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Simple demographic and infectious disease models of buffaloes and other domestic hosts for animal trypanosomosis (surra) caused by Trypanosoma evansi were developed. The animal models contained deterministic and stochastic elements and were linked to simulate the benefit of control regimes for surra in village domestic animal populations in Mindanao, Philippines. The impact of the disease on host fertility and mortality were key factors in determining the economic losses and net-benefit from the control regimes. If using a high (99%) efficacy drug in surra-moderate to high risk areas, then treating all animals twice each year yielded low prevalence in 2 years; targeted treatment of clinically sick animals, constantly monitored (monthly), required 75% fewer treatments but took longer to reach a low prevalence than treating all animals twice each year. At high drug efficacy both of these treatment strategies increased the benefit over untreated animals by 81%. If drug efficacy declined then the benefit obtained from twice yearly treatment of all animals declined rapidly compared with regular monitoring and targeting treatment to clinically sick animals. The current control regimen applied in the Philippines of annual sero-testing for surra and only treating sero-positive animals provided the lowest net-benefit of all the control options simulated and would not be regarded as effective control. The total net-benefit from effective surra control for a typical village in a moderate/high risk area was 7.9 million pesos per annum (US $158,000). The value added to buffaloes, cattle, horses, goats/sheep and pigs as a result of this control was US $88, $84, $151, $7, $114 per animal/year, respectively.  相似文献   
We studied the influence of entomopathogenic nematodes , Steinernema carpocapsae and S. riobravis, on natural populations of plant - parasitic nematodes (PPNs) infesting turfgrass in Georgia and South Carolina . S. riobravis applied at 6 109 infective juveniles (IJs) / acre provided up to 95 - 100% control of the root - knot , Meloidogyne sp ., sting , Belonolaimus longicaudatus, and ring nematode , Criconemella sp ., in Georgia , but S. carpocapsae had no effect . S. riobravis was as effective as the chemical nematicide , Fenamiphos (Nemacur 10G) at 4 weeks after treatment and more effective at 8 weeks after treatment . In South Carolina , both S. riobravis and S. carpocapsae applied at 1 109 IJs / acre provided up to 86 - 100 % control of the root - knot , sting and ring nematodes . Application of 6 109 IJs / acre increased control by only 4 - 14 % over the 1 109 dosage . Possible causes of differences in efficacy of S. carpocapsae at the two sites are discussed . It is concluded that S. riobravis may provide effective , predictable and economical control of PPNs in turfgrass .  相似文献   
HOMMEL  G. 《Biometrika》1988,75(2):383-386
D. R. Gillespie 《BioControl》1989,34(2):185-192
The predatory miteAmblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) [Acarina: Phytoseiidae] was evaluated as a biological control forThrips tabaci Lindeman andFrankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae] on greenhouse grown seedless cucumber.A. cucumeris spread throughout the greenhouses and provided control of both species of thrips.A. cucumeris adults persisted on plants for 7 weeks in the virtual absence of prey, and increased numerically in response to increases in prey population. On the basis of these resultsA. cucumeris is recommended as a useful biological control forT. tabaci andF. occidentalis on greenhouse cucumber. Publication No. 361, Agassiz Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Agassiz, B.C. Canada VOM 1AO.  相似文献   
A population of the grey red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, was investigated on a 1 ha control grid and a 1 ha grid on which the voles were fed within a 2.1 ha outdoor enclosure in Hokkaido, Japan by live trapping from 1984 to 1986, for testing the Reproductive Suppression Model of Wasser and Barash (1983)-females can optimize their lifetime reproductive success by suppressing reproduction when future conditions for the survival of offspring are likely to be sufficiently better than present ones as to exceed the costs of the suppression itself. Age at the first pregnancy more varied in a higher density population on the experimental grid and females could be classified into the early and the late reproductive type in two generations (A: females born from February to June 1985; B: females born from September to November 1985). Lifetime reproductive success (the number of pregnancies, the number of successful litters, and the number of offspring) was not different between the early and the late reproducing females. The late reproducing females lived for longer periods than the early reproducing females, so that the loss by delayed start of reproduction was compensated for by a longer life span. Life span was not different between offspring of the early and the late reproducing females. These facts supported the Reproductive Suppression Model.  相似文献   
The interaction of fatty-acid synthesis with starch synthesis has been studied in intact amyloplasts isolated from floral buds of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.). These amyloplasts perform acetate-dependent fatty acid synthesis at maximum rates only at high external ATP concentrations. Neither pyruvate nor malate inhibit acetate-dependent fatty-acid synthesis. In contrast, acetate is inhibitory to the low pyruvate-dependent fatty acid synthesis. These observations indicate that neither pyruvate nor malate are used as natural precursors of fatty-acid synthesis. In contrast to fatty-acid synthesis, the rate of glucose-6-phosphate-dependent starch synthesis is already saturated in the presence of much lower ATP concentrations. Rising rates of starch synthesis influence negatively the process of acetate-dependent fatty acid synthesis. This inhibition appears to occur under both limiting and saturating concentrations of external ATP, indicating that the rate of ATP uptake is limiting when both biochemical pathways are active. The rate of starch synthesis is modulated specifically by the concentration of 3-phosphoglycerate in the incubation medium. This observation leads to the conclusion that the activity of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase is of primary importance for the control of both, starch and fatty-acid synthesis. Using the modified approach of Kacser and Burns (1973; Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol.27, 65–104) we have quantified the contribution of the rate of starch synthesis to the control of the metabolic flux through fatty-acid synthesis.Abbreviations ADPGlc-PPase ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase - Glc6P glucose-6-phosphate - PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid  相似文献   
Ian E. Woodrow  Keith A. Mott 《Planta》1993,191(4):421-432
A model of the C 3 photosynthetic system is developed which describes the sensitivity of the steadystate rate of carbon dioxide assimilation to changes in the activity of several enzymes of the system. The model requires measurements of the steady-state rate of carbon dioxide assimilation, the concentrations of several intermediates in the photosynthetic system, and the concentration of the active site of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxyalse/oxygenase (Rubisco). It is shown that in sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) at photon flux densities that are largely saturating for the rate of photosynthesis, the steady-stete rate of carbon dioxide assimilation is most sensitive to Rubisco activity and, to a lesser degree, to the activities of the stromal fructose, 6-bisphosphatase and the enzymes catalysing sucrose synthesis. The activities of sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase, ribulose 5-phosphate kinase, ATP synthase and the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase are calculated to have a negligible effect on the flux under the high-light conditions. The utility of this analysis in developing simpler models of photosynthesis is also discussed.Abbreviations c i intercellular CO2 concentration - C infP supJ control coefficient for enzyme P with respect to flux J - DHAP dihydroxyacetonephosphate - E4P erythrose 4-phosphate - F6P fructose 6-phosphate - FBP fructose 1,6-bisphosphate - FBPase fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase - G3P glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate - G1P glucose 1-phosphate - G6P glucose 6-phosphate - Pi inorganic phosphate - PCR photosynthetic carbon reduction - PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid - PPFD photosynthetically active photon flux density - R n J response coefficient for effector n with respect to flux J - R5P ribose 5-phosphate - Rubisco ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - Ru5P ribulose 5-phosphate - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - S7P sedoheptulose 7-phosphate - SBP sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate - SBPase sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase - SPS sucrose-phosphate synthase - Xu5P xylulose 5-phosphate - n P elasticity coefficient for effector n with respect to the catalytic velocity of enzyme P This research was funded by an Australian Research Council grant to I.E.W. and was undertaken during a visity by K.A.M. to the James Cook University of North Queensland. The expert help of Glenys Hanley and Mick Kelly is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   
杨树拟茎点菌溃疡病的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本病系我国杨树新发生的一种病害。病原菌的分生孢子有2种形状,无色透明、单胞,呈纺缍形孢子大小为1.64—2.74×9.59—13.7μm。线形孢子顶端弯钩状大小为1.37—1.78×15—27.4μm。病原菌适宜生长的培养基为PDA、麦芽粉、豆饼粉培养基;温度为25—32℃和pH6—10。本病于4月下旬发病,5月中下旬分生孢子成熟,6月中下旬为分生孢子飞散高峰期。经室内采用多菌灵、甲基托布津、福美砷的200倍液浸泡插穗30、60、90分钟处理均有药害,采用100—200倍液浸泡10分钟无药害,对病害有防效。造林地幼树可采用上述药剂的100倍液进行刮破病斑涂抹,防效可达87.5%。  相似文献   
为保护广西北部湾海岸带、海岛的植物多样性和生态系统多样性,通过样方、样带法野外实地调查并结合文献资料,对其外来入侵植物的物种组成、原产地、生活型、入侵途径和危害状况等进行了分析。结果表明,广西北部湾海岸带、海岛共有入侵植物64种,隶属28科55属,其中菊科(Asteraceae)最多(15种)。草本植物最多,有48种(75.00%)。原产地来自美洲的植物最多,有49种。入侵风险等级可划分为5个等级,其中Ⅰ级严重危害的有8种(12.50%)。与广西、广东、海南及华南地区的外来入侵植物在物种组成、生活型和原产地等方面呈现出较强的相似性;北部湾与广西中越边境内陆地区来自美洲的入侵植物都超过60%。因此推测广西外来入侵植物有两条可能的入侵线路:一是从海南登录,二是从中越边境跨入。广西北部湾海岸带、海岛的外来入侵植物总数(相对整个广西)虽较少,但其8种Ⅰ级严重危害植物的防治,仍需引起重视。  相似文献   
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