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Cytosolic CuZnSOD removes deleterious superoxides from plant cells. In order to understand its function better, we sought to express a monocot CuZnSODgene in transgenic Arabidopsis. We constructed a transgene usingthe CaMV 35S promoter to express a rice cytosolic CuZnSOD gene in Arabidopsis and generated over 200 transformants. A 16kD polypeptide, the same size as the native rice CuZnSOD polypeptide, was detected inthe transgenic Arabidopsis. Interestingly, two forms of riceCuZnSOD, rSODI and rSODII, having the same dimeric size, were detectedin the transgenic plants. rSODII protein was relatively abundant but hadlow specific activity. In contrast, rSODI protein was relatively rareand had high specific activity. Inter-conversion of rSODI and rSODIIcould be achieved by the addition and removal of copper ions into the purifiedrecombinant SOD and to the leaf extract of transgenic plants. Ouranalysis indicates that rSODI most likely corresponds to native riceCuZnSOD that has incorporated the Cu and Zn ions required for fullactivity, whereas the less active rSODII form may not have properlyincorporated the necessary copper ions.  相似文献   
Superoxide dismutases are enzymes that function to catalytically convert superoxide radical to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. These enzymes carry out catalysis at near diffusion controlled rate constants via a general mechanism that involves the sequential reduction and oxidation of the metal center, with the concomitant oxidation and reduction of superoxide radicals. That the catalytically active metal can be copper, iron, manganese or, recently, nickel is one of the fascinating features of this class of enzymes. In this review, we describe these enzymes in terms of the details of their catalytic properties, with an emphasis on the mechanistic differences between the enzymes. The focus here will be concentrated mainly on two of these enzymes, copper, zinc superoxide dismutase and manganese superoxide dismutase, and some relatively subtle variations in the mechanisms by which they function.  相似文献   
Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD; CSD) is an important antioxidant enzyme for oxidative stress protection. To date, two activation pathways have been identified in many species. One requiring the CCS, Cu chaperone for SOD, to insert Cu and activate CSD (referred to as CCS-dependent pathway), and the other works independently of CCS (referred to as CCS-independent pathway). In our previous study, we suggest an unidentified factor will work with glutathione (GSH) for CSD activation in the absence of the CCS. Here, two models of the CCS-independent mechanism are proposed. The role of the unidentified factor may work as a scaffold protein, which provides a platform for the CSD protein and Cu-GSH to interact, or as a Cu carrier, which itself can bind Cu and interact with CSD proteins. We also suggest that the CSD protein conformation at C-terminal is important in providing a docking site for unidentified factor to access.  相似文献   
The inhibition and activation effects of some drugs on the activities of superoxide dismutase enzymes (SOD) in human erythrocyte and leukocyte cells was investigated. Firstly, CuZnSOD enzyme was purified 837–fold and 12% efficiency from human erythrocytes by ethanol-chloroform treatment to remove hemoglobin and then ion exchange chromatography (DEAE-Sepharose) and copper chelate affinity chromatography techniques. Inhibition or activation effects of fourteen drugs on CuZnSOD was investigated. None of the studied drugs except for 5-fluorouracil showed any effects on the enzyme. 5-fluorouracil showed activation effects on CuZnSOD at 3.33 mg/ml and 4 mg/ml concentrations with 33% and 32% activation, respectively. Leukocytes were isolated from healthy human blood, lysed in liquid nitrogen and the effect of 5-fluorouracil on the lysate SOD activity investigated. 5-Fluorouracil showed inhibition effects on total SOD activity of human leukocytes at 2 mg/ml and 4 mg/ml concentrations with 42% and 62% inhibition, respectively.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress is a putative factor responsible for reducing function and increasing apoptotic signaling in skeletal muscle with aging. This study examined the contribution and functional significance of the xanthine oxidase enzyme as a potential source of oxidant production in aged skeletal muscle during repetitive in situ electrically stimulated isometric contractions. Xanthine oxidase activity was inhibited in young adult and aged mice via a subcutaneously placed time-release (2.5 mg/day) allopurinol pellet, 7 days before the start of in situ electrically stimulated isometric contractions. Gastrocnemius muscles were electrically activated with 20 maximal contractions for 3 consecutive days. Xanthine oxidase activity was 65% greater in the gastrocnemius muscle of aged mice compared to young mice. Xanthine oxidase activity also increased after in situ electrically stimulated isometric contractions in muscles from both young (33%) and aged (28%) mice, relative to contralateral noncontracted muscles. Allopurinol attenuated the exercise-induced increase in oxidative stress, but it did not affect the elevated basal level of oxidative stress that was associated with aging. In addition, inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity decreased caspase-3 activity, but it had no effect on other markers of mitochondrial-associated apoptosis. Our results show that compared to control conditions, suppression of xanthine oxidase activity by allopurinol reduced xanthine oxidase activity, H2O2 levels, lipid peroxidation, and caspase-3 activity; prevented the in situ electrically stimulated isometric contraction-induced loss of glutathione; prevented the increase in catalase and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase activities; and increased maximal isometric force in the plantar flexor muscles of aged mice after repetitive electrically evoked contractions.  相似文献   
构建PID1基因与CuZnSOD基因的真核共表达载体,在PK15细胞中鉴定基因的表达。PCR扩增的PID1与CuZnSOD两基因分别经双酶切后定向插入pIRES2-AcGFP1空载体,构建pIRES2-CuZnSOD-PID1真核双表达载体并进行测序与酶切鉴定。采用脂质体转染法将重组质粒转染至PK15细胞,细胞内荧光显微镜下观察其荧光的表达,RT-PCR、Westernblot技术分别检测PID1基因与CuZnSOD基因mRNA和蛋白表达情况。重组克隆载体插入目的片段序列与PID1基因与CuZnSOD基因序列完全一致。PIRES2-CuZnSOD-PID1真核双表达载体测序、酶切鉴定结果与预期结果一致。荧光显微镜下观察转染后的PK15细胞出现绿色荧光。RT-PCR检测结果显示,转染细胞中PID1基因与CuZnSOD基因表达量明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。Westernblot检测结果表明pIRES2-CuZnSODPID1真核双表达载体稳定有效表达。成功构建pIRES2-CuZnSOD-PID1真核共表达载体,且双基因在真核细胞独立稳定表达,为转基因猪等育种新材料的制备奠定基础。  相似文献   
超氧化物歧化酶(SOD,EC,己经在多种组织中发现,它能将O2.-催化生成H2O2及O2.迄今为止,已经从哺乳动物体内分离出三种SOD:CuZnSOD(SOD1)、MnSOD(SOD2)TLEC-SOD(胞外超氧化物歧化酶,SOD3),各自具有不同的生化及分子特性.CuZnSOD(SOD1),是一类含有Cu及Zn原子的二聚体,存在于特定细胞的基质内,约占SOD总量的90%.在胞质及周质中,SOD以二聚体形式存在,而在线粒体及质外,则以四聚体形式存在.在保护脑、肺及其它组织的氧化应激中,CuZnSOD被认为起着保护作用.运动神经元肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS),据称也与同源二聚体CuZnSOD的错误折叠有关,己经报导,有多个CuZnSOD基因位点突变与ALS有关.本文将从基因的结构、表达、调节及蛋白的结构与功能等方面,对CuZnSOD进行简要论述.  相似文献   
The interaction of Cu,ZnSOD with H2O2 generates an oxidant at the active site that can then cause either the inactivation of this enzyme or the oxidation of a variety of exogenous substrates. We show that the rate of inactivation, imposed by 10-mM H2O2 at 25 degrees C and pH 7.2, is not influenced by 10-mM HCO3-; whereas the oxidation of 2,2'-azino-bis-[3-ethylbenzothiazoline sulfonate] (ABTS=) is virtually completely dependent upon HCO3-. The reduction of the active site Cu(II) by H2O2, which precedes inactivation of the enzyme, occurred at the same rate in phosphate buffer with or without bicarbonate added. These results indicate that HCO3- does not play a role in facilitating the interaction of H2O2 with the active site copper, but they can be accommodated by the proposal that HCO3- is oxidized to HCO3*, which then diffuses from that site and causes the oxidation of substrates, such as ABTS=, that are too large to traverse the solvent access channel to the Cu(II).  相似文献   
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