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Janich P  Corbeil D 《FEBS letters》2007,581(9):1783-1787
The apical domain of epithelial cells is composed of distinct subdomains such as microvilli, primary cilia and a non-protruding region. Using the cholesterol-binding protein prominin-1 as a specific marker of plasma membrane protrusions we have previously proposed the co-existence of different cholesterol-based lipid microdomains (lipid rafts) within the apical domain [R?per, K., Corbeil, D. and Huttner, W.B. (2000), Retention of prominin in microvilli reveals distinct cholesterol-based lipid microdomains in the apical plasma membrane. Nat. Cell Biol. 2, 582-592]. To substantiate the hypothesis that the microvillar plasma membrane subdomains contain a distinct set of lipids compared to the planar portion we have investigated the distribution of prominin-1 and two raft-associated gangliosides GM(1) and GM(3) by fluorescence microscopy. GM(1) was found to co-localize with prominin-1 on microvilli whereas GM(3) was segregated from there suggesting its localization in the planar region. Regarding the primary cilium, overlapping fluorescent signals of GM(1) or GM(3) and prominin-1 were observed. Thus, our data demonstrate that specific ganglioside-enriched rafts are found in different apical subdomains and reveal that two plasma membrane protrusions with different structural bases (actin for the microvillus and tubulin for the cilium) are composed of distinct types of lipid.  相似文献   
LUZP1 (leucine zipper protein 1) was first described as being important for embryonic development. Luzp1 null mice present defective neural tube closure and cardiovascular problems, which cause perinatal death. Since then, LUZP1 has also been implicated in the etiology of diseases like the 1p36 and the Townes-Brocks syndromes, and the molecular mechanisms involving this protein started being uncovered. Proteomics studies placed LUZP1 in the interactomes of the centrosome-cilium interface, centriolar satellites, and midbody. Concordantly, LUZP1 is an actin and microtubule-associated protein, which localizes to the centrosome, the basal body of primary cilia, the midbody, actin filaments and cellular junctions. LUZP1, like its interactor EPLIN, is an actin-stabilizing protein and a negative regulator of primary cilia formation. Moreover, through the regulation of actin, LUZP1 has been implicated in the regulation of cell cycle progression, cell migration and epithelial cell apical constriction. This review discusses the latest findings concerning LUZP1 molecular functions and implications in disease development.  相似文献   
Laterality defects such as situs inversus are not uncommonly encountered in humans, either in isolation or as part of another syndrome, but can have devastating developmental consequences. The events that break symmetry during early embryogenesis are highly conserved amongst vertebrates and involve the establishment of unidirectional flow by cilia within an organising centre such as the node in mammals or Kupffer's vesicle (KV) in teleosts. Disruption of this flow can lead to the failure to successfully establish left-right asymmetry. The correct apical-posterior cellular position of each node/KV cilium is critical for its optimal radial movement which serves to sweep fluid (and morphogens) in the same direction as its neighbours. Planar cell polarity (PCP) is an important conserved process that governs ciliary position and posterior tilt; however the underlying mechanism by which this occurs remains unclear. Here we show that Bbs8, a ciliary/basal body protein important for intraciliary/flagellar transport and the core PCP protein Vangl2 interact and are required for establishment and maintenance of left-right asymmetry during early embryogenesis in zebrafish. We discovered that loss of bbs8 and vangl2 results in laterality defects due to cilia disruption at the KV. We showed that perturbation of cell polarity following abrogation of vangl2 causes nuclear mislocalisation, implying defective centrosome/basal body migration and apical docking. Moreover, upon loss of bbs8 and vangl2, we observed defective actin organisation. These data suggest that bbs8 and vangl2 act synergistically on cell polarization to establish and maintain the appropriate length and number of cilia in the KV and thereby facilitate correct LR asymmetry.  相似文献   
Centrioles are conserved microtubule-based organelles with 9-fold symmetry that are essential for cilia and mitotic spindle formation. A conserved structure at the onset of centriole assembly is a “cartwheel” with 9-fold radial symmetry and a central tubule in its core. It remains unclear how the cartwheel is formed. The conserved centriole protein, SAS-6, is a cartwheel component that functions early in centriole formation. Here, combining biochemistry and electron microscopy, we characterize SAS-6 and show that it self-assembles into stable tetramers, which serve as building blocks for the central tubule. These results suggest that SAS-6 self-assembly may be an initial step in the formation of the cartwheel that provides the 9-fold symmetry. Electron microscopy of centrosomes identified 25-nm central tubules with repeating subunits and show that SAS-6 concentrates at the core of the cartwheel. Recombinant and native SAS-6 self-oligomerizes into tetramers with ∼6-nm subunits, and these tetramers are components of the centrosome, suggesting that tetramers are the building blocks of the central tubule. This is further supported by the observation that elevated levels of SAS-6 in Drosophila cells resulted in higher order structures resembling central tubule morphology. Finally, in the presence of embryonic extract, SAS-6 tetramers assembled into high density complexes, providing a starting point for the eventual in vitro reconstruction of centrioles.  相似文献   
中国大鲵机械感受器的超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨国华  程红  付宏兰  马淑芳  白焕红 《动物学报》2001,47(5):587-592,T001
首次以透射电镜研究了大鲵成体(实验材料共两条)皮肤侧线器官中机械受器即表面神经丘和陷器官的超微结构,并在这两种感受器官之间进行了比较。它们都由三种细胞组成:周围的套细胞,底部的支持细胞以及中央的感觉细胞;且感觉细胞的游离面均有一根动纤毛和几十根静纤毛。但这两种器官在大小、各种细胞的数量、形状和排列上下不同,尤其是表面神经丘感觉细胞游离面纤毛具有双向极性,而陷器官体现为多向极性;表面神经丘的突触球集中分布于一个特殊的感觉细胞,而陷器官的每个感觉细胞基部都有一个突触球。  相似文献   
Intraflagellar transport (IFT) provides a mechanism for the transport of cilium-specific proteins, but the mechanisms for linkage of cargo and IFT proteins have not been identified. Using the sensory outer segments (OS) of photoreceptors, which are derived from sensory cilia, we have identified IFT–cargo complexes containing IFT proteins, kinesin 2 family proteins, two photoreceptor-specific membrane proteins, guanylyl cyclase 1 (GC1, Gucy2e) and rhodopsin (RHO), and the chaperones, mammalian relative of DNAJ, DnajB6 (MRJ), and HSC70 (Hspa8). Analysis of these complexes leads to a model in which MRJ through its binding to IFT88 and GC1 plays a critical role in formation or stabilization of the IFT–cargo complexes. Consistent with the function of MRJ in the activation of HSC70 ATPase activity, Mg-ATP enhances the co-IP of GC1, RHO, and MRJ with IFT proteins. Furthermore, RNAi knockdown of MRJ in IMCD3 cells expressing GC1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) reduces cilium membrane targeting of GC1-GFP without apparent effect on cilium elongation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aufgrund elektronenmikroskopischer Befunde wird die Morphologie der Choanocyten des Süßwasserschwammes Ephydatia fluviatilis beschrieben. Die Choanocyte besteht aus Zelleib, Geißel und Kragen. Der Zelleib ist gekennzeichnet durch einzelne Zisternen des endoplasmatischen Reticulums, die der basalen und zum Teil der lateralen Zellmembran parallel anliegen. Die kontraktilen Vakuolen der Choanocyten entleeren ihren Inhalt in das Lumen der Geißelkammer. In einigen Choanocyten kann senkrecht zum Basalkörper ein Procentriol nachgewiesen werden. Die Geißel zeichnet sich durch Plasmaleisten und Fahnen aus. Die den Kragen aufbauenden etwa 35 Fibrillen werden als Mikrovilli gedeutet. Vereinzelt tritt an der Basis des Kragens ein Faltenmuster auf.
Ultrastructure of choanocytes in Ephydatia fluviatilis L.
Summary The morphology of the choanocytes of the freshwater sponge, Ephydatia fluviatilis, is described on the basis of electron microscope studies. The cell body of the choanocytes bears a cilium and a collar. In the cell body characteristic single cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum are found in juxtaposition with the basal and lateral plasmalemmata. The contractile vacuoles extrude their contents into the lumen surrounded by the collar chamber. In some choanocytes a procentriole is found in addition to the typical basal body. The cilium of the choanocytes is characterized by cytoplasmic crests and thread-like extensions. The collar is formed by approximately 35 microvilli which show a peculiar arrangement. Occasionally, the basis of the collar displays cytoplasmic folds.
Die Arbeit wurde teilweise mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a prevalent, inherited condition for which there is currently no effective specific clinical therapy. The disease is characterized by the progressive development of fluid-filled cysts derived from renal tubular epithelial cells which gradually compress the parenchyma and compromise renal function. Current interests in the field focus on understanding and exploiting signaling mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis as well as delineating the role of the primary cilium in cystogenesis. This review highlights the pathogenetic pathways underlying renal cyst formation as well as novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of PKD. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Polycystic Kidney Disease.  相似文献   
Cilia are ubiquitous eukaryotic organelles impotant for cellular motility, signaling, and sensory reception. Cilium formation requires intraflagellar transport of structural and signaling components and involves 22 different proteins organized into intraflagellar transport (IFT) complexes IFT‐A and IFT‐B that are transported by molecular motors. The IFT‐B complex constitutes the backbone of polymeric IFT trains carrying cargo between the cilium and the cell body. Currently, high‐resolution structures are only available for smaller IFT‐B subcomplexes leaving > 50% structurally uncharacterized. Here, we used Alphafold to structurally model the 15‐subunit IFT‐B complex. The model was validated using cross‐linking/mass‐spectrometry data on reconstituted IFT‐B complexes, X‐ray scattering in solution, diffraction from crystals as well as site‐directed mutagenesis and protein‐binding assays. The IFT‐B structure reveals an elongated and highly flexible complex consistent with cryo‐electron tomographic reconstructions of IFT trains. The IFT‐B complex organizes into IFT‐B1 and IFT‐B2 parts with binding sites for ciliary cargo and the inactive IFT dynein motor, respectively. Interestingly, our results are consistent with two different binding sites for IFT81/74 on IFT88/70/52/46 suggesting the possibility of different structural architectures for the IFT‐B1 complex. Our data present a structural framework to understand IFT‐B complex assembly, function, and ciliopathy variants.  相似文献   
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