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Genetic variation at 10 enzyme loci was analysed in Elysia timida sacoglossan mollusc samples, originating from both coastal lagoon and marine sites. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.390 (Los Urrutias) to 0.277 (Tabarca). Marine and coastal lagoon populations were characterised by exclusive alleles.  相似文献   
Sedimentation in fluvial and lacustrine environments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Rust  Brian R. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):59-70
Sedimentation in rivers is dominated by a complex set of physical processes, associated with the unidirectional flow of water. Variations in these processes give rise to different fluvial channel types, whose character can commonly be recognised in the ancient record. Chemical and biological processes are comparatively unimportant in fluvial sedimentation. In contrast, physical, chemical or biological processes can each dominate sedimentation in lakes. Physical (clastic) deposition dominates in high-latitude and mountain lakes (in which chemical and biological activity are low), and in lakes with high relief of the drainage basin and lake floor. Its variety reflects a range of processes influenced by river inflow, wave and current action, thermal and density effects. Economic benefits from the study of lake and river sedimentation include both resource and environmental aspects. An example is given of a mercury pollution study in a fluvial ecosystem. It shows that return to background levels can take place within a relatively short interval after cessation of pollutant input.  相似文献   
Changes are reported of Crataegus-Betula dune woodlands between 1950–1980 from Meijendel, a calcareous coastal dune system near the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, which is used as a water catchment area. It concerns both woodlands in degradation stage and, more common, woodlands on the increase. Changes were recorded with help of successive vegetation maps, air photos and permanent plot observations. Woodland increase usually occurs on places with groundwater at or near the surface, either because of natural circumstances or as a result of artificial groundwater recharge through infiltration as part of the water catchment activities. The management of both types of woodland is discussed.Nomenclature follows Heukels-van der Meijden (1983), Flora van Nederland, 20th ed. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen. Nomenclature of mosses follows Margadant & During (1982), Beknopte Flora van Nederlandse Blad- en Levermossen, Thieme, Zutphen.The authors have pleasure in thanking their colleagues from the Dune Water Works who supplied data on hydrology.  相似文献   
Daphniopsis australis, a new species of cladoceran in Australian salt lakes, is described, and some brief comments on its distribution are given.  相似文献   
N-stable isotope analysis of macroalgae has become a popular method for the monitoring of nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems. Basing on changes in their δ15N, macroalgae have been successfully used as biological traps to intercept nitrogen inputs. As different nitrogen sources differ in their isotopic signature, this technique provides useful information on the origin of pollutants and their extension in the water body. However, isotopic fractionation potentially resulting from microbial nitrogen processing, and indirect isotopic variations due to effects of physicochemical conditions on algal nutrient uptake and metabolism, may affect anthropogenic N isotopic values during transportation and assimilation. This in turn can affect the observed isotopic signature in the algal tissue, inducing isotopic variations not related to the origin of assimilated nitrogen, representing a “background noise” in isotope-based water pollution studies.In this study, we focused on three neighbouring coastal lakes (Caprolace, Fogliano and Sabaudia lakes) located south of Rome (Italy). Lakes were characterized by differences in terms of anthropogenic pressure (i.e. urbanization, cultivated crops, livestock grazing) and potential “background noise” levels (i.e. nutrient concentration, pH, microbial concentration). Our aim was to assess nitrogen isotopic variations in fragments of Ulva lactuca specimens after 48 h of submersion to identify and locate the origins of nitrogen pollutants affecting each lake. δ15N were obtained for replicated specimens of U. lactuca spatially distributed to cover the entire surface of each lake, previously collected from a benchmark, unpolluted site. In order to reduce the environmental background noise on isotopic observations, a Bayesian hierarchical model relating isotopic variation to environmental covariates and random spatial effects was used to describe and understand the distribution of isotopic signals in each lake.Our procedure (i) allowed to remove background noise and confounding effects from the observed isotopic signals; (ii) allowed to detect “hidden” pollution sources that would not be detected when not accounting for the confounding effect of environmental background noise; (iii) produced maps of the three lakes providing a clear representation of the isotopic signal variation even where background noise was high. Maps were useful to locate nitrogen pollution sources, identify the origin of the dissolved nitrogen and quantify the extent of pollutants, showing localized organic pollution impacting Sabaudia and Fogliano, but not Caprolace. This method provided a clear characterization of both intra- and inter-lake anthropogenic pressure gradients, representing a powerful approach to the ecological indication and nitrogen pollution management in complex systems, as transitional waterbodies are.  相似文献   
Cladoceran populations, as revealed by sedimentary remains, were studied in six lakes which by diatom evidence have become strongly acidified during the past 30 years. The accumulation rates of cladoceran remains and in two of the most strongly acidified lakes both relative and absolute numbers ofBosmina greatly increased during this period. Species numbers were not reduced, but there were shifts in relative abundances of cladoceran species.Bosmina longispina dominated all the lakes. Low pH (4.7) seemed not to be straight-forwardly harmful toDaphnia longispina, but the relative abundances of this taxon were reduced because ofBosmina.  相似文献   
Minesoils developed from lignite surface mining in Texas are nutrient-poor and have a high N retention capacity. A major concern of landowners and soil conservationists is the response of Coastal bermudagrass to the application of low rates of ammonium-N fertilizer on these nutrient-poor minesoils. A glasshouse study, using15N-labelled ammonium sulfate fertilizer and lignite minesoil, was conducted to measure Coastal bermudagrass biomass production and fertilizer recovery during establishment in response to clipping at 2, 4, and 8 week intervals. At N rates of 0, 40, and 80 kg N ha–1,increases in N fertilization increased Coastal bermudagrass aboveground biomass 5-fold, but showed only small increases in belowground biomass. Recovery of ammonium-N fertilizer ranged from 54 to 63%. Roots contained approximately the same N content across all fertilizer rates suggesting that young, estabilishing, Coatal bermudagrass roots reserve N until their N requirement is met. As more N is obtained above that which was needed to maintain roots, then additional N taken up by the plant was transported to aboveground plant parts for growth. Frequent clipping intensified N transport to aboveground tissues. Reduced amounts of N were contained in roots after clipping due to reductions in root growth, biomass, and resource demand. Fertilization of Coastal bermudagrass at low N rates with different N fertilizer forms influenced the distribution of N in the plant and affected N recovery by different parts of the plant.  相似文献   
The copepod Pseudoboeckella poppei (Daday) (Calanoida, Centropagidae) was sampled from Sombre and Heywood Lakes on Signy Island, Antarctica (60° S, 45° W) between January 1984 and March 1985. Sombre Lake is clear and oligotrophic with little phytoplankton and a bottom sediment low in organic content. By contrast Heywood Lake is turbid and mesotrophic; a substantial phytoplankton develops in summer and the bottom sediments are comparatively rich in organics. Both lakes freeze over for much of the year, forcing the copepods to adopt a benthic feeding strategy over winter. Adult Pseudoboeckella feed on phytoplankton when this is available, but also on detritus, diatoms and short algal filaments stirred up from the sediment. In Heywood Lake, male copepods show a smooth seasonal trend in lipid content with lipid being synthesised in early summer and utilised in late summer and winter. The summer increase in lipid content is associated with an increase in dry weight. Female lipid contents show evidence of two peaks of egg production. In Sombre Lake both male and female copepods increase in size during summer and show a wider range of lipid contents than in Heywood Lake; it is likely that this is due to the poorer winter feeding conditions which necessitate the synthesis of a much larger store of reserves during the summer. In contrast to marine calanoid copepods, lipid stores are exclusively triacylglycerol with no trace of wax ester.  相似文献   
The geographical distribution, morphometry and water quality of lakes within large calderas (> 2 km in diameter) were evaluated through a review of the literature and maps. Eighty-eight lakes in 75 calderas were located in 31 volcanic subregions. As a group, the lakes varied greatly in elevation, surface area, maximum depth, and shoreline development. The average surface area was 16.9 km2, surface elevation 873 m, depth 151.1 m, and shoreline development 1.35. Water quality ranged from ultraoligotrophic to highly eutrophic. None of the lakes had an inlet that originated outside the calderas. Most lakes did not have a surface outlet, were circular or subcircular in shape, and covered only parts of the caldera basins. Water clarity in some lakes was among the highest recorded for freshwater systems, but there are indications of possible declining clarity in some cases. Secondary volcanic activity, such as primary (hydrothermal) water and eruptions, has been associated with deteriorated water quality conditions in some lakes.  相似文献   
Comparative laboratory bioassays using Asterionella formosa and Rhodomonas lacustris as test organisms were performed from March to November 1987 on filtered water samples from two English lakes, to assess their potential fertility and to identify possible limiting nutrients. The relative growth responses (log2 increments) per week, were measured after additions of P, Fe, Si, N, and K singly and in combinations in comparison with unenriched (control) samples. Phosphate appeared to be the major limiting element for both species throughout the year, except during the spring diatom maxima when silicon usually becomes limiting. On most occasions chelated iron increased the growth increments, particularly in combination with phosphate. In general, the bioassay results showed correspondence with the nutrient concentrations in the test waters, which showed low (< 1 µg l–1) levels of soluble reactive phosphate during all or most of the year and depleted silicon levels in late spring. Comparison between relative (incremental) ratio and absolute (cell concentration) response was made.  相似文献   
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