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Numerous headshields of ephippial Chydorus piger (currently called Paralona pigra) females were found from the Holocene sediments of Aitajärvi Lake, northern Finnish Lapland (69° 08′ N, 27° 14′ E). Headshields of ephippial females of the genus Chydorus s.l. can be easily identified since their posterior margin is elongated and pointed. According to analysis of fossil cladoceran remains, Chydorus piger lived in the lake throughout the Holocene but was never very common (less than 10% of preserved cladoceran remains). Headshields of ephippial females were found in most samples and they comprised ca 10–30% of all Chydorus piger headshields. No similar phenomenon was met in Chydorus cf. sphaericus which is common up to the most severe arctic conditions. Aitajärvi is situated north of the modern distribution area of Chydorus piger. I suggest that this species reacted to the stress of harsh climatic conditions outside of its distribution area by being gamogenetic during most of the ice-free period. The ephippial headshields could be valuable indicators of severe climatic conditions in pre-Holocene sedimentary environments.  相似文献   
Two distinct morphotypes ofChydorus sphaericus are recognised in Ireland. A reference collection of scanning electron micrographs of male and femaleC. sphaericus sens. str. has been compiled. This collection is used to compare the varying morphological features of Danish and Irish material to determine their taxonomic significance. However, no taxonomic decisions can be made about the Irish morphotypes until mature males and ephippial females become available. Comparison of population structures and stages of reproduction are accomplished by size-frequency distribution. This study illustrates the ever increasing value of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in chydorid taxonomy, where characters such as shell-reticulation features may easily be misinterpreted using only light microscopy.  相似文献   
Cladocerans have been shown to exhibit a variety of responses to chemical stimuli associated with predation risk, including those from predators and injured conspecifics. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that individuals of Chydorus sphaericus would respond with avoidance behavior to chemical cues from both injured conspecifics and injured heterospecifics. Avoidance behavior was seen in response to cues from C. sphaericus and Daphnia magna. Responses to cues from Daphnia pulex were intermediate between those of the other cues and the water control. We propose that a concentration effect may be responsible for the mixed responses to heterospecific cues and speculate that responses to a broad range of cues may help explain the expansive range of C. sphaericus.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean population of the exotic eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki (Agassiz 1859) (Osteichthyes, Poeciliidae) has been held responsible for causing eutrophication due to zooplankton removal and phytoplankton enhancement, however no experimental evidence exists of this. To test this allegation, an enclosure experiment was conducted in spring in an oligohaline coastal marsh. The manipulation of fish density had profound effects on zooplankton, whose density greatly decreased when the occurrence of mosquitofish increased. Cladocerans and ostracods were more affected by mosquitofish than cyclopoid copepods, whilst rotifer density was not modified. Changes in zooplankton density did not cascade to lower trophic levels as no differences were observed between the chlorophyll concentration in fish and fish-less enclosures. This is because zooplankton was dominated by species with low filter-feeding rates, such as small cladocerans. In consequence, the total macrophyte standing crop was not affected. The only benthic macroinvertebrate species whose density increased in the absence of eastern mosquitofish was the mud snail P. acuta. Higher numbers of snails explain why the standing crop of the filamentous green algae Oedogonium sp. decreased in fish-less enclosures. The density of chironomid midge larvae did not increase in fish-less enclosures, because eastern mosquitofish forage on them mainly during summer, when zooplankton has already been depleted; nor were damselflies, probably because they are too large. Nitrogen concentration decreased after fish exclusion, but phosphorus concentration remain unchanged. In conclusion, it was found that the eastern mosquitofish affect zooplankton of the Mediterranean oligohaline lagoons considerably, but they do not enhance phytoplankton growth, because the system is bottom-controlled by submerged macrophytes.  相似文献   
Since 1991 faunal collections have been made from the mountain lakes of NW Slovenia. These lakes are at altitudes of between 1250 and 2150 m a. s.l., and have rich biotas, both in terms of species-richness, and faunal abundance. Amongst the animals collected were hump-backed specimens of genus Chydorus. These are identical with Chydorus mutilus, a species described from Swiss mountain lakes by Kreis (1921). The abundance of specimen in the collections, coupled with the availability of data from four successive years of sampling, allowed the detailed analysis of these populations. This also includes an examination of chitinous remains preserved in subrecent sediments.The results show that C. mutilus Kreis, 1921 actually represents a postephippial form of C. sphaericus (O. F. Müller, 1785). From the data available, it appears that the hump-backed form only occurs under certain environmental conditions. Here I discuss environmental factors having the potential to trigger the formation of hump-backed Chydorus. These findings may prove significant in palaelimnological studies, and in the reconstruction of paleotemperatures.In addition, hump-backed animals, apparently identical to European C. mutilus, have also been found in a sample taken from Lake Titicaca (Peru) in 1954. This supports the hypothesis that the hump-backed morph is an environmentally-cued ecophenotype, and not an independent taxon.  相似文献   
本文绘图描述了中国枝角类盘肠溞科盘肠溞属的三个新种:1.腹针盘肠溞Chydorus aciculaius sp.nov.的主要特征为壳瓣腹缘中部有一向后的针刺;2.多刺盘肠溞Chydorus spinosus sp.nov.的主要特征为整个壳瓣表面密布细刺;3.断壳盘肠溞Chydorus mutilatus sp.nov.的主要特征为壳瓣背缘后部平截内陷,有如断缺。  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. We studied the effect of the small crustacean zooplankton on heterotrophic micro-organisms and edible phytoplankton in a eutrophic lake during a cyanobacterial bloom.
2. Small (15 L) enclosures were filled with natural or screened (100 μm) lake water and incubated for 5 days in the lake. Screening removed crustacean zooplankton but the initial density of rotifers and phytoplankton remained the same in control and removal treatments. Changes in the abundance and biomass of bacteria, autotrophic picoplankton (APP), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and ciliates were measured daily.
3. The crustacean zooplankton, dominated by the small cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus , did not affect cyanobacteria, the main phytoplankton group during the experiment.
4. The removal of the crustacean zooplankton induced a higher abundance of ciliates and reduced that of the HNF, indicating the importance of ciliates in controlling HNF in this system.  相似文献   
1. We describe the interactions during mating in Chydorus sphaericus, a cyclical parthenogenetic anomopod. Mating behaviour is more complex than previously assumed, with evidence for a diffusible chemical to which males react at the onset of mating, for reproductive isolation, and for postcopulatory mate guarding. 2. During mating, the male and female form a ‘mating cross’ that may be maintained for several hours, while copulation itself typically lasts less than a minute. Furthermore, males invariably attach to the right valve of females. Copulation involves intromission of the postabdomen between the valves, so that the gonopores approach the left ovarium. 3. This behaviour is reflected in the morphology of both sexes: males have a specialised anterior valve margin, postabdomen, first limb and rostrum, under selective pressure for successful mate guarding and copulation, while gamogenetic females have asymmetric ovaries, and a species‐specific setulation of the valves. Males of the structurally related Chydorus ovalis react to the presence of C. sphaericus, but fail to dock to females, suggesting a lock‐antilock element in the reproductive isolation of both species. 4. The morphological and ethological adaptations in C. sphaericus suggest that there is a strong selective pressure on mating behaviour in this cyclical parthenogen and specifically towards the formation of the ‘mating cross’.  相似文献   
David G. Frey 《Hydrobiologia》1980,69(1-2):83-123
Two readily distinguishable species of Chydorus sphaericus sens. lat. occur in Salmon Lake, Montana, differing from each other in size and shape of rostrum, headpore configuration, frequency of doubling of teeth on the postabdomen, pattern of reticulation of the shell, and morphology of the mature male, especially the postabdomen, postabdominal claws, copulatory hooks, and rostrum. In any such comparisons, individual specimens are not sufficient; populations are needed to sort out morphological characters associated with instar and sex and character's that change with increasing body size. Comparison of population structure and stage of reproduction can be accomplished by a size-frequency distribution and by specific morphological characters that enable the three male instars to be recognized individually.One species, thought at first to be Chydorus herrmanni, is very close to Chydorus sphaericus sens. str. from Denmark. The other taxon with a short, generally blunt labrum, is described as the new species Chydorus brevilabris. Because of morphological diversity among the entities currently listed as Chydorus sphaericus from around the World, it is certain that a complex of species is represented. To facilitate the eventual resolution of this problem, the population in Sjaelsø, Sjaelland, Denmark has arbitrarily been selected as the standard of comparison, and from this population a neotype and several allotypes have been designated. Cursory examination of various available populations suggests that C. sphaericus sens. str. and C. brevilabris represent a major dichotomy in the sphaericus complex, each branch consisting of an unknown number of closely-related species. Cautions are voiced against assuming that Chydorus sphaericus is a single cosmopolitan and ubiquitous species.This study has been aided by grant GB-29725 for the work in Denmark in 1971–72 and by my present grant DEB 76-20237, both from the National Science Foundation. I am indebted to D. F. Brakke for the samples from Salmon Lake and neighboring localities in Montana and information concerning these localities, and to Brenda J. Hann for dissections and drawings of trunk limbs and help in their interpretation. I am also indebted to Geoffrey Fryer, whose innocent inquiry precipitated this study.  相似文献   
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