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The effect of long-term (77 day) exposure of carp Cyprinus carpio to low concentrations of waterborne iron (1 mg Fe-dextran l−1) on accumulation and cellular distribution of iron in the liver was assessed using Perl's staining and histological observations and morphometric measurements. Accumulation of iron in the liver occurred after 14 days of exposure, when the majority of the iron was found in the sinusoidal endothelium with lower amounts in the cytoplasm and nuclei of hepatocytes. Upon further treatment the iron was predominantly distributed in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes either as granules or diffusive iron and in macrophages.  相似文献   
Summary Organ growth of male chickens selected for high and low 56-day body weight and their reciprocal F1 crosses was compared at a common age (56 days) or at a common body weight (180 g). Organs that differed at a common body weight included weights of proventriculus, small intestine, lungs, feathers and abdominal fat and length of esophagus. Organ weights that differed at a common age included esophagus, gizzard, heart, liver, lungs, breast, legs, feathers and abdominal fat, and lengths of shank, esophagus and small intestine. Heterosis for most organs was less than 15%. Those exhibiting heterosis greater than 30% included weights of fat depots and feathers, plus lengths of the esophagus, small intestine and shank. Heterosis for these traits, however, varied depending on whether comparisons were made at common body weight or age. These results imply that biological functions of organs at specific ages may not reflect the situations at common body weights and suggest differences in resource allocations among populations.  相似文献   
Summary The linkage relationship of 11 bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed proteins (including phaseolin), 9 enzyme loci, and theP locus were analyzed in backcross and F2 progenies by use of the software package Mapmaker. The progenies were obtained by crossing the breeding line XR-235-1 and the cultivar Calima. Allelic differences for seed protein loci were detected with SDS-PAGE and those for enzyme loci with starch gel electrophoresis and activity stains. The seed coat color of Calima is a red/beige mottled pattern and that of XR-235-1 is white. Segregation at theP locus was followed by recording the phenotype of the BC1S1 and F3 seed. A linkage group comprising ca. 90 cM was detected with the following gene order:Est-2 — 11 —Pha — 8 — (Spe/Spg) — 24 — P — 9 — (Spa/Spv) — 16 —Spba — 22 —Mdh-1. In addition, another linkage group was detected: (Spd/Spf/Sph) — 5 -Spca. Therefore, the seed proteins appear to be organized in clusters in the bean genome.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. R-01131  相似文献   
武汉东湖的鲢(Hypophthalmichthy molitrix)鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)在天然条件下摄食强度具季节性变化。摄食强度高峰处于夏季,低谷处于冬季。在实验条件下,按周年采样期间水温变化范围,测定鱼的肠管排空率。食物通过鱼肠管时间(Y_p—h)与水温(X_t—℃)的关系为: 鲢Y_p=270.63 X_t~(0.6408) 鳙Y_p=280.46 X_t~(0.6642) 根据修正后Bajkov公式(D=C (24.A)/n),估算鱼的日粮。鱼日粮(Y_D)与水温(X_t)关系为: 鲢Y_D=0.2683e~(0.1503X_t) 鳙Y_D=0.0075X_t~(2.2715) 计算鱼在天然条件下周年月粮及年粮。鲢、鳙对天然饵料年消耗量分别为18.924公斤及17.39公斤,饵料系数分别为18.02及13.38。  相似文献   
Summary Aneuploid stocks, which included Triticum aestivum/alien, disomic, chromosome addition lines, wheat/alien, ditelosomic, chromosome addition lines, and the available aneuploids of Chinese Spring wheat, were used to locate genes that influence milling energy requirement (ME). Genes that affected ME were found on all seven homoeologous chromosome groups. The addition of complete wheat chromosomes 1B, 1D, 2A, 2D, 5B, 6B, 7B and 7D increased ME. Positive effects were also found in specific chromosome arms: 1BS, 2DS, 5AS, 5BS and 6BL. Wheat chromosome 3B conditioned low ME and the gene(s) responsible was located on the short arm. Other negative effects were attributed to wheat chromosome arms 4BL, 4DL, 5DS and 6DS. Alien chromosome additions that conferred high ME included 2H, 5H, 6H and 7H of barley, Hordeum vulgare and 2R, 2R, 4R, 4RL, 6R, 6RL and 7RL of rye, Secale cereale. Those that conferred a low ME included 1H ch of H. chilense, and 6u and 7u of Aegilops umbellulata, 5R and 5RS of S. cereale and 5R m and 5R mS of S. montanum. Although the control of ME is polygenic, there is a major effect of genes located on the short arms of homoeologous group 5 chromosomes.  相似文献   
The common inhibitor (CI) has been studied morphologically and electrophysiologically in the fifth thoracic ganglion of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). It has a large soma and possesses two separate dendritic fields arising from distinct integrative segments.In vitro preparations display motor outputs ranging from tonic activity to fictive locomotion. The CI's tonic firing frequency increases as more excitors are recruited, and displays two peaks of frequency during fictive locomotion, one during stance, the other during swing.Paired intracellular recordings have been used to demonstrate the different central synaptic connections received or made by the CI. At least 27% of the proximal excitors receive monosynaptic connections from the CI corresponding to post-synaptic depolarizations of small amplitude mediated by GABA. However as they do not change the overall activities of the excitors which receive them, they may be used for local inhibition within the dendrites. Besides, electrical synapses between several proximal excitors and the CI may synchronize their activity.The CI receives synaptic connections arising from interneurones. Some are direct either by inhibitory monosynaptic connections or by electrical couplings whereas others arise through polysynaptic pathways. All these connections are functionally significant in the control of the CI firing activity and in its motor coordinations.  相似文献   
包永德  朱辉 《生理学报》1996,48(6):587-589
爪蟾卵母细胞经注射鲫鱼视网总RNA后,可表达大量电压依赖性钾离子通道。在此基础上,我们进一步发现,一个特定序列的寡核苷酸能专一地抑制该通道的表达。由于我们设计与合成的该片段与果蝇、小鼠中已克隆的钾通道中编码N端的一个多肽的mRNA完全互补,因此推测:鲫鱼视网膜中的K这个区域与其它物种的K通道有高度同源性,这为克隆该基因和研究它的功能提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
The results of a series of experiments conducted in our laboratory on the ornamental common carp (koi), aimed at optimizing heat-shock chromosome-set manipulation procedures, are described. The timing of heat-shock initiation was expressed in the relative unit of embryological age (0) in order to standardize this parameter, the absolute time for heat-shock initiation being calculated from duration of one 0 at two different pre-treatment water temperatures. Heat shocks were applied within the periods of 0.05–0.60 0 and 1.20–2.20 0 which, respectively, cover the successive phases of the 2nd meiotic division and the 1st cleavage. The highest production of diploid gynogenetic offspring was observed when heat shocks were initiated at 0.15–0.25 0 and at 1.5 0, after insemination, corresponding to anaphase of meiosis-II, and metaphase of the 1st cleavage, respectively. Similar results were obtained irrespective of the different pre-treatment water temperatures, thus confirming the possibility of standardizing heat-shock timing by 0.  相似文献   
The present study disclosed the cross-reactivity between Bermuda grass pollen (BGP) and other grass pollens using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and polyclonal antiserum. MAb 9–13, directed against a group of minor allergens of BGP (Cyn d Bd68K, 48K, 38K) was found to cross-react with extracts of ten other grass pollens. Immunoblotting assays illustrated that MAb 9–13 cross-reacted with multiple components of most of these pollens, and the major cross-reactive components had molecular weights of 29–36 kD. The cross-reactivity between BGP andLol pI, the group I allergen of rye grass pollen, was further evaluated;Lol pI was recognized by MAb 9–13, but not by our MAbs/polyclonal antiserum againstCyn dI, the major allergen of BGP. These results suggest that the epitope recognized by MAb 9–13 is a common (C) epitope shared byLol pI andCyn d Bd68K, 48K, 38K, andCyn dI does not share significant antigenicity withLol pI. In a modified radio-allergosorbent test, IgE antibodies in the serum of BGP-allergic patients reacted mildly with C-epitope-bearing components of both BGP and rye grass pollens, and this binding could be blocked specifically by MAb 9–13. This suggests that in addition to an antigenic cross-reaction, the C epitope can also lead to an allergenic cross-reaction.  相似文献   
1986—1989年的鱼种池塘越冬对比饲养与室内验证试验结果表明:长江以南草鱼种在冬季大部分时间仍能开口摄食。若不是密集越冬,并在晴天加强培育,越冬期间鱼种的平均生长率可达10—14%,鱼体丰满系数、血液中红细胞数、血红蛋白、血浆总蛋白含量,肌肉、肝脏中大部分营养成分较越冬前均无明显变化(p>0.05);补充投饵的半密集越冬组,鱼种体重、丰满系数能维持在越冬前水平(p>0.05),但血液、肌肉、肝脏中部分营养指标仍明显下降(p≤0.05);而饥饿条件下密集越冬组,鱼种消瘦9—14%,腹内肠系膜脂肪消耗殆尽,丰满系数、肝脏、肌肉中蛋白质、脂肪含量均明显下降(p≤0.05),且出现贫血状态。试验证明了越冬鱼种放养密度及饲养管理的不同,将影响鱼种质量的优劣和次年的成鱼养殖产量。为我国长江中下游大部,淮河、黄河中下游部分地区改革鱼种越冬制度,采取稀放精养的必要性和提高越冬鱼种质量与产量的可行性提供了理论根据。  相似文献   
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