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The biologically important pyridoxinato(1−) ligand (anionic vitamin B6) shows the rare phenolate-hydroxymethyl chelation plus bridging mode through the pyridine-nitrogen atom towards zinc(II) to give the one-dimensional (1D) coordination polymer {(acetato-κO)-aqua-μ-[2-methyl-3-oxy-4,5-di(hydroxymethyl)pyridine-κN:O,O′]zinc(II)}·monohydrate with polar packing of adjacent chains along the polar c axis (in space group Pc) through strong inter-chain hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   
The coordination polymerization from lead(II) nitrate on reaction with 4-nitrobenzoic acid and pyridine N-oxide at room temperature passes through stepwise ligand substitution reaction. An intermediate polymer [Pb(NB)(PyO)2(NO3)]n (where NB = 4-nitrobenzoate, PyO = Pyridine N-oxide) is formed to give the final polymer [Pb(NB)2(PyO)]n. A hydrated mononuclear complex [Pb(NB)2(PyO)(H2O)] is also formed if rigorous anhydrous condition is not maintained. The reaction is extended to 4,4′-bipyridyl N-oxide (BPNO), which initially gives a coordination polymer [Pb2(NO3)(NB)3(BPNO)2]n which gets converted to another coordination polymer [Pb(NB)2(BPNO)2]n. All these complexes are structurally characterized.  相似文献   
1. Many interneurons in the crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) abdominal nervous system influence two behaviors, abdominal positioning and swimmeret movements. Such neurons are referred to as dual output cells. Other neurons which influence either one behavior or the other are single output cells. 2. Extensive synaptic interactions were observed between both dual and single output neurons involved in the control of abdominal positioning and swimmeret movements. Over 60% of all neuron pairs examined displayed interactions. Pairs of agonist neurons displayed excitatory interactions, while pairs of antagonists had inhibitory interactions. This pattern of interaction was observed in about 75% of interactive neuron pairs whether abdominal positioning or swimmeret outputs were considered. 3. Evidence for both serial and parallel connectivity, as well as, reciprocal or looping connections was observed. Looping connections can be found both between the abdominal positioning and swimmeret systems and within each system. 4. Most (28/34) single output neurons were not presynaptic to dual output neurons. No single output neurons were found to excite dual output neurons to spiking, although inhibitory interactions and weak excitations were observed. 5. Abdominal positioning inhibitors displayed properties consistent with a role in mediating some of the coordination between the swimmeret and abdominal positioning systems. 6. None of the dual output neurons examined influenced the swimmeret motoneurons directly.  相似文献   
Summary The palate epithelium of the frog was examined by scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy and high speed cine micrography. The cilia remain stationary for much of the time in the end-of-effective stroke position. Each beat cycle begins with a forwardly-directed recovery stroke lasting about 60 ms, followed by an effective stroke towards the oesophagus lasting about 12 ms. Activity can often be correlated with the presence of mucus, which is carried as strands on the tips of the ciliary effective strokes whilst the recovery strokes move beneath the mucus. Coordination of ciliary activity was very variable; local antiplectic metachrony of the recovery strokes could almost always be seen, and on very active epithelia effective strokes were associated with approximately diaplectic waves (either to left or right), but any particular pattern of coordinated activity was transient and quickly transformed to another pattern. Beating and coordination of these short cilia were compared with those of cilia propelling water.  相似文献   
Two new Co(II) coordination polymers with mixed ligands, {[Co(BTA)0.5(DBI)2]·DBI·H2O}n (1) and [Co(PDA)(DBI)(H2O)]n (2) (H4BTA = benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid; H2PDA = 2,2′-(1,2-phenylene)diacetic acid; DBI = 5,6-dimethyl-1H-benzoimidazole) have been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions, respectively. Both of them are characterized by elemental analyses, powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and magnetic susceptibilities. In 1, the Co(II) ions are four-coordinated and lie in distorted tetrahedron coordination environment. 1D ladder-like chain structure is formed by the bridging BTA4− ligand. In 2, the Co(II) ions are in slightly distorted octahedral coordination geometry, and linked by PDA2− ligand exhibiting a 2D layer structure. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements of 1 and 2 revealed that there are antiferromagnetic interactions between Co(II) ions.  相似文献   
Two new tetrahedral tungsten cyanide cluster compounds, [Cu(dien)]3[W4Te4(CN)12] · 9H2O (1) (dien=diethylenetriamine) and [Ni(en)(NH3)]3[W4Se4(CN)12] · 7.5H2O (2) (en=ethylenediamine), were synthesized by treating aqueous solutions of the saltlike cluster compound K6[W4Te4(CN)12] · 5H2O/K6[W4Se4(CN)12] · 6H2O with copper(II)/nickel(II) chloride in aqueous ammonia containing dien/en. The cyano-bridged layered coordination polymeric compounds were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis: monoclinic, space group P21 for 1; trigonal, space group for 2. Structures of 1 and 2 consist of infinite neutral layers of cluster components {W4Te4(CN)12}/{W4Se4(CN)12} connected, one another by {Cu(dien)} or {Ni(en)(NH3)} fragments, respectively.  相似文献   
Differences in rhythmicity (relative variance in cycle period) among mammal, fish, and lizard feeding systems have been hypothesized to be associated with differences in their sensorimotor control systems. We tested this hypothesis by examining whether the locomotion of tachymetabolic tetrapods (birds and mammals) is more rhythmic than that of bradymetabolic tetrapods (lizards, alligators, turtles, salamanders). Species averages of intraindividual coefficients of variation in cycle period were compared while controlling for gait and substrate. Variance in locomotor cycle periods is significantly lower in tachymetabolic than in bradymetabolic animals for datasets that include treadmill locomotion, non‐treadmill locomotion, or both. When phylogenetic relationships are taken into account the pooled analyses remain significant, whereas the non‐treadmill and the treadmill analyses become nonsignificant. The co‐occurrence of relatively high rhythmicity in both feeding and locomotor systems of tachymetabolic tetrapods suggests that the anatomical substrate of rhythmicity is in the motor control system, not in the musculoskeletal components.  相似文献   
Three new metal pyridinecarboxylates, namely [Co2(pydc)2(H2O)5] (1), [Mn(pydc)(H2O)2] (2) and [Cd2(OH)2(2,4-pydc)] (3), were hydrothermally synthesized. X-ray single crystal structural analysis revealed: 1 and 2 have polymeric one-dimensional chain-like structure constructed by dinuclear cobalt units and Mn-O chains, respectively; 3 has a three-dimensional layer pillared structure constructed from inorganic Cd-O layer and pydc pillars. 1 shows antiferromagnetic interaction but 2 shows alternative antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions.  相似文献   
群体成员大小差异对不同生境鲤科鱼类集群行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究群体成员大小差异对不同喜好生境鱼类集群行为特征的影响, 实验分别以鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)和中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼为实验对象, 比较分析4尾等大小(E)和不等大小(2大2小, NE)实验鱼群体的自发游泳速度、空间分布以及对恐吓刺激反应等集群行为参数的差异。结果显示: (1)和鳊相比, 中华倒刺鲃有更高的自发游泳速度、速度同步性和排列方向的极性, 但二者对恐吓刺激的反应率及反应的协调一致性相似; (2)当群体成员大小出现差异时, 两种鱼群体排列方向的极性不受影响, 且大小个体成员间的速度及其同步性均没有差异, 但整体的速度同步性与等大小群体相比有所下降; (3)个体间距离数据显示, 个体大小差异不会影响两种鱼群体的凝聚力; (4)群体成员在两种鱼群中偏好位置不同, 当群体成员大小不同时, 大个体成员更偏好占据领头鱼位置; (5)群体成员大小的差异导致两种鱼对刺激的反应率下降。研究表明: 中华倒刺鲃具有更高的活跃性、更好的群体运动的协调性, 可能与其流水生境相关; 当群体成员大小出现差异时, 成员不分大小在整体上协调运动的速度和方向, 并保持群体有较高的凝聚力, 但两种鱼类自发游泳速度调整策略截然不同(鳊大小个体速度妥协趋同, 而中华倒刺鲃低速个体速度提高); 群体成员大小差异导致鱼群对恐吓刺激的反应率有所下降, 可能原因包括体形差异导致的社会因素造成敏锐性下降、信息交流效率受阻和(或)集群收益代价出现分化影响一致决策的形成等。  相似文献   
The self assembly of [FeIII(L)]Cl2ClO4 (L = pentadentate macrocyclic ligand) with octacyano metallates [MIV(CN)8]4− (M = Mo, W) leads to bimetallic cyano-bridged 2-D coordination polymers of formula [{Fe(L)}3{M(CN)8}2]Cl·xH2O with M = Mo (2), or W (3). The structure of the tungsten analogue has been established by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The magnetic properties for both Mo and W derivative are reported.  相似文献   
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