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In a medium containing 40 g ethanol l–1, laccase production by Trametes versicolor was 2.6 unit per ml of the supernatant, which was over 20 times higher than that without ethanol. Laccase activity with ethanol was quite comparable to that with the well-known inducers such as veratryl alcohol, xylidine and guaiacol. With other white-rot fungi, Coriolus hirsutus and Grifola frondosa, ethanol had a similar stimulatory effect on laccase production.  相似文献   
Oxygen consumption, air cell gases, hematology, blood gases and pH of Puna teal (Anas versicolor puna) embryos were measured at the altitude at which the eggs were laid (4150 m) in the Peruvian Andes. In contrast to the metabolic depression described by other studies on avian embryos incubated above 3700 m, O2 consumption of Puna teal embryos was higher than even that of some lowland avian embryos at equivalent body masses. Air cell O2 tensions dropped from about 80 toor in eggs with small embryos to about 45 toor in eggs containing a 14-g embryo; simultaneously air cell CO2 tension rose from virtually negligible amounts to around 26 torr. Arterial and venous O2 tensions (32–38 and 10–12 toor, respectively, in 12- to 14-g embryos) were lower than described previously in similarly-sized lowland wild avian embryos or chicken embryos incubated in shells with restricted gas exchange. The difference between air cell and arterial O2 tensions dropped significantly during incubation to a minimum of 11 torr, the lowest value recorded in any avian egg. Blood pH (mean 7.49) did not vary significantly during incubation. Hemoglobin concentration and hematocrits rose steadily throughout incubation to 11.5 g · 100 ml-1 and 39.9%, respectively, in 14-g embryos.Abbreviations PO2 partial pressure gradient of O2 - BM body mass - D diffusion coefficient - G gas conductance (cm3·s-1·torr-1) - conductance to water vapor - IP internal pipping of embryos - P ACO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in air cell - P AO2 partial pressure of oxygen in air cell - P aCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood - P aCO2 partial pressure of oxygen in arteries - P H barometric pressure (torr) - PCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide - P IO2 partial pressure in ambiant air - PO2 partial pressure of oxygen - P VCO2 venous carbon dioxide partial pressure - P VO2 mixed venous oxygen partial pressure - SE standard error - VO 2 oxygen consumption  相似文献   
We assessed the potential for several acoustic properties ofthe advertisement calls of male gray tree frogs to affect relativemating success by relating patterns of variation in these propertiesto minimum differences required to elicit female choice. Dynamicproperties (pulse number, PN; call rate, CR; and duty cycle,DC, the ratio of call duration to call period) varied much morewithin bouts of calling than a static property (dominant frequency,DF) but nevertheless exhibited significant between male variationin three of four breeding seasons. Many multiply recorded malesconsistently produced calls with values substantially aboveor below mean values of males recorded on the same nights. Nightlyranges of variation in PN and CR were often greater than theminimum differences required to elicit female preferences inthe laboratory. In most experiments, females chose high-PN orfast-CR calls over low-PN or slow-CR alternatives, respectively,even if the preferred stimuli were farther away or 6-10 dB lowerin sound pressure level (SPL), provided that differences inPN or CR were 100%. Consistent with these results, females didnot always choose the closer of two calling males in the field.Nightly ranges of variation in DF rarely equaled the minimumdifference required to elicit SPL independent preferences. Femalespreferred a stimulus of high-PN and slow-CR over an alternativeof low-PN or fast-CR with the same acoustic on-time; in twoexperiments, females chose calls of high-PN over low-PN alternativeseven though the playback of the high-PN call was interruptedand the low-PN call was broadcast continuously. Thus, femalepreferences were not merely based on the total time of acousticstimulation. Responses of females tested twice in the same experimentsuggest that phenotypic variation in preference was limitedin our study populations.  相似文献   
漆酶高产菌株的筛选及产酶条件研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
木质素是一种高度复杂的不定形的芳香族化合物 ,是仅次于纤维素的第二大再生有机资源 ,木质素的微生物降解及其有关酶类在制浆造纸工业和环境保护方面具有较大潜力。木质素的生物降解酶主要有木素过氧化物酶、漆酶、锰过氧化物酶和多酚氧化酶等。国外已有该方面的研究报道[5~ 7,9,10 ] ,但多集中在黄孢原毛平革菌 (Phanerochaetechrysosporium)木素过氧化物酶和锰过氧化物酶方面的研究 ;Slomczyn ski等[8] 研究了Botrytiscinerea的漆酶特性 ;国内有关研究报道较少[3 ,4 ] ,筛选漆酶高…  相似文献   
通过化学、IR和UV光谱等方法发现云芝子实体的热水提取物 CVP 是由多糖、核酸和蛋白质等组成的混合物。通过柱层析方法从 CVP 中纯化出一个多糖组份 B-2-3,经完全水解证实组成它的单糖残基主要为Glc。用 HPLC 方法测得其分子量为 5.01×105。通过对甲基化及 1H 和 13C NMR 数据的分析发现 B-2-3 为一个以β-D-1, 4-Glc、β-D-1, 3-Glc 和β-D-1, 6-Glc 残基构成主链,同时在β-D-1, 3, 6-Glc 及β-D-1, 4, 6-Glc 处产生分枝的多糖。  相似文献   
研究了彩绒草盖菌在不同碳源和氮源培养基中生长时,对纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、木质素酶(漆酶、多酚氧化酶、愈创木酚氧化酶)分泌的影响。结果表明不同碳源和氮源对酶类的分泌影响很大,富含淀粉的物质能明显促进木质素酶的分泌,而专一性底物(纤维素和半纤维素)对纤维素酶和半纤维素酶有诱导作用,麸皮也能诱导半纤维素酶的产生。  相似文献   
采用均匀设计U15(5^8)和双温度培养法进行彩绒革盖菌固体发酵生产木质素酶,对漆酶、愈创木酚酶、多酚氧化酶的活力进行回归分析。结果表明:应用双温度培养法进行彩绒革盖菌固体发酵生产木质素酶时,在自然补给氧气,培养基pH自然(约6.5),并保持环境湿度约60%的条件下,20d是适宜的发酵周期;玉米浆、麸皮、(NH4)2SO4、水分适宜作为固体培养基的成分;少量的Tween-80有利于木质素酶的生产。  相似文献   
赵冰  龚梅香  张启翔 《植物研究》2007,27(2):131-132
描述了蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox L.)一新变种即卷瓣蜡梅,该变种与原变种的主要区别是中花被片高度反卷,中被片颜色为白色或金黄色,主要分布于神农架林区。其中中被片颜色为白色的卷瓣蜡梅可以被看作一个新变型跳枝蜡梅。  相似文献   
Abstract The relationship between humic acid biodegradation and extracellular lignin peroxidase and Mn-dependent peroxidase activities of two white rot fungi, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Tranetes versicolor , reported to be lignin degraders, was examined. In experimental conditions promoting culture aeration, particularly with T. versicolor no extracellular peroxidase activity could be detected unless humic acids were included in the culture medium. In the presence of humic acids, appreciable enzymatic activities were determined in the culture filtrate of the two fungi. However, T. versicolor was a more effective degrader than P. chrysosporium , and mineralization assays on synthetic humic acids with culture filtrates showed the important role played by Mn2+. The surfactant properties of humic acids are suggested to be responsible for the increase of enzymatic activities.  相似文献   
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