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The reduction potential of a cell is related to its fate. Proliferating cells are more reduced than those that are differentiating, whereas apoptotic cells are generally the most oxidized. Glutathione is considered the most important cellular redox buffer and the average reduction potential (Eh) of a cell or organism can be calculated from the concentrations of glutathione (GSH) and glutathione disulfide (GSSG). In this study, triplicate groups of cod larvae at various stages of development (3 to 63 days post-hatch; dph) were sampled for analyses of GSSG/2GSH concentrations, together with activities of antioxidant enzymes and expression of genes encoding proteins involved in redox metabolism. The concentration of total GSH (GSH+GSSG) increased from 610±100 to 1260±150 μmol/kg between 7 and 14 dph and was then constant until 49 dph, after which it decreased to 810±100 μmol/kg by 63 dph. The 14- to 49-dph period, when total GSH concentrations were stable, coincides with the proposed period of metamorphosis in cod larvae. The concentration of GSSG comprised approximately 1% of the total GSH concentration and was stable throughout the sampling series. This resulted in a decreasing Eh from −239±1 to −262±7 mV between 7 and 14 dph, after which it remained constant until 63 dph. The changes in GSH and Eh were accompanied by changes in the expression of several genes involved in redox balance and signaling, as well as changes in activities of antioxidant enzymes, with the most dynamic responses occurring in the early phase of cod larval development. It is hypothesized that metamorphosis in cod larvae starts with the onset of mosaic hyperplasia in the skeletal muscle at approximately 20 dph (6.8 mm standard length (SL)) and ends with differentiation of the stomach and disappearance of the larval finfold at 40 to 50 dph (10–15 mm SL). Thus, metamorphosis in cod larvae seems to coincide with high and stable total concentrations of GSH.  相似文献   
An acute phase response (APR) was experimentally induced in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) by intramuscular injection of turpentine oil. The change in the expression of immune related genes was monitored in the anterior kidney and the spleen over a period of 7 days. The genes examined were two types of pentraxins, apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA-I), the complement component C3, interleukin-1β (IL-1β), transferrin, cathelicidin, and hepcidin. All genes were constitutively expressed in both organs and their expression amplified by the turpentine injection. A pattern of response was observed both with respect to the organ preference and to the timing of a maximum response. The increased gene expression of the pentraxins, ApoA-I and C3 was restricted to the anterior kidney, the gene expression of IL-1β, cathelicidin, and transferrin increased in both organs, while hepcidin gene expression was only significantly increased in the spleen. The pentraxins and ApoA-I appear to be early mediators of APR in cod, possibly stimulating C3 and IL-1β response, while the antimicrobial peptides may play a minor role. The increase in transferrin gene expression in both organs, and apparent indifference to cortisol release associated with the turpentine injection, suggests that this could be a typical acute phase protein in cod.  相似文献   
Cod parvalbumin (isotype III) is a single tryptophan-containing protein. The fluorescence characteristics of this tryptophan residue (lambda em approximately 315 nm) suggest that it is buried from solvent and that it is located in an apolar core of the protein. Solute quenching studies of the tryptophan fluorescence of parvalbumin reveal dynamic quenching rate constants, kq, of 1.1 X 10(8) and 2.3 X 10(9) M-1 s-1 (at 25 degrees C) with acrylamide and oxygen, respectively, as quenchers. From temperature dependence studies, activation energies of 6.5 +/- 1.5 and 6.0 +/- 0.5 kcal/mol are found for acrylamide and oxygen quenching. The kq for acrylamide quenching is found to be relatively unchanged (+/- 10%) by an 8-fold increase in the bulk viscosity (glycerol/water mixture). These temperature and viscosity studies argue that the acrylamide quenching process involves a dynamic penetration of the quencher, facilitated by fluctuations in the protein's structure.  相似文献   
Fixed wavelength fluorescence (FF) of bile has been evaluated as a monitoring tool for the screening of polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in fish. The methodology was studied through laboratory and field experiments with Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) and flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) exposed to various forms of PAH contamination. The present study demonstrates the ability of FF screening to discriminate between 2-, 4- and 5-ring PAH metabolites by using the wavelength pairs 290/335 nm, 341/383 nm and 380/430 nm, respectively. In general, the degree of fluorescence interference between these metabolite groups appears to be low. Dose- and time-response patterns of the FF signals were shown to give a good reflection of the PAH exposure. Further, the necessity of an appropriate dilution of bile samples prior to fluorescence measurements is demonstrated by a study of inner filter effect. Normally a dilution of 1000-2000-fold is necessary. Individual differences in the bile density, e.g. measured as the concentration of the bile pigment biliverdin, have to be allowed for when applying the FF method. However, it is shown that normalizing the FF signals to biliverdin concentrations on an individual basis added extra error to the data set. The simple, rapid and cost-effective FF method is found to be well suited for screening fish for PAH contamination.  相似文献   
Otolith microchemistry can be very useful in identifying fish populations and reconstructing fish movements. Recent attempts have been made to evaluate otoliths as proxies of ambient levels of transition metals, but findings have been inconsistent. Some of the difficulty with obtaining a definitive answer stems from an incomplete understanding of the biological control of transition metal speciation in otoliths. Metals may be incorporated as part of the calcium carbonate phase, trapped in interstitial spaces within the crystal, or associated with the protein matrix. Metal binding to the protein phase may be inferred from its structural and biochemical properties but has not been observed previously. Inherent difficulties with the extraction of metal-binding proteins in their native state from the calcium carbonate phase make them extraordinarily difficult to measure. We have developed a method that facilitates the extraction of otolith proteins without total disruption of transition metal binding. Chelating agents such as EDTA, used in the decalcification of otoliths, can demetallate the proteins if allowed to reach equilibrium; however, if the reaction is halted prior to equilibration, intact metal-protein complexes can be obtained. Using such an approach, we have confirmed the presence of copper and zinc in the soluble portion of the protein matrix of cod otoliths, and we have established that between 70% and 100% of copper and 40% to 60% of zinc found in whole otoliths are associated with the soluble part of the protein matrix. Manganese was not observed to be associated with the protein, indicating that it is either weakly bound or that no binding is present. Our results, combined with an understanding of the biological control of these metals, suggest that otoliths are not likely to be reliable indicators of copper and zinc exposure, but they may provide useful insight into fish growth and physiological development.  相似文献   
Summary Rates of protein synthesis and oxygen consumption ( O2) in cod were compared in both fasted and refed animals. During a 14-day fast both protein synthesis and respiration rates fell to stable values after 6 days. When a meal of whole sandeel at 6% body weight was fed to fish fasted for 6 days, protein synthesis and ( O2) increased to a maximum at between 12 and 18 h after feeding. Peak ( O2) was about twice the pre-feeding values, while whole animal protein synthesis increased four-fold. There were differences between tissues in the timing of maximum protein synthesis; the liver and stomach responded faster than the remainder of the body. Maximum protein synthesis rates in the liver and stomach occurred at 6 h after feeding, at which time their calculated contribution to total ( O2) was 11%. Similar calculations suggested that the integrated increment in whole animal protein synthesis contributed between 23% and 44% of the post-prandial increase in ( O2). It was concluded that protein synthesis is an important contributor to increased ( O2) after feeding in cod.Abbreviations A s absolute rate of protein synthesis - ASDA apparent specific dynamic action - ATP adenosine triphosphate - k s fractional rate of protein synthesis - k s/RNA amount of protein synthesized per unit RNA - ( O2) oxygen consumption - PCA perchloric acid - RNA ribonucleic acid  相似文献   
A number of marine populations exhibit diurnal variations in their behavioral pattern, and this phenomenon has been studied by several authors looking at a variety of species. But to our knowledge, fully adequate statistical tools have not been used in a comprehensive and systematic way. It is the goal of this article to bring forward relevant statistical techniques and to demonstrate how they can be used. Both parametric and nonparametric methods are employed, and we concentrate on such basic statistical issues as testing for the presence of diurnal variations using a nonparametric test and on estimating and testing the shape of diurnal oscillations. We indicate how this can be used to examine the effect of light on diurnal behavior. Our methods are illustrated using data from bottom trawl catches of cod (Gadus morhua) collected during winter surveys in the Barents Sea in the period 1985-1999.  相似文献   
Degradation of instream habitats in the northern Murray–Darling Basin has occurred through numerous stressors, including siltation, clearing of bankside vegetation, intrusion of livestock and impacts of pest species. A better understanding of habitat preferences of native fish species could help guide future instream habitat restoration actions. The habitat choices of seven native fish species, juvenile Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii), juvenile Golden Perch (Macquaria ambigua ambigua), juvenile Silver Perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), adult Murray–Darling Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis), adult Olive Perchlet (Ambassis agassizii), adult Un‐specked Hardyhead (Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus) and adult carp gudgeons (Hypseleotris spp.) were tested in preference troughs to help inform potential habitat restoration actions in the Condamine catchment. Each species was given a choice between pair combinations of open sandy habitat, submerged macrophytes, emergent plants and rocky rubble. Habitat preferences varied between species. Murray Cod, Golden Perch, carp gudgeons and Olive Perchlets preferred structure over open sandy habitat, whilst juvenile Silver Perch, Un‐specked Hardyhead and Murray–Darling Rainbowfish did not avoid open sandy habitats. Juvenile Murray Cod preferred rocky rubble habitat over all other habitat choices. Use of complex rock piles to provide nursery habitat for Murray Cod populations is a potential restoration option. Introduction of rock could also benefit Golden Perch and carp gudgeons. Use of emergent plants, submerged macrophytes and rocky rubble for habitat restoration all appear to have merit for one or more species of small‐bodied fishes or juvenile stages of larger sized fishes. Rocky rubble or floating attached macrophytes could be viable restoration options in areas too turbid to establish submerged macrophytes. These habitat interventions would complement existing actions such as re‐snagging and provision of fish passage to assist with sustainable management of native fish populations.  相似文献   
Aim Marine sessile inter‐tidal invertebrates are expected to undergo shifts in distribution due to climate change. Using a combination of survey and transplant data with thermal modelling, we investigated the role of climate on the poleward contraction of the southern range edge of the north temperate barnacle Semibalanus balanoides. Location Western Atlantic of the United States. Methods Barnacle surveys were conducted along the east coast of the United States in 1963 and 2007. Presence, absence and abundance data were collected and the time periods were compared. Transplant experiments monitoring survival with relation to temperature were conducted upon S. balanoides along the more southerly portion of their range, and modelling predicting barnacle survival with relation to biogeography was completed. Results The southern limit of S. balanoides has contracted approximately 350 km to the north. Main conclusions The changes thus far observed in climate along the east coast of the United States have contributed to the southern limit range contraction of S. balanoides. Further changes in the biogeography of S. balanoides are expected with continued climate warming.  相似文献   
Peptides with gastrin immunoreactivity were measured in cod muscle (Gadus morhua) and shrimp heads (Penaeus aztecus) extracts and alcalase hydrolysates and separated by two chromatographic steps. Secretagogue activities present in crude extracts fractions were examined with or without specific antagonists of CCK receptors in AR4-2J cells. Several sub-fractions significantly stimulate amylase release, up to 110%. These stimulatory effects could be completely inhibited by the presence of L 365, 260 specific antagonist of CCKB receptors. After hydrolysis of the raw material, the samples were partially fractionated by two chromatographic steps and potential active fractions detected by a gastrin-CCK radioimmunoassay. The molecular masses of the active fractions were lower than for the extracts. Stimulation of amylase release was higher than with extracts, and the inhibition by L 365, 260, less pronounced. These results show that some peptides remaining after hydrolysis or extraction still exert biological activities and have to be tested in nutritional studies.  相似文献   
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