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 Chromosome pairing at metaphase-I was analyzed in F1 hybrids among T. turgidum (AABB), T. aestivum (AABBDD), and T. timopheevii (AtAtGG) to study the chromosome structure of T. timopheevii relative to durum (T. turgidum) and bread (T. aestivum) wheats. Individual chromosomes and their arms were identified by means of C-banding. Homologous pairing between the A-genome chromosomes was similar in the three hybrid types AAtBG, AAtBGD, and AABBD. However, associations of B-G were less frequent than B-B. Homoeologous associations were also observed, especially in the AAtBGD hybrids. T. timopheevii chromosomes 1At, 2At, 5At, 7At, 2G, 3G, 5G, and 6G do not differ structurally from their counterpart in the A and B genomes. Thus, these three polyploid species inherited translocation 5AL/4AL from the diploid A-genome donor. Chromosome rearrangements that occurred at the tetraploid level were different in T. turgidum and T. timopheevii. Translocation 4AL/7BS and a pericentric inversion of chromosome 4A originated only in the T. turgidum lineage. The two lines of T. timophevii studied carry four different translocations, 6AtS/1GS, 1GS/4GS, 4GS/4AtL, and 4AtL/3AtL, which most likely arose in that sequence. These structural differences support a diphyletic origin of polyploid wheats. Received: 15 June 1998 / Accepted: 19 August 1998  相似文献   
Results obtained from crossing experiments betweenP. somniferum subsp.somniferum (2n = 22) and subsp.setigerum (2n = 44),P. glaucum (2n = 14) andP. gracile (2n = 14) and from the observation of meiotic chromosome pairing in the various hybrids obtained do not provide straightforward evidence for the hypothesis thatP. somniferum originated as a triploid hybrid between taxa similar toP. glaucum andP. gracile (Kadereit 1986a, b).—On the one hand, the pattern of crossability found reflects the closer similarity of subsp.somniferum toP. glaucum and of subsp.setigerum toP. gracile, which was interpreted as segregation of parental characters, and the high frequency of 2n = 28 chromosomes among F2-progeny from the hybrid subsp.somniferum × subsp.setigerum (2n = 33) might reveal n = 7 as the base number also ofP. somniferum. On the other hand, however, the general difficulty of obtaining hybrids, and the low incidence of bivalent formation in their meiosis, probably indicating a lack of chromosome homology between the different species, do not fit the above hypothesis.—These results are in marked contrast to the morphological similarity between the three species involved.  相似文献   
A comparison of karyotypes ofBrachyscome breviscapis (2n = 8),B. lineariloba cytodemes E (2n = 10), B (2n = 12) and C (2n = 16) suggests that these species have a homoelogous basic set of four chromosome pairs, two large pairs and two small, and that theB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C are related toB. breviscapis by successive additions of small chromosomes. A pronounced asynchrony of chromosome condensation between these large and small chromosomes has been observed. In the artificial hybrids betweenB. dichromosomatica (2n = 4) ×B. breviscapis, and theB. lineariloba cytodemes, theB. dichromosomatica chromosomes are similar in size and condensation behaviour to the small chromosomes ofB. breviscapis and ofB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C. Meiotic pairing in these hybrids also demonstrates the strong affinities between these chromosomes. It is suggested thatB. breviscapis may be of amphidiploid origin between a species with two large early condensing chromosome pairs and another,B. dichromosomatica-like species with two small late condensing pairs. It seems most likely that the additional small and late condensing chromosomes inB. lineariloba cytodemes E, B and C are derived from theB. dichromosomatica-like parent, and that each addition increases vigour, fecundity and drought tolerance, allowing these cytodemes to colonize more open and arid environments. Transmission of the univalents in the quasidiploidB. lineariloba cytodeme E was verified as being via the pollen, and not via the embryo sacs.The cytology ofBrachyscome lineariloba (Compositae, Asteroidae), 10.  相似文献   
Summary Integeneric hybridizations were carried out between Secale cereale L. (2n = 14, RR) and three Elymus species, namely, E. caninus (L.) L. (2n = 28, SSHH), E. brevipes (Keng) Löve (2n = 28, SSYY) and E. tsukushiensis Honda (2n = 42, SSHHYY). Chromosome pairing was studied at metaphase I in the parental species and the hybrids. Meiotic configurations of the hybrids were 20.74 1+0.14 II for E. caninus x S. cereale (SHR), 16.35 I+2.17 II+0.09 III for E. brevipes x S. cereale (SYR) and 25.84 I+1.10 II+0.02 III for E. tsukushiensis x S. cereale (SHYR), in addition to some secondary associations in the different hybrids. It is concluded from the study that (1) a certain, different homoeologous relationship exists among S, H and Y genomes in the investigated Elymus species; (2) low homoeology is present between genomes of Elymus (S or H or Y) and rye (R); (3) the Secale genome affects homoeologous chromosome pairing between different genomes in E. brevipes and E. tsukushiensis.  相似文献   
The genomic evolution of triploid plants with regular bivalent formation is discussed. The conclusion is reached that although all the progeny of an originally triploid individual will be triploid numerically, only part of the progeny will be triploid genomically. The consequences of this for triploid identification by means of chromosome morphology and isozyme numbers is discussed.  相似文献   
and 1988. Homosexual male pairing in Schistosoma mansoni.International Journal for Parasitology 18: 1115–1117. To see whether male worms within the gynecophoral canal of another male worm would become feminized (i.e. express vestigial female-associated genes), we established homosexual pairs by twice exposing mice to male cercariae with a 4 or 6-week interval, and perfusing 3–5 weeks later. From 13 to 34% of these worms were found in pairs, compared with 0 to 7% in singly exposed controls. ‘Inner’ males in homosexual pairs showed no histological evidence of female reproductive structures, but were stunted, had poorly developed testes, and the high nuclear density characteristic of mature females. More vitelline follicles occurred in unpaired unisexual males than in homosexually paired males, fewest in bisexually paired males. Uptake of tyrosine, an indicator of vitelline development, occurred in the same relative order. The gynecophoral microenvironment often led to stunting, probably through starvation induced by the relative inaccessibility of host blood to homosexually clasped males.  相似文献   
Summary Triploids (2n=3X=60) were obtained from genetic male-sterile (ms1 ms1) soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants. Meiosis, pollen fertility, and chromosome number of their progeny were studied. Studies of meiosis in fertile and sterile triploids revealed no distinguishable differences in chromosome associations. Male-sterile plants formed coenocytic microspores characteristic of the ms1 mutant. Restitution of some dyad and tetrad nuclei were observed in male-sterile plants. Chromosomes of the triploids tended to occur in trivalents during diakinesis and metaphase I (MI), but multivalents, bivalents, and univalents also were observed. Average types and frequencies of chromosome associations per cell in diakinesis and MI from 542 pollen mother cells were 0.004 IX + 0.06 VI + 0.002 V + 0.005 IV + 16.99 III + 1.79 II + 5.03 I. Some secondary associations, nonhomologous pairing, and aberrant nucleolar distributions occasionally were observed. Such behavior support the hypothesis of duplicated genomes and the polyploid origin of soybean. Pollen fertility in male-fertile triploid plants (Ms1 ms1 ms1) varied from 57% to 82%, with an average of about 71%. Chromosome numbers of progenies obtained from these fertile triploids varied from 2n=40 to 2n=71, and exhibited a near-random distribution, with the majority (about 60%) being between 56 and 65. Progenies of the fertile triploids gave segregation ratios for the ms1 allele, which confirmed the Ms1 ms1 ms1 genotype.Joint contribution: Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Journal Paper No. J-11672 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA 50011, USA, Project 2471  相似文献   
Summary Two F5 strains of tetraploid triticale (2n= 4x=28), obtained from 6x triticaleX2 rye progenies, were crossed with diploid and tetraploid rye, some durum and bread wheats, and various 8x and 6x triticale lines. Meiosis in the different hybrid combinations was studied. The results showed that the haploid complement of these triticales consists of seven chromosomes from rye and seven chromosomes from wheat. High frequencies of PMCs showing trivalents were observed in hybrids involving the reference genotypes of wheat and triticale. These findings proved that several chromosomes from the wheat component have chromosome segments coming from two parental wheat chromosomes. The origin of these heterogeneous chromosomes probably lies in homoeologous pairing occurring at meiosis in the 6x triticaleX2x rye hybrids from which 4x triticale lines were isolated. A comparison among different hybrids combinations indicated that the involvement of D-genome chromosomes in homoeologous pairing is quite limited. In contrast, meiotic patterns in 4x triticale X 2x rye hybrids showed a quite high pairing frequency between some R chromosomes and their A and B homoeologues.  相似文献   
Summary Autotetraploids were established from 8 diploid wild species of section Arachis. In all the autotetraploids the chromosomes paired largely as bivalents even though they possess the ability to pair as multivalents. Pollen and pod fertility in the C1 generation were not directly associated with chromosome pairing. The C2 generation autotetraploids showed a gradual increase in bivalent associations and pollen and pod fertility. The identification of two genomes, A and B, in the diploid species and in the tetraploid, A. hypogaea, of the section Arachis, a fairly good crossability, and the type of chromosome associations observed in hybrids between A. hypogaea and the autotetraploids of wild Arachis species indicated good prospects of utilizing autotetraploids as genetic bridges in transferring desired traits from these taxa into groundnut.Submitted as Journal Article No. 516 by International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)  相似文献   
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