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The paucity of sinistral (left-coiling) relative to dextral (right-coiling) species of gastropods in the marine realm is an enigma. In Conus , one of the most diverse marine animal genera, sinistral shell coiling has evolved as a species-wide character only once. Fossils of this species, Conus adversarius , are found in Upper Pliocene and lowermost Pleistocene deposits in the southeastern USA. Conus adversarius had nonplanktonic larval development; this may have been a critical factor for the early establishment of the species, as well as sinistral marine species in other clades. Notably, most specimens of aberrantly sinistral modern Conus are derived from typically dextral species that have nonplanktonic development. If C. adversarius was reproductively isolated from dextral conspecifics, then this species may provide an example of nearly instantaneous sympatric speciation in the fossil record. Furthermore, the common and widespread – while geologically short-lived – fossil shells of C. adversarius show large amounts of variability in form and this variation may be related, at least in part, to a pleiotropic effect associated with the reversed coiling direction of this species.  相似文献   
提取海南产桶形芋螺线粒体基因组完整DNA (mtDNA),并对提取条件进行优化。以桶形芋螺腹足肌肉、毒腺和肝胰脏三个不同组织为材料,分别采用改进高盐沉淀法、细胞器/磁珠法和试剂盒提取三种方法,提取桶形芋螺mtDNA,并利用琼脂糖凝胶电泳和紫外分光光度计对提取mtDNA的纯度和浓度进行测定。以coxⅠ-rRNA小亚基基因和α-芋螺毒素基因设计引物,通过PCR反应来确证所提取的DNA确实是mtDNA。试剂盒法提取肝胰脏、高盐沉淀法提取肝胰脏和腹足肌肉组织这三种方法的产率很高,分别为44.4μg/mg、43.3μg/mg和32.6μg/mg。A260/280比值表明,改进高盐沉淀法提取毒腺和腹足肌肉组织,细胞器磁珠法提取腹足肌肉组织的mtDNA纯度很高。综合比较,采用改进高盐沉淀法,利用桶形芋螺腹足肌肉组织所提取的mtDNA产率高、质量好、纯度高。高质量芋螺mtDNA的获取为利用分子生物学方法对芋螺进行遗传进化分析和系统分类提供了基础。  相似文献   
Two conomarphins were purified as the major component of the venom of Conus eburneus. Conomarphins Eb1 and Eb2 showed biological activity in the mollusk Pomacea padulosa, causing sluggishness and retraction of siphon, foot, and cephalic tentacles. To further probe the effects of conserved amino acids and posttranslational modifications in conomarphins, we prepared four synthetic analogues: conomarphin Eb1 Hyp10Pro, Hyp10Ala, d ‐Phe13Ala, and l ‐Phe13 variants. Structure‐activity relationship analysis indicated that d ‐Phe13 is critical to the biological activity of conomarphins. In contrast, amino acid changes at position 10 and removal of posttranslational modification in Hyp10Pro can be tolerated. The high expression level and observed mollusk activity of conomarphins may suggest their potential role as defensive arsenal of Conoidean snails against other predatory gastropods.  相似文献   
目的:合成2个来自泡芋螺的新型ω-芋螺毒素Bu1、Bu13,测定其作用靶标,为研制新型镇痛药提供先导化合物。方法:固相合成线性肽,然后在折叠液(0.5 mol/L乙酸铵、1 mmol/L谷胱甘肽、0.1 mmol/L氧化谷胱甘肽)中于4℃折叠24~48 h,富集纯化得目标肽;利用膜片钳技术,测定其对N、P/Q及L型钙离子通道的抑制活性。结果:Bu1、Bu13对N型钙离子通道的半抑制浓度(IC50)分别为0.86、1.02μmol/L,抑制作用低于MⅦA(IC50=0.21μmol/L);10μmol/L Bu1、Bu13对P/Q型钙离子通道的抑制率分别为17.05%±1.34%、13.1%±2.69%,稍高于MⅦA(8.92%±2.12%);10μmol/L Bu1、Bu13对L型钙离子通道的抑制率分别为19.31%±6.22%、4.78%±0.77%,高于MⅦA(<5%)。结论:Bu1、Bu13选择性作用于N型钙离子通道,对P/Q、L型钙离子通道的抑制作用较低。  相似文献   
A combination of proteomic and biochemical assays was used to examine variations in the venom of Conus vexillum taken from two locations (Hurgada and Sharm El-Shaikh) in the Red Sea, Egypt. Using MALDI/TOF-MS, a remarkable degree of intra-species variation between venom samples from both locations was identified. To evaluate variability in the cytotoxic effects of Conus venom, mice were injected with the same dose from each location. The oxidative stress biomarkers [malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyl content (PCC)], antioxidants [glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT)], total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and nitric oxide (NO), were measured 3, 6, 9 and 12 h post venom injection. The venoms induced a significant increase in the levels of PCC, MDA, NO, GSH and CAT. The venoms significantly inhibited the activity of SOD and reduced the TAC. Toxicological data showed that the venom obtained from Hurgada was more potent than that obtained from Sharm El-Shaikh. It can be concluded that: (1) the venom of the same Conus species from different regions is highly diversified (2) the venoms from different locations reflect clear differences in venom potency and (3) the cytotoxic effects of C. vexillum venom can be attributed to its ability to induce oxidative stress.  相似文献   
-Conotoxin EI is an 18-residue peptide (RDOCCYHPTCNMSNPQIC; 4–10, 5–18) isolated from the venom of Conus ermineus, the only fish-hunting cone snail of the Atlantic Ocean. This peptide targets specifically the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) found in mammalian skeletal muscle and the electric organ Torpedo, showing a novel selectivity profile when compared to other -conotoxins. The 3D structure of EI has been determined by 2D-NMR methods in combination with dynamical simulated annealing protocols. A total of 133 NOE-derived distances were used to produce 13 structures with minimum energy that complied with the NOE restraints. The structure of EI is characterized by a helical loop between Thr9 and Met12 that is stabilized by the Cys4-Cys10 disulfide bond and turns involving Cys4-Cys5 and Asn14-Pro15. Other regions of the peptide appear to be flexible. The overall fold of EI is similar to that of other 4/7-conotoxins (PnIA/B, MII, EpI). However, unlike these other 4/7-conotoxins, EI targets the muscular type nAChR. The differences in selectivity can be attributed to differences in the surface charge distribution among these 4/7-conotoxins. The implications for binding of EI to the muscular nAChR are discussed with respect to the current NMR structure of EI.  相似文献   
omega-Conotoxin MVIIA (CTX MVIIA) is a potent and selective blocker of the N-type voltage-sensitive calcium channel in neurons. Its analgesic and neuroprotective effects may prove useful in treatment of severe pains and ischemia. In this paper, we report that a fusion form of CTX MVIIA with thioredoxin (Trx) has analgesic function. The DNA fragments were chemically synthesized and ligated to form the DNA sequence encoding CTX MVIIA. The synthetic gene was then cloned into the expression vector pET-32a(+) and the fusion protein Trx-CTX MVIIA containing 6x His-tag was purified by one-step metal chelated affinity chromatography (MCAC). The purity of final product was over 95% determined by HPLC and the yield of the fusion protein was approximately 40 mg/L. The analgesic function was detected by using mouse hot-plate assay. After intracranially administering fusion protein with the dose of 0.6 mg/kg, marked analgesia was observed. The analgesic effects (elevated pain thresholds) were dose-dependent and the biological half-life of the fusion toxin was approximately 1.6 h.  相似文献   
Conopeptides display prominent features of hypervariability and high selectivity of large gene families that mediate interactions between organisms. Remarkable sequence diversity of O-superfamily conotoxins was found in a worm-hunting cone snail Conus miles. Five novel cDNA sequences encoding O-superfamily precursor peptides were identified in C. miles native to Hainan by RT-PCR and 3'-RACE. They share the common cysteine pattern of the O-superfamily conotoxin (C-C-CC-C-C, with three disulfide bridges). The predicted peptides consist of 27-33 amino acids. We then performed a phylogenetic analysis of the new and published homologue sequences from C. miles and the other Conus species. Sequence divergence (%) and residue substitutions to view evolutionary relationships of the precursors' signal, propeptide, and mature toxin regions were analyzed. Percentage divergence of the amino acid sequences of the prepro region exhibited high conservation, whereas the sequences of the mature peptides ranged from almost identical with to highly divergent from inter- and intra-species. Despite the O-superfamily being a large and diverse group of peptides, widely distributed in the venom ducts of all major feeding types of Conus and discovered in several Conus species, it was for the first time that the newly found five O-superfamily peptides in this research came from the vermivorous C. miles. So far, conotoxins of the O-superfamily whose properties have been characterized are from piscivorous and molluscivorous Conus species, and their amino acid sequences and mode of action have been discussed in detail. The elucidated cDNAs of the five toxins are new and of importance and should attract the interest of researchers in the field, which would pave the way for a better understanding of the relationship of their structure and function.  相似文献   
织锦芋螺ο家族芋螺毒素的序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了从织锦芋螺(Conustextile)中尽可能多地分离出ο家族的毒素序列和研究其应用价值,在克隆了织锦芋螺α芋螺毒素的基础上进行了织锦芋螺ο家族芋螺毒素基因的分离工作.从织锦芋螺毒管中提取m RNA,通过RACE(rapid am plification ofcDNA ends,cDNA 末端的快速扩增)-PCR方法扩增获得ο家族芋螺毒素cDNA 片段,并进行克隆和序列分析.从织锦芋螺毒液中获得了6种新的芋螺毒素序列,且毒素序列的成熟肽部分均符合C- C- CC- C- C的保守半胱氨酸框架.这些是新的ο家族芋螺毒素序列,新序列的阐明为进一步研究其生物活性和应用打下了基础.  相似文献   
A novel conotoxin named lt6c, an O‐superfamily conotoxin, was identified from the cDNA library of venom duct of Conus litteratus. The full‐length cDNA contains an open reading frame encoding a predicted 22‐residue signal peptide, a 22‐residue proregion and a mature peptide of 28 amino acids. The signal peptide sequence of lt6c is highly conserved in O‐superfamily conotoxins and the mature peptide consists of six cysteines arranged in the pattern of C? C? CC? C? C that is defined the O‐superfamily of conotoxins. The mature peptide fused with thioredoxin, 6‐His tag, and a Factor Xa cleavage site was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. About 12 mg lt6c was purified from 1L culture. Under whole‐cell patch‐clamp mode, lt6c inhibited sodium currents on adult rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Therefore, lt6c is a novel O‐superfamily conotoxin that is able to block sodium channels. Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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