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主分量分析(PCA)在动物分类学中的运用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
潘汝亮  彭燕章 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):194-199
African colobine monkeys show considerable craniofacial variation among species, although the evolutionary causes of this diversity are unclear. In light of growing evidence that diet varies considerably among colobine species, we investigated whether colobine craniofacial morphology varies as a function of their diet. We compared craniofacial morphology among five African species: Colobus angolensis, C. guereza, C. polykomos, Piliocolobus badius, and P. verus. Matrix correlation analysis indicated a significant correlation between species-specific morphological distance and dietary distance matrices. The mechanical advantage of the masseter muscle was higher in seed-eaters (C. angolensis and C. polykomos) and lower in those that eat mainly young leaves (C. guereza, P. badius, and P. verus). Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the durophagous colobines possess relatively wider bigonial breadths, anteroposteriorly shorter faces, shorter postcanine tooth rows, more medially positioned dental batteries, wider bizygomatic arches, and anteroposteriorly longer zygomatic arches. Under the constrained lever model, these morphological features suggest that durophagous colobines have the capacity to generate relatively greater maximum bite forces. However, no consistent relationship was observed between diet and variation in the mandibular corpus and symphysis, implying that robust mandibles are not necessarily adaptations for stress resistance. Factors that may influence mandibular robusticity include allometry of symphyseal curvature and canine tooth support. Finally, linear measures of mandibular robusticity may suffer from error.  相似文献   
A. S. Clarke 《Zoo biology》1991,10(4):369-374
The Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana, is an endangered Colobine endemic to China. The social and reproductive behavior of this species are little known, and it has rarely been kept in captivity outside China. Results from observations of a captive golden monkey pair revealed some unusual details of sociosexual behavior. Both members of the pair mounted one other, and female mounting of the male occurred nearly as often as the reverse. Male mounts were always preceded by a stereotyped behavioral sequence that included distinct facial and vocal displays. Female mounts occurred in response to male solicitation (presenting). No evidence of ejaculation was observed in association with mounts, although mounts were only observed in a distinctly sexual context. Sexual behavior was associated with aggressive displays by one or both animals and with apparently proceptive behavior by the female. All sexual behaviors showed a peak near the end of the study, although the female was continually receptive throughout the 2-month study period.  相似文献   
Factors that influence proximity and the number and duration of contacts among individuals can influence parasite transmission among hosts, and thus parasite prevalence and species richness are expected to increase with increasing host density. To examine this prediction we took advantage of a unique situation. Following the clearing of a forest fragment that supported red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza), the animals moved into a neighboring fragment that we had been monitoring for a number of years and for which we had described the primate parasite community. After the animals immigrated into the fragment, the colobus populations more than doubled and colobus density became almost twice that found in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Despite this increase in host density, the richness of the parasite community did not increase. However, in both colobus species the prevalence of Trichuris sp., the only commonly occurring gastrointestinal parasite, increased. Over the next 5 years the prevalence and intensity of infection of Trichuris sp. in red colobus declined and their population numbers slowly increased. In contrast, the prevalence and intensity of infection of Trichuris sp. increased in black-and-white colobus and remained high following the immigration, and their population size declined. While Trichuris sp. infections are typically asymptomatic, we consider it a possibility that they contributed to the decline of the black-and-white colobus, and that the red colobus may be serving as a reservoir for Trichuris, thereby increasing the infection risk for black-and-white colobus.  相似文献   
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