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The objective was to determine the effect of ACTH 1-17, an adrenocorticotropin analogue, on the mitotic index in the corneal epithelium of mice standardized in 12 hr of light alternating with 12 hr darkness. A question asked was whether the time of administration along the 24-hr time scale influenced any response found. The findings showed that ACTH 1-17 could, depending upon when it was administered, bring about a statistically significant decrease, an increase or even no such change in the mitotic index. The greatest responses found were increases, especially when ACTH 1-17 was administered during the dark span. Also the time after injection when the responses occurred varied. The greatest response recorded was at 12 hr after injection when ACTH 1-17 was given at 2 hr into the dark with a 641% and a 718% increase with a low (0.02 IU/kg) and a higher (20 IU/kg) dose, respectively. A 3-way analysis of variance supported the conclusion that the kind-of-treatment, time-of-treatment and treatment-to-kill interval (sampling time) are important factors when determining any response to ACTH 1-17 on the mitotic index.  相似文献   
Corneal keratocytes have a remarkable ability to heal the cornea throughout life. Given their developmental origin from the cranial neural crest, we asked whether this regenerative ability was related to the stem cell-like properties of their neural crest precursors. To this end, we challenged corneal stromal keratocytes by injecting them into a new environment along cranial neural crest migratory pathways. The results show that injected stromal keratocytes change their phenotype, proliferate and migrate ventrally adjacent to host neural crest cells. They then contribute to the corneal endothelial and stromal layers, the musculature of the eye, mandibular process, blood vessels and cardiac cushion tissue of the host. However, they fail to form neurons in cranial ganglia or branchial arch cartilage, illustrating that they are at least partially restricted progenitors rather than stem cells. The data show that, even at late embryonic stages, corneal keratocytes are not terminally differentiated, but maintain plasticity and multipotentiality, contributing to non-neuronal cranial neural crest derivatives.  相似文献   
There are an estimated 285 million people with visual impairment worldwide, of whom 39 million are blind. The pathogenesis of many eye diseases remains poorly understood. The human eye is currently an emerging proteome that may provide key insight into the biological pathways of disease. We review proteomic investigations of the human eye and present a catalogue of 4842 nonredundant proteins identified in human eye tissues and biofluids to date. We highlight the need to identify new biomarkers for eye diseases using proteomics. Recent advances in proteomics do now allow the identification of hundreds to thousands of proteins in tissues and fluids, characterization of various PTMs and simultaneous quantification of multiple proteins. To facilitate proteomic studies of the eye, the Human Eye Proteome Project (HEPP) was organized in September 2012. The HEPP is one of the most recent components of the Biology/Disease‐driven Human Proteome Project (B/D‐HPP) whose overarching goal is to support the broad application of state‐of‐the‐art measurements of proteins and proteomes by life scientists studying the molecular mechanisms of biological processes and human disease. The large repertoire of investigative proteomic tools has great potential to transform vision science and enhance understanding of physiology and disease processes that affect sight.  相似文献   
猪眼角膜的生物力学特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对猪眼角膜进行了有系统的单轴拉伸实验,通过实验来确定其极限强度,断裂能、显著非线性的应力-应变关系和滞后环.在不同的应变水平下进行了应为松弛实验并确定了连续松弛谱的各参数.从极限强度、断裂能和应力松弛来看,角膜的纵向和横向之间无重大的差异,据此,各向同性假定可用于初步的角膜力学模型.  相似文献   
详细观察和描述了稀有鮈鲫眼发育的形态变化,并分别对视网膜发育早期神经层、色素上皮层的厚度及眼发育后期视网膜的总厚度进行了测量。结果表明:稀有鲫眼的发生始于神经胚时期形成的眼原基,与两栖、哺乳类动物不同,其眼原基是由间脑向左右伸出的对称外突实体;在尾芽期眼原基向腹侧弯曲、侧向伸长,随后开始内陷,在尾泡期形成视杯。眼原基外层与外胚层紧贴的部分将发育为视杯的内层、神经视网膜,而眼原基其余部分将分化为视杯的外层、视网膜色素层。在尾泡期之后,视网膜色素层停止有丝分裂开始形成色素颗粒,此时视网膜神经层开始分化。视网膜这两层结构在发育早期分化的有序进行可能与早期胚胎头部内空间以及附近的间充质细胞有关。从神经胚期到尾泡期,视网膜色素层厚度由42.3±0.8μm减小到4.8±0.4μm,视网膜神经层厚度从37.1±0.2μm增加到43.7±0.6μm,而从尾鳍期到孵出期视网膜总厚度从42.7±1.2μm逐渐增加到98.3±2.1μm。与所有脊椎动物一样,稀有鲫眼的视网膜分化也是按照由内向外的顺序进行,晶状体、角膜及其他结构在孵出时已基本发育完全。  相似文献   
In situ hybridization for trk A mRNA in trigeminal ganglion neurons retrogradely labeled with FluoroGold from the mandibular incisor demonstrated limited expression of the high-affinity nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor in this presumptive nociceptor population. Immunocytochemistry using polyclonal anti- trk A antibodies confirmed this result and extended it to show low levels of trk A protein expression in afferents labeled from the cornea. Less than 10% of the cells innervating the incisor, and ~15% of those innervating the cornea, were trk A-positive in adult and neonatal mice. This proportion is considerably lower than that observed in Dorsal Root Ganglion nociceptors, in which ~80% in neonates and ~40% in adults express trk A (Molliver and Snider, J Comp Neurol 381: 428-438, 1997). Presumptive trigeminal nociceptors were further identified on the basis of expression of Calcitonin gene related peptide. In the entire ganglion, ~43% of the trk A-positive cells were CGRP-positive, and ~44% of the CGRP-positive cells were trk A-positive. Most trk A-positive cells that were CGRP-negative were medium-to-large diameter, while most of those that were CGRP-positive but trk A-negative were small diameter. Only ~5% of trk A-positive cells labeled from the incisor, and ~10% from the cornea, were CGRP-positive. Approximately 15% of the corneal or pulpal afferent neurons expressed ret -immunoreactivity. These results suggest that trigeminal nociceptors differ from spinal nociceptors in several significant ways. Differences in neurotrophic requirements may be related to differences in target tissues, in embryonic origin of some trigeminal ganglion cells, or in the timing of down-regulation of trk A expression in trigeminal ganglion cells.  相似文献   
We recently identified collagen triple helix repeat containing-1 (Cthrc1) as a novel gene induced in adventitial fibroblasts after arterial injury. Cthrc1 is a 30 kDa secreted protein that has the ability to inhibit collagen matrix synthesis. Cthrc1 is also glycosylated and retains a signal sequence consistent with the presence of Cthrc1 in the extracellular space. In injured arteries and skin wounds, we have found Cthrc1 expression to be associated with myofibroblasts and sites of collagen matrix deposition. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Cthrc1 inhibits collagen matrix deposition in vitro. Using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we characterized the expression domains of Cthrc1 during murine embryonic development and in postnatal tissues. In mouse embryos, Cthrc1 was expressed in the visceral endoderm, notochord, neural tube, developing kidney, and heart. Abundant expression of Cthrc1 was observed in the developing skeleton, i.e., in cartilage primordia, in growth plate cartilage with exclusion of the hypertrophic zone, in the bone matrix and periostium. Bones from adults showed expression of Cthrc1 only in the bone matrix and periostium while the articular cartilage lacked expression. Cthrc1 is typically expressed at epithelial-mesenchymal interfaces that include the epidermis and dermis, basal corneal epithelium, airway epithelium, esophagus epithelium, choroid plexus epithelium, and meninges. In the adult kidney, collecting ducts and distal tubuli expressed Cthrc1. Collectively, the sites of Cthrc1 expression overlap considerably with those reported for TGF-beta family members and interstitial collagens. The present study provides useful information towards the understanding of potential Cthrc1 functions.  相似文献   
We characterized the signaling and ion transport pathways that mediate epidermal growth factor receptor physiological control in SV40-immortalized rabbit corneal epithelial cells (tRCEC). Our evaluation employed single-cell fluorescence imaging to measure the intracellular [Na+]i in these cells loaded with the Na+ sensitive dye, SBFI. EGF (1 to 5 ng/ml) transiently increased [Na+]i from 10 mm to as much as 35 mm after 25 min, which was followed by a decline towards its control value. These increases waned at higher EGF concentrations up to 50 ng/ml. Both inhibition of EGF receptor-linked tyrosine kinase activity (50 μm RG-13022) and cPLA2 activity (10 μm AACOCF3) obviated EGF-induced increases in [Na+]i. In contrast, PGE2 (10 μg/ml) and cAMP (2 mm) increased [Na+]i by 25 mm. Inhibition of NKCC activity through exposure to either Cl-free Ringers or 300 μm furosemide in NaCl Ringers eliminated EGF-induced increases in [Na+]i. Similarly, EGF failed to increase [Na+]i following inhibition of: 1) PKA activity (10 μm H-89); 2) Erk1/2 (15 μm PD98059) or 3) p38 (15 μm SB203580) activity. Stimulation protein kinase C activity (0.1 μm PMA) transiently increased [Na+]i followed by a decline towards its baseline value. EGF-induced increases in [Na+]i were unaltered by inhibition of K+ conductance (100 μm 4-AP). Taken together, EGF stimulates Erk1/2; p38 and cPLA2 activity. Their stimulation increases PGE2 and cAMP levels resulting in PKA and NKCC activation. Received: 18 December 2000/Revised: 24 May 2001  相似文献   
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