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Binding constants for the binding of high-affinity heparin to antithrombin at different ionic strengths were determined by fluorescence titrations and were also estimated from dissociation curves of the heparin-antithrombin complex. These curves were monitored by near-ultraviolet circular dichroism or fluorescence. The dependence of the binding constant on the activity of NaCl suggested that maximally 5–6 charged groups are directly involved in the interaction between the two macromolecules. Major pH-dependent changes of the interaction, as evident by changes of the spectroscopic properties of the complex between the molecules, were found to occur below pH 5.5 and above pH 8.5. The acid change, which was irreversible, was most likely caused by an irreversible conformational change of antithrombin. At alkaline pH, however, the gross conformation of antithrombin was stable up to pH 12, while the affinity of high-affinity heparin for antithrombin began to decrease markedly at pH 8.5. The dissociation curve, which was reversible, had a midpoint around pH 9.5. This is compatible with the loss of affinity being caused by either a local conformational change, by ionization of tyrosine or by titration of one or more amino groups.  相似文献   
The investigation of Encelia canescens afforded, in addition to several known compounds, four new dimeric p-hydroxyacetophenone derivatives, two epimeric chromene dimers and two epimeric mixed dimers of euparin and encecalin. Furthermore, derivatives of tremetone and of encecalin were present. The structures were elucidated hy high field 1H NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
Apoferritin from horse spleen can be reversibly dissociated at pH 2 or in 7.2 M G-HCl (pH 3.5). Reconstitution of the native icositetramer in 0.1 M TEA buffer (pH 7.9) in the presence of 1 mM EDTA and 3 mM dithioerythritol leads to yields higher than 80%. To monitor the kinetic mechanism, intrinsic fluorescence, far-UV circular dichroism, and covalent cross-linking with glutaraldehyde were applied.The overall mechanism of assembly is characterized by a sequence of concentration-dependent association reactions involving structured monomers and a dimeric intermediate as the most prominent species, apart from trimers and dodecamers. The parallel decrease in monomers, dimers and trimers indicates that association equilibria precede the formation of the final assembly product.The assembly reaction is accompanied by characteristic changes in fluorescence emission and dichroic absorption. To a first approximation, renaturation and reassociation may be quantitatively described by one single rate-determining second-order process, subsequent to fast folding steps at the monomer level.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - DTE dithioerythritol - G-HCl guanidinium chloride - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - TEA triethanolamine - Tris tris hydroxymethylamino methane Dedicated to Professor Harold A. Scheraga on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
The calcium binding characteristics of antibiotic X-537A (lasalocid-A) in a lipophilic solvent, acetonitrile (CH3CN), have been studied using circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The analysis of the data indicated that in this medium polar solvent, X-537A forms predominantly the charged complexes of stoichiometries 2:1 and 1:1, the relative amounts of the two being dependent on [Ca2+]. The conformations of the complexes, arrived at on the basis of the data, seem to indicate a rigid part encompassing Ca2+, liganded to 3 oxygens of the molecule, viz., the carbonyl, the substituted tetrahydrofuran ring and the substituted pyran ring oxygens (apart from, possibly, the liganding provided by nitrogen atoms of the solvent molecules), and a flexible part consisting of the salicylic acid group of the molecule.  相似文献   
Core histones, (H2A,H2B,H3,H4)2, were reconstituted with the synthethic polynucleotides poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC)·poly(dG-dC) to yield synthetic chromatins containing 200 basepairs per octamer. These synthetic chromatins displayed a 36% decrease in the circular dichroism (CD) peak ellipticity from the value of the polynucleotide free in solution; the poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT)/chromatin showed an increase in the complexity of the thermal denaturation profile compared to that of the polynucleotide. Both the temperature of maximum dhdT for each transition (Tm) and the relative amount of poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT) in the synthetic chromatin melting in each of the four thermal transitions is a function of the ionic strength over the 0–5 mM sodium phosphate range (0.25 mM EDTA, pH 7.0); a shift of material toward higher melting transitions was observed with increasing ionic strength. The CD peak ellipticity value for both synthetic chromatins was ionic strength-independent over the 0–5 mM sodium phosphate range. These results are in contrast to those observed with H1H5 stripped chicken erythrocyte chromatin (Fulmer, A. and Fasman, G.D. (1979) Biopolymers 18, 2875–2891), where an ionic strength dependence was found. Differences in the CD spectra between poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT)/chromatin, poly(dG-dC)·poly(dG-dC)/chromatin and H1H5 stripped chicken erythrocyte chromatin suggest subtle differences in assembly. Finally, the temperature dependence of the CD spectra of poly(dA-dT)·poly(dA-dT)-containing synthetic chromatin, which is similar to that for the polynucleotide, suggests the core histone bound polynucleotide has a large degree of conformational flexibility allowing it to undergo the premelt transition.  相似文献   
Summary The release of intact CU(I)8-thionein from copper-resistant copper-loaded yeast cells, strain X 2180-1Aa, has been shown. This copper(I)-thiolate-rich protein was characterized and compared with the chemical and physicochemical properties of intracellular yeast Cu-thionein. The same molecular mass and stoichiometry of 8 mol copper atoms/mol protein was found. No detectable difference between the Cu-thioneins was seen in luminescence emission, electronic absorption in the ultraviolet region, chiroptical data or amino acid composition. The importance of stable Cu(I)-thiolates in Cu-thionein as a safe vehicle for transporting copper in a non-reactive manner is confirmed.  相似文献   
The structural stability of the protein, phycocyanin isolated from two strains of cyanophyta, Synechococcus lividus (thermophile) and Phormidium luridum (mesophile), are investigated by comparative thermal and denaturant unfolding, using differential scanning calorimetry, visible absorption spectrophotometry, and circular dichroism. The thermophilic protein exhibits a much higher temperature and enthalpy of unfolding from the native to the denatured state. The concentration of urea at half-completion of thermal unfolding is essentially the same between the thermophilic and mesophilic proteins; in contrast, the corresponding temperature and the enthalpy of thermal unfolding are much higher for the thermophilic protein. In addition, the concentration of urea at which the non-thermal (denaturant) unfolding of protein is half-completed, as detected by either circular dichroism or absorption spectroscopy, is significantly higher in the thermophilic protein, while the apparent free energy of unfolding only shows a moderate difference between the two proteins. The distinct differences in the enthalpy of thermal unfolding and the free energy of denaturant unfolding are interpreted in terms of a significant entropy change associated with the unfolding of these proteins. This entropy contribution is much higher in the thermophilic protein, and may be derived from its more rigid overall structure that possesses higher internal hydrophobicity and stronger internal packing.  相似文献   
Summary The conformation of a peptide that represents antigenic site A of foot-and-mouth disease virus strain C-S8c1 (residues 136–156 of VP1; YTASARGDLAHLTTTHARHLP) has been studied by circular dichroism and compared with three analogs that reproduce amino acid substitutions at position 146 (HisArg, Gln or Asp) which affect antibody recognition. Four other peptides, incorporating replacements at position 147 predicted to maintain (LeuIle, Nle and Ala) or disrupt (LeuGly) helical structure at this site, have also been studied. In aqueous solution or in 4 M urea, the spectra of all eight peptides were typical of aperiodic conformation and independent of concentration or pH. However, upon addition of solvents such as methanol or hexafluoroisopropanol, spectral patterns evidenced significant levels (ca. 50%) of helical structure. The single residue substitutions at positions 146 and 147 caused minor to significant variations in the calculated amount of -helix of the peptides. An attempt to relate these changes in helical content to the antigenic behaviour of the peptides towards five monoclonal antibodies elicited with virus and mapping at site A could not find any straightforward correspondence between the two sets of results. The parent peptide and its His146Arg analog were also analyzed by circular dichroism in the presence of the Fab fragment of SD6, a monoclonal antibody mapping at site A and much less reactive with viruses carrying the referred mutation. Although a peptide-antibody interaction was evident from spectral changes, careful inspection of the difference spectra (peptide-Fab minus Fab) of both peptides failed to detect any significant distinction between them that could be attributed to their different immunoreactivity. While these findings do not necessarily conflict with previous reports that the interaction of antigenic site A with antibodies is mediated to some extent by the adoption of a helix structure, they suggest that, at least for C-serotype viruses, other structural features in addition to a helical conformation are critically involved in antigenic recognition.  相似文献   
Production of H2 from glucose by an anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium (Rhodobacter sphaeroides), a cyanobacterium (Synechococcus cedrorum) and a heterotrophic bacterium (Pseudomonas fluorescens) was tested individually and in mixed cultures of various combinations in light. H2 production was maximal with a mixed culture of R. sphaeroides and P. fluorescens, which could be further enhanced by immobilization of the bacteria in alginate gel. Inhibition of H2 photoproduction was observed in a mixture of S. cedrorum and P. fluorescens and a co-culture of all the three organisms.Ch. Sasikala and Ch. V. Ramana are and G. S. Prasad was with the Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500 007, India. G. S. Prasad is now with the Microbial Type Culture Collection Centre (MTCC), IMTECH, Chandigar, India.  相似文献   
田林老山中山两类森林凋落物研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
田林老山中山两类森林凋落物研究梁宏温(广西农学院林学分院,南宁530001)StudiesontheLitterfallofTwoForestTypcsinMid—AltitudeofLaoshanMountaininTianlinCounty.¥L...  相似文献   
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