酸、脂肪、粗纤维、灰分含量最低。主成分分析表明,‘水蜜’作为鲜食水果的食用品质最高。己醛和石竹烯是红肉型品种的特征风味物质,3-羟基-2-丁酮是白肉型品种的特征香气成分。  相似文献   
A collection of 66 poplar commercial clones widely cultivated in Italy, China and in other countries of southern Europe and belonging to various poplar species and hybrids, have been fingerprinted using both amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeats (SSR) techniques. Three AFLP primer combinations and six SSRs unambiguously genotyped the analysed poplar collection, with the exception of three groups of six, four and two individuals, which turned out to be indistinguishable even if they met the standards currently applied for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) testing when registered. High levels of variation were detected with both molecular techniques; a total of 201 AFLP bands were amplified of which 96% turned out to be polymorphic and up to 15 SSR alleles were identified at a single locus, with a mean of 9.3 alleles per locus in the case of Populus × canadensis. The probability of matching fortuitously any two genotypes at all the SSR loci in the case of P. × canadensis was less then 7.5×10–9. The AFLP-derived dendrogram and principal coordinate analysis (PCOORDA) clustered the clones with respect to their taxonomic classification, and allowed their genetic interrelationships to be established. Correct identification of poplar varieties is essential for ensuring the effective correspondence between the real and the declared identity of a clone, to avoid commercial frauds, and to establish breeding programmes. Molecular markers may play a major role to satisfy all these needs.  相似文献   
The physico-chemical, morphological, thermal, pasting, textural, and retrogradation properties of the starches isolated from four traditional Taewa (Maori potato) cultivars (Karuparera, Tutaekuri, Huakaroro, Moemoe) of New Zealand were studied and compared with starch properties of a modern potato cultivar (Nadine). The relationships between the different starch characteristics were quantified using Pearson correlation and principal component analysis. Significant differences were observed among physico-chemical properties such as phosphorus content, amylose content, swelling power, solubility and light transmittance of starches from the different potato cultivars. The starch granule morphology (size and shape) for all the potato cultivars showed considerable variation when studied by scanning electron microscopy and particle size analysis. Starch granules from Nadine and Moemoe cultivars showed the presence of large and irregular or cuboid granules in fairly high number compared with the starches from the other cultivars. The transition temperatures (To; Tp; Tc) and the enthalpies (ΔHgel) associated with gelatinization suggested differences in the stability of the crystalline structures among these potato starches. The Moemoe starch showed the lowest To, while it was higher for Tutaekuri and Karuparera starches. Pasting properties such as peak, final and breakdown viscosity and texture profile analysis (TPA) parameters of starch gels such as hardness and fracturability were found to be higher for Nadine and Huakaroro starches. The Nadine and Huakaroro starch gels also had lower tendency towards retrogradation as evidenced by their lower syneresis (%) during storage at 4 °C. Principal component analysis showed that the Tutaekuri and Nadine cultivars differed to the greatest degree in terms of the properties of their starches.  相似文献   
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