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Summary In order to assess the capacity of neural crest from different sources to participate in thymic development, neural crest from selected axial levels was transplanted unilaterally from quail donors to the region in chick hosts from which neural crest cells normaly migrate to interact with the primordial thymus. The greatest representation of donor cells was observed after isotopic transplantation and when donor tissue was taken from the hyoid and mesencephalic regions of the neural crest. The capacity for transplants to contribute cells decreased both anteriorly and posteriorly, so that neural crest close to the usual origin of mesenchyme-producing cells contributed a larger number of donor cells around the developing thymus than neural crest from anterior and posterior regions. Cells from the transplant were inserted as an addition to the host chick cells. Thus, a special relationship and capacity for interaction in thymic development is expressed by neural crest at usual levels over a limited span of axial regions, but to some extent by all regions. This study has established that the capacity for neural crest cells from different axial levels to interact with developing organs is not uniform, but may vary, depending upon the nature of the interaction with a particular organ.This study was supported by Grant No. 2332, The Council for Tobacco Research, USA, Inc.  相似文献   
鱼类的胚胎干细胞   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
胚胎干细胞(ES)是未分化的细胞培养物,来自动物的早期胚胎。它们能成为稳定的细胞系和长期冻存。在适当的条件下,ES细胞能分化成各种细胞类型,包括生殖细胞。这样,ES细胞就提供了一个有效的纽带,将动物基因组的体外和体内遗传操作连系起来。ES细胞的魅力就由其在产生和分析基因敲除老鼠中显现出来。目前,ES细胞技术仅见之老鼠,因其它脊椎动物的ES细胞的培养和建系难获成功。在鱼类,人们已做了大量的尝试。我们以青鳉(Oryzias latipes)作为建立鱼类ES细胞技术的模式,通过建立并应用无滋养层细胞的培养条件,获得了来自中期囊胚的ES细胞系。青鳉的ES细胞和老鼠的ES细胞有很多共同特征,如二倍体核型、分化潜力和形成嵌合体。因此,在鱼类建立和应用ES细胞技术是可能的。青鳉ES细胞的培养条件已成功地应用到其它鱼类如斑马鱼甚至海水鱼。本文旨在以青鳉为模式,综述获得和应用模式鱼和经济鱼ES细胞的主要进展和前景。  相似文献   
本文利用胚泡注射法制作嵌合体对家兔交配后96,120和144小时的ICM细胞的发育能力进行了研究。供体胚胎取自青紫兰灰免,受体胚胎取自新西兰白兔,结果表明96和120小时供胚的ICM细胞与96小时受胚胚泡组合后均能参与发育,形成嵌合兔,144小时者未获得嵌合体。由于120小时的ICM细胞发育的2只表型为雄性的嵌合兔,其中1只不育,其性腺和外周血核型表明不育兔为xx/xy性嵌合,性腺中有处于不同发育程度的卵巢和精细管,外周血含xx和xy两种核型。本实验结果首次证明家兔交配后120小时胚泡的ICM细胞仍具有参与嵌合体发育的能力。它不仅能参与体细胞的分化,并具有形成生殖细胞的能力。交配后144小时胚泡的ICM细胞其发育能力似乎已发生了局限。  相似文献   
Research to develop a useful method for genetic modification of the chick has been on-going since the first demonstrations in the mouse in the 1980s that genetic modification is an invaluable tool for the study of gene function. Manipulation of the chick zygote is possible but inefficient. Considerable progress has been made in developing potentially pluripotent embryo stem cells and their contribution to somatic chimeric birds well-established. Germ line transmission of gametes derived from genetically modified embryo cells has not been described. Transfer of primordial germ cells from a donor embryo to a recipient and production of functional gametes from the donor-derived cells is possible. Genetic modification of primordial germ cells before transfer and their recovery through the germ line has not been achieved. The first transgenic birds described were generated using retroviral vectors. The use of lentiviral vectors may make this approach a feasible method for transgenic production, although there are limitations to the applications of these vectors. It is likely that a method will be developed in the next few years that will enable the use of transgenesis as a tool in the study of development in the chick and for many other applications in basic research and biotechnology.  相似文献   
In the course of DNA profiling of grapevine cultivars using microsatellite loci we have occasionally observed more than two alleles at a locus in some individuals and have identified periclinal chimerism as the source of such anomalies. This phenomenon in long-lived clonally propagated crops, such as grapevine, which contains historically ancient cultivars, may have a role in clonal differences and affect cultivar identification and pedigree analysis. Here we show that when the two cell layers of a periclinal chimera, Pinot Meunier, are separated by passage through somatic embryogenesis the regenerated plants not only have distinct DNA profiles which are different from those of the parent plant but also have novel phenotypes. Recovery of these phenotypes indicates that additional genetic differences can exist between the two cell layers and that the Pinot Meunier phenotype is due to the interaction of genetically distinct cell layers. It appears that grapevine chimerism can not only modify phenotype but can also impact on grapevine improvement as both genetic transformation and conventional breeding strategies separate mutations in the L1 and L2 cell layers. Received: 14 March 2001 / Accepted: 22 May 2001  相似文献   
Using a universal signaling assay employing G-protein chimeras comprising the C-terminal five amino acids of Gi1/2, Gi3, Go, and Gz fused to Gq, the calcium mobilizing G-protein, we explored the role of the C-terminus of Gi family G-proteins as a determinant for 5-HT(1A) receptor functional coupling. Co-expression of the 5-HT(1A) receptor with each of the Gq/Gi family chimeras resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in calcium upon addition of 5-HT, although the coupling efficiency differed dramatically. Gq/Gi3 resulted in the most efficient coupling based on both potency and relative maximum response to 5-HT. Gq/Go also produced efficient coupling in terms of relative 5-HT efficacy (76% of the Gq/Gi3 maximum response), although 5-HT exhibited 4-fold lower agonist potency, and Gq/Gz and Gq/Gi1/2 conferred poor functional coupling. Agonist potencies and relative efficacies determined for a number of 5-HT(1A) receptor agonists using Gq/Gi3 coupling were significantly weaker than those described previously for coupling through the native G-protein. These results indicate the C-terminus of Gi3 as an important determinant for coupling to the 5-HT(1A) receptor, while the reduced functional agonist activities suggest additional motifs participate in receptor/G-protein coupling.  相似文献   
Desensitization of ligand-gated receptor channels is an intrinsic feedback mechanism and prevents the receptor/channels from becoming overly activated thereby maintaining biological function of the nervous system. Desensitization also plays an important role in neuronal plasticity. By taking advantage of biophysical and pharmacological diversities of GABA β2 subunits from the brain and ρ1 subunits from the retina, structural determinants that confer agonist-induced desensitization were identified. A synthetic chimeric receptor/channel was created from the β2 and ρ1 subunits for this investigation. The chimera was constructed from the extracellular N-domain of the β2 subunit, extending from the amino terminus to the beginning region of the M1 transmembrane segment, and from the C-domain of the ρ1 subunit extending from the M1 transmembrane segment to the carboxyl terminus. The C-domain region included the M1 to M4 transmembrane regions and the large intracellular loop between the M3 and M4 transmembrane segments. Homo-oligomeric GABA β2, ρ1, and β21 chimeric receptor/channels were individually expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and the desensitization characteristics attributable to each type of subunit were compared. Results from the present study reveal that motifs in the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal domains of the β2 subunit conferred the agonist-induced desensitization; chloroform modulation was linked to specific phases of the GABA-activated current decay. Received: 2 April 1997/Revised: 27 March 1998  相似文献   
Ion channels of the degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel gene family are Na+ channels that are blocked by the diuretic amiloride and are implicated in several human diseases. The brain liver intestine Na+ channel (BLINaC) is an ion channel of the degenerin/epithelial Na+ channel gene family with unknown function. In rodents, it is expressed mainly in brain, liver, and intestine, and to a lesser extent in kidney and lung. Expression of rat BLINaC (rBLINaC) in Xenopus oocytes leads to small unselective currents that are only weakly sensitive to amiloride. Here, we show that rBLINaC is inhibited by micromolar concentrations of extracellular Ca2+. Removal of Ca2+ leads to robust currents and increases Na+ selectivity of the ion pore. Strikingly, the species ortholog from mouse (mBLINaC) has an almost 250-fold lower Ca2+ affinity than rBLINaC, rendering mBLINaC constitutively active at physiological concentrations of extracellular Ca2+. In addition, mBLINaC is more selective for Na+ and has a 700-fold higher amiloride affinity than rBLINaC. We show that a single amino acid in the extracellular domain determines these profound species differences. Collectively, our results suggest that rBLINaC is opened by an unknown ligand whereas mBLINaC is a constitutively open epithelial Na+ channel.  相似文献   
In marine invertebrates with complex life cycles, it may often be the case that trade-offs and behaviors differ between adult and larval stages. In this study, I examined the effects of life-history stage on allorecognition system function in the sponge, Haliclona sp. For sedentary marine invertebrates, allorecognition systems allow individuals to distinguish between genetically similar and distinct tissue they may encounter and are thought to reduce costly tissue fusion with individuals other than self or kin. Although it was found that sessile adults fused preferentially with self-tissue and exhibited a functioning allorecognition system, free-swimming larvae fused equally with sibling and non-sibling larvae resulting in swimming chimeras capable of successful metamorphosis, suggesting a stage-activated allorecognition system. In addition, adult sponges differed significantly in the propensity of their larvae to fuse suggesting variation in parental strategies. Analysis of larval swimming behavior indicated that larvae aggregate and are capable of increasing their encounters with other larvae and perhaps their probability of fusing in nature. The pursuit of fusion at this motile stage, along with evidence of a functioning adult allorecognition system, suggests that larvae may not express a recognition system, or that factors other than relatedness such as benefits to larval or adult chimeras, are involved in larval fusion and a stage-activated allorecognition system. In addition, this study demonstrates the presence of variation among individuals in the allorecognition system's ontogeny in the sponge Haliclona sp.  相似文献   
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